The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1893 Judgement

This is just a small disturbance.Start fast.But it also ended quickly.In short.After going through this little storm.Zhu Changluo also followed Zhu Changxun to listen to Zhang Fan's lectures.

But the disturbance caused by this incident was small.But it also foreshadows one thing.A harbinger of something big about to happen.for this.People in the court are not invisible.after all.Things are no longer as obscure as they used to be.When the two brothers Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun were involved.It's actually pretty obvious.

Although logically speaking.Zhu Changluo is the eldest son.The second prince who had already died did not say anything.But he was compared to his only living brother today.The third prince, Zhu Changxun, is four years older.No.In fact, there is no need to mention age at all.This is already very obvious to point out.Will be crowned prince in the future.In the future, he will be able to inherit the great rule.Zhu Changluo must be the best candidate.

But here's the thing.At least in the Wanli Dynasty.Even if it's not there yet.But the ministers in the court have already seen it very clearly.this matter.I'm afraid it will be very difficult.The reason.It's all because of the eldest prince Zhu Changluo.It was Zhu Yijun who didn't love her.It was just by chance that she got pregnant by chance.Only then did he give birth to his imperial concubine.Wang Shuyuan's flesh and blood.

Although the third prince's ranking is low.But he is Zhu Yijun's favorite concubine.Born to the current Concubine Zheng.Although speaking from the rules.Obviously Zhu Changxun is compared to Zhu Changluo.Although he also has the right to inherit the throne.But it is also much lower.But.It was because of Zhu Yijun's love for the Zheng family.This also made Zhu Changxun a strong contender for the prince.

therefore.It can be said that this matter is very difficult to handle.Ministers in the court.certainly.Not all.But it is also in the eyes of most ministers.Obviously Zhu Changluo is more qualified to win the title of prince than Zhu Changxun.And the person who will inherit the throne in the future.But in some ministers.Or to put it more clearly.It is those who have now taken refuge in the Zheng family.And the emperor himself.But there is more support for Zhu Changxun.

If so.The two sides have become evenly matched.Minister of the court.Most will support Zhu Changluo.This is certain without further investigation.But Zhu Changxun's side.Although only a few ministers support it.But there's more to it than that.You know there is an emperor.In this way.strength on both sides.Then I can't tell the difference.

even though.There is tomorrow.The emperor's decision in the government.To a large extent, it is subject to the court ministers.Especially the cabinet.And the matter of sealing the crown prince.Naturally, it is a matter of government affairs.But the emperor is the emperor after all.Emperor's decision.It may be vetoed by ministers.But it will also have a big impact.

so.What will happen to this matter.Honestly.Really not sure.

And now.The ministers in the court knew it even more.Now Zhu Changluo is ten years old.That's when I started reading.The starting point is the same as that of Zhu Changxun, who is four years younger than him.And in the future.If it's just based on age.It is untenable.But if it comes to knowledge.Zhu Changluo may not necessarily be taller than Zhu most of the ministers in the court.It refers to those who feel that they should support Zhu Changluo.This matter is not good news.

but.This is also just a general opinion.And for those in the cabinet.Of course there was also Zhang Fan who told the cabinet some news.They do know.Even Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun were studying at the same time.The starting point is the same.But Zhu Changluo's possibility is still very high.And advantage.It is also much taller than Zhu Changxun.

It's not that Zhang Fan is biased or anything.The reason why Zhang Fan sees it this way.It's not because Zhang Fan doesn't like Zheng Zheng.As for Wang Shuyuan, she likes it very much.The reason why Zhang Fan is like this.There is a basis.

Ever since Zhang Fan started teaching the two of them to read.oh.It's not just the two of them anymore.Even the oldest princess Zhu Xuanxi came.certainly.That's not the point.

The point is.Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun.In Zhang Fan's case, there are two completely different situations.Zhu Changluo is older.That alone.It will appear more stable.Coupled with the environment in which he lived from birth to now.And the attitude of the people in the palace towards him.Including his mother, the imperial concubine Wang Shuyuan, who taught him.In short.Zhu Changluo is really steady and low-key.And not only that.He for today's this.A teacher who can be taught by his own father.When the imperial tutor comes to teach me how to read.Really cherish it very much.therefore.Even if what Zhang Fan taught at the beginning was only the most basic.Just teach them how to read.And these things.In fact, Zhu Changluo already knew it.After all, his mother and concubine also taught him.But even so.Facing these things he already knew.Zhu Changluo was still able to listen very humbly.There is no point in getting bored.Even once he heard something that his mother and concubine hadn't said.He will also ask right away.And his question.I will never mention what I have learned before.It's just a look that I don't understand.

Honestly.It's not that Zhang Fan didn't know that Zhu Changluo had read characters before.And Zhu Changluo can do this.He more or less understands why.certainly.Zhu Changluo is naturally very good.Be able to ask for advice with an open mind.There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.But even so.Sometimes Zhang Fan still feels that.Zhu Changluo did this.Even if he is older than Zhu Changxun.But he was only ten years old.And ten-year-old children.How could it be so.It really makes people feel a little... In short.Everything is in the palace.Everything is caused by his special status.

Zhang Fan understood this truth.Somewhat sympathized with Zhu Changluo.But at the same time.He felt it too.This is for Zhu Changluo.It is also an opportunity to train him.At least.I have known this since I was a child.something in the future.It is also more convenient for him to do it.

And that's why.So even though Zhang Fan said it in front of Zhu Yijun, he would spare no effort to teach him.But for Zhu Changluo.Zhang Fan also wanted to be more enthusiastic.

And for Zhu Changluo who is more enthusiastic.So for Zhu Changxun.It's just a general attitude.But even so.Zhu Changxun didn't seem to care about this at all.

Speaking up.If it is from the perspective of Concubine Zheng.For this extremely precious son of oneself.She is treated in two ways.One is extremely fond of.But on some general things.But very serious.Because she can be said to have pinned all her hopes on her son.

And there is another way.He just loves his son very much.And this kind of love.Not just in life.Even including in educating him.It also means a lot of love.Whether it's teaching him how to behave.Or to cultivate a prince.Even the appearance of the future emperor.In short.It is all according to the child's preferences.whatever it is.All follow him.

And these two situations.Obviously Concubine Zheng used the latter.And this latter.It also made Zhu Changxun develop such an appearance.first.Treat people with arrogance.I want to come to the palace.Out of his mother and concubine.father emperor.and Empress Dowager Li.He knew he had to kneel down.the rest of the people.Zhu Changxun didn't even try to shake it off.Unless Zhang Fan came to teach him this time.It was Zhu Yijun who specifically told him.Otherwise, he would not salute.

Actually.Even Zhu Changxun was very dissatisfied with this point.For Zhang Fan.It was only in accordance with Zhu Yijun's request.But after the salute is over.He has become a leisurely look.

certainly.It's not that Zhu Changxun is not interested in learning such things by nature.But the bare minimum.This is the very beginning stage.Just teach them how to read.And this aspect is obviously very boring.And Zhu Changxun.It's also about treating yourself to this boring feeling.That was vividly expressed.

Regarding the content taught by Zhang Fan.certainly.Although very boring.But it is also very simple.And obviously.Zhu Changxun is not an idiot either.Can be considered smart.So Zhang Fan taught him something.In fact, it is just some words.therefore.Zhu Changxun can remember it very quickly.And after remembering.He didn't ask any more questions.Even if Zhang Fan said something that he couldn't understand right away.But he won't bother to ask.Because he has already learned what he needs to learn today.

certainly.This is not because Zhu Changxun knows that what Zhang Fan is teaching is boring.But it is the most basic thing.So no matter how boring he is.But also to learn well.It's because Zhu Yijun and Concubine Zheng are very concerned about this matter.In addition, Zhang Fan will teach.Zhu Yijun is completely at ease.Even Zheng Guifei.Although she was somewhat disgusted with Zhang Fan.But she had also heard Zhang Fan teach Zhu Yijun.And those deep things.Zhang Fan was able to speak in an easy-to-understand manner.This is the most basic.She still believed in Zhang Fan in this Zhu Changxun came back one day.Say that you don't remember anything you learned today.Well obviously.This couldn't be blamed on Zhang Fan's head.

In short.The brothers Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun are in such an opposite situation.And obviously.This opposite situation.Both felt very natural.Even Zhang Fan felt it was very natural.

In Zhang Fan's opinion.Zhu Changluo is so serious.In the future, even if it is only in terms of knowledge.It must also be accomplished.And Zhu Changxun.He can't even compare to his elder sister Zhu Xuan who just came to listen.future……

therefore.In Zhang Fan's opinion.Even though it didn't take long for him to teach the two of them.But the two have already reached a verdict.And this situation.Zhang Fan also understood better what would happen in the future.

only.some things.Zhang Fan also understood.The current situation.It does not mean that it will be successful in the future.

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