a long time.Lip points.Luo Ling'er looked at Ai Lang who was close at hand with teary eyes.I was moved in my heart.But he could no longer say anything.

"Sanggong..." for a long time.Only then did Luo Linger speak.It's just that this sentence has just been said.It was stopped by Zhang Fan.

"Ling'er. Don't say anything." He held Luo Ling'er tightly in his arms again.Zhang Fan seemed to want to drive away all the misfortunes in her body and heart.Only warmth and happiness remain.And this time.It worked.Zhang Fan could feel it.Luo Ling'er in her arms no longer trembled, was no longer afraid, and was no longer worried.Now all she has left is a heart full of joy.

"Ling'er. I said it just now. I want to make it up to you. I will spend my whole life to make it up to you." Zhang Fan whispered in Luo Linger's ear again.

Even if it's something you've only heard a while ago.But as long as it comes from Zhang Fan's mouth.Luo Ling'er felt that the voice was as pleasant as a fairy's.not to mention.What Zhang Fan said was still the same.Such a scene once appeared in her dream.What she wanted to hear most.But it was also the words that made her feel impossible the most.now.This dream has come true.

Now, however, something is different.The former Luo Ling'er dreamed of a man who could tell her these words.No matter who the other party is, no matter whether the other party is rich or poor, no matter whether the other party is tall or short, beautiful or ugly.All she wanted was a word from the heart.But the former Luo Ling'er also understood.Meet your man.Mostly because of their own beauty.What I said to myself was nothing more than some words against my will.And those with power.But he just treats her like a plaything.No pity at all.How could he care about her feelings.

And now.This sentence moved Luo Linger's life forever.It's probably useless for others to tell her again.She cares now.There is only one Zhang Fan.

It seems that the current atmosphere is a bit too heavy.Zhang Fan wanted to say something to break this heaviness.She smiled and said, "Tell me. Linger. Did you feel particularly uncomfortable last night? I actually messed up your wedding night because I drank too much. Do you really hate me in your heart?"

"Where is it? How can I hate my husband. Although last night, I was really unhappy physically and mentally. But I know that there are some things outside. The husband must go to socialize. Getting drunk must be a common thing." Luo Linger Hear Zhang Fan's words.He quickly argued.He looked very flustered.But there was nothing in the words to hide anything.He said exactly what was on his mind.only.After this panic.When Luo Linger looked at Zhang Fan's face again.But found that it was full of smiles.immediately.She understood it.Zhang Fan was just joking with her.Then he smiled.Following Zhang Fan's thoughts, he spoke. "However. Since the husband has admitted his mistake, the concubine also accepts the apology from the husband. It's just. How does the husband plan to compensate the concubine."

Looking at Luo Ling'er who was completely different from just now.Zhang Fan was stunned.Luo Ling'er was already very beautiful.It's just that she is always cold on weekdays.No matter how coquettishly dressed she is.But never really smiled.All he showed was a deliberately flattering smile.However this moment.This heartfelt joy.Let her naturally show the most real and perfect smile.Although this is just a simple laugh.But in Zhang Fan's opinion.The beautiful scenery in front of him was simply the most beautiful scenery he had ever seen in his life.

Seeing Zhang Fan stunned.Luo Linger was very happy.Although Zhang Fan looked like the infatuated look those people had when they saw her smile.But Luo Ling'er didn't feel disgusted in her heart.Just feel happy.Very happy.Just because he is Zhang Fan.the person you love.

Zhang Fan who came to his senses once again hugged Luo Linger again.Only this time.There was desire in his actions.Endless desire.

Luo Ling'er can naturally tell the difference.At this time, Zhang Fan carried a difference.And if Zhang Fan likes it.She also hoped to meet Zhang Fan's needs in any way.but.But not now.

"Msg... Xianggong. Now... not now..." Luo Linger stopped Zhang Fan's movements while opening her mouth.The body is also slightly resisting.but.Even in such a short period of time.She also felt that Zhang Fan's caress made her a little emotional.

Hearing Luo Linger's words.Zhang Fan stopped moving.Let go of Luo Linger a little bit.looked at her suspiciously.He opened his mouth and asked: "What's the matter, Linger. It was fine just now. Didn't I say that I would make it up to you. Could it be that you don't like Linger." Speaking of this.There was a smirk on Zhang Fan's face.The body started to move again.The sore limbs also seemed to gain strength all of a sudden.

I heard that Zhang Fan wanted to use this method to "compensate" himself.Luo Ling'er blushed.Although she also hoped to be loved by Zhang Fan.but.The hour is not right.

"No. Xianggong. Ling'er likes it very much." Said these words.It made the red on her cheeks more intense by three points. "But. Now in broad daylight..."

"So what's the matter in broad daylight?" Zhang Fan didn't know that he was pretending to be stupid.Still knowingly ask.

This sentence once again made Luo Ling'er bow her head shyly.Speaking up.What Zhang Fan said was good.Although it is the Ming Dynasty at this time.It is a feudal society.It was the moment when feudal ethics dominated.Many indecent things have been vigorously criticized.But Ming people don't have so many rules between husband and wife.It is relatively open.When Gao Gong was in office in the Jiajing Dynasty.Because he has no children.It is "skip work" every three days.Go home and make a man with Xinna's concubine.Wait until Xu Jie exposes the matter.Instead, he just said he was AWOL.But never said it was indecent.This shows that the Ming people are open to a certain extent.

So speak up.Even Zhang Fan's desire just now is hard to get rid of.It's okay to do so.

But Luo Ling'er disagreed for a reason.Yesterday was the day when Zhang Fan married Luo Ling'er.Moreover, Luo Ling'er is a concubine.And today is Luo Linger's first day officially entering the Zhang family.But if this is the first day for Luo Linger.If only it started like this.Still unacceptable.On the first day of being a concubine, the man was left on the bed to prostitute himself during the day.And it's almost noon now.

Luo Linger was worried.If Zhang Fan's family finds out.How embarrassing it would be.At that time, many people will definitely say that she is a fox.Deliberately seduce Zhang Fan.Let him not think about leaving.Alienated from business.Although these reputations are for Luo Linger.She doesn't care about these.But she still had to think about Zhang Fan.Xinkui Ruxue is not here.Otherwise.Luo Ling'er really didn't know what this madam who had never met would think of her.She didn't want Zhang Fan to have any conflicts with his wife because of herself.This is not a good thing for Zhang Fan.

But.The current Rowling is unable to stop Zhang Fan.Be it physically or mentally.She is a woman.Naturally, his strength was not as strong as Zhang Fan's.Even now Zhang Fan didn't use much strength.But Luo Ling'er, who was aroused by him, was also powerless to resist.But Luo Ling'er didn't want this in her heart.But who knows that what she really thinks in her heart is discomfort.

All the reasons add up.In the end, Luo Ling'er finally stopped resisting.Instead, they began to cater to Zhang Fan.Trapped in the vortex of lust, she feels more than just physical pleasure.There is also the satisfaction in the heart.right.It is happiness.The blissful feeling of being with the one you love.The satisfaction of finally being able to stay with the one you love forever.Even if he is just a humble concubine.Her wish has come true.

Anyway, they are not married.There is no need to go to greet the elders early in the morning.Put aside the annoying things for now.The chirping of cicadas in summer is still making noise.Those who disturb are a little annoying.But the two people in the room were immersed in their world to their heart's content.There was no sign of being disturbed in my heart.Belated bridal chamber candles.Although it is daytime.Although not accompanied by pearls.But it still made Luo Linger feel satisfied.

The room over there is full of spring.And here.In Yingyue's room.But it seemed a little dull.

Yingyue sat alone in the room in a daze.I don't know what to think.It just looked like he was a little angry.As for who she was mad at.hehe.The answer is of course self-evident.

Yingyue was angry with Zhang Fan.But it seems a little unreasonable.There hasn't been any awkwardness between Zhang Fan and her recently.And even on the matter of marrying Luo Ling'er.Yingyue also agrees very much.After all, after knowing about Luo Ling'er.Yingyue felt endless sympathy for her.And wishing her happiness also occupied Yingyue's mind.

Like last night.Seeing Zhang Fan drunk and unconscious Yingyue.Also lost his temper.It seemed to be blaming Zhang Fan for his lack of restraint.Luo Linger's wedding night was ruined because of those cups of yellow soup.

good.Yingyue was angry with Zhang Fan because of this matter.But is it really so?

Maybe even Yingyue herself didn't realize it.Even with sympathy and pity for Luo Ling'er.But for Zhang Fan, he had to marry Luo Ling'er earlier than marrying himself.She was always a little unhappy in her heart.But this matter cannot be said.No.It was Yingyue who didn't realize it herself.

And last night.Zhang Fan's drunkenness was just a trigger.Yingyue can be considered as an excuse.The hidden resentment in his heart was coupled with his dissatisfaction with Zhang Fan at that moment.Make her angry.

but.I sat here thinking for a long time.Yingyue felt that she was making a big deal out of a molehill.she knows.Luo Ling'er definitely wouldn't have any dissatisfaction with Zhang Fan.This also made her secretly warn Zhang Fan in her heart.Don't bully Luo Ling'er.

woman.It's such a sensibility.There were still some troublesome things just a moment ago.The next moment it became something I liked instead.

Although it was almost noon.But for many people.This day has only just begun.

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