The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 225 The Death of Liu Shan

Yangzhou has been a prosperous city since ancient times. Many literati and scholars have been born here throughout the ages. The population here can also be ranked on the list in the feudal era.

But because of the times, people always lack some activities. Unlike people nowadays, they seem to be very busy at any time, and people have no spare time at all.

However, in this era, people's lives are different. Perhaps, the quality of life of people in this era is not very good, let alone the ordinary working people at the bottom. Work and rest at sunset, especially those farmers, in order to fill their stomachs, they have to do very tiring farm work every day, but even so, they still have a lot of time to rest every day.

Even in the city of Yangzhou, just like now, when the noon is just past and the late hour is just around the corner, whether it is those rich merchants or officials with some power in their hands, whether it is those small traders who are doing small businesses to support their families , It’s still the Hanako who has a meal without a meal. In short, at this moment just after noon, most people are enjoying the rare leisure time of the day.

Therefore, the town at this time can be regarded as very quiet. If there is any movement, it can definitely be heard clearly, just like now.

"Hey, I said old man, can you hear that, it seems that someone is setting off a firecracker,"

"What nonsense, this hot day, the weather in July, the family will go crazy, what kind of firecrackers will be set off?"

"You can't hear with that broken ear, what's the point of me talking to you, anyway, I heard it,"

"Well... Maybe, which family is the marriage?"

There were quite a few voices like this in this corner of Yangzhou City, but people at that time were not as gossip-minded as people 500 years later. Few people will come out.

However, this is a fact. Although it was not a firecracker, something exploded in the sky. Although it was daytime and it was noon, the light from the thing was really not flattering. If it was a little farther away If it is a little farther away, it is almost impossible to see anything, but the sound is genuine, and it can be heard here, including a little farther away.

After the instigator Zhang Fan released the fireworks, he didn't do anything, but sat on his seat and waited for something peacefully. Now is the time to finally see the result, but Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on in his heart, and kept thinking about it. Other things, even including the thing he sent to the sky just now, since it is for military use, it can't be too loud. He plans to go back and ask the craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry to improve it.

Luo Linger, who was on the side, saw that Zhang Fan sent a signal, and felt a little uneasy. Zhang Fan didn't tell her today's plans beforehand, mainly because Zhang Fan didn't know what would happen today, and he couldn't make a conclusion in his heart. You should tell Luo Linger, lest she will feel nervous when she finds out, and it will be troublesome if something goes wrong.

But this doesn't mean that Luo Ling'er can't guess these things, she can also faintly feel in her heart that something big might happen today, but she never thought it would be so soon.

Today, Luo Linger did not know the content of what Liu Shanzhi talked to Zhang Fan after he left her, but later, at the dinner table, she could clearly hear what the two talked about. Although she hadn't read the Four Books and Five Classics, But she couldn't understand the story between people very well, and vaguely, she also knew what Zhang Fan wanted to do.

When Liu Shan offered to show Zhang Fan the account books, Luo Linger understood everything. Although she didn't understand why Liu Shan took the initiative, she knew that Zhang Fan must have done something to let Liu Shan Such a big change has been made.

But right away, Liu Shan asked her to fetch those fake account books, which surprised Luo Linger, but what surprised her even more was that Zhang Fan actually reprimanded Liu Shan, and reprimanded him mercilessly. , it seems that if they can't agree on a word, they will immediately fight each other, which makes Luo Ling'er really puzzled.

Later on, something even more puzzling happened to her. After Zhang Fan sternly reprimanded her, Liu Shan smiled happily, agreed with Zhang Fan, and even told Luo Linger where the real account book was hidden, and asked her to take Come, give it to Zhang Fan for reading. Luo Linger didn't know what happened, but she was very happy in her heart. She knew that Zhang Fan had achieved his goal and captured all the evidence of Liu Shan. And her own nightmare of suffering will also be wiped out in the hands of her beloved. At that time, she is very happy, but in her heart, for some reason, it is for Zhang Fan, which is more important than her own nightmare. It's about to pass and I'm even happier.

When Zhang Fan looked at the account books and the smile on his face deepened, Luo Linger knew that these were true, and she was also happy for Zhang Fan in her heart, but when she saw Zhang Fan sending a signal to the sky Luo Linger's heart paused briefly, and then there was a panic. She didn't expect Zhang Fan to do this. Just now, she felt that Zhang Fan should at least wait until he left here before doing anything. How could he know that he would be so impatient? Luo Linger was just worried. At this time, she was still on Liu Shan's territory, so what if something happened, she was not worried about herself, but was afraid that something would happen to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan also has difficulties. This plan that he thought up in advance is mainly to deal with the uncertain factors in the future. He believes that there is no absolute in the world. He knows that even if he can completely gain Liu Shan's trust, he will The real account book was watched by himself, but afterwards, it is difficult to guarantee that Liu Shan would not become suspicious again and hide the account book in another place. In that case, wouldn’t all previous efforts be wasted, so he formulated this strategy, and Wang Meng He and Liang Chao also thought of this, so they agreed to Zhang Fan's adventure and did not stop him from doing so.

And Liu Shan, hehe, Liu Shan thought so too. Just now, when he asked Luo Linger to get the real account book, he made up his mind that after Zhang Fan left, he would immediately change the account book. The last place to hide the account books, the place that Liu Shan had already thought about was a little too hidden, and it was very troublesome to open and close, but compared to it, it was really safe there, he was sure that it was him, that was Absolutely no one will find that place, after all, the craftsmen who helped him build it had already been disposed of by him.

And all of this is based on the fact that Zhang Fan will not attack on the spot. Liu Shan has been thinking about this issue in his heart since Zhang Fan asked him for the account book before the meal, and the final conclusion is , He was sure that Zhang Fan would never make fun of his own life, even if he looked like a thin eunuch, but this was his three-acre land after all, and unknown things always made people feel uneasy.

However, this is not certain, the impossible happened now, right in front of Liu Shan, when Zhang Fan rang the blaster, Liu Shan's eyes tightened, but his heart suddenly went blank, then For a moment, he didn't know at all, or he couldn't figure out what happened in front of him.

"Yuande, what does this mean?" Liu Shan asked with a smile, but now his smile is a little dry, a little frozen, and a little unwilling to believe it even though he knows it.

"What do you mean, brother, can't you see it?" Zhang Fan asked with a smile, but the smile was really a smile from the heart. He even picked up the wine glass in front of him and tasted it with gusto , seems to be celebrating his victory.

Liu Shan is not a fool, he doesn't need too much explanation, he has already understood that he was tricked by Zhang Fan, by a person who debuted less than a year ago, but he didn't feel any surprise or anger in his heart It means that he still understands the principle of success and defeat, or he actually thought of it a long time ago, and he will have such a day.

After calming down, Liu Shan didn't plan to do anything, but continued to pick up the wine glass and drink, as if he knew that his good life was not long, and maybe there was still a little time, after taking a sip of wine, Liu Shan looked at Zhang Fan and said: " Yuande, I admire you, I didn't expect that I really believed in you completely, it seems that I lost this big gamble, "

Luo Ling'er looked at Liu Shan's calm expression, and felt a little worried, but Zhang Fan sat there, as if he had expected this to happen, and looked at Liu Shan without saying a word.

"It's just that I don't understand one thing," Liu Shan expressed the doubt in his heart, "Since you have always wanted to catch me in your heart, why did you say that I was the one you wanted to catch that day? You didn't do anything,"

"There are some reasons," Zhang Fan said, "I also wanted to close the case earlier that day, but if I didn't get these account books, I couldn't find your money, and if I couldn't find that money, I couldn't go back and report to His Majesty. Dude, do you think His Majesty sent me here to thoroughly investigate corrupt officials, no, His Majesty, he is actually just asking for money, "

"..." Hearing Zhang Fan's reply, Liu Shan was speechless, he never thought it would be like this, "Hehe, I really never thought about it, an emperor wants money to enjoy himself, but he still wants to be a wise king, no Openly asking for money from below, it really is unpredictable for the Sacred Heart,"

After a pause, Liu Shan seemed to be sighing something, and then he continued to ask: "Then, when you pretended to agree to me, you really didn't feel tempted by the conditions I put forward."

"To be honest," Zhang Fan said slowly, "I don't think any official in the world would refuse the condition you proposed, of course, except for people like Hai Rui, but you don't know One thing, when I got this errand from His Majesty, His Majesty gave me a list of rewards, I knew very well in my heart that His Majesty asked me to come here this time, in fact, it was because of what I did in Mobei but to reward me,

"How much?" Liu Shan didn't ask what it was, or he had already guessed what it was. Now he just wanted to ask Zhang Fan, and then confirm one thing in his heart.

"Forty percent," Zhang Fan said.

Luo Ling'er listened to the two talking, as if she was playing a riddle, she really didn't know what the two were talking about.

After Liu Shan heard Zhang Fan's words, he suddenly smiled and said, "Yuande, this is the last time I call you that. It seems that I have not misread people. I chose you because I was optimistic about your bright future. However, it seems that I still underestimated your power in His Majesty's heart, in the future, the world of Ming Dynasty will definitely be yours."

Hearing Liu Shan's words, Zhang Fan couldn't understand what he was talking about, what kind of disaster he was planting, it was impossible, although there were noises outside, but there were still only these three people here, and Luo Linger would not betray herself , so much so that she didn't quite understand what Liu Shan was talking about.

But Liu Shan's words are really sincere. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, no one except those founding generals has been able to gain the trust of the emperor. Zhang Fan's status will inevitably rise in the future, and he is simply There is no need to worry about the danger of a high-skilled general, that is to describe a general with outstanding military exploits, but Zhang Fan is obviously not.

At this moment, the noise outside gradually approached, and the three people in the courtyard heard countless footsteps, shouts, and the terrified voices of those servants of the Liu family, which seemed to herald the future here.

The next moment, many people poured into the entrance of the courtyard, all of them were dressed as Jinyiwei, a standard raiding team. Of course, the most important thing for them at this time was to care about Zhang Fan's safety. sharp knife.

The first two people came over, it was Wang Meng and Liang Chao, they came to Zhang Fan, bowed and said: "My lord, those of low rank and others have heard the news, come here, my lord, please be safe."

Zhang Fan didn't speak, but just waved his hand to show that he was fine.

"It seems that I should leave the scene at this point," Liu Shan said, picking up his chopsticks, as if he was about to enjoy the last meal at his home, "but, Yuande, I have to remind you In a word, the matter here is not over yet,"

After finishing speaking, Liu Shan suddenly held the chopsticks backwards.

"My lord, be careful," Liang Chao yelled, but suddenly he jumped towards Liu Shan, and the factory guards behind him also ran over with their knives in hand.

On the other side, Zhang Fan hugged Luo Linger, held her in his arms, turned around, and turned his back to Liu Shan, while Wang Meng blocked her without saying a word. In front of Zhang Fan.

After a long time, there was no movement. Turning around, Zhang Fan pushed Wang Meng away, but he saw that Liang Chao who was rushing towards him had no time to stop him. Liu Shan had already stuffed a pair of chopsticks into his throat. Although he did not die immediately, But it is certain death.

Luo Ling'er in Zhang Fan's arms looked at the scene in front of her without blinking her eyes. Although her body was trembling and frightened, she did not run away and just kept staring at Liu Shan.

Looking at Liu Shan's appearance, Zhang Fan didn't say anything. He understood that Liu Shan knew that once he was sent to prison, he would not know what kind of torture he would suffer. This ending was a kind of relief for Liu Shan. It's just that Zhang Fan kept thinking about Liu Shan's last words. He didn't believe that Liu Shan was scaring himself at will. It seemed that something was not over yet.

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