The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1906 Another purpose

This is Zhu Yijun’s coming to claim that he is sick and not going to court, regardless of whether he is really sick or pretending to be sick. , everyone will think that Zhu Yijun must be pretending, even if he is really sick, and it is a serious illness, but no one will believe it.

Of course, Zhu Yijun's "disease" must have been faked. The reason is that he had no way to respond to Wang Jiaping's reason for forcing him to be a crown prince again. Therefore, Zhu Yijun, who couldn't think of a way, simply Here comes a no-meet, less troublesome idea.

Faced with this situation, Wang Jiaping really did not expect it. Although, let alone the past dynasties, it is said that from the Ming Dynasty to the present, for many reasons, he found emperors who did not come to court for various reasons. That's everywhere, let alone the ones that are far away, Emperor Jiajing, that's what he did.

Therefore, although Wang Jiaping has been pressing Zhu Yijun very hard during this time, he also needs to think about the reasons Zhu Yijun will find, and he also needs to have something to say to respond to Zhu Yijun's reasons. Therefore, Wang Jiaping is also Think of many possible scenarios.

In this way, Wang Jiaping naturally thought that it was possible that Zhu Yijun would also use such a trick, not to go up, this kind of cold resistance, but this idea did not stay in Wang Jiaping's mind for long Time disappeared, and the main reason was actually that Zhu Yijun had never had such a precedent, and Zhu Yijun's attitude in the past was indeed not bad, so Wang Jiaping didn't expect it.

Therefore, now that Zhu Yijun really did this kind of thing, Wang Jiaping couldn't react at once, so Wang Jiaping didn't know what to do in such a short time.

But it is obvious that Wang Jiaping will not be simple. It is impossible to say that he gave up this matter just because he encountered this kind of thing. Wang Jiaping is definitely not a person who will give up lightly.

But now, Zhu Yijun claims that he is ill, and the ministers want to visit the palace, but the palace will not allow it at all. Even when they ask Feng Bao, Feng Bao is talking about things, hesitating, but he can't say anything. On the topic, in this way, the courtiers don't know what the situation is at all. Although it is said that this matter, whether it is true or pretended, even if they know it, it is actually useless at all, but even So, knowing and not knowing, this is also a very important fact for them.

In the end, it was still necessary to find someone to inquire about the situation, and in the end, the task of inquiring could only be entrusted to Zhang Fan, a person who could enter and exit the palace without hindrance.

And Wang Jiaping would never delay any time. After he figured it out, he immediately went to Zhang Fan and asked him to handle it. If Wang Jiaping didn't look for him, he would go into the palace to see what was going on, but there was a difference between Wang Jiaping looking for Zhang Fan and not looking for Zhang Fan.

If Zhang Fan went there by himself, Zhang Fan might not tell them about the situation in the palace. Even on the matter of setting up the crown prince, Zhang Fan and Wang Jiaping have the same thoughts, but you must know about this matter. , Zhang Fan's ideas and practices are completely different from Wang Jiaping's.

Therefore, if it is said that Zhang Fan went into the palace to see Zhu Yijun himself to find out what was going on, but after he came out, he might not have told Wang Jiaping and the others exactly what was going on in the palace, or even, Based on the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun, Zhang Fan is still very likely to tell a lie, to help Zhu Yijun cover up or something, this is all possible.

But if it is said that Wang Jiaping went to Zhang Fan before he left and talked about this matter, then everything would be different, regardless of whether Zhang Fan had this intention in the first place, but at least now, before he left, everything would be different. Before doing this, Wang Jiaping came to ask him after all. If so, after Zhang Fan went to the palace to see what was going on, it would be impossible for him to hide from Wang Jiaping after he came out.

Of course, if Zhang Fan really wants to do it, he can continue to make up lies to deceive him after Wang Jiaping has found him, but obviously, Wang Jiaping understands it very clearly. Ping knew about it, and at the same time, Wang Jiaping also knew that Zhang Fan was on the same side as him in the matter of establishing the crown prince. As long as he knew this, Wang Jiaping had reason to believe that even the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun Yes, but as long as Zhang Fan knows the truth of the matter, he will tell himself.

It is inevitable that Wang Jiaping will do this. After all, his method is to accelerate the intensification of this contradiction, resulting in the fact that Zhang Fan will be involved as soon as possible. Everything is completely meaningless, so it can be said that Wang Jiaping has gone all out this time.

Wang Jiaping's idea was not wrong at all. Originally, Zhang Fan planned to go to the palace to see what was going on, but Zhang Fan was also hesitating at the same time. Zhang Fan couldn't make up his mind whether to conceal the truth or tell the truth about this matter.

However, after Wang Jiaping found him, Zhang Fan had no other choice, the only one was that after he went to inquire, he had to tell what was going on.

Of course, although it is said that Zhang Fan has only such a choice, in fact, Zhang Fan is really reluctant. If it is possible not to say it, Zhang Fan really does not want to say it. He knows that once this matter is said by him If it comes out, not to mention that the ministers in the court know that he said this, then Zhang Fan has completely clarified his position, not only he also agrees with this matter in his heart, but Even his actions showed this kind of agreement. In this way, Zhang Fan really couldn't run away.

Of course, Zhang Fan has also thought about this matter, and he has even considered it. After Wang Jiaping asked him about this matter, he really had no way to settle down in this matter, but this was not the case. It means that he must have some big conflicts with Zhu Yijun, and even if Zhang Fan is cruel, he can completely adjust his position, and his role is to just take this matter as a It is a special case, and he himself is just a messenger in this matter. Perhaps this rumor can shock many things and many people, but Zhang Fan can completely return to his previous attitude in the future. , don't ask.

It's not that Zhang Fan has no sense of responsibility at all. After the matter has reached this point, how does he want to get out? The key issue is that this matter is really serious, and Zhang Fan is not only for himself, but for his own. Family members, he must not fall into too deep.

In short, with such complicated thoughts, Zhang Fan went to the palace to meet Zhu Yijun. Of course, as I said before, no one can stop Zhang Fan from entering the palace. Even when Zhu Yijun knew that Zhang Fan was coming, he was still very upset. I'm happy, after all, Zhu Yijun chose this way of evasion because he couldn't think of any way out of this matter, and he was very happy that Zhang Fan was able to visit him.

Speaking of which, before Zhang Fan came here, he still had such a glimmer of hope in his heart. If Zhu Yijun was really in poor health, even though saying that he was in poor health was not a good thing in itself, but for the current court As far as this matter is concerned, if Zhu Yijun's body is really suffering from some kind of illness, it would be a good thing instead.

However, this didn't have much hope at first, and it went bankrupt in the end. When Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun, except that his complexion was not very good and his face was full of displeasure, everyone else didn't care about Zhang Yijun. No matter how you look at it, you can't see anything wrong with him.

After that, when Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Fan's happy face, Zhang Fan was more sure that Zhu Yijun really had nothing to do.

"Your Majesty," although he already knew it and said that the relationship between the two of them is very good, Zhang Fan still wanted to say some things, "My minister heard that His Majesty's dragon body is not in good health, and I am really worried. I am here to visit His Majesty. , Now that I see that His Majesty is all right, I feel relieved."

"Thank you teacher for your concern." Zhu Yijun also knows how to read the scene. After greeting Zhang Fan, Zhu Yijun retreated from the eunuchs and maids on the left and right, and then he showed happiness again, and also with a distressed expression, "Teacher is also I understand, I don't have any problems, and my body is very good, it's just because the affairs of the court really bothered me, Wang Jiaping, I really can't think of any reason to continue to procrastinate So, I have no choice but to make a bad move, "

"I know His Majesty's thoughts," Zhang Fan said, "I also understand His Majesty's difficulties. However, although His Majesty can hide this matter for a while, it is not a solution after a long time. The court still needs His Majesty to preside over it. Although it is said that there is a cabinet in power in the court, even if there is really something that cannot be decided, it can be sent to His Majesty by the Supervisor of Ceremonies, but there are some things that cannot be clearly explained in the memorandum. It’s still necessary to make it clear in person, so His Majesty still needs to think twice about this matter, His Majesty can say he’s sick, but the time must not be too long.”

"How can I not understand what the teacher said," Zhu Yijun sighed at this point, "But Wang Jiaping is really pushing me too hard on this matter, and I have no room for maneuver at all. No, if I go to the court now, I am afraid that Wang Jiaping will not only bring up the matter of setting up the crown prince, but even my pretending to be sick, he may say it. The teacher is not ignorant of Wang Jiaping's bad temper. , this kind of thing he can really do, "

"What Your Majesty said, I understand in my heart," Zhang Fan nodded, but in fact, he was also thinking in his heart that these things were not all caused by you, but Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't There is such an expression, and Zhang Fan still has to continue talking about this matter, "Wang Jiaping, I will naturally go to explain it to him, but I still feel that His Majesty still can't To escape in this way, you still have to go to court, "

"But as soon as I go, Wang Jiaping will argue endlessly with me on the matter of setting up the crown prince..." At this point, Zhu Yijun paused, looked at Zhang Fan, and then continued, "Say Come to think of it, Wang Jiaping couldn't have asked the teacher to come and persuade me to go back to court.

"I also understand the teacher's thoughts. I know that the teacher actually thinks the same as Wang Jiaping, and they agree to make Luo Er the crown prince. However, I also know that the teacher's thoughts on this matter are not the same. Not as tough as Wang Jiaping.

"At the end of the day, I was hesitant about this matter, whether to let Luoer or Xun'er, to be honest, I really think everyone is the same, if I can choose one who can govern the country in the future, that would be even better Yes, but Wang Jiaping is so persuasive, and I am also annoyed at him, so I also want to make Xun'er the crown prince."

How could Zhang Fan not know Zhu Yijun's thoughts, but facing Zhu Yijun's thoughts, Zhang Fan couldn't criticize him, even if he really did something wrong, Zhang Fan couldn't do that either. The reason is that Zhang Fan is still afraid that his own criticism will cause counterproductive effects like Wang Jiaping did. Therefore, Zhang Fan still intends to follow the trend and see how things go. At least at this stage, Zhang Fan has no plans. of.

And when Zhu Yijun faced Zhang Fan, he was really able to say what was in his heart. What he said just now was really what was in Zhu Yijun's heart, and what he said in his heart was not Zhu Yijun was able to speak so frankly to anyone, only when facing Zhang Fan.

And what Zhu Yijun said just now is equivalent to Zhu Yijun completely expressing his feelings, and as long as Zhu Yijun can say such words to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan will also know that some people who were not able to just now What he said can now be uttered. It can be said that what Zhu Yijun said just now was a signal, and Zhang Fan was waiting for this signal. Now, he has waited for it.

"Your Majesty's thoughts, I more or less understand," Zhang Fan said, "But this matter is slightly different. If Your Majesty only has one prince, then there is no need to say more, but now, Your Majesty is more than one prince." There is a prince, and the most important thing is that His Royal Highness is not young enough to be a prince. Therefore, Wang Jiaping and the others are so concerned about this matter, and there is no way around it.

"I feel that His Majesty does not need to be so afraid of Wang Jiaping. Although he does have a reason, but this matter has not been written in black and white. It must be like this. I feel that His Majesty can go to the court. If Wang Jiaping presses His Majesty on this matter again, His Majesty can also say exactly what His Majesty thinks.

"What's the matter, it can be explained clearly before we discuss it, otherwise, it will be hidden like this, the misunderstanding will only become bigger, and the conflict will not be resolved at all, and it will only cause trouble in the end. It's a big deal,"

"Of course I understand this matter." After Zhang Fan said this, Zhu Yijun also understood a little bit.

Indeed, this matter, although Zhu Yijun was really unreasonable at the beginning, and he was only forced by Wang Jiaping to the point where he couldn't say a word. Previously, he could only rely on Zhang Fan to help him out. , or the methods he had worked so hard to come up with, but these methods took a lot of effort to come up with, but they couldn't be used after a few days.

But after what Zhang Fan told him this time, Zhu Yijun suddenly realized a problem, that is, the awareness that he didn't take this matter for granted was actually not only produced by himself, but because This kind of persecution by Wang Jiaping is what made Zhu Yijun realize that this matter was just because of his own wrong thinking and that he didn't have the truth. Therefore, after having this kind of thinking, Zhu Yijun also I don't want to face Wang Jiaping and those people anymore, because he has nothing to say.

However, after hearing what Zhang Fan said today, Zhu Yijun suddenly realized a problem. He was not unreasonable in this matter.

Just like what Zhang Fan said, indeed, this matter is not unreasonable for him. If you think about it carefully, there is indeed no law or ancestral regulation, which stipulates that the crown prince must be the longest living prince. Think about it, Zhu Yuanzhang just let his eldest grandson Zhu Yunqi succeed him. At least, this thing did happen.

Therefore, Zhu Yijun suddenly understood that he could indeed establish Zhu Changxun as the prince, but before he was established, the resistance among the ministers was very strong, but no matter how great the resistance was, obviously Zhu Yijun did not need it at all. To be afraid of these people.

No matter what the reason is, everyone can say it on the bright side, and if you say you are right, then I will also say that I am right. Since everyone is right, let's say it together and see whose truth is More tenable.

As for what the final result will be, there is no need to think about it now, but the most important issue is that Zhu Yijun doesn't have to be so timid at all. He has no reason to be afraid of Wang Jiaping at all, even if he really talks about it in the end. No, even Zhu Yijun's own reasons are untenable, but at the very least, he doesn't have to be afraid, and he doesn't have to suffer this kind of uselessness, so he doesn't have to be afraid of anything at all.

Immediately, Zhu Yijun's confidence rose immediately, it was Zhang Fan's words that made him regain his courage.

But in fact, Zhu Yijun couldn't think of it. Zhang Fan actually achieved another purpose by doing so.

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