In the morning, before Zhang Fan opened his eyes, he heard the cicadas screaming outside the window. His body, which had regained consciousness, also felt the heat in the air. He began to have a clear consciousness, and gradually he could smell it through his nose. He could feel the sweet but not greasy taste in his breath, which made him feel very comfortable.

Slowly opening his eyes, the blurred vision gradually refocused. Zhang Fan found himself lying on a bed. Looking around, the red color had some festive taste, and he immediately remembered, yesterday It was the day when he married Luo Ling'er. Thinking of this, Zhang Fan was a little surprised, and quickly wanted to sit up, but just as he sat halfway, Zhang Fan suddenly felt sore and weak again, and lay down on the bed again.

"It seems that I drank too much last night. I can't remember what happened next," Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking in his heart, saying that the wine yesterday was really good, and Zhang Fan remembered when he was still conscious. He had already drank a lot, and Zhang Fan had no idea how much he drank after he got drunk, but one thing he could be sure of was that he was definitely drunk, very deeply, but at this time Zhang Fan didn't feel any headache at all, but his limbs were sore and weak, and his mouth was dry and weak. This is all thanks to his uncle Zhang Yufang. All the wine he bought was good. I have a terrible headache.

Shaking his head slowly, Zhang Fan began to look around, as if he wanted to find someone, and now he regretted that he shouldn't have drunk so much wine, making himself dizzy He was so heavy, I had no consciousness at all last night.

Lifting off the thin quilt that should have been on his body, Zhang Fan found that he was not wearing yesterday's clothes, apparently someone had changed them for him, and that person, the first person Zhang Fan thought of was Luo Ling'er, it seems that Luo Ling'er was quite handsome last night. It was hard work, I sat alone in the room and waited for a long time, and then I finally looked forward to Zhang Fan, who knew that Zhang Fan was already drunk and drowsy at that time.

Zhang Fan didn't need others to tell him, he could imagine what it was like last night in his mind. It must be Luo Linger who helped him wash and change clothes. Come to think of it, Luo Linger must have been very disappointed last night. Fang Zhongkong waited all day, finally, when Zhang Fan came back, he was the most ghostly person unconscious, not to mention spending a wonderful night with him, and he didn't even want to say a few words of heartfelt words. Method.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan's heart was filled with apologies to Luo Linger, and now he was looking for Luo Linger all over the room, wanting to say "sorry" to her.

Wei Wei propped up his body with his sore arms, and leaned himself against the edge of the bed. Zhang Fan began to search in the room. Just by opening his eyes, he saw the figure of the person he was ashamed of sitting in front of the window, holding his hand in his hands. Chin, facing out the window, I don't know what he was looking at. Although he was only looking at it from behind, Zhang Fan could still feel that something was wrong with Luo Linger in front of him.

"Ling, cough cough..." Zhang Fan wanted to call her, but because his throat was very dry, he coughed as soon as he uttered a word.

The noise here immediately awakened Luo Linger. She wiped her face with her hands a few times before turning her head quickly. Elegant and not slow.

Seeing the happy face of Luo Linger approaching gradually, Zhang Fan felt even more sorry in his heart, yes, no matter when Luo Linger was, she always put others first, and she always put herself last. The situation is stronger than others, and it is the same for those who are persecuted; now that she is with the person she loves, she is still the same. This really makes Zhang Fan feel a little heartbroken. In addition, he really failed Luo Linger last night. Sorry for another three points.

"Master, you're awake," Luo Ling'er said, her voice was full of happiness, "Master, I drank too much wine last night, my throat must be uncomfortable now, drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat, "As she spoke, Luo Linger brought a cup of steaming tea on the table beside Zhang Fan to Zhang Fan.

Although it is summer, warm tea is the best drink at this time. It can not only moisten the throat, but also cool down the heat. effect.

After drinking a cup of tea, Zhang Fan immediately felt a difference, his spirits became better, and he didn't do such things in his mouth anymore.

"Ling'er..." Zhang Fan spoke again, but this time, the words came out smoothly, but he stopped again. Zhang Fan really didn't know what to say, so he just said that he was very sorry. Luo Linger will definitely say something like it doesn't matter, and then leave Zhang Fan with a smile, but what's the use of this, Zhang Fan knows that even if Luo Linger behaves no matter how indifferent, or no matter how sorry she said, she will definitely still have some feelings in her heart. Not reconciled.

Luo Linger stopped after hearing Zhang Fan say her name. She was looking at Zhang Fan with those wonderful eyes, waiting for him to continue, but she didn't hear any more sound for a long time. Out of curiosity, Luo Linger It was only then that I began to notice Zhang Fan's gaze, and immediately discovered the unspeakable secret revealed in it.

As soon as she thought about it, Luo Linger understood what Zhang Fan wanted to say, but she didn't want this, especially since Zhang Fan brought her so much, Luo Linger just wanted to repay Zhang Fan, make Zhang Fan feel happy and satisfied That's enough, as for herself, she doesn't need those, maybe she used to, but now she won't, because she has already got what she wants most in her heart, if she asks for more, it is greedy , and Luo Ling'er is not a greedy person.

Avoiding Zhang Fan's gaze, Luo Ling'er picked up a towel from the basin that had been prepared and wrung it dry, and said to Zhang Fan, "Master, let this concubine serve him to wash up." After she finished speaking, she didn't move, just looked Looking at Zhang Fan, as if waiting for something.

Zhang Fan was a little stunned by her reaction, not knowing what to do, he just followed his body's reaction and nodded numbly.

After waiting for Zhang Fan's consent, Luo Ling'er took the handkerchief in her hand, put it on Zhang Fan's face, and gently wiped it for him.

Feeling the tenderness and earnestness, Zhang Fan didn't feel any comfort in his heart. Instead, he blamed himself even more. Looking at Luo Linger, Zhang Fan, who was about to say something, suddenly found that Luo Linger's eyes were red.

"Ling'er, you are crying," Zhang Fan said, although his voice was not loud, but he could hear the affirmation and doubt in it.

"Ah,'s nothing..." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Luo Ling'er looked very flustered, and quickly wanted to withdraw her hand, "This...this water...I'm going to change a basin of water by myself, so that I can freshen up my husband... ..."

How could Zhang Fan let her go just like that? Although his arm was still weak, he quickly grabbed Luo Linger's hand that was about to retract, and at the same time interrupted her lame lie.

Feeling the green onion-like jade finger and the delicate skin in his hand, Zhang Fan lost his mind slightly, shook his head, and put aside the chaotic thoughts in his mind, Zhang Fan continued to ask: "Linger, don't interrupt me. , you are crying, tell me, why are you crying, is someone bullying you?" After asking this sentence, Zhang Fan felt that his words were a bit too stupid. Now, Luo Linger is protected by Zhang Fan, who can, I feel like bullying her again.

Sure enough, Luo Linger just shook her head, but the way she pursed her mouth made it clear that she didn't want to say it.

Looking at it, Zhang Fan felt more and more anxious, and the questioning voice came to mind again, and it was even more urgent than last time.

"Sir, don't ask anymore," Luo Ling'er closed her eyes and shook her head, but she was still unwilling to say the reason.

And Zhang Fan is also like this, he won't let go until he gets an answer.

Finally, tears flowed from the corners of Luo Linger's tightly closed eyes again.

"What's the matter, Ling'er, why are you crying again?" Zhang Fan asked with concern.

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Luo Linger seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and threw herself into Zhang Fan's arms and began to cry. Although she didn't make any sound, Zhang Fan knew that Luo Linger was crying hard, because he could already feel that Luo Linger was crying. tears.

Holding Luo Linger's trembling shoulders in his arms with both hands, Zhang Fan gently lifted her up, looked into her eyes, and asked with concern: "Linger, tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

"Concubine...concubine, it's nothing, just..." Luo Linger sobbed, and said intermittently, "...concubine is just... just too happy,"

"Happy," Zhang Fan became confused when he heard her say this, and wept with joy. She should have shown it when she was there, and Luo Linger was indeed in tears at that time, but now, what is going on now, Zhang Fan has no clue at all.

"Linger, don't cry," Zhang Fan didn't force anything anymore, but gently held Luo Linger in his arms, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his right hand.

Luo Linger also seemed to like this feeling very much. She leaned against Zhang Fan's arms tightly and didn't speak. She was feeling something. Gradually, Zhang Fan felt that her shoulders were no longer trembling. He could even feel it. Luo Ling'er in her arms calmed down, in her heart.

Resting his chin on Luo Linger's fragrant shoulder, sniffing the intoxicating fragrance in his nose, Zhang Fan tore at her hair with his cheek, and asked gently: "Tell me, Linger, what's the matter, don't worry!" , my husband won't blame you,"

Hearing Zhang Fan's question again, this time Luo Ling'er did not evade. The short pause seemed to make her understand something, and said softly: "I am happy because of my husband, thank you, Mr., for forgiving my concubine."

"Forgive me," Zhang Fan was a little surprised when he heard this, but at this moment, he also thought about whether she would know what he had done to Ling'er, but in a blink of an eye, he gave up this idea. Luo Ling'er would never know about this matter.

"My husband was drunk at the latest, and told my concubine everything," Luo Linger said.

Hearing her words, Zhang Fan was completely stunned.

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