The family is having breakfast.Maybe it's because of summer.It was also hot in the morning.Even the servants standing aside.They all seemed a little spiritless.

Zhang Fan still had the usual expression.Nothing has changed.Will not take the initiative to find someone to talk to.He would not refuse to talk to anyone; Zhang Yan was silent.He only cared about the food in front of him; Zhang Ting was on the sidelines.I ate a mouthful of food intermittently.But he glanced at Zhang Fan again.Lost for a while.Then take another bite of your meal.Seems to be thinking about something.

The weirdest one is Zhang Yufang.He didn't seem to care about eating at all.The chopsticks kept stirring in the bowl.But never put it in the mouth.His eyes were fixed on Zhang Fan.I don't know what to think.

Zhang Fan didn't notice this.Although today.Many things may happen.Some can be very serious.But Zhang Fan didn't seem to feel it now.Still eating so leisurely.

"Fan'er. You have to go out today." Zhang Yufang seemed to be unable to bear it anymore.He asked Zhang Fan such a sentence.His words made Zhang Yan a little surprised.Because he knows his father.Ordinary behavior is very cautious.Cook like this.Zhang Yufang seldom speaks.He didn't know what was wrong.

remaining people.Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong with this.Zhang Ting is still thinking about something.She didn't notice her father's strange behavior that was different from usual.

"That's right." Zhang Fan didn't know why Zhang Yufang asked himself this matter.said casually. "Today I will accompany Ling'er to Liu Shan's residence."

Hearing Zhang Fan's answer.Zhang Yufang frowned.Although the time is short.But Zhang Fan still saw it.He couldn't help asking a little strangely: "Uncle, do you have something to tell me."

"I..." Zhang Yufang, who was about to speak, closed his mouth.It seemed that what he was going to say was not very easy to open.

All of a sudden.Zhang Fan was fine.He just thought that Zhang Yufang really had something to say.I didn't care much about it.And Zhang Yanke on the side was even more surprised.He had never seen his father like this.To know.Zhang Yufang is a talker.Never vague or indecisive.And he is like this now.How could it not surprise Zhang Yan?

"Uncle. If there is anything you want Fan'er to say, Fan'er is always here." Although Zhang Fan didn't know what Zhang Yufang was going to say.Although he is also very curious.But he would never be so curious as to ask questions.From this aspect.Zhang Fan is very respectful.If others want to say.He will listen carefully; if others don't want to talk.He also won't ask.certainly.It's just for the average person.If it is for some people he meets at work.Prefer not to say.hehe.Then use all means.Until that person wants to say it.

soon.Zhang Fan finished his breakfast.I looked at the time.It's half past half hour.Not long.He and Luo Ling'er are about to leave.stand up.He said to Zhang Yufang: "Uncle, Zhang Fan has something to do later. Let's go down now." Seeing Zhang Yufang, he nodded.Zhang Fan turned around and walked out.

"Fan'er..." Seeing Zhang Fan approaching the door.Zhang Yufang didn't know what was wrong.He still called out to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan heard his uncle's voice.Stopped again.He turned around and looked at Zhang Yufang.Wait for him to speak.There was no sign of impatience on his face.Very patient.

"You..." Zhang Yufang didn't know why.Seeing Zhang Fan like this.He stopped speaking again.There was a long pause.Only then continued. "Can you come with uncle later. Uncle has something to tell you. "

I heard Zhang Yufang say that.Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking for a while in his heart.He wasn't thinking about what Zhang Yufang was going to tell him.Instead, consider the issue of time.Look at Zhang Yufang's appearance.What he wants to say to Zhang Fan cannot be finished in one or two sentences.originally.Zhang Yufang is an elder to Zhang Fan.The elders talk to the younger ones.There is room for you to think so much as a junior.But things are different now.Zhang Fan had important things to do later.I don't have much time to spend here right now.

"Uncle, nephew, I don't know what uncle wants to tell me. But I think there are some important things." Zhang Fan said. "But my nephew does have some important things to do today. Don't delay. See, uncle. Can you delay the time a bit. Wait until my nephew finishes his work today and come back. Then I will talk to my uncle in detail.

"That's it. Then... okay. I'll tell you when you come back." Zhang Yufang.hesitated for a moment.Agree with Zhang Fan's method.It seemed like what he was trying to say was important though.But it is not impatient. "However. Although it is not in a hurry at this time, it is also very important. I must tell you about it."

"My little nephew will naturally listen attentively when the time comes," Zhang Fan said.But after listening to what Zhang Yufang said just now.He was really curious.I couldn't help asking a question. "Can my nephew know? What does uncle want to tell my nephew?"

Zhang Yufang listened to him.Just wanted to say something.Instead, he looked at his absent-minded daughter Zhang Ting and Manchester United's son Zhang Yan with puzzled expressions.But he didn't say anything.Zhang Fan saw her like this.Naturally I understand.Maybe Zhang Yufang didn't want his son and daughter to hear what Zhang Yufang wanted to say to him.It must be something important.

"Since that's the case, then wait until my nephew comes back. I will talk to my uncle." Zhang Fan didn't intend to ask further.After all, New Year's Eve is always inconvenient. "That's it. My nephew will go first."

"Well. You go." Zhang Yufang said so.So he no longer wants to keep Zhang Fan.Continue to sit back.Thinking about something again.

only.Zhang Yufang, who was still thinking about things, didn't notice.His son Zhang Yan was looking at him with incredible eyes.indeed.Zhang Yufan's actions today are indeed abnormal in Zhang Yan's eyes.He had never seen his father so hesitant and hesitant.As for Zhang Ting.As if he was still worrying about something.It was only because of Zhang Fan's departure.Some lost.Concentrate on eating.How could he notice the weirdness of his father and brother.

Actually, what Zhang Yufang wanted to talk to Zhang Fan about.Although important.But not about him.It's about Zhang Fan.what he had to say.Still about what he was worried about yesterday.About Zhang Fan and Liu Shan now.Or it is basically about Zhang Fan these days.The thing about taking bribes.

Actually from the first time.In other words, Zhang Fan had just arrived in Yangzhou.When living in the Zhang family.This happened.that time.It was a group of people headed by Liu Shan who sent many things to Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan also accepted all of them without even refusing them.At that time, Zhang Yufang had no time to care about these things because of Zhang Fan's sudden arrival and the identity he brought.Plus at that time.Zhu Yijun was also at his home.And has shown him the identity of the prince.There is the current prince by his side.Zhang Fan still took bribes so brazenly.From Zhang Yufang's point of view.Zhang Fan had obviously obtained the approval from the higher authorities.That's why I dared to do this way.He didn't ask any further questions.

But now.Zhang Fan's attitude of not rejecting anyone who comes.It really scared Zhang Yufang a little.Although he has never been an official.But because of the family relationship.In the business field of Yangzhou, he can be regarded as a somewhat famous person.It is not completely ignorant of some things in the officialdom.know sometimes.Officials are also involuntary.But Zhang Fan did this.It seemed a little too much to many things.Such a large amount.make him feel.Zhang Fan will be in trouble sooner or later.He may now have the emperor's favor.The respect of the current prince.But the so-called one emperor and one courtier.There is also a saying that being with you is like being with a tiger.Not to mention that the emperor's mind is not easy to guess.Who knows what will happen in the future.Even those honest and honest officials cannot guarantee that their political opponents will make some moves and end up hastily.Not to mention those who really did something wrong.

In fact, he did this for Zhang Fan's sake.It was not easy for the Zhang family to produce a champion like Zhang Fan.Now it is beautiful again.There is still a bright future ahead.Zhang Yufang didn't want Zhang Fan to degenerate like this.In the future, the Zhang family may be involved.To know.This kind of killing thing.Zhang Yufang has heard a lot.It's not that I haven't seen it.

the day before yesterday.It was also the day when Zhang Fan married Luo Linger.Zhang Yufang saw that the situation was getting worse.He also began to think about talking to Zhang Fan.But I have been suffering from not knowing how to speak.Plus that day.Zhang Fan is also very busy.He didn't tell Zhang Fan either.

yesterday.He thought about it.But he didn't think of how to talk to Zhang Fan about this matter.Until last night.Lying on the bed, Zhang Yufang tossed and turned.How can not sleep.Finally made up my mind.I plan to have a heart-to-heart talk with Zhang Fan today.There is no need to disguise it.Or some vague term.It was to tell Zhang Fan exactly what he was worried about in front of Zhang Fan.No need to hide anything.

He even had the worst-case scenario in mind.That is, Zhang Fan might disagree with what he said.Ren Ren insisted on going his own way.Don't do that.But Zhang Yufang has already made up his mind.Be sure to discuss it clearly with Zhang Fan.He thinks Zhang Fan is a scholar.Ten years of hardship.I have read a lot of the words of the sages.What he said to Zhang Fan so earnestly.Zhang Fan must be able to understand his intentions.After all, you do it yourself.It's also for the good of Zhang Fan.

When the family had breakfast together just now.Zhang Yufang wanted to talk to Zhang Fan.It's just because his son and daughter are there.It's not easy to speak.But when he heard that Zhang Fan planned to meet Liu Shan today.Zhang Yufang couldn't bear it anymore.I'm afraid Zhang Fan will get deeper and deeper.Only then will I talk to Zhang Fan about the things I want to talk to him about.

But now it seems.Zhang Fan did not reject him.And this matter cannot be resolved overnight.Zhang Yufang put it down for the time being.But he has always kept this matter in his heart.

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