The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1907 True Thoughts

After listening to Zhang Fan's persuasion, Zhu Yijun was suddenly enlightened. Indeed, it seemed that Wang Jiaping had the truth in this matter. There were so many colleagues who supported him, so in this way, Zhu Yijun had the impression that he had done something wrong, but Wang Jiaping and the others were coming to judge him.

However, after hearing what Zhang Fan said to him, Zhu Yijun suddenly realized that in this matter, as the emperor, he did not do anything wrong. If the emperor has more than one son, then the one who is established as the prince, or even the one who will succeed to the throne in the future, must be the oldest one.

So, there is nothing wrong with Zhu Yijun's idea of ​​making Zhu Changxun the crown prince, it is just because he wants to make Zhu Changxun the crown prince, and the ministers headed by Wang Jiaping want to make Zhu Changluo the crown prince. There is a contradiction That's all, and Wang Jiaping is really tough on this matter, so this is how it got to this point.

If it is true, there is nothing wrong with Zhu Yijun's thoughts or actions. This is for sure.

After being told by Zhang Fan, Zhu Yijun suddenly gained courage, and he did not do anything wrong. Even in this matter, Wang Jiaping and the others did not just hold the truth. In this case, Zhu Yijun There is no need to be afraid of them at all.

If it is said that neither side can convince the other, then it is very simple, just put all the reasons and aspects of this matter on the surface, and discuss it in front of the public. In the end, it will always be said It makes sense, therefore, this matter is like this, there is absolutely no reason to be afraid or to escape.

After being reminded by Zhang Fan to understand all this, Zhu Yijun suddenly felt that he was too stupid and timid before. Thinking about it, he is the emperor after all, so there is no need to be afraid of these ministers, even if he is I really did something wrong, but I don't need to do this, I do it as if I want to escape, it is completely unnecessary.

All in all, according to what he said to him, Zhu Yijun completely understood that he didn't need to be afraid of anything, especially Wang Jiaping's side. It can even be said that the tougher Wang Jiaping behaved, Zhu Yijun The more you don't need to be afraid, the more you should argue with him.

"Listening to the teacher's words made me wake up like a dream." Zhu Yijun, who understood the truth of this, was really happy, and he was even more grateful to Zhang Fan, "Indeed, I I really have nothing to be afraid of, I have decided, I will continue to go to court tomorrow, even if he, Wang Jiaping, wants to talk about this matter again, I have nothing to be afraid of, the most I can do is to reason with him, "

"Your Majesty is right to do this." Zhang Fan was naturally very happy to hear that Zhu Yijun thought so and planned to do so. "In this way, even if it is Wang Jiaping, as long as Your Majesty can reason with him , he is definitely not the kind of person who will be arrogant and unreasonable, and this matter can make sense, "

Nodding his head, Zhu Yijun was very happy.

And Zhang Fan was also very happy, what showed on his face was a happy look, and even in his heart he was very happy. Of course, Zhang Fan was more happy in his heart than his face, because Zhu Yijun After hearing what he said, I promised him that I would go to court tomorrow.

And the purpose of Zhang Fan's doing this is not just that, Zhang Fan's reasoning about Zhu Yijun not only allows Zhu Yijun to continue to go to court, but also has another purpose, Zhang Fan also achieved it.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know Wang Jiaping's plan to drag him into this matter, of course, Zhang Fan really couldn't think of such a thing, and it was impossible for Wang Jiaping to say anything nonsense, so Zhang Fan It can be said that it was completely unexpected that Wang Jiaping would plot him into this matter.

But even if Zhang Fan didn't think of this, Zhang Fan was already prepared when this incident just happened. Although he can't say absolutely, he still tried his best not to interfere with this incident. Come among things.

Therefore, when Wang Jiaping found Zhang Fan and asked him to come to the palace to find out what was going on, although Zhang Fan didn't know what Wang Jiaping's idea was, he also knew that this matter was It will make him fall into the dispute of establishing the prince, so Zhang Fan has been thinking about what to do and how he can get out.

And it wasn't until he saw Zhu Yijun's face that Zhang Fan came up with such a solution.

He would not say anything to hurt Zhu Yijun, but what he said was all words to encourage Zhu Yijun, and he carefully chose his words, and he would never say anything that would make Zhu Yijun feel disgusted. Zhang Fan really paid attention to this point .

And Zhang Fan's purpose is to let Zhu Yijun personally participate in the turmoil of setting up the crown prince and argue with Wang Jiaping. If this happens, how things will turn out depends entirely on Zhu Yijun himself and those ministers. What exactly did they say, and as for the result, it has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.

But in fact, although Zhang Fan told Zhu Yijun that Wang Jiaping was not absolutely correct, even though what Wang Jiaping said, or his idea of ​​making Zhu Changluo the prince, basically speaking, Wang Jiaping and the others It still has a little advantage, but it is still the same sentence. Without express regulations, it is difficult to reach a conclusion on this matter. Therefore, what Zhang Fan told Zhu Yijun is not wrong, and even There is nothing wrong with asking Zhu Yijun to reason with Wang Jiaping and the others.

But Zhang Fan knows one thing, and he also understands one thing, that is, although Zhu Yijun's persistence in this matter is not wrong, even Wang Jiaping and others who have the truth seem to have nothing to do with it. It's a huge advantage, but in fact, Zhang Fan can see this matter very clearly, so it's okay not to say it, but if he really said it, then Zhu Yijun would definitely not be able to speak to these people.

In other words, in fact, no matter what kind of process is involved in this matter, in the end, the majority of ministers in the court will win. In other words, Zhang Fan has already determined that No matter how many hardships there are, Zhu Changluo will definitely become the prince, and in the future, he will also be able to ascend the throne.

Zhang Fan made this decision only after he had figured it out. In this matter, he just encouraged Zhu Yijun to go to court, and then asked him to argue with Wang Jiaping and the others. Controversy, no matter how Zhu Yijun thinks he is reasonable or not, is not the opponent of those ministers.

And as long as Zhu Yijun is willing to argue with them, Zhang Fan believes that with the ability of those people in the court, Zhu Yijun will definitely have nothing to say. Zhu Changluo can be established as the prince.

In this way, Zhang Fan will not participate too much in this matter, he just let Zhu Yijun dare to face the ministers face to face, as for other matters, Zhang Fan will not participate at all.

And there is another very important thing. No matter what you say about this matter, Zhang Fan has helped Wang Jiaping. The scenes where Fan and his colleagues were standing on the main hall and arguing with Zhu Yijun on this matter were different, but in fact, Zhang Fan's method, on the other hand, accelerated the process of this matter, even, This kind of acceleration is much faster than Wang Jiaping's plan.

All in all, this is the case for Zhang Fan, he still doesn't need to directly participate in this matter, he just needs to finish what he should do, wait quietly, and wait for the final result. Zhang Fan had such a plan, and obviously, no matter who he changed to, let alone Wang Jiaping, he couldn't find any faults in his plan.

You asked me to help, and I also helped; even, you just asked me to enter the palace to find out how the emperor was doing. Not only did I go to the palace to help you find out, I even helped you convince the emperor to continue Come to court, let you continue to talk to him about the establishment of the crown prince. In this way, I, Zhang Fan, have done my best, and you, Wang Jiaping, will never be able to find out what is wrong with me. Bar.

What Zhang Fan came up with was such an idea, to be in this kind of place. Although he did speak, it is absolutely impossible for him to be involved in what he said. To be able to do what I insist on, that is, to hope that Zhu Changluo can become the prince and succeed to the throne. In this way, wouldn't this matter kill two birds with one stone? I will not get myself into any trouble. I think no matter who I change to, I am very willing to do such a thing.

Especially for the current Zhang Fan, the current situation is what he hopes to see the most. Even, if this matter can be resolved without making him bother, then for Zhang Fan , which is the best result.

Of course, Zhang Fan is not a naive person, or no matter how naive a person is, after decades of being in the official business, he really wants to be naive. He didn't even think about it. After he has reached this point, he can really ignore everything in the future. This matter will definitely not be that simple. Maybe Zhang Fan's method can be managed for a while now, but before it is over, he can't do anything. He will never be left idle like this.

But even so, the matter is too serious after all, so for Zhang Fan, if he can not participate, he will not participate. If he can choose, Zhang Fan will definitely stay far away, and now, although he is He thought of a way to satisfy Wang Jiaping without trapping himself, but even so, Zhang Fan still had lingering fears about being so close to this matter.

After all, there is no way to judge the affairs of the court with normal thinking. There are many things that seem to be serious problems, but in fact they are thunderous and rainy, and there will be no problems; but some It seems that the matter is not a big deal, but when it is really imminent, it may even cause death.

In the face of these things, whether it is a person who has just entered the official career for a long time, or an old man who has been around for decades, many things are not something they can understand. I saw how many old people like this, who thought that there would be no problems with what they did and took the risk, but in the end, they still trapped themselves.

Since no one can understand what this kind of thing is, then just be careful in everything you do. As long as you are careful, troubles will rarely come to you. Of course, if you say that troubles are really If you are determined, then no matter how careful you are, it is obviously useless.

In short, it is not easy for Zhang Fan to be able to do this.

"But speaking of it, I do have a problem." Zhu Yijun was very happy because of Zhang Fan's suggestion, but then he thought of something and asked, "I know that the teacher supports Luo Er, not Let me tell you why I am dissatisfied with the teacher's decision, it's just why the teacher supports Luo'er, although Luo'er is indeed older than Xun'er, the difference between the two is not very big, and, even when it comes to knowledge, although It is indeed my fault that I neglected Luoer's affairs before, but in this way, no matter what, the two are the same, if this is the case, why does the teacher agree with Luoer and oppose Xun'er Woolen cloth,"

When Zhang Fan heard Zhu Yijun's question, he secretly said, "Here we are." Zhu Yijun would ask this question, and Zhang Fan had already thought about it a long time ago. Perhaps, what is the reason for this? Even they had doubts about Wang Jiaping, but obviously, it was absolutely impossible for Zhu Yijun to ask Wang Jiaping and others such a sentence.

But Zhang Fan is different. After all, the concern between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun is different. There are many things that Zhu Yijun can't say to his mother, concubine, and children, but he can talk to Zhang Fan. The relationship that has been cultivated over the past ten years is the reason for this.

In view of the relationship between the two, Zhang Fan did think that Zhu Yijun would ask him this question, and for this, Zhang Fan also thought about how to answer Zhu Yijun at this time.

Zhang Fan thought about it, based on his relationship with Zhu Yijun, even if Zhang Fan made up a lie about this matter, as long as it can be roughly justified, Zhu Yijun would be able to believe it.

But because of the special nature of this matter, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to do this. If Zhang Fan does this, it is very likely that many things will change.

After much deliberation, at this point, Zhang Fan really has nothing to do, that is, this matter, Zhang Fan will definitely tell Zhu Yijun the truth, the so-called truth, Zhang Fan's true thoughts on this matter of.

Zhang Fan was not afraid that if he said that, Zhu Yijun would dislike him as much as Wang Jiaping. After all, Zhang Fan had never persecuted Zhu Yijun like Wang Jiaping did before, and even encouraged him to figure out everything by himself. Make up your own mind.

But still the same sentence, since Zhang Fan had already made up his mind in his heart to support Zhu Changluo as the crown prince, in fact, Zhang Fan's words must be somewhat inductive.

"Your Majesty, in fact, the idea of ​​this minister is very simple," Zhang Fan said, "It's still the old saying, 'You don't want to be young'. After all, Your Majesty is the eldest son of His Majesty, not to mention the oldest, and there is also a gap. Yes, please forgive me for saying something rebellious. Even if the Second Highness is alive, he is only seven years old today, and the month is less than eight years old. This is three years old, which is not young.

"Of course, what Wang Jiaping and the others are asking for, even if Wei Chen has the same idea as him, but Wei Chen is quite critical of Wang Ge's actions. After all, even His Royal Highness, this age is too old. I'm young, in Weichen's mind, it should be a few years before I think about this matter again.

"It's just that things are no longer what Wei Chen thought. After all, Mr. Wang Ge has already brought up this matter. In this way, since it has been brought up, if there is no result after discussion, it will be absolutely useless." If there is a way to stop it, this matter will never be discussed. Before a result is reached, they can be willing to put it there first and discuss it later.

"Since the matter is already like this, then I have to make a decision. It's one thing for me to say or not, but I must have a spectrum in my heart. Now, the two Highnesses They are not very old, and even if the two Highnesses are compared, they are all the same, there is no big difference except for their age.

"However, it is because of this age that I let the minister choose His Highness, please forgive me for this.

"If you talk about this matter, if you can't stick to it for two years, there will be a result, I think Weichen's idea will not change, but if there is no result after five or six years of arguing about this matter, Weichen will also We have to see what the situation is like when the time comes, and then make a decision.”

"So that's how it is." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun didn't react violently, but nodded with a look of understanding, "I understand what the teacher means. I understand this matter. I don't mean to blame the teacher at all, I just want to ask the teacher what he thinks."

Seeing Zhu Yijun like this, Zhang Fan stopped talking. No matter why Zhu Yijun asked this matter, Zhang Fan knew that after hearing what he said just now, he definitely had some thoughts.

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