For Zhang Fan, he can ignore the past suspicions.Even after something like this happened.And be able to help yourself like this point.Zhu Yijun was really very happy.This is also what made Zhu Yijun feel about Zhang Fan.Just like Wang Xijue.always feel.on this matter.I am really sorry for Zhang Fan.Neither got things done.It also makes people so.

but.No matter how.Zhang Fan also didn't say anything more about Zhu Yijun's actions.There is no such reprimand.Even after Zhang Fan asked Zhu Yijun for help.Nothing was said.He directly told him the way to solve this matter.

Zhang Fan's thoughts were not complicated.Although this matter may be more troublesome.But actually this matter.At least for Zhang Fan.It is very simple to solve it.

Zhang Fan told Zhu Yijun two ways.But for Zhang Fan.Only these two methods can solve the present trouble.Everything else doesn't work.And more importantly.These two methods.No matter which one Zhu Yijun adopts.For Zhang Fan.Everything he wanted to see.certainly.Since there are two ways.Then these two methods will have the effect.That is also different.

If Zhu Yijun is really cruel.The words of the prince were directly recorded.This trouble is naturally resolved.And not just solve the immediate trouble.There will be no further troubles from now on.certainly.If so.Zhang Fan naturally wanted to see it.After all, this is what Zhang Fan wants.

But Zhang Fan was very clear in his heart.The possibility that Zhu Yijun will take this approach is very small.Not that he can't.But don't want to do it.Because once he did so.The seat of the prince is no longer in dispute.certainly.This is naturally a good thing for the court.But it was not the case for Zhu Yijun.

Maybe Zhu Yijun can accept this method.Let Zhu Changluo be the prince.But obviously.Concubine Zheng would never accept it.To know.Now even Concubine Zheng is hiding so deeply.It was also because of this incident that he got angry in front of Zhu Yijun for the first time.certainly.Zhu Yijun didn't know what Zheng Guifei's real thoughts were.But it has been more than 20 years since she entered the palace.It was the first time I was so angry with myself.Thinking about it, Zhu Yijun can also understand.How important this matter is to her.

so.If Zhu Yijun really did this.Obviously after he returned to the palace.Concubine Zheng will not let him go.And in order to avoid these troubles.Zhu Yijun absolutely can't do this.That is.Among the two methods given by Zhang Fan.One is absolutely unusable.

So in other words.Zhu Yijun could only use the second method.And the second way.It is to let him take back the plan of "Three Kings Simultaneously".In this way.Although it is impossible to solve everything like this.But the bare minimum.This mess in front of me.That is definitely the very least.It can also make those people in the court stop persecuting Wang Xijue so much.

But even in this way.In fact, Zhu Yijun was still somewhat reluctant.The reason is actually not something that can't be understood.It was because of Zhu Yijun's own self-esteem.That's why he didn't want to do it.After all, this method.It doesn't matter how bad it is.But this is what Zhu Yijun came up with.No.Not that it matters how much he figured it out.The important thing is that this method is his decision as the emperor.And if it's just like this, the ministers below are so noisy.He immediately retracted his words.Where does his emperor's majesty go?

And in this way.If Zhu Yijun has any plans in the future.For people in North Korea.With this experience.They might feel it.Even if Zhu Yijun is the emperor.But as long as everyone in the DPRK opposes it together.Even the emperor.That will also be taken back into life.If so.The impact was not only on Zhu Yijun's majesty as the emperor.In the future, the emperor's decision will also be affected.

This is not a good thing.Although it is said that the duty of the ministers is to help the emperor govern the country.But be aware.Anyway.The emperor is also the de facto ruler of the country.If the words of the emperor are wrong.Then naturally it should be refuted.But if it is just because the decision made by the emperor has affected the interests of many people in the court.So this is what people are attacking in groups.This will bring a very huge loss to the country.

so.Even Zhang Fan's second method.Compared with the first method, it is much better.But for Zhu Yijun.He still couldn't make up his mind.

This is not the result of Zhu Yijun's selfish hesitation just wanting to maintain his dignity as the emperor.To know the impact of this matter.And that's not all.

That is.This is the second way.Zhu Yijun didn't really want to do this either.

But this thing.He had to do it again.And now.There are only two ways he can matter how much he thinks it's not good.But in the end, in fact, we still have to choose a way to do it.

To be honest, this kind of thing has happened to everyone.And no matter who is encountering such difficult choices and choices.That is definitely very difficult.

Zhu Yijun was in such a situation for a while.Although he knew what to do.But he really didn't want to.It's not hard to choose.But it was simply that he didn't want to do either of the two methods.

But actually this matter.Since there is no choice for Zhu Yijun.So in fact it is very simple to do.Since in addition to these two methods.Everything else doesn't work.Then there are only two options to choose from.And even these two methods are very difficult to do.But it doesn't matter.Because the effects of the two approaches are pick the one with the least impact.Or the method that you can most accept the impact it brings.That's it.As for other things.Zhu Yijun didn't even need to ask.Asking will only make it more annoying.

therefore.It can be said that although Zhang Fan provided Zhu Yijun with two options for him to choose.But in fact, Zhang Fan has already told Zhu Yijun the only way to solve this matter.

Facing this circumstances.Even if you don't want to in your heart.But in the end.Zhu Yijun could only do it in this way.But even if it is decided to withdraw the method of "Three Kings Simultaneously".But definitely not now.Because Zhu Yijun had to take into account his face as an emperor.Although it is said to be cancelled.But it was canceled in such a short period of time.But it gives people a feeling that the emperor is easy to succumb to the ministers.Still have to be strong for a while before canceling.If so.It is tantamount to the emperor being forced to do nothing.That's all.Of course.If you are talking about dignity.Either late or early.The dignity of the emperor will be damaged.The difference is simply a matter of big and small.But for Zhu Yijun.This big and small is already a very serious gap.And the thing itself.This big and small is not the relationship between quantity and quantity.It is the difference between quality and for Zhu Yijun.He had no other choice in this matter.There is only one kind.

And now that a decision has been made.Then it becomes much easier.That's the stage.Zhu Yijun still had nothing to do.We must continue to let those people in the court make irresponsible remarks.And even Zhu Yijun knew that Wang Xijue's life was very difficult.But he still couldn't do this matter ahead of time just because of Wang Xijue.After all, there are too many things to consider.

And it is precisely because of this.So in Zhu Yijun's heart.The apology to Wang Xijue is even deeper.After all, he was responsible for the whole thing.And Wang Xijue was just dragged into the water by him.Let Wang Xijue be so passive now.This is entirely Zhu Yijun's responsibility.

certainly.There is nothing wrong with saying that.And in fact it Yijun had such a guilty attitude toward Wang Xijue.Even Zhu Yijun always felt that.Even if he is the emperor.Wang Xijue is a courtier.Wang Xijue should do so.But he still wanted to find an opportunity to do something for Wang Xijue.Otherwise.Zhu Yijun's heart is always a little uneasy.

finally.After persisting for two months.Zhu Yijun felt that the time was almost up.He also found an opportunity.Announced that he canceled the plan of "Three Kings Simultaneously".And the ministers of the DPRK and China who heard the news.Happy but also somewhat disappointed.

These people actually had the same thoughts as Zhang Fan.For this matter.While they are opposing.Why don't you think this is an opportunity.If it is possible to make Zhu Yijun decide to make a prince.That is the best.

certainly.Those people in the court are not innocent people either.They also understand.Zhu Yijun absolutely didn't want to do also know.Zhu Yijun would definitely choose such an approach.

therefore.For people in North Korea.Although this result is somewhat disappointing to them.But it is also the result they expected.therefore.They will not be too disappointed.

And Zhu Yijun's plan to preserve his dignity has come true.Although in the end he canceled the plan of "Three Kings Simultaneously".But at that time, everyone in the court knelt down together.The mountain calls "Your Majesty is wise".In this way.For Zhu Yijun.This is what he can accept.

And this thing does.Even on the side of Concubine Zheng.He didn't make any noise with Zhu Yijun anymore because of this.After all that time.She was also somewhat impatient.And she also understands.The matter was handled like this by Zhu Yijun.It is not easy to return to the previous stalemate.If she is still not satisfied because of this.If you want to make trouble with Zhu Yijun.That will only make things more and more troublesome.Then come.It will not only reduce Zhu Yijun's opinion of her.Even for Zhu Changxun, it would not be a good wise Concubine Zheng finally accepted such a situation.Say no more.

The end of this matter.It also made the siege of Wang Xijue by the officials come to an end.

But.This matter will definitely not end like this.after that.Zhu Yijun always felt that he owed Wang Xijue a lot.I have always wanted to find an opportunity to repay Wang Xijue.It's just that Zhu Yijun absolutely couldn't think of it.He does.On the contrary, it was a bad thing.

Time passed like this.Not only.Wang Xijue took the seat of chief assistant.It's been more than a year too.And during the period when Wang Xijue was the chief assistant.He has indeed done a lot of good things.

For example.Wang Xijue once asked to play.Stop the weaving in the south of the Yangtze River that is exclusively for the royal family.As well as pottery in Jiangxi, etc.; and the reduction of tribute in Yunnan, which is not rich at all.And let the emperor take out the silver in his own treasury to relieve the hungry people in Henan.

And Zhu Yijun because of guilt towards Wang Xijue.the conditions he put forward.It even includes the most sensitive money issue for Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun played all the way.It even came to the point as long as it was proposed by Wang Xijue.Zhu Yijun would agree to such a point.It can be seen from this.Zhu Yijun really felt very guilty towards Wang Xijue.It actually made it to this point.But even so.Zhu Yijun still felt that he had not done enough for Wang Xijue.I always feel that Wang Xijue has sacrificed too much for him.

certainly.There is nothing wrong with Zhu Yijun's intention of repaying his kindness.But.Zhu Yijun's thoughts were too strong.Instead, an error occurred.

The imperial court inspects officials in the capital and various places every year.And in this time.One thing was found out.Zhao Nanxing, the meritorious doctor of the official department.He deposed a number of officials.certainly.Zhao Nanxing really handled it impartially.No problem at all.And those officials who were deposed are really problematic.

But the problem is.Among those who were deposed.There is Zhao Zhigao's younger brother.There is also Wang Xijue's old family.In this way.There was a dispute between the already tense cabinet ministers and ministers.result.Zhu Yijun is fine.He felt guilty for Wang Xijue in his heart.So he simply ordered Zhao Nanxing to be demoted in this matter.Later, he was dismissed as a civilian.And not only that.Even a large number of people who complained for Zhao Nanxing's grievances were implicated.

this matter.Although Zhu Yijun did it.But the people in the court naturally put everything on Wang Xijue's head.And the result is.It can be said that Wang Xijue has difficulty moving an inch in the court.No matter what he said.any decision made.It was hitting a wall everywhere.

And the result.It is also obvious.

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