The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 218 Preparations

the next day.God for good.Clear and cloudless sky.It seems that someone wiped away all the dark clouds that blocked the line of sight.It's like watching a good show clearly.

As the saying goes.Early bird gets the worm.early in the morning.Zhang Fan stood up.Started to prepare some things.Say yes.In fact, there is nothing.Because this good show still depends on people to perform.props.It's just a finishing touch.

But Zhang Fan had other things to consider.That is naturally if things can be understood today.Manpower must be properly prepared.If Zhang Fan could get those account books from Liu Shan today that many people have dreamed about day and night.Feng Bao's life is over.

so.Zhang Fan got up early in the morning.First thing after thinning out.Not for dinner or anything.Instead, he called Wang Meng and Liang Chao, two of his current proud subordinates, to the front of him.Order something.

"My lord. Although Liu Shan's mansion has no way for the low-ranking brothers to go in and investigate. But Liu Shan's restoration was built by the river. I think there should be no tunnel or other escape underground." Liang Chao First report to Zhang Fan.road. "And the humble position has already made some brothers become passers-by. At the end of the day and the beginning of the day, wait around the courtyard of Liu Shan's mansion. This Liu Shan must be hard to fly."

"Well done. You tell them. Be sure to keep an eye on me. In case Liu Shan escapes from somewhere, you must catch me." Zhang Fan was very satisfied.After all, this matter is related to whether he can catch Liu Shan.

In fact, there was no need to do so.After all, Liu Shan is a thin and weak eunuch.And there are only a few servants in his house.None of them looked like they knew any martial arts.There is no way to escape the capture of Jin Yiwei, who has always been known for his fierceness.But the necessary precautions still need to be done.After all this time.Zhang Fan used the name of going to Liu Shan's residence.And in addition, he wanted to win Liu Shan's trust.That's not suitable for bringing any guards into the mansion.and.The main thing is.Luo Ling'er will still be present.

If so.There were only three helpless people present.A thin but ruthless eunuch.A scholar who has seen the battlefield, is not afraid of death, but has no force.A completely weak female stream, and it is very likely to become a drag.This scene is actually kind of funny when I think about it.But that's the situation today.Zhang Fan has nothing to do about it.

And about this question.In fact, Wang Meng has always disagreed.

"My lord. Since the humble officials cannot accompany you into Liu Shan's mansion, how should you notify the humble officials? Your lord has already obtained the account book." Wang Meng asked a more substantive question. "My lord. You know. Although Liu Shan's mansion is not very big, it is not small. If your lord shouts inside, I'm afraid people with low ranks won't be able to hear it."

"Hehe. Wang Meng, you are really thoughtful. But I also thought of this. So I have already prepared." Zhang Fan smiled and took out something made of a bamboo tube from his clothes.It wavered before Wang Meng's eyes.Said. "This is the blaster used to send orders in the army. If I get something from Liu Shan at that time, I will use this blaster. After you see my signal, rush in quickly. Send Liu Shan Shan Ji Na. Although it is daytime, the light emitted by this thing is not very clear. But fortunately, you are all ambushing around Liu Shan's courtyard. Come to think of it, you can't see it."

"But my lord. There are contingencies. What if the blaster didn't go off at that time. What should I do." Wang Mengyou asked.

Zhang Fan looked at Wang Meng in not know when.He became so mother-in-law up.Zhang Fan got it wrong.It's not Wang Meng's mother or something.It's just that he always has to be fully prepared when doing things.This is how to act.Now he asked Zhang Fan that.Except because of the style of doing things.There is also the meaning of caring about Zhang Fan.After all, Zhang Fan was born as a scholar.There is no force.In case of any special circumstances.That would be troublesome.He didn't want to lose such a good Shangguan just like that.

"How could such a thing be possible?" Zhang Fan said indifferently.indeed.What Wang Meng said seemed a little too unbelievable.Zhang Fan always felt that his luck had always been good.In several mortal battlefields.He who is not a soldier can survive the disaster.And it was a blessing in disguise.He felt that he would never be in such a small thing.But things that are of great importance suddenly lose the chain.That should be impossible.

"But my lord. Who can say this kind of thing accurately. After all, I'm not afraid of [-]. Just in case." Wang Meng is holding on to this matter.Zhang Fan had to give an explanation.

Zhang Fan heard what he said.It makes sense to think of it.Then look at Wang Meng's resolute expression.he knows.If you don't give an explanation.I'm afraid Wang Meng won't give up.But Zhang Fan didn't have any thoughts about Wang Meng because of this.After all, he knew it in his heart.Wang Meng did this for his own good.

"Then I'll...bring another blaster. Keep it as a spare." Zhang Fan said in a questioning tone.But he felt it in his heart.That's enough.

"How can it be done? What if there is a problem with that one, then what should I do." Wang Meng said something that surprised Zhang Fan.

After listening to Wang Meng's words.Zhang Fan immediately opened his mouth wide.Eyes wide open looking at him.As if seeing him for the first time.Even Liang Chao on the side.She also looked at him with an expression similar to that of Zhang Fan.It seems that he is getting to know this Wang Meng who has always been known for his calmness and calmness, but for his vigorous and decisive actions.

long time.Both Zhang Fan and Liang Chao looked at Wang Meng without speaking.But Wang Meng still had an expression that nothing happened.I don't know what the two people in front of me mean when they look at him like that.

"Then...then Wang Meng. Tell me. What should I do." After a while.Zhang Fan spoke again.Asked this sentence.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't really want to ask Wang Meng what he should do.It was because the previous him was really surprised by Wang Meng.At this time, I just asked this sentence according to Wang Meng's meaning.

"At the very least. Bring three blasters." Wang Meng didn't know what Zhang Fan meant.He bowed his head and pondered for a while.Then I returned to Zhang Fan's words. "After all, there are only three things. Sir, bring three. There should be no problem."

Hearing that Wang Meng really answered.Zhang Fan's mind was at this moment.It seems that some can't turn around.I don't know how to deal with it.He stammered and said, "You...I...I..."

"What? Could it be that my lord has some difficulty." Wang Meng saw Zhang Fan like this.asked immediately. "It can't be because of the three blasters. I don't think it's easy to carry it on my body. This blaster was used when I was still serving in the army. I used it when I went out to fight. At that time, the blaster was not very big. At that time, even if you were wearing armor that was close to your body, you can bring a few. Just in case you need it. What's more, this thing is much smaller than the ones that you used back then. Your lord. The last three. It shouldn’t be a problem. Although it’s summer, the clothes are a little thinner. But it shouldn’t be revealing.”

Wang Meng thought that Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed.Not sure how to bring three blasters.That's why I was so surprised.And Zhang Fan.After listening to his speech.There are no other ideas.This thing today.Instead, it made him meet another Wang be honest.Zhang Fan's impression of this other Wang Meng was not bad at all.only.It seems like a little overkill.

"But... I only have one here. Where do you want me to get two more." Zhang Fan asked numbly.This sentence also explains.It was just an excuse that he promised Wang Meng to bring two.

"My lord, please rest assured." Wang Meng said very calmly. "Although this blaster is used to send orders in the army, its function is to deliver messages. This is the standard equipment of our Jinyiwei." He said this.Wang Meng took out two explosive barrels from nowhere.It was placed on the table in front of Zhang Fan.

See this scene.Don't say it's Zhang Fan.Even Liang Chao on the side was a little dumbfounded.

"In that case, then I will listen to you once." Zhang Fan said these words in a numb tone.At the same time, mechanical actions are used.He raised his hand and blasted the two barrels in front of him.Together with his original three.Put it in your arms.

I saw that Zhang Fan had put it away.Only then did Wang Meng feel relieved.Then he said. "Then. How does your lord plan to get Liu Shan to show those real account books? My lord knows it by comparison. Liu Shan is cruel and ruthless. He is also very suspicious. Besides, judging from the current situation, my lord can still Send someone to arrest him at any time. Presumably he also understands very well."

"Yeah. We discussed this matter yesterday. Naturally, I will still follow the method I decided yesterday." Zhang Fan thought about it.Said. "The reason why I have confidence is because. When Liu Shan told me the truth that day. I didn't arrest him immediately. He didn't know that we must have those account books. He thought that success or failure lay in whether I would arrest him after knowing the truth. .Now. From his point of view, I not only agreed to him. I also accepted such a heavy gift from him. I have already stood in the same boat with him. But what will happen. God knows. Only when the time comes will we know. "

yes.What will it look like then.No matter how much speculation is made now, there will be no results.Everything.In a few more hours.will be revealed.

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