Zhu Yijun has started to feel uneasy again these days.After he and Wang Xijue discussed such a way.And after doing so.All the people in the DPRK began to oppose this matter.certainly.Just like I said before.If Zhu Yijun was the only one involved in this matter.Then Zhu Yijun is the only one who is unlucky.But now.Although everyone knows that Zhu Yijun is behind the scenes.But after all, it was Wang Xijue who said it.That being the case.Facing the emperor and the chief assistant.Even Shoufu also holds great power.But it is very clear which is more important.

therefore.All of a sudden.Those people in the court also turned all the fire on Wang Xijue.

certainly.It was exactly like what Wang Xijue said to Zhang Fan yesterday.Wang Xijue knew that this would happen a long time ago.He is also ready to be held accountable by so many people in the court.And what Wang Xijue said yesterday was very clear.No matter how people in the court attack him about this matter.Nor was he afraid.Because he was helping the emperor take the blame.And that goes without saying.Zhu Yijun also understood very well in his heart.therefore.It can be said that no matter how fierce the people in the court are.But this matter will definitely not have any impact on Wang Xijue.

In short.Nowadays, people in the DPRK and China talk about this matter every day.And not just above the court.Even the excerpt of the impeachment of Wang Xijue.It is also everywhere in the court.certainly.Feng Bao is also very clear about this matter.So this time.Feng Bao didn't hold back on the impeachment of Wang Xijue.Instead, it was all handed over to Zhu Yijun.Let him see and understand.

Also because of Feng Bao's approach.This made Zhu Yijun feel like he had done something wrong.It's like handing over the responsibility to someone else.certainly.There is nothing wrong with saying that.all in all.It was Zhu Yijun who really realized this time that he had done a stupid thing.And it wasn't just him who suffered.Even Wang Xijue was implicated by himself.therefore.This time Zhu Yijun really felt that he owed Wang Xijue a lot.

so.Zhu Yijun also made up his mind.He absolutely cannot let Wang Xijue bear all the responsibilities for this matter.Now for that.It's just that officials in the DPRK and China continued to play on this matter.It just pushed Wang Xijue to the forefront.But Zhu Yijun had figured it out.He can't do this now.It is also not convenient to speak.But after.If it is said that the people in the DPRK are making troubles, it is too much.Even Wang Xijue couldn't help being as stable as Mount Tai.At that time, Zhu Yijun would never remain silent.He will definitely speak out.To keep Wang Xijue.

It can be said.Wang Xijue did this after thinking about and understanding this matter.In this way.He will be able to speed up the matter of Lichu.And most importantly.Even after doing something so drastic.But he can also guarantee that he is invincible.It can be said that Wang Xijue is involved in this matter.Really think about it.

And then.It didn't take long either.The effect of Wang Xijue's approach came out.

in the beginning.Everyone in the DPRK and China is talking about this matter.But what these people are pointing at.All belong to Wang Xijue.It's not that no one said Zhu Yijun was bad.It's just that Zhu Yijun is just joint and several.Even though Zhu Yijun thought of this matter.But Wang Xijue's responsibility is still not small.After all, you, Wang Xijue, are the Chief Assistant.Naturally, it is to assist the emperor.The emperor can be unconscious.Even make some dizzy decisions.But as the chief assistant, you naturally have to show the way for the emperor.so.This matter is for the people in the court.No matter the reason.It doesn't matter if it's from the heart.In short, what Zhu Yijun did was certainly wrong.But what Wang Xijue did was even more wrong.therefore.Everyone in the court pointed their finger at Wang Xijue.

But even though they all point to Wang Xijue.But it's just Wang Xijue's responsibility.This thing is useless.therefore.Gradually, some people felt it.The time is almost up.It should be time to move on to the next step.so.Now some people continue to bring up the matter of Lichu.Just in time for this to be able to speak without scruples.to bring this up.This is the best.

therefore.During this period of time, the DPRK and China have once again started a debate on the dispute over the country.And compared to the previous situation.This time it will be even more intense.This feeling of not giving up until you reach your goal.It is also stronger than ever before.

And this.Zhu Yijun also became more troubled.This incident happened when everyone knelt in the hall and begged him to take back his life that day.He had expected it.And now it's like this.Zhu Yijun will not be surprised.It will only annoy him more.

Fortunately, at the very least.There was nothing in the harem that bothered Zhu Yijun any more.Although the cause of this whole thing.It was all because of Concubine Zheng's noise.And because Zhu Yijun was unconscious for a while and made a wrong decision.But after this incident happened.Concubine Zheng did not continue to quarrel with Zhu Yijun.

I don't know what Concubine Zheng is thinking.Perhaps it was because she also wanted to understand.This thing was originally impossible.And she is more so.The more it will become what it is today.Or maybe she didn't think of it at all.Zhu Yijun actually thought of such a way.As a result, the DPRK and China are now at odds.

But no matter what Zheng Guifei thinks in her heart.He also understood.Things have come to this point now.And there is no room for turning around.If she continued to mess around with Zhu Yijun.In addition to making Zhu Yijun continue to be upset.There may even be anger towards her.There is no other effect.therefore.Concubine Zheng is very understanding of the current situation.Now it is decisive to restrain the previous momentum.In Zhu Yijun's eyes, it became the one in the past again.Always be gentle with yourself.And I can understand the image of my concubine.

There's nothing surprising about that either.After all, Concubine Zheng Guifei really did not think that this matter would turn out like this.And this thing.Even for Concubine Zheng, who has such a strong desire to make her son a prince.It should be said that there is nothing on the surface.But at least he should be very angry with Zhu Yijun in his heart.

Only this time.Her mind was a little different.She understood why Zhu Yijun would do this.To put it bluntly, it was for her.Although the method Zhu Yijun used was completely wrong.It even had the opposite effect.But Concubine Zheng is like this to Zhu Yijun.But not blindly angry.

It's very clear when you think about it.The reason why Zhu Yijun made such a hasty and eager stupid plan.In fact, it was entirely because of Concubine Zheng.If it wasn't for her crying in front of Zhu Yijun.If Zhu Yijun didn't dote on him very much.Well obviously.It is impossible for Zhu Yijun to do so.

so.The current Concubine Zheng.Her heart is very complicated.on the one hand.She was indeed a little annoyed that Zhu Yijun was so good at doing bad things; but on the one hand.She also really felt Zhu Yijun's love for her.


It can be said between the two people.It's really hard to judge.

Continue to talk about today's things.

Although there is nothing in the palace that continues to bother Zhu Yijun.But those people in the court will never give up.What's more, it has been brought up now.Let Zhu Yijun make the prince's request early.

Face it.Zhu Yijun really has a big head.His extremely stupid way.Not just that it didn't help him procrastinate a little bit.On the contrary, it had the opposite effect.It dragged him into the abyss of trouble.

And now.Even if Wang Xijue helped him take the blame, it was useless.Because of those people in the court.Gradually.The bombardment of Wang Xijue has decreased.After all, they can only talk about this matter.He couldn't do anything to Wang Xijue.The most important thing is the storage.

Face it.Zhu Yijun was caught in a predicament once.Wang Xijue is now facing the court.Totally silent.Even politics.He also won't discuss it in court.Just make a decision in the cabinet.But even so.Wang Xijue's life is not easy either.After all, he is not the only one in the cabinet.There are other people who will be upset with him.

therefore.Zhu Yijun is really alone now.There is no way to even find someone to discuss.It is impossible for Wang Xijue to go to him to discuss anything under the current situation.Even Zhu Yijun felt that.I'm afraid Wang Xijue doesn't even know what to do.

at last.After much deliberation.Zhu Yijun really had no choice.I still have to ask Zhang Fan for help.

Speaking of which, ask Zhang Fan for help.Although this has become Zhu Yijun's only way now.But even so.while doing so.He even let Zhang Fan enter the palace.During the time waiting for Zhang Fan.Zhu Yijun was also a little heartbroken.

After all, it was in the hall at the time.Zhang Fan knelt down in front of him along with those people.Ask him to take back the plan of "Three Kings Simultaneously".This is also explained.Even Zhang Fan.There was really no way to ignore his decision any longer.And now.Zhu Yijun wanted to find Zhang Fan again.Ask him to help you out on this matter.Zhu Yijun really had some inexplicable thoughts in his heart.

But after much deliberation.This is the only way he can do now.There is no way.This is the only way to do it.

And Zhang Fan also thought that Zhu Yijun would come to find him.After all, Zhang Fan also knew about this matter.Zhu Yijun is now in a dilemma.want to go further.The people in the court did not allow it; they wanted to take a step back.There is no way to guarantee the dignity of being an emperor.Zhang Fan could imagine it.Today's Zhu Yijun.Must be very confused.

After Zhang Fan came.Zhu Yijun also didn't say any gossip.He opened his mouth and asked him what he should do about this matter.

Zhang Fan was not surprised either.He didn't even ask why Zhu Yijun decided to do this in the first place.Zhang Fan didn't even complain to Zhu Yijun about anything.Nor did he say what he did was right.Zhang Fan understood this matter.Zhu Yijun must have realized his mistake.Ask him to enter the palace to talk.This is a good proof.Now that he himself has realized it.Then Zhang Fan didn't have to explain things so clearly.Everything that is said is too clear.It's not a good thing either.

"This official is aware of His Majesty's current troubles. It's just this matter. This official is also a little difficult to handle." Zhang Fan said.

"Teacher, please help me." Obviously.Zhu Yijun misunderstood what Zhang Fan meant. "I know that what I did was really wrong. But I have no way to solve this matter. So I still need the teacher's help." Zhu Yijun thought that Zhang Fan was still angry.That's why I said that.

"Your Majesty misunderstood. I dare not be angry with Your Majesty." Zhang Fan said. "No matter what decision your Majesty makes, I will not be angry. If I feel that your Majesty's decision is wrong, then I will naturally object. This is my duty as a minister. His Majesty felt resentful. That is absolutely impossible.

"The reason why I said that just now is because this matter is really difficult to handle. After all, His Majesty has already said this. Even if it is not His Majesty who said it himself. But Mr. Wangge can say that. Obviously It was also ordered by His Majesty. So it is no different from what His Majesty said personally. Since it is His Majesty's intention, the reaction of the people in the court is naturally relatively large.

"It's just this matter. I think it's not difficult. But before that, please forgive me for asking. Your Majesty thinks it's a mistake."

"Wrong, wrong. I really made a mistake in this matter." Zhu Yijun said hastily. "It's because I know what I did wrong. I want to make it up. I just can't think of a way. This is why I turn to the teacher. Please help me."

"Since Your Majesty knows that he is wrong, then this matter is very simple to do." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "This matter was initiated by Your Majesty. There is a way to untie the bell and let the person tie it. That is to say, the person who can solve this matter. It is His Majesty."

"Teacher, please continue."

"It's actually very simple. So many people in the court are talking about this matter. But in fact, there are only two kinds. It is aimed at the elder Wang Ge. In fact, it is aimed at His Majesty. But it is this "Three Kings Simultaneously". The matter against His Majesty is also because of this matter, but it is about the matter of establishing a reserve. Although there is not much difference between these two things, but they are so divided. Treated differently.

"I feel that His Majesty wants to solve this matter. There are two ways. Either. It is to agree with those who speak directly to His Majesty. Now hurry up and establish a reserve. In this way, this matter is not just resolved There won't even be any trouble in the future."

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun hesitated.This is normal.Because if you do it now.Although it is indeed possible to solve all the troubles today once and for all.But it is also necessary to establish a prince.And if the prince is established now.Zhu Changxun is too young.Not suitable.In other words, only Zhu Changluo can be established as the prince.for this.Zhu Yijun was naturally hesitant.

"There is another way." Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun so hesitant.I know he doesn't want to.I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.He said this first.Also to see if there is hope for this matter.But now it seems.Also no.But Zhang Fan could only come up with another solution. "That's for those people who are now pointing their finger at Mr. Grid. Since these people are targeting the 'Three Kings Simultaneously' matter, it's easy. Your Majesty only needs to release the news. Say that the plan is cancelled. That's fine.

"In this way, maybe this whole matter will not end. There will still be arguments in the future. But at the very least, no one will bother His Majesty anymore. This method can relieve temporary worries."

And this time.Zhu Yijun didn't even make a sound.It was silent immediately.

He also considered Zhang Fan's method.But he is not too willing.Because of this.It is tantamount to admitting defeat to those in the DPRK.And himself as the emperor.I can't do my own way.This also makes Zhu Yijun feel that if this is the case.It will really hurt your self-esteem.so.Although compared to Zhang Fan's previous method.This one is easier.But even so.Zhu Yijun still couldn't make up his mind.That's it.

How could Zhang Fan, who knew Zhu Yijun so well, not know what he was thinking.But this thing.Zhang Fan had already told him his method.certainly.Zhang Fan can also help Zhu Yijun analyze it.Then induce him to choose.But Zhang Fan thought so.There is no need to do so.this matter.Zhang Fan has already been implicated deeply enough.And now he's able to leave some is just some.

In short.Zhu Yijun asked him for help.And Zhang Fan also proposed two solutions for him.What to do.It still depends on Zhu Yijun's own decision.

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