The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1892 There Must Be Trouble

Zhang Fan can indeed guess to some extent what kind of life Wang Shuyuan has lived in the palace for so many years, and he can also imagine that Zhu Xuanluo is ten years old but still can't study. But this time, being able to let Zhu Changluo study is what Wang Shuyuan has in mind. This kind of happiness, Zhang Fan can imagine, but even so, Zhang Fan still can't imagine that she will come in person.

Let Zhu Changluo sit down, and Zhu Changxun on the side is naturally very curious. He naturally knows such a brother of his own, but the time between the two of them is really very short, and it has only been a few times over the years. Brother, Zhu Changxun is very curious. Speaking of which, Mrs. Zheng didn't say anything bad about Wang Shuyuan or Zhu Changluo to him, but she never mentioned it. So now that Zhu Changxun saw it, and he also knew that he would He would see his elder brother often, so he had some curious thoughts in his heart.

And Zhu Changluo is really a little cautious. Maybe the Zheng family will not mention him to Zhu Changxun, but it is absolutely impossible for Wang Shuyuan to not confess to Zhu Changluo. Wang Shuyuan told him when Zhu Xuanluo was just able to distinguish right from wrong. , although he is the emperor's eldest son and his mother is an imperial concubine, they have no friends in this palace, and everyone around them wants to harm them. Of course, what Wang Shuyuan said is indeed true Some are too heavy, but it's not wrong.

In short, what Wang Shuyuan meant was that the two of them, mother and son, must be careful when doing things in this palace. After all, even if they don't take the initiative to provoke others, there are already many people watching them closely. Since In this way, it is too late for them to avoid, so how can they take the initiative to provoke others.

Therefore, in the face of his younger brother's curiosity, Zhu Changluo chose to remain silent, and sat in his seat very well-behaved, silent.

Outside, after Wang Shuyuan saw her son go in, she turned to Zhang Fan and said, "Master Zhang, can I take a step to speak?"

Knowing that Wang Shuyuan must have something to say to him, Zhang Fan nodded, and the two of them came to a place where there were no people.

Zhang Fan sized up Wang Shuyuan. To be honest, the words "Women's Eighteenth Transformation" are really not easy to use to describe the identity of the imperial concubine, but even so, Zhang Fan still wants to say that he still remembers that Wang Shuyuan When he first entered the palace, he went to visit her. At that time, Wang Shuyuan was just a little girl, and after that, Zhang Fan rarely saw her.

In fact, after so many years, the last time Zhang Fan saw her was when Zhu Yijun canonized her as imperial concubine. At that time, Zhang Fan had seen her. Now, ten years have passed. I recognized her at a glance, but now it seems that Wang Shuyuan has changed a lot.

Dressed in an imperial concubine's attire, it is really very luxurious, which fully sets off her proper identity, and after so many years, Wang Shuyuan has indeed grown up. Wang Shuyuan has a sweet appearance, otherwise, Zhu Yijun would not have She will be lucky enough to fall in love with her, and she looks even more beautiful now.

However, Zhang Fan could clearly see Wang Shuyuan's beauty. There was a lot of loneliness and depression in her expression. Although she looked pretty good, she didn't look healthy.

Zhang Fan was only thinking about these things. Who knew that the next moment, Wang Shuyuan was kneeling in front of him with a plop. This scene made Zhang Fan a little bit overwhelmed. I want to thank him, or I want to tell him something so that he can take care of Zhu Changluo more in the future, but no matter how much Zhang Fan thinks about it, Wang Shuyuan will be like this, which makes Zhang Fan a little panicked.

However, even though he was panicked, Zhang Fan still didn't know the difference. He wanted to help Wang Shuyuan up in a hurry, but after all, Wang Shuyuan was the imperial concubine. She helped her up, but obviously, Wang Shuyuan had no intention of getting up at all.

"What are you doing, ma'am?" Zhang Fan was a little at a loss, "please get up quickly, ma'am, this... this is a shameful minister,"

"My lord, please accept this kneeling in my palace no matter what." Although I know that Zhang Fan is very embarrassed, but for Wang Shuyuan, this kneeling is a must. She has taken good care of her, she has been like this since the time when I just entered the palace for draft, but now, if there is no Master Zhang, Luoer... Luoer, he..."

"Alas..." Faced with this, Zhang Fan sighed and said, "I understand your empress' thoughts, and I have received this gift from my empress. If so, please ask your empress to stand up and speak. Ruo Ruo Otherwise, I have no choice but to kneel in front of the empress, too."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Shuyuan stood up.

When Wang Shuyuan stood up, Zhang Fan said: "I also know that the empress has not lived well in the palace for so many years. Regarding this matter, I have been able to persuade Your Majesty more before. But now, Weichen is a little helpless, the situation, even if I don't want to talk about it, the empress understands in her heart, "

Wang Shuyuan naturally knew what Zhang Fan said. Wang Shuyuan knew that in the past, even though Zhu Yijun was married, he was still young after all, so at that time, Zhang Fan could still often enter the palace and talk to Zhu Yijun. Yes, and at that time, it was very convenient for Zhang Fan to persuade Zhu Yijun.

But now, although Zhu Yijun still has the same attitude and trust towards Zhang Fan as before, but after all, Zhu Yijun is getting older now, and there are more concubines around him, so Zhang Fan will still go to the palace to talk to Zhu Yijun even sometimes. Talk, but the frequency is extremely reduced.

Moreover, there have been many changes in what Zhang Fan said to Zhu Yijun. From the beginning of saying everything, to now, Zhang Fan has to think twice before saying it to Zhu Yijun. It is the affairs of the harem, which should be the emperor's own affairs, and maybe the ministers in the court can speak when the matter intersects with the government, but if it is only in the harem, it only involves whether the emperor loves it or not When it comes to a concubine, there is no way to speak again.

And even Zhang Fan couldn't call Zhu Yijun by name, he just really said who it was, in the end, what Zhang Fan said was just some big truths.

At that time, Zhang Fan was still able to talk to Zhu Yijun about this matter, so even if Zhu Yijun had Mrs. Zheng around him, even if he didn't ask much about Wang Shuyuan, he would not hate Wang Shuyuan to such an extent.

But now, it is actually the same, but now Zhu Yijun listens to Zheng's words even more, even though he does not have any hatred for Wang Shuyuan, but he is even more indifferent.

As for Zhu Yijun's indifference, in Wang Shuyuan's view, she was already weak-tempered, so she had no way to fight for anything, even if it was for her son, no, it was because of her own son, Wang Shuyuan She didn't dare to say anything, because she was afraid that if she really talked too much, she might be able to gain temporary benefits for her son, but it would cause long-term disasters. The most important thing is to be patient, absolutely not let Zheng Shi, who has already been upset with them, concentrate on them again.

But there is also a downside to doing so, which is about Zhu Changluo.

There are some things that even the naive Wang Shuyuan knows. She knows that Zhu Xuanluo, as the eldest son of Zhu Yijun, has many advantages, and for those ministers in the court, Zhu Changluo is definitely the No.1 choice for the prince. , this is for sure.

But if it is said that Zhu Changluo does not study and has no knowledge, then no matter what, this kind of thing is impossible, but she herself is not good at this aspect. She can read and write, and she can also teach her son to read Literacy, but that's all. Obviously, if you want to become a prince and be able to ascend the throne in the future, this person definitely doesn't just need to be able to read and write.

But now, when she knew that Zhu Changluo could also go to study, she was naturally very happy. In fact, he knew it right away, and this matter was absolutely inseparable from Zhang Fan. For the scene just now, even though she was a royal concubine, she still had to kneel down to thank Zhang Fan.

Perhaps for Zhang Fan, this matter is just something he feels must be done, and it is something within his ability, but for Wang Shuyuan, this matter is not so simple, it is related to the top priority of Zhu Changluo's future, If not, Zhu Changluo will never have a happy ending in the future. Therefore, for Wang Shuyuan, it is no exaggeration to call Zhang Fan a lifesaver.

"Your Majesty, the courtiers are more or less aware of the affairs in the palace," Zhang Fan said, "But please rest assured that there are some things, Your Majesty. Since the First Prince is His Majesty's eldest son, there are some things that cannot be left to the imagination of some people. This matter is not just Weichen alone, in fact, the ministers in the court have already begun to have some thoughts on this matter, but there is no need to say it now.

"And if it's really that time, the Empress and His Royal Highness, don't do anything at all, and don't say anything, just watch."

On this point, Zhang Fan is not wrong at all, but in fact, the ministers in the court really paid a lot for this matter. For them, this is a matter related to the country, and it is really impossible take it easy,

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