The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 220 Raiders Begin

In front of the gate of Liu Shan's mansion, a car stopped, Zhang Fan came out first, followed by Luo Linger, and Liu Shan was standing in front of the gate waiting, although Zhang Fan did not say that he would come today, according to the custom Li, he doesn't have to come today, but Liu Shan is already waiting in front of the door, or he really has a good heart and knows that Zhang Fan will come today; journey.

"Master Zhang... Hey, look at our mouth, it can't be changed," Liu Shan said, and quickly stopped, trying to slap his own mouth, but he kept smiling and said, " Yuande, you are here."

"Today, the younger brother should have come to the elder brother's residence. I think Linger would like it too," Zhang Fan also threw out polite words, many of which were just lying with his eyes open.

"It's good to be here, it's good to be here, come in quickly," Liu Shan didn't care whether Zhang Fan was telling lies or the truth, anyway, he warmly invited Zhang Fan into the house.

Zhang Fan also followed Liu Shan's intentions, talking and laughing with Liu Shan all the way to the gate of the Liu Mansion. Luo Ling'er on the side followed behind Zhang Fan, quietly, with his face always keeping a smile on his face. smiling, not knowing what to think.

Wang Meng and Li Yang were the only guards accompanying Zhang Fan today, and they didn't say anything when they saw Zhang Fan walk into the gate of the Liu residence.

When Zhang Fan was about to enter the gate of the Liu Mansion, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to the two people beside the car: "Wang Meng, you two should not follow, because you are disturbing my elder brother's quietness. When Xu Shi is approaching, you just come and wait for me." The meaning of these words is that Zhang Fan told Liu Shan that he planned to stay here until after dinner, which was what Zhang Fan told Liu Shan on purpose. Shan, said that he has many things to discuss with Liu Shan, and also shows that Zhang Fan and Liu Shan are really on the same boat now, and now is the time to plan the future in detail.

Sure enough, when Liu Shan heard what Zhang Fan said, a smile appeared on his face.

"But, my lord, this humble job is here to protect your lord," Wang Meng did not leave immediately, but said so. This is also the most basic thing for a guard. For the safety of his boss, sometimes he has to ask No matter what, even if it will offend others because of this, "If the low-ranking people leave, and what happens to the adults here, that would be great,"

"Don't worry about this kind of thing, it won't happen," Zhang Fan said with an indifferent look, "Not to mention, it's a peaceful and prosperous age, and there will be little gangsters making trouble, not to mention, Today I am here with my eldest brother, how can such a thing happen, you go quickly, don't spoil the scenery here," Zhang Fan even had an impatient expression on his face, and said He glanced at Liu Shan secretly, as if he was afraid that he would laugh at him for not being able to control his subordinates.

This action of Zhang Fan seems to be secretive, but it is actually very knowledgeable. It can not only let Liu Shan find that he is peeking at his face, but also make it feel like he is actually sneaking. To be honest, this It was still a bit difficult. Zhang Fan had contacted him many times before, but he was still afraid that Liu Shan would see something. But this time he went to the battle himself, and he felt that he did a good job.

Sure enough, Liu Shan seemed to have been tricked by Zhang Fan. He did have the kind of thought Zhang Fan wanted in his heart. The most obvious thing was that the smile on his face was even bigger, like a flower. The already handsome and delicate face is indeed somewhat beautiful, but Zhang Fan doesn't think so. As long as he thinks of Liu Shan's identity, but still has to act like this, he feels a burst of pain in his heart. Disgusting, in his opinion, there is nothing to be ridiculed about being a eunuch. If the situation is not stronger than others, no one would be willing to be a eunuch. However, a eunuch must have the consciousness of a eunuch. Things are better, just like Feng Bao, at least Zhang Fan doesn't dislike Feng Bao too much.

Next, Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan's answer, with a helpless look on his face, he shook his head, greeted Li Yang who was beside him, and the two left in the car.

When the two walked away, Liu Shan suddenly said to Zhang Fan, "Yuande, why are you acting like this?"

"What is the elder brother referring to?" Zhang Fan looked at Liu Shan pretending to be puzzled and asked.

"What happened just now," Liu Shan said with a bit of resentment, "As a subordinate, you should obey the orders of the superior. Just now, the subordinate of Yuande was so arrogant and domineering to the extreme. Dare to question your decision to be the master. This kind of subordinate is arrogant, looks down on you, and refuses to listen to your orders; , if it goes on like this, this person will definitely cause trouble for Yuande in the future, this is a big taboo."

"Hey, big brother, you don't know something," Zhang Fan sighed for a long time, but he was very happy in his heart, because Liu Shan would say that, which proves that he really agrees with Zhang Fan at this moment, otherwise he would not He will care about Zhang Fan on this kind of thing. In this way, Zhang Fan knows his first goal today and makes Liu Shan believe that he has achieved it. It is a good start. Next, he plans to get closer. Liu Shan.

"Oh, Yuande, is there some other reason for this?" Sure enough, Liu Shan followed Zhang Fan's words and asked, "I heard Yuande call the guard Wang Meng just now. Could it be that this Wang Meng has some background in the court? Even Yuande can't give him three points, "

"Hey, what my elder brother said is exactly the opposite. This Wang Mengcai has no power in the court," Zhang Fan said helplessly, "He was originally a son of a peasant family, and his family was neither rich nor poor. Served in the army in the frontier, fought a few battles, and then served in Jinyiwei, and it has been almost ten years now,"

"Oh, listening to what Yuande said, our family thinks it's a bit strange." Liu Shan's interest was immediately aroused, "This man is a farm boy with no power or power, and he was a soldier in the army. Yes, logically speaking, although this kind of person has a strong temperament, he has no background and is the most likely to be excluded. Could it be that there are other things that can't be done, "

While talking, the three of them had already sat down in the living room, and the servants of Liberty Liu's mansion offered tea.

Zhang Fan picked up the cup, blew on it, took a sip of tea, and then continued: "Brother's guess is right, the situation is exactly like this, and this Wang Meng is not bad at all, at least he doesn't procrastinate when he does things, and he is very calm." , but this person is not very good at communicating with people. After entering Jinyiwei, he was promoted to a hundred households in the second year. It turned out that some people look down on those who rely on connections to get high. He thinks that I only gained power because of the favor of His Majesty today, so he has some disdain for me.

"But at that time, I had just taken power, and there were many people in Weizhong who refused to accept me. I did a little research and found that there were quite a few people like Wang Meng in Weizhong. In order to quickly grasp these people, I immediately promoted him to Qianhu. Wanting to win over these people, this trick is really effective, those people agree with me, and my reputation in Weizhong has also increased a lot, but this Wang Meng does not appreciate my favor, and he still treats me like this ,"

"Hmph, this kind of person who doesn't know what's good or bad should be eliminated as soon as possible, so that if he stays around, he will be a disaster in the future," Liu Shan said with a cold snort.

"Brother is talking about it, it's just..." Zhang Fan paused, and said with a wry smile, "Brother, I also have the same idea, but this Wang Meng has always done things very well, and now I want to get rid of him, but there is nothing wrong with him." It’s a good reason, and I’m afraid those people will be dissatisfied because of this matter, and they will trip me up or something,”

"Yuande, brother, I'm going to talk about you," Liu Shan said to Zhang Fan in the tone of someone who has experienced it, "Subordinates like this who don't accept discipline must never be kept by your side, Yuande It's better to get rid of it as soon as possible, Yuande, you know your concerns, but sometimes you can't think so much about things, otherwise you can't do anything, Yuande, you are good at everything, you are wise, and you have status in the court , but there is only one thing, your time as an official is too short, your experience is too short, this is not good, "

"I still have to ask my elder brother about this. I hope that my elder brother will not hesitate to enlighten me on what to do." Zhang Fan now followed Liu Shan's words.

"Yuande, you are asking the right person. I know this kind of thing best." Sure enough, Liu Shan was very happy to hear Zhang Fan asking him for advice. Let’s talk about this Wang Meng after taking it down, Yuande don’t panic, I know what you want to say, I’m free to take countermeasures, after this, those people with no background will definitely feel that they are still not very reliable in doing things under your command, and they are not very reliable. If there are many, there will inevitably be some troubles.

"If you want to avoid this situation, it's very simple. Yuande, you just need to let someone spread the news in the guard after you take down Wang Meng, saying that Wang Meng was arrested because of something he committed. However, in this way Once the group of people may not believe it, they may still cause trouble. At this time, you have to promote someone from among them. Of course, this person must listen to you. In this way, the group of people will naturally You will believe it, and think that Wang Meng was arrested because he committed a crime, and in the future, they will respect you a lot, Yuande."

After hearing this, Zhang Fan immediately said yes again and again.

In fact, he and Wang Meng played such a play just now, just for Liu Shan to watch, and now, the effect is also good, Liu Shan may not have noticed it himself, and now he has unknowingly stood by Zhang Fan's side, completely For Zhang Fan's sake, this effect is what Zhang Fan wants, but what Liu Shan said just now made him feel that Liu Shan is not easy after all.

It seems that although today has had a good start, the following things will not be easy,

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