The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1935 The so-called truth

This sensational stiletto attack case is over, and the prince's side can be said to have won a complete victory. After all, the ending of this incident not only consolidated the seat of Prince Zhu Changluo, but more importantly, this incident also made Zheng The imperial concubine's influence has been greatly damaged, and this kind of damage can be seen by everyone. The future form is really good.

In this case, Zhu Changluo, as the prince and the biggest beneficiary of this matter, showed a very calm appearance. It's just a lucky thing, not something to brag about.

But Zhu Changluo was able to show no surprise, but those ministers who supported him couldn't treat it as nothing happened. After this incident, those people in the court wanted to see Zhu Changluo, in name for Zhu Changluo's salvation. After a catastrophe, turning a bad luck into a fortune and suppressing surprises, but in fact, these people are all here to show their loyalty.

Only Zhang Fan, the father and son teacher of Zhu Yijun and Zhu Changluo, although he also expressed his congratulations, did not say much, and now, Zhang Fan not only did not go to Zhu Changluo, but came to see him here Concubine Zheng Gui, who suffered a huge loss due to failure in this matter.

This matter is naturally puzzling, but Zhang Fan naturally has his reasons.

And here, after seeing Concubine Zheng, what Zhang Fan said, fortunately, there was no one else around, otherwise, once this matter is exposed, I am afraid that the impact will be serious .

However, in the face of Zhang Fan's question, Concubine Zheng, who had always had a strong image in the past, now showed the weakness that an ordinary woman would have. Moreover, even with that hysterical answer, But it doesn't make people feel suffocated, but rather pitiful.

Of course, Zhang Fan naturally doesn't feel that she is pitiful. It is said that a poor person must have something to hate. Now she will make people feel this pitiful, but think about how much she has done in the past. What a hateful thing.

It's just that, although it is true to say so, things always need to be viewed in two parts. That's right, in the past, she did a lot of things that she shouldn't have done in the palace, and some of them should not have been done. It's really too much, and no matter who it is, they have never had the right to say that they don't have to bear any responsibility for the mistakes they have made.

But again, no one has the right to make a person responsible for something he didn't do.

Regarding this point, this is the reason why Zhang Fan came to her today, because Zhang Fan has already understood through many investigations that this shooting case is just behind the scenes of Pang Bao and Liu Cheng who lured Zhang Chai into the palace to commit murder. The person in charge is not Concubine Zheng, and now there is no need to think about who it is if it is not Concubine Zheng, but Zhang Fan can make it very clear that the person behind the scenes is definitely not Concubine Zheng.

That's why Zhang Fan is rather strange, a person like Concubine Zheng, not to mention that the current situation is not very good for her, but now, she wants to make her take responsibility for something she has never done at all. Why would she want to.

Zhang Fan, who couldn't figure it out, came to see her, but after getting her answer, Zhang Fan fell silent.

Seeing Concubine Zheng's hysterical appearance and listening to what she said, Zhang Fan suddenly felt that there was something wrong with his idea of ​​insisting on asking the matter clearly, and he really didn't think too much about it. Now, and this matter doesn't seem to be as troublesome as I thought before.

Now here, looking at Concubine Zheng in front of him, Zhang Fan really didn't know what to do.

And in the palace of the imperial concubine, Zhu Yijun is here, and the prince Zhu Changluo is also there. The atmosphere here is really very good. The emperor and the imperial concubine show such affection, and as the prince, Zhu Changluo is serving him, so A perfect picture.

Even in the past few decades, Zhu Yijun has never said so many sweet words to him like today, except when he was in Linxing Wang Shuyuan, but it doesn't matter. Faced with this, Wang Shuyuan also She is still able to be calm and composed. After all, although Wang Shuyuan said that she has been neglected for decades, she is a woman after all, and how could she not have any thoughts in her heart about her only man? Zhu Yijun can treat her like this now. , she was naturally very happy in her heart.

At the same time, Zhu Changluo, as the prince, is the same as his mother, because his mother is not favored by Zhu Yijun, even though Zhu Changluo is the eldest prince, he is still not liked by his father. I don’t know how many times, Zhu Yijun plans to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones.

As for Zhu Changluo ascending to the position of the prince, I don't know how many people lost their official positions or even lost their heads because of this.

But now, Zhu Changluo has finally survived, not only because his position as the crown prince is already as stable as Mount Tai after the incident of the mast attack, but more importantly, the incident this time made Concubine Zheng very energetic. In the future, it will be impossible to be like the past, but you must know that in this way, Zhu Changluo's future situation will be much better, and he will no longer be restricted in the palace. It is definitely a very favorable one for him.

Just now, because the day was hot, Zhu Yijun also planned to find a place to escape the heat. Of course, even if the weather is not the hottest now, but as the emperor, Zhu Yijun, whatever he said, naturally done.

And this time, Zhu Yijun also planned to take the imperial concubine with him, but as for the concubine Zheng, he refused because of a physical inconvenience.

Of course, a country cannot be without a king for a day. It is estimated that Zhu Yijun will take three months to leave. During these three months, the major decisions of the court must be taken by someone with status. OK.

It's not troublesome, the prince is here now, and since he is the prince, sooner or later he will have to take on this burden, so Zhu Yijun is also very straightforward, and immediately drafted an imperial edict. The responsibility of the emperor.

This is such a happy scene, but compared with this, the bedroom of Concubine Zheng, who was once loved by thousands of people, is really too quiet now, almost like a cold palace.

Perhaps, many people would think that Zhu Changluo was really lucky in this matter. After all, Concubine Zheng was the last resort in a desperate situation. Not only did she fail, but she helped Zhu Changluo.

But Zhang Fan knew that this was not the case. At the very least, he could be sure that Concubine Zheng Gui did not do this.

Zhang Fan does not need to do any investigations to know this point. The reason is because of the current situation. As long as Zhu Changluo didn't lose his head and did something wrong, obviously Zheng Guifei couldn't touch him no matter what she did.

Concubine Zheng Gui is a smart person. It is impossible for her not to have thought of this, and it is impossible for her not to have thought of what would happen to her after doing this. This kind of risk is too great. Things she can do.

But in other words, if Concubine Zheng is really mad and wants to make this last fight, that is to say, she is really the mastermind behind this matter, then it will definitely not be what it is now.

Regarding the situation at Zhu Changluo's place, Concubine Zheng must be very familiar with it, and definitely knows that Zhu Changluo has a servant who knows martial arts, not to mention it is in the inner courtyard of the palace. Although there are not many guards in the inner courtyard, everyone is good at it , In case of a mistake, the gain outweighs the loss.

All in all, one point is, if Concubine Zheng really wants to do this, she will definitely find someone with high martial arts skills, at least one who can kill Zhu Changluo. As for whether she will be caught, then It doesn't matter, besides, with Concubine Zheng's power in the court, she is so powerful that if she wants to find someone with high martial arts skills, it's not a matter of saying a word, it's not difficult at all.

But now, that Zhang Cha is not a person with high martial arts skills at all, and obviously, the person who hired this person to do this matter was either too confused to tell whether the matter was right or wrong; This man was caught.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for these two thoughts to happen to Concubine Zheng, so Zhang Fan can be sure that Concubine Zheng is not the mastermind behind the murder just based on the fact that Zhang Cha is the murderer.

In other words, if the mastermind behind this matter is not Concubine Zheng, then there is only one other person, Zhu Changluo.

It sounds strange, why would someone find someone to harm themselves, but this matter is not surprising, think about it, who will benefit the most from this matter in the end, so there is no need to think too much about it.

But then again, although it is good to think so, for Zhang Fan, it is not because he believes that this matter was not done by Concubine Zheng, then Zhu Changluo must be blamed, and there must be evidence.

"Speaking of which, Master Zhang, how did you find out?" Concubine Zheng recovered after venting a bit just now, and she randomly asked such a question.

"I was a little skeptical at the beginning, but after knowing the situation of Zhang Cha, I was sure," Zhang Fan said, "And, the most strange thing to me is why at that time, so coincidentally, I was in Ci Qing Gong, you know, I should not be in the palace that day," Zhang Fan said the fundamental thing that made him doubt the most,

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