Obviously, what Zhu Yijun did this time was really a bit too much. That's right, because he wanted the "Three Kings Simultaneously" method, in the end it was because of Wang Xijue's relationship, so Zhu Yijun himself was not too much affected, so Zhu Yijun's respect for Wang Xijue Always with a very guilty mentality, I always feel that I owe him a lot.

Therefore, after that incident, it can be said that Zhu Yijun took great care of Wang Xijue in many matters. As long as it was Wang Xijue's decision and those matters related to government affairs, Zhu Yijun would definitely give the green light all the way and let everything go, of course. Yes, although Wang Xijue understood it, but he was very persistent. At least he didn't act recklessly because of this. Therefore, under this situation, Wang Xijue had done a few things that the chief assistant wanted to do but couldn't do. , something that he didn't even dare to do, and this has indeed made Wang Xijue highly praised by other officials in the court.

But after this incident, many officials were dismissed because they did something they shouldn't do. Originally, this was a very normal thing, and there was nothing controversial about it, but so many officials were dismissed Among the people, there are indeed many people who are related to the cabinet ministers in the cabinet.

Originally, the relationship between the cabinet ministers and the ministers of the six ministries was not harmonious. If the two sides had the same consciousness, it would be easy to say, but if there were any disputes, it would be very troublesome.

But this time it was like this. Among the people who were dismissed by Zhao Nanxing, the minister of meritorious service in the Ministry of Officials, there were Zhao Zhigao's younger brother, Wang Xijue's old subordinates, and even those who were related to other cabinet ministers could not escape, let alone others. Just Wang Xijue and Zhao Zhigao are very difficult to deal with. After all, one is the current chief assistant, and the other is also a former chief assistant.

Logically, there is nothing to say about this matter. After all, the imperial court will inspect the officials in the capital and various places every once in a while. , there is really no other way, so just pick a few people who really can't hide and have nothing to do with it, and that's fine. Generally speaking, as long as he found someone, he would not let anyone go, and he would not ask if this person had any background in the court.

This Zhao Nanxing was obviously this kind of person. He offended the entire cabinet almost at once.

However, if that was the case, it would be fine. After all, the few people Zhao Nanxing dismissed were indeed unclean, and he was justified, so he didn't have to be afraid of anything at all.

It's just that Wang Xijue and the others can't keep silent about it. Even if they understand that those people really have problems, they also know that Zhao Nanxing also has evidence, but if they just keep silent, what will happen to the other people who followed them? Think, in the future they will have fewer and fewer helpers in the court.

Therefore, this dispute must be there, even they understand that there is no way to reverse this matter by relying on the name of the cabinet, and it is impossible for the deposed person to be released, but this dispute must be Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to act in the court in the future.

It's just that Wang Xijue has neglected how much Zhu Yijun cares about him now, and Zhu Yijun knew about this matter immediately, and after Zhu Yijun found out, the first thing he did, no, should be Zhu Yijun's first thing. One thought, that is, this matter, no matter what it is, he will always stand by Wang Xijue's side.

And Zhu Yijun is the emperor, so there are many things that Zhu Yijun can decide. For example, the appointment and removal of more than [-]% of the officials in the court can be directly issued by Zhu Yijun without anyone's consent. Decided by the decree.

As a result, Zhu Yijun issued an imperial decree that demoted Zhao Nanxing three ranks in a row, and before the people in the court came to their senses, Zhu Yijun issued another imperial decree, directly demoting Zhao Nanxing to a commoner.

This caused too much shock in the court. If Zhao Nanxing really did something wrong, then no one would say anything about what Zhu Yijun did, but the problem is that Zhao Nanxing deposed With such a few people, they are all well-founded, and in this way, problems arise.

If it is said that Zhao Nanxing collided with the emperor somewhere, then Zhu Yijun, as the emperor, also has the right to do so, but Zhao Nanxing did not collide with Zhu Yijun, and if it refers to the previous national dispute, Zhao Nanxing also fought with other people. It would be even more wrong if all the officials in the country agreed with the wish. Why did they just depose one Zhao Nanxing? Logically speaking, other people would not be able to escape, but now, only Zhao Nanxing had an accident. Many people in the court can't figure it out.

Even Wang Xijue and Zhao Zhigao, two people in the cabinet who have the greatest relationship with this matter, were taken aback by Zhu Yijun's actions. What they originally thought was that Zhu Yijun would stand on their side In this way, through this matter, the cabinet can persuade other ministries to achieve something that is very convenient for them, but now it is completely messed up by Zhu Yijun.

Moreover, Zhu Yijun did this for them. In this way, they would have no way to go to Zhu Yijun and let him take it back. Even now, the cabinet dare not take any action at all. Zhu Yijun After doing this, everyone in the court began to tense up. If the cabinet made any moves, then the problem would be serious.

However, the cabinet did not act. This does not mean that those in the court will be so reconciled. Faced with such an injustice, even in the face of the emperor, the people in the court must not give in.

So once again, the people in the court, a lot of people began to make a report on this matter. Of course, when these people made a report, they would naturally not write about the emperor's wrongdoing, but they would all It pointed to the group of people headed by Wang Xijue.

But who knows, these people are completely wrong about this matter. If they directly say that Zhu Yijun did something wrong, then it is probably better to discuss it, but now they are all targeting Wang Xijue, so Zhu Yijun has no choice but to keep silent. And the result is that Zhu Yijun picked out several models for those who played the memorial. The so-called models are the ones with the sharpest writing style in the memorial. Demoted official demoted.

And in this way, it is obvious that this will never solve the problem, but will only make things worse.

And sure enough, after it became like this, it is obviously impossible for the people in the court to shrink back because of this reason, and even Zhu Yijun did this, which ignited their anger. Of course, Zhu Yijun is still the emperor no matter what, The ministers may be able to go to school, but there is no way to directly accuse the emperor of doing something wrong.

Therefore, once again, the people in the court pointed the finger at Wang Xijue, but compared to the previous accusations, this time it was more intense, and the number of people who participated was even larger , almost everyone in the court, except the cabinet, all started to target Wang Xijue.

Countless pairs of eyes are staring at Wang Xijue, as long as he does any inappropriate actions, no matter how small, these people will immediately impeach Wang Xijue. Entering the Supervisor of Rituals, facing so many impeachment memorials, even Feng Bao has no choice but to keep all of them, and no matter how he chooses, the number is too large. Sometimes, there will still be several copies.

Unfortunately, this time these people have learned to be good. They are not the same as before, but well-founded. Faced with this situation, even if Zhu Yijun wants to repeat the old tricks, there is no other way. What he wrote is not false. Of course, he can do the same thing as before, but if it is still the same, the resistance in the court will only become more intense, and by that time, I don’t know how many people will be demoted because of it, so , Zhu Yijun also realized the trouble.

And the one who was more directly implicated was Wang Xijue himself. Wang Xijue was aware of the impeachment of him, and Wang Xijue didn't care about it. No matter how impeached, as long as Zhu Yijun disagreed, then he would be fine.

But the problem is that those people are not just impeachment, they are not just in the court, even in the court, these people will give Wang Xijue a bad look and hinder Wang Xijue everywhere.

In the past, it was already very difficult for Wang Xijue to do what he wanted to do in the court, but now, it can be said that Wang Xijue is unable to move an inch. To prevent those people from finding evidence, but Wang Xijue is also a person, and since he is a person, he will make mistakes. In fact, Wang Xijue has made many mistakes, but they are not big.

The difference is that in the past, when he made mistakes, no one cared about them, even if it was a slightly bigger mistake, but now, even if it is the smallest mistake, a small mistake that is just a mistake will attract countless people blame.

In this way, it is obvious that he, the chief assistant, has no way to continue working. It has reached this point, and there is no room for maneuver.

As a result, Wang Xijue asked to resign, and Zhu Yijun naturally refused. However, it was obvious that Wang Xijue was out of meaning, and he asked to resign with all kinds of nonsense on his face.

Zhu Yijun had no choice but to agree.

And after Wang Xijue left, the person who took over as chief assistant was naturally Zhao Zhigao, but after Wang Xijue's incident, Zhao Zhigao was also involved, and everyone in the court could see that Zhao Zhigao's chief assistant The seats are not long either.

At the same time, the national struggle is still going on.

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