The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 226 Remaining Problems

Today is bound to be very busy.Although what happened just now can be regarded as an ending.But it's also a busy start.

Liu Shan committed suicide.Represents the end of many things here.No more machinations.No more pandering.There is no longer any unhappiness to swallow.Everything.Zhang Fan can relax from now on.after all.He has completed the task that Long Qing entrusted to him.

But busyness also comes with it.You must know that Zhang Fan has not completed all of this task.The finishing work behind is also very important.Take those ledgers.Zhang Fan has indeed mastered almost all of Liu Shan's secrets.And the commotion that Liu Shan made was too great.This is a huge project.After all, too many officials and money were involved.

originally.For these things.When Zhang Fan first came to Jiangnan, he had already thought about it in his heart.For this kind of official who committed a crime.As long as the evidence is in hand.Then they should all be caught.But the current situation does not allow him to do so.After all, there are too many officials involved who have been identified.Even though Zhang Fan has the Shang Fang sword that Long Qing gave him, which symbolizes imperial power.Make him have the ability to arrest whoever he wants.And enormous power without notification.It is also impossible for him to start arresting these people recklessly.

In other words, we only grasp a few typical examples.Officials charged with serious crimes.It is also very difficult.To know.Most of these people are terrified of death.Once you open the first instance.Several people were caught.Don't say that those people with ghosts in their hearts will feel uneasy.Even the few people you caught are probably hopeless to survive.It also drags others they know into the water.At that time, under the chain reaction.Zhang Fan reckoned that he himself would not need these account books in his hand at all.Just relying on these people to bite dogs can catch all the corrupt officials here.Just until then.You catch or don't catch.

Zhang Fan can even imagine it.Once the news of Liu Shan's death spread today.There are bound to be many people in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian who are just around the corner.As for what stupid things they will do in a hurry.This is beyond what Zhang Fan can know.But he also understands.This man is absolutely impossible to catch.If these people are caught.hehe.There were no officials in the official circles of these three provinces in an instant.I don't know what will happen then.Zhang Fan has already thought of a lot with his own brain.Cheers, chaos, disorder, even... uprising.Zhang Fan thought about it.The cold sweat came down.There is only one thought in my mind.That is absolutely not allowed to happen.But as for what to do.Zhang Fan still can't make up his mind.

Suddenly.Zhang Fan thought of the scene where Liu Shan committed suicide just now.This is not incomprehensible to him.Liu Shan was originally an eunuch in the palace.It is not unheard of for the two famous secret service agencies of the Ming Dynasty.He should be very clear.How will you be treated if you are caught?Even now he has all the evidence.Everything that could prove Liu Shan's actions was handed over to Zhang Fan.But with the factory guard's ability to squeeze out a few taels of oil from the dead man.Some hospitality is absolutely inevitable.Rather than suffer that.Might as well be straightforward.It's over once you die.

The scene just now.It was beyond Zhang Fan's expectation.But within reason.But what Zhang Fan remembers most clearly is.Luo Linger was trembling in her arms at that time.It seems to be very scared.And her beautiful eyes seemed to become hideous at that moment.With tears in his eyes, he kept staring at Liu Shan's tragic death.Eyes are not blinking.Even the eye sockets are red.But he still had to look at Liu Shan's appearance.Until Liu Shan's body was carried out by Zhang Fan's factory guards.Only then did Luo Ling'er let go of that posture.But it seems to be overly excited.Suddenly passed out.Shocked, Zhang Fan hurriedly sent her back.As for Zhang Fan himself.He can't go yet.He still has a lot to do here.

Luo Ling'er felt hatred, resentment, or the kind of perverted happiness when her hatred was finally avenged.Zhang Fan didn't know.He didn't intend to go to Luo Linger to find out anything.It just adds to the sadness.If this past can pass, let it pass.There is no need to delve into it.

But Zhang Fan cares a little bit...

"My lord. What are you thinking?" Liang Chao walked over.Looking at Zhang Fan who was still a little sullen, he asked.After all, nowadays.It's over.But Zhang Fan still looked like this.Liang Chao was really puzzled.

Zhang Fan heard Liang Chao's question.Know that he is worried about himself.But he didn't know how to answer.He picked up the jug on the table again and filled his glass with wine.drinking alone.

Liang Chao saw that Zhang Fan ignored him.There is no feeling of being "left out".He knew that Zhang Fan must be in a bad mood right now.After all, there is still such a big stall behind.

"My lord is worried about the aftermath of this matter." Liang Chao said speculatively.He guessed the most reasonable thing. "Actually, I feel that adults don't need to worry too much about this. After all, this is the end of the matter. We can only take one step at a time."

Drank the wine in the glass in your hand.Zhang Fan looked up at him.He said: "Those things are a bit annoying. But it is a foregone conclusion. There is no way. I don't torture myself like this. I just care about other things now."

"What do you care about, my lord?" Liang Chao listened to him.I was also curious.Wang Meng, who was passing by, also came over.Did not speak.Just looking at Zhang Fan.The meaning of the inquiry is obvious.

"...This is a bit strange to say." Zhang Fan said slowly with some uncertainty. "You know. No matter what we found out in the past, or we can see it. Liu Shan is a ruthless person who has prepared countless ways for himself. I can understand that he threw himself into the trap this time. After all With the current situation, there is no way out for him. If he doesn’t come to me, sooner or later he will be confessed by the people we randomly arrested; even if he doesn’t, Liu Shan can’t satisfy Meng Chong anymore. In other words, he doesn't want to continue with Meng Chong anymore. It will be a lose-lose situation.

"But... I don't understand something. You must have heard it just now. Then what did Liu Shan say at the end."

"Your Excellency, do you mean that Liu Shan said 'the matter here is not over yet'." Liang Chao thought for a while and remembered.

"Not bad." Zhang Fan nodded.Then he meditated again.

"Aren't you thinking too much, my lord? Maybe it's just Liu Shan's intention to find a way out for himself." Liang Chao said.

"If it was someone else, I would definitely think so too." Zhang Fan said. "But Liu Shan. I'm worried... This Liu Shan has been in touch for so many days. He definitely doesn't look like a person who is aimless. Perhaps this time, throwing himself into the trap is the biggest mistake in his life. But it was also forced by the situation. There is no way things."

"My lord thinks. Then Liu Shan might be talking about something." Wang Meng, who had been silent at the side, suddenly asked.

"Hey, Brother Wang. You don't really think so, do you?" Liang Chao at the side heard Wang Meng's words.She turned around in surprise and asked him.As if hearing something surprising. "Then Liu Shan is just a dead eunuch. How could there be so many flowers around?"

"Until now. Have you seen how little Liu Shan has used?" Wang Meng just replied to Liang Chao.Just stop looking at him.Turn around and look at Zhang Fan.Waiting for his reply.

"Then what does your lord think it will be?" Liang Chao listened to Wang Meng's words.I thought about it alone.Suddenly asked Zhang Fan like this. "Would it be something about ledgers or money?"

"It stands to reason. This matter should be what he is concerned about." Zhang Fan said solemnly. "But I don't think so. If Liu Shan really has any plans for this, it must be some very important plans. And I think. If Liu Shan really had any plans, he wouldn't be like this just now I happily stabbed myself with chopsticks."

After listening to Zhang Fan's words.Wang Meng and Liang Chao also fell silent.What Zhang Fan said was not without reason.If Liu Shan really has any plans.The suicide just now was indeed unreasonable.So then...

"In this way, my lord, what Liu Shan said just now..." Wang Meng seemed to have thought of something.But not sure.

"That's right. What Liu Shan said just now was not aimless. I think his words must have some deep meaning." Zhang Fan said affirmatively. "And that thing must be related to today's things. But it is a cause. It is Liu Shan who wants to get revenge or cause us some trouble or something. But what he said. I guess it is related to what we are going to do now. I guess it is It doesn't matter."

"Why are you so sure?" Liang Chao asked. "Because of it. And not about it."

"It's because of this. I don't think I need to explain more. You should all be able to understand." Zhang Fan began to explain. "But it has nothing to do with it. It sounds unbelievable. But if you think about it for a while, it is not difficult to understand. Now Liu Shan is under the law. All the evidence is in our hands. Although Liu Shan knows in his heart that we will not treat so many people Officials are making arrests. But he knows it too. We'll have to use the books. Start probing.

"If this is the case. If what he prepared has nothing to do with it. We will be able to find out soon. This will make these plans of Liu Shan go to waste. Believe me. I know that Liu Shan is definitely not such a person. He It will definitely surprise us all.”

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that we can only sit and wait for the trouble of Liu Shan's preparations to come to us. But there is no preparation at all." Liang Chao said with some surprise.

"Although I really don't want to agree with what you said. But. The current situation is like this." Zhang Fan also said rather helplessly. "We don't know what Liu Shan will prepare. The three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian are not small. There are too many things that he can use. And we can't investigate all the suspicious places. If Liu Shan still It would be nice to be alive. In that case, we might be able to ask some clues. It's a pity, a pity..."

Zhang Fan's exclamation was just an expression of his thoughts unintentionally.However, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.Liang Chao at the side heard Zhang Fan's words.Immediately, he knelt down in front of Zhang Fan.He lowered his head and said, "My lord. It's all due to the inferior position. I couldn't stop Liu Shan just now. Now I have caused a lot of trouble for others. Please punish me, my lord."

"Liang Chao. What are you doing? The so-called man has gold under his knees. You have done nothing wrong. Get up quickly." Zhang Fan said hastily.He didn't expect Liang Chao to do this all of a sudden.

"No, my lord. The lowly position is not good for doing things. I have caused these troubles for the lord. If the adult does not punish the lowly position, not only will the lowly position feel bad, but other brothers will also be dissatisfied with the lowly position."

"You. How can I blame you?" Zhang Fan said. "Liu Shan was so sudden just now. He moved so fast. Who would have imagined it. How can I blame you for this."

Liang Chao didn't care what Zhang Fan said.Just knelt there and refused to get up.

Zhang Fan looked at Wang Meng at the side.Seeing Wang Meng, he also nodded.I had to sigh.Said: "Since that's the case, you will remove my official title of Jinyiwei Baihu now."

After listening to this sentence.Wang Meng's eyes narrowed.But he didn't speak.Liang Chao, who was kneeling, also trembled.Also didn't want to refute anything.

Zhang Fan didn't seem to notice the movements of the two of them.Continued: "Afterwards. Regarding the thorough investigation of corruption. You will do all the errands. But after this matter is over, you will reinstate me as an officer. Do it well in the future. Don't make any mistakes. .”

After listening to Zhang Fan's words.Wang Meng's nervous expression just now also relaxed.And Liang Chao, who was kneeling below, was a little stunned.Just at that moment.He thought that he had become an example for Zhang Fan to kill chickens and monkeys.Years of hard work will be wiped out at this moment.At that time, Liang Chao, who was ashamed of his family's ancestors, really didn't know what he should do.

And what Zhang Fan said later was simply a turning point for him.really.Life goes by so fast.It's just too exciting.

"Liang Chao will be punished." Liang Chao said.Knocked his head.Stand up and go to the back to help.

Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao.Did not say anything.I don't know what I'm thinking.

"My lord, what should we do now." Wang Meng asked.

"Well. It's really troublesome now. Let's think about it carefully. See how we can fulfill His Majesty's orders without making this place too chaotic." Zhang Fan said while rubbing his chin.

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