Shen is always the chief assistant.It doesn't last long either.Although it is said that he was in office during this period.The most prominent thing is that Zhu Yijun finally established the crown prince.And it was Zhu to accomplish this goal.Naturally, it was not due to Shen Yiguan alone.There are many people who have paid for this matter from top to bottom in the entire imperial court.

but.But it can't be said that Shen Yiguan has no credit at all.can only say.Shen has always stood on the basis of having so many people laying the groundwork.This is what accomplishes this great goal.Shen has always been credited.And it's not small either.But that's not all.

only.Shen has been serving as chief assistant for so many years.It is true that there are many things that should be done and should not be done.His governance is fairly clear.But there are a lot of selfishness in being a human being.Pull the faction.Eliminate dissidents vigorously.Shen has always done all these things.It's just that people in the court can't say it.But do not want to say.When he was most arrogant.There are also many people who stood up and clicked on him.Among them is Zhang Fan.And this also made Shen Yiguan a little sober at that time.Therefore, the subsequent actions are also slightly restrained.But even so.As a chief assistant.Do these things again in the court.Naturally, there will be many people who impeach him.

After Zhu Changluo became the prince.Zhang Fan also understood.This matter is settled.Not to mention whether he knows what the future holds.But as far as he knows now.Coupled with what Zhu Changluo showed in his daily life.Obviously.Zhang Fan believes that no matter how the future will change.The seat of the crown prince will not be changed.

so.After this matter must come down.Zhang Fan became relieved.And Zhang Fan after feeling relieved.It's not the same as before.Before the situation was unclear.Zhang Fan didn't dare to say anything.Even with his identity and status.He was also afraid that he would cause trouble by speaking indiscriminately.

But when Zhu Changluo has become the prince.Everything is settled.Zhang Fan no longer has those scruples.In this way.Many things in the court.What should I say.Zhang Fan would still say it.

For example, when Wanli was 30 years old.Zhu Yijun fell ill suddenly.And very sick.The situation was very critical.Even Zhu Yijun himself felt that he was going to die soon.He is also a group of great scholars in the cabinet.Zhang Fan and others called to come forward.As if to order the funeral.

Nothing else was said at the time.There is no need to mention the prince and the like.But there is one.Zhu Yijun mentioned it.That is the question concerning the tax on mineral salt.

The reason why this mineral salt tax was established in the first place.It's all because of Zhu Yijun's love of money.Even the Ming Dynasty is really very rich now.But obviously.For Zhu Yijun, an emperor who loves money very much.The phrase "more money doesn't burn hands" can be regarded as his motto.And at the beginning.It is also because the capital wants to build a hall.So set up such a name.A tax on mineral salt was collected.

At that time, it happened to be because of the dispute between the country and the capital.So Zhang Fan didn't dare to ask too much.It's up to Zhu Yijun.Only after that.Even if the prince has already been established.Many people are thinking about this.But Zhu Yijun deliberately didn't mention it.At that time, Zhang Fan wanted to find an opportunity to talk about this matter.Now Zhu Yijun said it himself.Then don't worry.

And since Zhu Yijun himself said to stop.The following ministers are naturally very happy.Shen has always been the chief assistant of the cabinet.It is even more immediately drafted.Even that night.These ministers all discussed in the palace all night what to do with this matter.

But what I didn't expect was.Zhu Yijun's health improved the next day.And the first thing Zhu Yijun did after he was able to sit up just now.That is to let the eunuch go to Shen Yiguan to pursue the imperial edict.

then.This decree has already been drafted.Just waiting for the promulgation in the morning.But suddenly a eunuch came.Said that the emperor wanted to recover the imperial decree.This made everyone present even more confused.And after recovering.Naturally, no one believed it.Even Zhu Yijun has woken up.But you are not joking.Since it is a decision that has already been made.Even the decree has been written.There is no reason to take it back.And then.Shen Yitong, who made the decision, was also unwilling.

But after.The eunuchs who came to ask for the imperial decree came one after another.About twenty of them came back and forth.And all of them were obviously ordered to die by Zhu Yijun.If you don't get the imperial decree back, something big will happen.One by one is like pounding garlic.Kneeling in front of several ministers and kowtowing non-stop.Several of them had their heads smashed.

And this time.Shen has always been due.He saw such a scene.Knowing that Zhu Yijun must have regretted it.If he is so persistent.Thought to come, although the decree can be issued.But then there will be trouble.So then.Shen Yiguan has already agreed to exchange the imperial decree.

only.The moment Shen Yiguan was about to hand over the imperial decree.But Zhang Fan stepped forward.Grab the imperial decree.Hold it tightly in your hand.This is what Zhang Fan has already thought about.No matter how unfamiliar Zhang Fan is with history.He also knew that the Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun had sat on the throne for more than 40 years.And now it is only 30 years of Wanli.So Zhu Yijun no matter how seriously ill he was.And definitely won't die.

therefore.Zhang Fan knew.After Zhu Yijun made the decision to revoke the tax on mineral salt yesterday.Wait for him to wake up.You must regret it.So Zhang Fan made up his mind yesterday.If nothing happens.If something happens.Must keep the imperial decree.Absolutely cannot be chased back.If this decree is taken back.Then want to wait until the next opportunity.I don't know when it will be.

so.just now.Shen Yiguan was shaken for a moment.Zhang Fan's reaction was very fast.He snatched the imperial decree in one go.

Zhang Fan's such a grab.The ministers present were once again stunned.Actually just now.They all saw Shen Yiguan's action of returning the imperial decree.only.Although they felt that it was a pity to lose such an excellent opportunity.But what Zhu Yijun said.It's better to do less.So none of these people acted.And now.Zhang Fan made such a move.people present.Including those eunuchs.All were stunned.

Especially Shen Yitong.He really didn't expect Zhang Fan to do this.He looked at Zhang Fan with a very surprised expression.Shen Yiguan had an inconceivable look on his face: "Master Zhang...this...why is this."

"Old Shen Ge. There is no such time to delay now." Zhang Fan said. "The imperial decree has already been made. There is also a record in the palace. If the emperor really wants to recover the imperial decree, why is there only a verbal decree but no hand decree? In my opinion, I am afraid that these palace people have received someone. Instructions. This is to come here to make trouble. And it’s getting late now. It’s time to go to court. Mr. Shen should hurry up and go to court. Don’t keep your colleagues in the court waiting for too long."

Zhang Fan said so.That group of eunuchs was stunned again.He immediately knelt on the ground.He kowtowed and said that he really came to ask for the imperial edict according to Zhu Yijun's oral order.Only now.That's what Zhang Fan said.How can other people listen.

And the other ministers naturally understood.Even in what Zhang Fan said.There are no hints in it.It's exactly the way he understands it.But there is a deep meaning behind Zhang Fan's words.Then who doesn't cabinet ministers understood immediately.And just like what Zhang Fan said.It's really about the same time now.

then.No one cares about those eunuchs anymore.Even if they kowtow to death here, they won't bother.These ministers went to court on their own.

And Zhu Yijun who was very angry in the bedroom.I heard that the morning morning has begun.It is also clear that there is no hope of recovering the imperial decree.I can only give up.

actually.In this matter.Zhang Fan also prepared another move.And this involves what I just said.Why is Zhu Yijun so angry in the palace.

As early as Zhu Yijun fell ill.And when it was proposed to revoke the tax on mineral salt.Zhang Fan immediately prepared.Zhang Fan has not only had Feng Bao as a good friend in the palace for so many years.There are some eunuchs in the palace.It's still worth contacting.One of them was called Tian Yi.Tian Yi entered the palace cleanly at the age of nine.And he is even more impartial.Able to understand righteousness.If it wasn't for Feng Bao, he would still be here today.The position of eunuch in charge of ceremonies has long belonged to Tian Yi.But Tian Yi didn't pursue these too much.But even so.He is also the eunuch of Bingbi now.The status is second only to Feng Bao's.

After so many years.The relationship between Zhang Fan and him is also very good.Moreover, Tian Yi also has a lot of research on government affairs.He also has his own unique views on many things.Zhang Fan is very appreciative of this.

Just yesterday.When Zhang Fan saw that Zhu Yijun was planning to revoke the tax on mineral salt.It has been predicted that there will be such a release today.So he found Tian Yi immediately.And made it very clear to him.If Zhu Yijun wants to pursue the imperial decree.Tian Yi must stop it.

And Tian Yi, who understands righteousness, immediately agreed after hearing what Zhang Fan said.It wasn't Zhang Fan who framed him.Even Tian Yi himself knew it.With Zhu Yijun's temperament.The thing so dissuaded him.That is fatal.But Tian Yi felt that this matter was beneficial to Jiangshan Sheji.So I was reminded by Zhang Fan.That is of course irresponsible.

And just now.When Zhu Yijun ordered the eunuch to go to retrieve the imperial edict.Tian Yi has been objecting in front of Zhu Yijun.This made Zhu Yijun angry.Even the sword was drawn.He planned to kill Tian Yi.It's just that Tian Yi is not afraid.I just love to kneel in front of Zhu Yijun all the time.Don't budge.He didn't mean to back down at all.

Being delayed by Tian Yi.In addition, news came later that the morning dynasty had already begun.Only then did Zhu Yijun let go of his mind.

Of course.Among these things Zhang Fan did.That would naturally reach Zhu Yijun's ears.

This is also thanks to so many decades.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun has not become weaker.When I heard that Zhang Fan also objected in the same way.Zhu Yijun's first thought was not to annoy Zhang Fan for his actions.Instead, he was thinking about why Zhang Fan objected so much.

After the early morning.Zhang Fan also consciously went to the palace to meet Zhu Yijun.The two talked for a long time.And finally.Obviously Zhu Yijun also accepted Zhang Fan's persuasion.Even if the imperial decree has been issued.But Zhu Yijun really agreed to this matter.

this matter.It can be said that it solved a big hidden danger of the Wanli Dynasty.Although the tax on mineral salt is not much.But now it is becoming more and more difficult for officials to collect money.This one also made countless people try their best to take advantage of the loopholes.In addition, this was Zhu Yijun's temporary idea.Therefore, Confucius is also relatively easy to drill.

And this incident only showed the consequences of Shen Yitong's hesitation.certainly.This time it was because of Zhang Fan.So it's a pity that nothing happened.But if Zhang Fan doesn't care.So what?

And after that.It also showed Shen's consistent problem.A book written by unknown people.It was called "demon book" at that time.But the book clearly lists traitors and criticizes bad governance.It was widely circulated for a while.Zhu Yijun was provoked by Long Yan's fury.And then.There are only three people in the cabinet.The chief assistant Shen Yiguan, Zhu Geng and Shen Li.on that book.Both Shen Yiguan and Zhu Geng were listed as traitors.Said they were on the side of Concubine Zheng.And Zheng Guifei has been planning how to replace the prince and so on.Only Shen Li didn't.Therefore, at that time, it was suspected that this book was written by Shen Li.

To know.Originally, the relationship between Shen Yiguan and Shen Li was not good.The book is now out.That intensified the contradiction.In addition, Zhu Yijun asked for a thorough investigation of the way.People in the court can only follow suit.

But be aware.Many things in the court cannot be checked.A check will definitely cause an it out.The problem is more.And the result of this matter.It's even more casually finding a scapegoat to settle the matter hastily.

But it's over.But the impact of this matter is not light at all.First of all, this incident fully exposed the opposition and struggle between the palace and the court.And this incident can be regarded as an introduction.Let this contradiction that has always existed erupt.

Secondly, this incident also made everyone in the court see Shen Yiguan's true face.As long as something happens.That is trying to do everything possible to shirk responsibility.And not just shirk.Also take this opportunity to kill political opponents.Although this kind of thing.Everyone in the court knows.Even most people have done it.But he did it so blatantly.It really couldn't compare to Shen Yiguan.This is also in the minds of those who keep Shen always in the court.The impression is worse.

And it's not just the demon book case.Several other things happened in succession after that.This also made Shen Yiguan almost a public enemy in the court.Almost every day, more than a dozen papers on his impeachment were handed in.

In this way.Even if Zhu Yijun didn't say anything.Shen Yiguan also knew that if he continued.It's not working anymore.That's why Shen always asked to leave immediately.Intended to avoid the limelight.And there was a time.Zhu Yijun issued an edict again.Zhao Shen has always come back.Prince Jin Taibao and young teacher.But not long.Shen Tongyi was impeached again.And at that time.He is over seventy years old.Think if continue.Evening festival is not guaranteed.It is very dangerous.So he resigned and went home.

Shen Yiguan's departure was nothing.But because of him.It completely messed up the originally stable situation in the court.

And at that time.Various forces in the DPRK and China are mixed.

Although Feng Bao didn't want to be too involved in the government.But there are so many eunuchs below, and he can't manage them single-handedly.therefore.Even if the number is not many.But the eunuch party has become a major party in the court.Although their power is not too great.But these eunuchs have many conveniences.And these convenient places will also bring a lot of trouble.

Then there are parties formed by officials from various places.For example, Zhejiang Party, Donglin Party and so on.

Speaking of the famous Donglin Party.It was a group of people dominated by scholars and bureaucrats from the south of the Yangtze River.This group of people was in order to increase their momentum at the beginning.He even planned to invite Zhang Fan to join.Although Zhang Fan was born in the Northwest.But after all, his ancestral home is in Jiangnan.Barely able to count.But obviously.Zhang Fan is absolutely unwilling to join any party.It doesn't matter whether this side is good or bad.It is planning to mobilize the crowd for adultery.Or work together to serve the country.Zhang Fan was not interested.

indeed.Zhang Fan naturally understands the truth that more people are more powerful.And he also saw the actions of the Donglin Party.It is indeed good.But Zhang Fan didn't want to tie himself with so many people.Because once one of them has a problem.Then everyone else will be implicated.

therefore.Although the Wanli Dynasty said that the dispute between these parties is so fierce.But it didn't hurt Zhang Fan in the slightest.

and.Zhang Fan has other things to pay attention to.first.Zhang Fan spent most of his thoughts on educating Zhu Changluo.After all, Zhu Changluo is now the prince.He will also be enthroned in the Zhu Changluo be a good emperor?This is still not very good for the Ming a very important decision.therefore.Zhang Fan spent most of his thoughts on this.

And it's not just Zhu Changluo.There is also the matter of Concubine Zheng.Obviously.It's been so many years.Concubine Zheng has always been brooding about this matter.And after so many years.Although Zhu Changxun has long been named the King of Fortune.But until now, he still hasn't gone to Jiufan.It can be seen that Zheng Guifei's small calculations have not stopped.

so.Zhang Fan also wants to help Zhu Changluo in this regard.

But there are some things.No matter how closely Zhang Fan stared at him.But I can't figure it out.And Concubine Zheng was not reconciled.It was also what eventually prompted her to do something.

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