The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1916 The So-Called Guarantee

Speaking of this matter, it was very strange that Wang Xijue would agree at that time, even if it was because he was grateful to Zhu Yijun, but this matter was not an ordinary matter. Of course, what did Wang Xijue think in his heart? Yes, no one knows about it except himself, but one thing is for sure, that is, when Zhang Fan asked him the reason in person, it was obviously absolutely impossible for Wang Xijue to answer like this, and Wang Xijue was helping him out of the siege by Zhang Fan. After that, since Zhang Fan asked this question, he had to give Zhang Fan an explanation.

However, maybe Wang Xijue thought of it before, or maybe he had already figured it out. All in all, after Zhang Fan asked, Wang Xijue told him that he had other plans, and Wang Xijue's way of answering also made Zhang Fan understand. A little curious, Zhang Fan couldn't believe what Wang Xijue said without any conditions at all, but obviously, on such a big matter, Zhang Fan felt that it was impossible for Wang Xijue to lie, and Zhang Fan didn't believe Wang Xijue You will not understand the importance of this matter, and in such an important event, let alone lying about such a big matter, even if it is a trivial matter that cannot be smaller, a lie may become a big one. Incorrect.

That is to say, no matter what Wang Xijue is saying now, whether he had planned it long ago, or he thought it up on the spur of the moment, at least Wang Xijue will feel that it is definitely possible to do so, and this is what will happen Yes, otherwise, Wang Xijue would not have dared to say such a thing.

In short, no matter which one it is, it is obvious that Wang Xijue is confident that what he said can be recognized by Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan is also looking forward to what Wang Xijue is about to say.

"Nowadays the court is fighting for the foundation of the country," Wang Xijue said, "I dare not say what the other people think, but I know what Master Zhang is thinking. Master Zhang supports the eldest prince. It is not a secret in the court, everyone knows it, but Master Zhang has never insisted on this matter, no matter how serious the disturbance was before, Master Zhang has never said which one to support People in the court also understand what the prince said. After all, the relationship between Mr. Zhang and His Majesty is different.

"But today, after I told you what His Majesty meant, I saw that even Mr. Zhang, who was not involved in these matters before, joined them in opposing this matter. I don't know why Mr. Zhang is."

"Do you still need to ask?" Zhang Fan said with a natural expression, "If it's something else, it's fine, and even if it's the competition for the crown prince, although if I add it, it will indeed change. Hurry up, but now there are already so many people in the court supporting His Highness the First Prince, one more than me is not too many, and one less than me is a lot, this matter will always be successful, so before I also felt that there was no need to stir up trouble came in.

"But what I said in the court today is completely different. If I said something before, I can keep silent, and even help His Majesty to delay it, but I can't do this. I did, and if I did, not only would it not solve the problem, it would just make things more troublesome, and most importantly, if I did, needless to say, I would be the one who would be the most troublesome up.

"It's not that I want to be safe, it's just that this matter... To be honest, it's fine if it's something else, but if it's just for this matter, to be honest, I really don't want to get involved, and it's not worth it. Things get themselves into trouble.

"But for this matter now, if I don't go with the people in the court, I'm afraid His Majesty will still ask me for help, and if His Majesty asks me for help, once I help, I'm afraid those people in the court will not let me go Yes, but if I don't help, I'm afraid His Majesty will find me in trouble.

"Also, Lord Wang is not ignorant of this matter. Regardless of the reason why His Majesty came up with such a method, all of us can understand that this method will not work at all, it is impossible to succeed,"

"Master Zhang is indeed a sensible person," Wang Xijue said with a smile after hearing Zhang Fan's words. He didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhang Fan's prudent way of protecting himself. After all, this matter would be involved in the future , That's really incredible, think about it, Wang Jiaping was so persistent about this matter at the beginning, but even so, in the end, Wang Jiaping also saw this matter, even if it will be successful in the future, but It wouldn't happen in front of his eyes, so Wang Jiaping, who figured it out, also resigned from his post, so Wang Xijue wouldn't find it strange that Zhang Fan would say that.

"And the current matter is exactly what Mr. Zhang said, it is indeed impossible to do, and when His Majesty told me, how could I not understand this truth, but, originally Your Majesty is already very troubled because of the establishment of the crown prince. I'm afraid His Majesty will have a hard time with Concubine Zheng in the palace. If I don't agree with Your Majesty, I don't know what other ways Your Majesty will come up with.

"Besides, I thought at the time that if I did this, it might not necessarily be a bad thing, and maybe it might be a good thing, too."

"Well, good thing." Hearing Wang Xijue's last words, Zhang Fan was really surprised. This matter is naturally very important, and today Zhang Fan thought of it immediately, especially this matter. It was Wang Xijue who said it in the court, so no matter how much Zhang Fan thought about it, he couldn't figure out what good this matter would be.

But now, Wang Xijue actually said that, which made Zhang Fan even more puzzled.

"That's right, it's a good thing, and it's a very good thing," Wang Xijue nodded, and said, "Master Zhang, think about it, now the struggle for the foundation of the country is really at a critical moment, and those people in the court, although It's a big reason, but they couldn't convince His Majesty right away, after all, His Majesty also has His Majesty's insistence. Therefore, the current debate can be said to be deadlocked, and it is not known who will win in the end.

"But now that this incident came out, Mr. Zhang thinks, what will the people in the court think of it?"

"I'm afraid that the people in the court also know that His Majesty has no intention of appointing His Highness the Grand Highness at all, but wants to make His Highness the Third Highness the crown prince. If this is the case, how can those people in the court be willing? Having said that, there will definitely be many people who will resist," Zhang Fan said without even thinking about it.

"That's what happened," Wang Xijue said. "Originally the two sides were at a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other. If this continues, naturally, I also believe that His Highness must be the crown prince in the end, but such a situation Come on, I don't know how many years it will take.

"But once this incident comes out, the people in the court will definitely not be able to sit still. At that time, all of them will be opposed to this matter, and there will be many people who have come forward to say it. It's not just that they want His Majesty to take back the plan of "Three Kings Simultaneously". I'm afraid they will take advantage of the situation and ask His Majesty to make His Majesty the crown prince as soon as possible.

"If this is the case, won't the deadlock be broken?"

After hearing Wang Xijue's words, Zhang Fan thought about it.

What Wang Xijue said is not bad. Although the dispute over the country is already in progress now, and there was a very intense period of time before, but now, it has calmed down again, not only because Zhao Zhigao was in power before, but Therefore, for the sake of being more relaxed, even if Wang Xijue is in power now, Wang Xijue's toughness is only for the people below, and for Zhu Yijun, Wang Xijue is still somewhat accommodating.

Therefore, it can be said that although the country-based dispute is still in progress, it has actually entered a stage of stalemate. Both sides hold their own opinions, but neither can persuade the other, so In today's situation, it is difficult to cause too much dispute.

And if things keep going according to this progress, even now everyone knows that with so many people in the court, Zhu Changluo will definitely be able to make Zhu Changluo the prince in the future, but how many years will it take, and in In so many years, how many people will suffer because of this, and even how many people in the DPRK will suffer because of this is second to none. The most important thing is, if this matter cannot be resolved sooner, then it is impossible In the previous period of time, the government will inevitably be slack, and once the government is slack, the officials below will start to make them think, and if the officials below make them think, the people will suffer again. It can be said that this matter The matter is related layer by layer, and has always been related to the entire Ming Dynasty. If it is not resolved earlier, then the problem will always exist. In this way, it will not matter to the court, the people, or the royal family. would be a good thing.

But now, Zhang Fan understood what Wang Xijue said.

The reason why Wang Xijue agreed to this matter was to open up a new situation for the current deadlocked situation, even if the beginning of this new situation would be very chaotic, and even cause many people to suffer. But you must know that once this new situation is opened, the country-based dispute will enter a new stage, instead of being stalemate as it is now, and nothing can be done.

As long as it can move and the courtiers can have a chance to speak, then the process of this matter can be speeded up, and this unnecessary dispute can be ended earlier, and as long as this dispute is over, the subsequent things will be fine. That's all.

Although this kind of drastic method, I am afraid that the sacrifice involved will be very huge, but the truth that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain is also understood by everyone. And being implicated, even the government will be in chaos for a while, but in comparison, if the whole thing can end quickly because of this, it will be a good thing anyway.

After all, if it is short, some people will be unlucky; if the time is prolonged, more people will be unlucky because of it, and not only will there be more unlucky people, but even Jiangshan Sheji will be affected even more. Impact.

In this way, in comparison, it is very clear which is more important.

It was Wang Xijue who chose to agree with Zhu Yijun's method, in order to intensify the already existing conflict, so that this matter could be speeded up and resolved as soon as possible.

And thinking about it this way, Zhang Fan really felt that Wang Xijue really did it with good intentions.

Why is he said to be well-intentioned? It only takes a little thought to understand.

The way Wang Xijue thought of this matter was actually very simple. First of all, when Zhu Yijun thought of this matter and told Wang Xijue, Wang Xijue already knew that it was impossible to do this. At the same time, he understood that this matter could stimulate those people in the court, so as to speed up the process of this country-based dispute, so that it could end as soon as possible, so Wang Xijue did this.

But you must know that although Wang Xijue did a good job, for him, the consequences are different.

Because of this matter, he himself understands that as long as it is proposed, no one in the court will agree, and it must be the voice of opposition. Under such circumstances, it is obvious that the person who proposed this method will definitely be blamed.

If it is said that Zhu Yijun is the only one, and Zhu Yijun thought up this matter himself, and he said it himself, then obviously, even if he is the emperor, those people in the court will transfer this accusation to him On your body, after all, you brought up this matter alone, who else would you turn to.

But the current situation is a little different, because although Zhu Yijun was the one who brought up the matter, it was not Zhu Yijun who announced it, but Wang Xijue, so the problem came, because with this The person who is related to this matter and agrees to this matter has changed from one to two.

And for those people in the court, things will become very easy to handle in this way.

After all, the emperor is still the emperor, even if he made a big mistake, he is still the emperor, and since he is the emperor, he has many privileges. If this matter is only Zhu Yijun, but for the ministers in the court, this matter It is absolutely impossible to do this, so even the emperor, they have to criticize, not to say that they are bold, but that if they do not do this, there is nothing they can do. This can be said to be helpless, but at the same time certain.

But now, Zhu Yijun is not alone, there is also Wang Xijue, so naturally, if it is possible to blame this matter without too much trouble for Zhu Yijun, then for the people in the court, they will definitely choose this In this way, even they know that this method is definitely not proposed by Wang Xijue, but who made you, Wang Xijue, say this in front of so many people?

Therefore, the accusations all fell on Wang Xijue, and compared to just accusing Zhu Yijun, the accusation is stronger. After all, even if Wang Xijue is the chief assistant, he is not the emperor after all. , the power of the first assistant is indeed the most and the largest among the courtiers, but even if you are the first assistant, you are still a minister. In essence, there is no essential difference from those ministers of the second, third, and fourth ranks in the court Therefore, if they accuse him of actually standing on the same position as himself, but if it is Wang Xijue who is in a relatively high position, then this kind of accusation will naturally be more intense.

However, Wang Xijue was not very afraid of the accusations made by these ministers in the court. He did not believe that those below did not understand, and even the reason why those below accused him so fiercely was entirely because Zhu Yijun was the emperor. It would be best not to say anything, so, for these people, if they can blame Zhu Yijun less, it means that someone will suffer, and now, Wang Xijue is the one who will suffer.

Moreover, Wang Xijue has another plan for doing this. Although he may not care about the accusations of these people in the court, it does not mean that the accusations of these people are useless at all. In fact, from the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present, How many shoufu were forced to resign because they committed crimes, and some of them didn't even get a good result, because the people in the court complained a lot about them.

But now, Wang Xijue is helping Zhu Yijun to take the blame. It is obvious that Zhu Yijun is responsible for this matter, but Wang Xijue has shifted the fire of the courtiers onto himself, allowing Zhu Yijun to survive.

In this way, it is impossible for Zhu Yijun not to know, and Zhu Yijun will definitely thank Wang Xijue for helping him keep such a big trouble out. In this way, Zhu Yijun's loyalty and trust in Wang Xijue will rise to a new level , and this, for Wang Xijue, is definitely a good thing.

Although Wang Xijue is very happy to be the chief assistant in such a special period, he also knows that it is impossible for him to make mistakes. Therefore, Wang Xijue is also worried that he will end up with no good results. Before this, I found a guarantee for myself, but now, I found this guarantee, and it was this incident that made Zhu Yijun's favorability for him soar several levels.

In this way, even if something really happens in the future, Wang Xijue doesn't have to be afraid that he will end badly. At most, he will just return home after being an official. Anyway, this official has done it before, and he has achieved the greatest. He is an official, and he is not without political achievements. During his time in power, his achievements are obvious to all. Therefore, this time, Wang Xijue can rest assured.

After hearing this, Zhang Fan felt a little embarrassed. Wang Xijue's thoughts and actions were certainly not wrong, but this way, to be honest, even if Zhang Fan stood in Wang Xijue's position and let him choose, it was not right. able to make decisions easily.

Now that things have become like this, although the process will definitely speed up, it goes without saying, but Zhang Fan always feels that this matter is not so easy.

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