The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1936 The Real Purpose

From the beginning to the end of the whole shooting case, Zhang Fan participated in the whole process. After all, when Zhang Cha rushed into the Ciqing Palace, Zhang Fan's people were there, and Zhang Fan even helped block Zhang Cha's blows.

But it was precisely because of this reason that Zhang Fan became suspicious.

I have made it very clear before that Zhang Fan was not in the palace that day, and it was the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhu Yijun also allowed Zhang Fan to rest at home, but Zhang Fan also promised Zhu Changluo to find him two books, so This is entering the palace.

It can be said that it was a coincidence that Zhang Fan ran into this incident that day, but Zhang Fan did not believe in coincidences. After all, he had been the commander of Jinyiwei for so many years, and he had seen too many strange things. And in this way, Zhang Fan also understood one thing, such things as coincidences did happen, but he also knew that behind every coincidence, there was also an inevitability that caused this coincidence, If it's just a pure coincidence, it's obviously impossible.

No matter who did this matter, it is obvious that this person is sure that Zhang Fansong will be in Ciqing Palace that day, that's why Zhang Cha will break in and attack later.

If you think about it this way, from this starting point, the person behind the scenes must want to make this happen, and at the same time make sure that Zhang Fan will come today. There is already a clue, and even Zhang Fan can use this to determine who it is.

A person who can do this must have a certain amount of power in the palace, and at the same time, this person must be able to be sure that Zhang Fan, who may not necessarily come to the palace that day, will definitely come.

In this way, there is only one person who can answer, and that is the current crown prince, Zhu Changluo.

Thinking about it, this matter seems impossible. After all, Zhang Cha's target of murder is Zhu Changluo, but if you think about it carefully, if this is Zhu Changluo's deliberate bitter trick, then all this can be easily explained.

And the result of this matter is known to everyone now. It can be said that the end of this matter will bring great benefits to Zhu Changluo, not only making Zhu Yijun care more about him, but also the prince's The seat has also become more stable, and even now, during Zhu Yijun's travels, even the post of supervisor of the country was given to him without hesitation.

Concubine Zheng, on the other hand, was seriously injured because of this incident, and it was the kind of injury that could not be recovered, especially now, in this place, which used to be the most lively and enviable place in the harem, but now It has become like a cold palace.

This is the best proof.

Faced with this situation, Concubine Zheng could only accept it helplessly. Obviously, this was a very difficult decision for Concubine Zheng. In China, there are all forces, but now, she has to accept this humiliation because of this situation, and bows to the original Zhu Changluo who she is not afraid of at all, and who even tolerates her everywhere.

Speaking of which, there is no need for Zhang Fan to come here to see her today, because what Zhang Fan wants to know is something that can be easily understood.

It's just that Zhang Fan's thoughts after getting the answers here are completely different from what he thought of himself, especially seeing the expression on Concubine Zheng's face, Zhang Fan's thoughts are even more different up.

Of course, as I said before, although the expression that Concubine Zheng is showing now does make people feel a little pitiful, but considering what she did before, it seems that she will In this way, it really makes people feel that there is some karmic reincarnation and retribution.

Today's Zhang Fan, facing such Concubine Zheng, really felt a little tangled in his heart, and didn't know how to face her.

But fortunately, Concubine Zheng Guifei has not experienced strong winds and waves during her decades in the palace, so even if she made this appearance because of Zhang Fan's words, she recovered very quickly, and she immediately recovered as The same as in the past, once again restored the appearance she had always presented in front of people.

However, if the appearance shown by Concubine Zheng Guifei before made Zhang Fan a little entangled, now that she can return to her usual appearance so quickly, Zhang Fan feels a little uncomfortable in his heart .

It's not that he didn't think about what she had done before, but Zhang Fan suddenly remembered what he looked like when he saw her for the first time. At that time, she also looked very shrewd, but maybe it was Because of her age, despite her shrewdness at that time, she still retained the innocence and straightforwardness of a child.

But now, it is impossible for her, not only because she has grown up, but also because of the life in this deep palace, whether as a winner or a loser, life here will greatly distort a person's character, so, People are no longer human beings, no matter what situation they face, they can calmly make the same expression, which is the saddest thing.

In such a split second, Zhang Fan looked at her with no confusion, only pity.

Concubine Zheng, who had already calmed down, also saw the change in Zhang Fan's eyes looking at her. In an instant, she who had just calmed down became excited again: " are not allowed to look at me like this, I don't need anyone's pity. It is my own ability to be able to be what I am today. Even if I lose today, it is a complete defeat, but this is my own decision, and it is not my turn. come and have mercy on me,"

"..." Facing Concubine Zheng's words, Zhang Fan couldn't say a word, so he could only keep silent.

Once again, the two fell silent again.

Perhaps for Zhang Fan, he is now in an embarrassing situation, but facing this situation, Zhang Fan can't just avoid it. Since he has come here today, there are some things that must be clarified. That's right, Zhang Fan's main purpose is not what he said before.

"Right now, I just want to ask my lady a word," Zhang Fan said, "What will my lady do about this matter in the future?" Zhang Fan asked the question that he most wanted to know the answer to when he came here today.

"What should I do, what else can I do?" Hearing Zhang Fan's question, this time, Concubine Zheng really showed such a helpless expression, "I have been in the palace for so many years, so intriguing, Today is what happened just now, but I didn't expect that all these efforts were all in vain because of such a light action by that little beast.

"If you say you are unwilling, that's natural. Whoever you want to be, you won't be willing to do so. But no matter how unwilling you are about this matter, what can you do? The matter has reached this point. It's impossible to recover."

Hearing Concubine Zheng's words, Zhang Fan also began to think.

Indeed, just like what she said, when this matter has reached this point, what should be decided has already been decided, and there is no way to change it, and the most important thing is that after this incident, Concubine Zheng's Power, her power, which was not much in the court, will completely disappear with this incident, and even in the palace, which is her main battlefield, even if she has not been completely broken into Leng Gong, but after this incident, it is obviously impossible for her to return to her previous appearance.

You know, this is not a simple problem. After things have become like this, her power has no way to go back to the past, and since there is no way to go back to the past, it doesn't mean it will always be like this. With Zhu Changluo's continuous strength, Zhu Yijun has become more and more indifferent, and the little power she has left now will only become less and less, and in the end, she really is no longer Without any support, it can be said that Zhu Changluo is at his disposal.

Don't underestimate Zhu Changluo, even though his childhood life was not happy, even though this kind of unhappiness in childhood also made him more cowardly, but this cowardice has not accompanied him until now, after Zhang Fan intervened After coming in, it is obvious that Zhu Changluo's cowardly character has been greatly corrected, and in this way, Zhu Changluo is now able to maintain that appearance of not changing his face and heartbeat, and doing this kind of thing.

And since Zhu Changluo is able to do even this thing, if Concubine Zheng loses power completely in the future, who can be sure that he will not make trouble and beat the dog in trouble.

Thinking about it this way, Concubine Zheng's future prospects are really very worrying.

Thinking of these Zhang Fan, to be honest, he has some other thoughts in his heart. Although Concubine Zheng has done a lot of things, you must know that those things are all she can do as a concubine. Her ambition is indeed greater than that of others, but with her identity, there is nothing wrong with doing these things.

Of course, Zhang Fan is not denying that because of her, Zhu Yijun will slack off government affairs, will be cold-hearted towards Wang Shuyuan and Zhu Changluo's mother and son, and even harmed many ministers in the court just because of her, but it is not pleasant to say If so, which dynasty has never had such a thing? After all, in the era of feudal imperial power, although the harem and the government were clearly stipulated to separate the two, in fact they had never been separated.

Perhaps, it is also because Zhang Fan is getting older, so he came up with this kind of thinking, but no matter what it is, Zhang Fan sincerely hopes that this matter can determine the victory or defeat, and nothing will happen again in the future. Something to do with these two people.

Of course, if you want to do this, you obviously need Concubine Zheng to make a little sacrifice. This is also the main purpose of Zhang Fan's visit today, to persuade her,

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