The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1921 Dark Torrent

experienced thousands of hardships.I don't know how many twists and turns there are on the way.Finally.Zhu Changluo has become the prince.It really took too much energy and time.Even in the DPRK and China, hundreds of officials have been implicated because of this.

Perhaps this should be a happy thing for Zhu Changluo.After all, he was born so unloved by his father.Even his mother and concubine are not doing well.And now he is finally the crown prince.It should be regarded as the end of all hardships.But actually.Zhu Changluo couldn't be happy at all.

If.This prince's seat.It was he who was fighting with a brother his own age.Takes so long.That makes sense.But what he faced was his younger brother who was three years younger than him.That is.The crown prince should have belonged to him in the first place.But it still took him so long to actually sit on it.This really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But now.Finally became the prince.Now that it's on.Then there is no need to talk about those things in the past now.After all, being the prince is the most important thing.

And his younger brother.Zhu Changxun was also made King of Fortune by Zhu Yijun.

Speaking of Zhu Changxun.It seems that he doesn't have much interest in the position of the crown prince.Although after he realized that he could no longer be the prince.It also showed some disappointment.But that was just his disappointment at his elder brother who couldn't compete with him.He himself was not particularly interested in the crown prince's position.

It's a very special thing.It's not that Zhu Changxun didn't know that if he became a prince, he would become an emperor in the future.And being an emperor is equivalent to becoming the master of the whole world.It's just that Zhu Changxun is not interested in this.To be honest, this should be attributed to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan has always been in charge of educating these two princes.And Zhang Fan was in the process of teaching the two of them.It really treats everyone equally.There will be absolutely no bias.only.Zhang Fan's way.Obviously not as harsh as others.For some errors.Of course he will bring it up.But it's not in that drastic way.

only.Even Zhang Fan treats everyone equally.But know that people are different.This temperament is also different.But for the brothers Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun.Although they all received the same education as Zhang Fan.But what they can learn.That is naturally different.

Zhu Changluo obviously wants to be more serious.Because he has always known that he and his mother have low status in the palace.It's not just how Concubine Zheng treats them.In fact, even the other concubines in the palace didn't have a good face towards their mother and child.Plus that thing back then.So Zhu Changluo also understands better that he can sit here and study now.Even this opportunity is hard-won.So he is very cherished.I also study very hard.

On the other hand, Zhu Changxun.Those are two completely opposite attitudes.It's not that Zhu Changxun doesn't learn.It was because Zhu Changxun took it for granted.Especially his status as a prince.This is beyond dispute.So there was no thought of cherishing or not cherishing in his thoughts.What Zhang Fan taught him.He will also learn.But obviously not as serious as Zhu Changluo.therefore.It would be best if he could understand.If he doesn't understand, he won't go into it.

But even so.Zhu Changxun also learned a lot from Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan was teaching the two of them.The most mentioned is the responsibility that an emperor should have.After all, the two people he taught were princes.Teaching these is a must.

And those taught by Zhang Fan.It made Zhu Changluo feel a great responsibility at the same time.But it also made Zhu Changxun understand.If you really became the emperor.Although the status is there.But this trouble is also indispensable.

The emperor not only manages state affairs.Moreover, the emperor's words are not omnipotent in the court.And the cabinet.There are six more.There are also many officials who are supervising the emperor.It's not that the emperor can do whatever he says.There are even many times.What the emperor said didn't work at all.You have to be told by the ministers.Even the emperor wanted to escape.Hide in the palace.The ministers will do everything possible to get him back.Never give up.

These are all real.And the real things that Zhang Fan said.For Zhu Changxun, who always wants to enjoy himself.This is absolutely impossible for him to accept.

Just before.After all, he wanted to make him the prince.It was his mother concubine Zheng Guifei's decision.Zhu Changxun can refute anyone.He dared not listen to what his father said.But he was the only one who didn't dare to offend his mother.What would happen if I offended my mother.He has experienced it himself.He absolutely does not want to experience it again.

so.For today's result.His elder brother can become the prince.But he is just the result of being a prince.Zhu Changxun showed a very satisfied look.People grow up gradually.It will also know a lot of things.Zhu Changxun understood.Be a prince.Especially a prince.That is definitely much more comfortable than being an emperor.And Zhu Changxun also knew.I am extremely loved by my mother, concubine and father.So in the future, wait until he goes to another place to become a vassal.The wealth that can be brought over is definitely not a small amount.Even his own fiefdom is definitely not bad.

That is.Zhu Changxun has already foreseen how relaxed and comfortable his future will be.He is really content now.

The only thing he needs to be on guard against is.Now his mother and concubine are very unhappy because of this incident.Zhu Changxun has to be careful now.He must not let his mother and concubine find out that she is very satisfied with the current situation.Not only that.He also had to pretend to be dissatisfied in front of his mother and concubine.And that's all.It was so that Concubine Zheng would not see any signs of "not improving" from him.What was the punishment for it.

It can be said.Zhu Changxun hid his true thoughts very well.certainly.This is just in front of his mother and concubine.only.For Concubine Zheng.She doesn't have much time to observe her son's mind now.After all, things have come to this point now.It can be said that it has entered a situation that there is no way to recover.Where did she have the heart to think about this.

It was Zhang Fan who saw it.After all, he would see the two brothers Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun every day.And Zhang Fan stood and observed the two princes sitting in front of him.In his heart is the most understandable.

For Zhu Changluo, he finally became the prince.Zhang Fan was naturally very pleased.It was Zhu Changluo himself.He was very happy though.But his joy was also suppressed under an emotion.Think about it is also true.After all, Zhu Changluo was not treated well since he was a child.This is still the case even when he became a prince.Come to think of it, maybe it's true.

It was Zhu Changxun's thoughts.Zhang Fan could see it very clearly.But at the same time.Zhang Fan also had many thoughts on this matter.first.Zhu Changxun can do this.Really saved a lot of trouble.If Zhu Changxun is also very concerned about the position of the prince.I am afraid of the current situation.Then it won't be so easy.If the two of them, mother and son, start a fight together.The DPRK and China are absolutely in a mess.

It can be said that it is best for Zhu Changxun to be like this now.

But at the same time.Zhang Fan was also a little worried.After all, Zhu Changxun was also named King of Fortune.That is to say, it won't be long.Zhu Changxun, the King of Fortune, is about to become a vassal in his fief.And Zhu Changxun who enjoys himself so much.What will happen after he arrives on his own territory that the sky doesn't care about and the earth doesn't care about.What kind of things will be done.Honestly.Zhang Fan didn't want to.But dare not think.

Just this thing.No matter how unwilling Zhang Fan was.But it's not something he can change.Although the relationship between him and Zhu Yijun is very, very good.Even to the point that as long as it is what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun almost always recruits.But now.This matter involved Zheng Guifei.And Zhu Yijun's own son.In this way.Zhang Fan didn't know what to do.

However, this matter is not without a solution.Although Zhang Fan might not be able to persuade Zhu Yijun here.But those people in the court are not vegetarian.If in the future Zhu Changxun will be the queen of the feudal clan.Do something outrageous.People in the court will never sit idly by.At that time, someone will definitely play.

and.Zhang Fan didn't think that Zhu Changxun would go to the feudal clan in a short time.After all, it doesn't matter if it's Zhu Yijun or Concubine Zheng.To their son.That's really admirable.Not to mention nowadays.Although Zhu Changluo has already been established as the prince.But it will be a matter of changing the position of the crown prince in the future.It's not like it didn't is very likely that Zhu Changxun will stay in the capital for a long time.

It's just that Zhang Fan didn't think there would be any changes if Zhu Changxun stayed in the court.Want to change the prince who has already been established.Obviously there are many elements.first.Zhu Changxun was not a very diligent person.even.Even Zhu Changxun is really smart.But if there is no substantial gap between Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changluo.Obviously, people in the court would never agree to change the position of prince.

Or Zhu Changluo, the prince, made some huge mistake.But it's not impossible though.But the chances are very, very small.After all, it was taught by Zhang Fan himself.So Zhang Fan himself is the clearest.Zhu Changluo's knowledge is not low under Zhang Fan's years of abuse.What's more important is the environment in which Zhu Changluo lived since he was a child.It also determines that he is much more tolerant than other people.Zhang Fan believed that he would never act recklessly just because of a little thing.It caused a catastrophe.

As long as Zhu Changluo can grasp this point.Zhang Fan can guarantee it.Before he took the throne.No matter how many people want to interfere with it.Pull him down.This is also this point.Zhang Fan was not worried.

After Zhu Changluo became the prince.He also told Zhang Fan once.After he became the prince.Indeed, there have been quite a few changes.As far as he is concerned.This change in mood is really extraordinary.certainly.This change of mood.It is also caused by external factors.

Before.Zhu Changluo and his mother and concubine.Their mother and son have always been looked down upon in the palace.Even if there is Queen Mother Li, she will sometimes visit their mother and son.But after all, it is impossible for Queen Mother Li to come every day.therefore.Not to mention Concubine Zheng and those concubines in the palace.Even very ordinary maids and eunuchs.They didn't show too much respect for their mother and son.

But now.Zhu Changluo has become the prince.This is different.The prince is the prince.He will also inherit the throne in the future.And the prince.Not to mention these eunuchs and court ladies.People of the same generation as Zhu Changluo.Even older than him.To see him is also to salute.Just call him "His Royal Highness" respectfully.

Such a huge change.It was in an instant that the status of their mother and son in the palace rose several notches.At the very least.Even those sarcastic remarks.It's just spreading where they can't see it.Not to mention saying or doing something disrespectful in their presence.This is simply not possible.

only.Although there has been a huge change in the state of mind of their mother and son.But what they showed was still the same as before.After all, it doesn't matter if it's Zhu Changluo or Wang Shuyuan.What the two experienced was really unusual.And they cherish what they get even more.Knowing that you can't start crazy with this little capital now.Especially in this palace.Whoever it is.It doesn't matter what time it is.Be low-key.That always pays off.

Of course.The situation today.It also made Concubine Zheng start to make things harder for the mother and son in all aspects.only.With Zhu Changluo becoming the prince.Some things have changed irreversibly.therefore.As long as Zhu Changluo pays attention.And Wang Shuyuan let go of her mind a little bit.Then all this is not a problem.

And as far as Wang Shuyuan herself is concerned.Compared to the original it was much better.Zhu Changluo has been taught by Zhang Fan for so many years.Also understand a lot of truth.Especially when he understood his mother and concubine.What exactly Changluo is also extremely filial to his mother and concubine on weekdays.This also made Wang Shuyuan, who was very sad at first, feel better.Even living in this harem like a dungeon.But the bare minimum.And his own son can comfort himself like this.This is also very comforting to Wang Shuyuan.therefore.Now Wang Shuyuan's state of mind is compared to what she should have been.That was so much better.

all in all.Everything seems to be out of order now.

But even so.Even after Zhu Yijun was registered as a prince.However, the treatment of his two sons is still very different.

The most obvious contrast.It's their marriage.

Zhu Changluo married the unprominent daughter of the Shuntianfu family.This is for a prince.And the prince who is most likely to ascend to the crown prince.It's just unbelievable.

Fortunately, Zhu Changluo and Wang Shuyuan didn't care about these things.Even they think.Marry the daughter of a family without much background.This is also a good way to avoid many disputes between the DPRK and China.

And Zhu Changluo's wedding as the prince.Really simple.that scene.It was like the most difficult time of the Ming Dynasty.After much difficulty, this is the way to concoct a prince's wedding that can be regarded as passable.Of course.If it wasn't for the people from the Ministry of Rites to fight for.I'm afraid the scene is not as good as it is.

Instead, it was Zhu Changxun's marriage.That's really unusual.Just when Zhu Changluo became the prince.It was not long after Zhu Changxun was named King of Fortune.He is also married.

Compared with Zhu Changxun's marriage.Zhu Changluo's one can be described as shabby.Now there is no need to spend too much ink to describe how prosperous this marriage of King Fu was.Just a fact.His marriage.A total of 30 gold was spent.To be honest.Back then, Zhu Yijun didn't spend so much [-]% on getting married.

It can be seen from this.Zhu Yijun treated the difference between his two sons.

But these.It didn't matter to Zhu him.He doesn't think about anything now.I just want to how to safely avoid the torrents in the middle of the court.And he was able to spend this period of the prince's life smoothly.Wait until he becomes emperor.

Zhu Changluo naturally understood.This period of time is very long.And it's also very difficult.full of danger.But this is also the most difficult day that he cannot avoid.As long as he can survive this period.Then the future will be good.

therefore.Zhu Changluo for a while.Although he is already a prince.But compared to the original is more hard to study.Increase your knowledge.For the government side.He never interferes.But he learned a lot from Zhang Fan.This is for Zhu Changluo.That is an absolutely extraordinary and precious thing.

And Zhang Fan.He also understood Zhu Changluo's thoughts.I also know that it is not easy for him.therefore.On matters in the court.As long as he can help.He will also take good care of Zhu Changluo.

But the same.Zhang Fan did these things very secretly.After all, today is different from the past.Many things are different.And these actions of Zhang Fan.Zhu Yijun didn't notice it.On the contrary, Concubine Zheng somewhat understood.But for many reasons.Even Concubine Zheng understood these things.But can't do anything more.I can only stare anxiously.

And just in this case.Day by day passed.Zheng Guifei was the first person who couldn't sit still.

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