The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 227 Two Complete Measures

"My lord, what are your plans now?" Wang Meng asked.After all, that's how things are now.However, they still have to consider ways not to arrest these people.It's really depressing.

"Well. Now from Liu Shan. We got everything." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "Speaking of those account books, the things recorded on them are really very detailed. Originally, I thought they just recorded how much money would be embezzled here every year. How much money can Liu Shan get. Those people below can get it How much. There are also those people involved. And the evidence that can bring down Meng Chong.

"But Liu Shan really gave us a surprise. This guy didn't know what he was worried about. He recorded everything clearly. It even recorded what every involved official had to grasp It’s in his hands. How much money each official above can get each time. It’s all clearly recorded. This really surprised me.”

"This may be the reason why Liu Shan is always in crisis." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "He is a man. He has great ambitions. He also has a great desire for money. He is also very ruthless. But Liu Shan always has a sense of crisis. It seems that as long as he makes a mistake, he will immediately fall into deep trouble. It’s like falling into a place of no return. Therefore, he has been guarding against many things. As long as it is useful to him, he will record it. And he still uses the method of writing it down on paper.”

"But now it seems that Liu Shan's methods have taken advantage of us." Wang Meng said.

"Isn't it? This can be regarded as a karmic cycle." Zhang Fan smiled helplessly.

"But my lord. Although these are very important, I admit it. Liu Shan's carefulness helped us a lot." Wang Meng frowned suddenly and said. "But now it seems that these things are important. But apart from helping the adults help Feng Bao to bring down Meng Chong, they have almost become useless. There are so many crimes. Corrupt officials who break the law can't be beaten. I can't catch them. I want to catch one or two as a warning to others. But I'm afraid that it will affect the whole body. Other people who haven't been caught will also be in danger. Then do anything impulsive. That's impossible to predict."

"Moreover. The most important thing now is..." Zhang Fan frowned. "...The things His Majesty entrusted to me cannot be completed. You and I both know. In His Majesty's eyes, money is the most important thing. But His Majesty still has such a mind to be a sage monarch. So. Even if Your Majesty After seeing these account books, he probably won't order to arrest these people."

"In this way, His Majesty may not say anything. But he will be a little unhappy anyway." Wang Meng also touched his chin and said. "This matter is troublesome now. Here, officials who committed crimes will not be punished. They may think that the adults have no evidence of their crimes from Liu Shan. In that way, Liu Shan's punishment may make them vigilant for a while But people's greed is not so easy to get rid of. Especially these people who have tasted the benefits. They will definitely continue to commit crimes."

The two fell silent.Things are really troublesome now.

"Maybe. My lord. Maybe it's like this. You can see if it works." Wang Meng said suddenly.

"Have you thought of something? Tell me quickly." Zhang Fan heard that Wang Meng had a solution.Quickly asked.

"My lord. Our purpose now is nothing more than to help His Majesty get money. And we also need to warn these officials." Wang Meng said. "Perhaps we can follow the books. Have someone speak to these people in private. Make them hand over the money. Give them another warning. Your lord, see how that works."

"Well. There is a way. But..." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "...But if this is the case, I am still worried. After all, there is no impenetrable wall in this world. In case this matter is leaked out. At the same time, those officials know that I am not so worried. But if the people Got it. Things will get serious. You know. If the people below know that the imperial court has found out the corrupt officials, but they just let it go. I'm afraid that time will come. It's clear that the people will be boiling. I'm afraid At that time, a few people like Liu Liu and Liu Qi will come out to make trouble."

The two names mentioned by Zhang Fan.Wang Meng's eyes tightened.Although he did not personally experience those days.But after entering Jinyiwei.These two names were recorded in many files he had read.Compared with what the court made public on the surface.and folklore.The records in Jin Yiwei's dossier are more authentic.At the same time, it was even more bloody.

The uprising during the Zhengde period.Erupted in North Zhili.It is only a few states and counties away from the capital.Then invaded Shandong.Return to the capital again.The subsequent counter-insurgency took two years.All the way to Dehuguang.Liu Liu and Liu Qi were defeated in Huangzhou.The boat capsized and died.

Although the uprising was caused by the fact that Emperor Zhengde was young and playful.Favored and trusted eunuchs.Leading to the poor livelihood of the people.They rose up; although the rebel army was well-disciplined.Never kill someone indiscriminately.But it wasn't just the court that suffered from it.From North Zhili all the way to the south.There are also wars everywhere.Terrible.

And now.Although Emperor Longqing could not be regarded as a wise emperor.Even eccentric.Lots of quirks.But Long Qing is definitely not an emperor who would cause chaos in the world because of his playfulness and willfulness.Although Wang Meng sympathized with the oppressed people below.But I definitely don't want to see that scene.

things nowadays.Involved in the three places of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian.Although Jiangsu and Zhejiang have always been rich.The people are also easier to satisfy.Uprisings, rebellions and the like rarely happen here.But Fujian is different.That's where uprisings started.Not so long ago.There was also a not-so-small uprising.

"This... my lord. It's a lowly job that didn't think carefully." Wang Meng said.

"It's okay. Now I'm just thinking of a way. I don't have to do it immediately. But it's okay." Zhang Fan waved his hand and said.

Silence again.But this time the silence didn't last too long.

"Wang Meng. Tell me..." Zhang Fan suddenly asked. "Tell me. Is this person guilty because of his guilty conscience? He would not have, and was not discovered by others. But he pretended to be suspicious because of his nervousness. He tried every means to cover up what he had done."

"Hmm... what your lord said is human nature." Wang Meng thought for a while and said. "Especially those guys who think they are smart. It can be said that they are clever but are mistaken by cleverness."

"Hmm..." Zhang Fan heard Wang Meng's words.Nothing more to say.Instead sit there.As if remembering something.

Wang Meng just stood beside Zhang Fan.He didn't speak either.He knew that Zhang Fan must have thought of something.Plus the rather strange question that Zhang Fan asked him just now.It is estimated that what Zhang Fan thought might be the solution.

a long time.It's just so silent here.Over there.Zhang Fan's subordinates have also finished their search of Liu Shan's residence.A lot of things were found.Most of them are based on Luo Linger's explanation before leaving.It is said that there may be some mystery in Liu Shan's bedroom.The factory guards rummaged through Liu Shan's bedroom for a long time.Finally found the door to a dark room under Liu Shan's bed.A lot of things were found in it.It's shipped out now.As for other places in the Liu Mansion.It's quite normal.nothing special.

From noon till now.The time is approaching the unitary hour.And the work here is already over.The factory guards wanted to report to Zhang Fan several times.But he was interrupted by Wang Meng's gestures several times.Tell them not to come.So as not to disturb Zhang Fan's thinking.

suddenly.Zhang Fan seemed to have figured out something.Pick up the ledger on the desk.Find the one with the name on it.Start rummaging.

Wang Meng watched Zhang Fan quietly from the side.Now he can be sure.Zhang Fan must have thought of something.

"So that's the case. Unexpected. Unexpected. The most suspicious person has nothing to do with this matter." For a long time.Zhang Fan finished flipping through the account book.Sighed and said.It's just in Zhang Fan's tone.But it is quite unbelievable.

"What exactly did your lord see?" Wang Meng waited for a long time.Finally, I couldn't hold back the curiosity in my heart.asked.

"I think. I found a way." Zhang Fan looked at Wang Meng and said with a smile. "I found a way to make those officials spit out the money obediently. It can also give them a warning. A way to keep this matter from getting out."

"My lord, what is the solution?" Zhang Fan found a solution.Wang Meng was also very happy.he asked hastily.

"The secret must not be revealed." Zhang Fan did not answer him right away.Instead, it sold a pass.said with a smile. "It's getting late now. The family must have prepared dinner waiting for me to go back. It seems that there is nothing going on here. Let's go home first." He said.Zhang Fan stood up.With a smile on his face.He walked outside very easily.

Wang Meng behind him looked at Zhang Fan's back with some puzzlement.Some puzzled.But later.He stopped thinking about these things.Put away the basic ledgers on the table.These things are very important.Wang Meng was worried that others would take it.Instead, he hugged him in his arms.After the commander's men packed up.Bian followed Zhang Fan and left here.

Out of the gate of Liu Mansion.Zhang Fan was not in a hurry to get into the car.Instead, turn around.Look at this mansion.It's still very quiet here.Perhaps it was because Liu Shan was still alive.There are not many servants here.It's still the same here today.But everyone knows.Now here is the real return to peace.

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