The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 228 Initial Impact

The so-called good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, Zhang Fan now has a deep understanding of this famous saying.

The distance from Liu Shan's mansion to Zhang's mansion is not long or short. After all, Yangzhou is such a large state city, and its area is very large, but no matter how big it is, it is only in the same place. In a city, no matter how far away, there is nowhere to go.

But along the way, Zhang Fan really felt a different scenery while sitting in the car. Since it is midsummer now, the front of the carriage and the windows were only covered with bamboo curtains, but this also happened to make Zhang Fan feel more comfortable. Anyone who can see the scenery outside, moreover, the scenery along the way is quite different from usual.

Today, everything is very normal, until a group of people wearing the same clothes and all carrying sharp knives broke down the gate of Liu's mansion. If you say that Liu Shan's mansion can be regarded as a place near the suburbs of Yangzhou City, There were not many people there on weekdays, but the commotion was too loud, especially when such a large group of people broke into Liu's mansion violently, no one would fail to notice it.

It's just that attention should be paid attention to, but no one dares to approach it rashly. For ordinary people, it is true to live in peace and stability. It couldn't be better, for the common people, they don't care about the official who has the accident, whether he is a good official or not, as long as they are arrested, they will think that there must be something wrong with that person, especially now What happened was an eunuch like Liu Shan. During the Zhengde period, Liu Jin, the great eunuch, relied on the favor of the Emperor Zhengde, corrupted the law, and committed all kinds of evil. It has been a full 60 years since Liu Jin was executed, but for the common people , especially for the ancient people, there are many things that are worth talking about no matter how many years have passed. After all, for them, those things that happened in the capital are too far away from them. Whether out of curiosity or for other reasons, time is always hard to forget.

It is precisely because of this that the common people have formed a concept in their hearts, that is, there are very few good eunuchs, and they will definitely commit crimes in the future when they become eunuchs, so even Liu Shan, who is usually gentle and gentle People, from time to time, will do some good deeds, but now that something happened to him, the people are not surprised at all. Most people are just thinking about how well Liu Shan pretends in his daily life.

But the people are the people, after all, they are still in awe of the government. They may like to join in the fun, or they may like to watch something new, but if they will drag themselves into the water for this, it is really not worth it. Therefore, the Liu Shan Mansion Court There were not many people around, but once he walked through a street, Zhang Fan could see many people standing on the side of the street looking around, but no one dared to come up to check and inquire.

I just said at the beginning that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Now that Liu Shan is under the law, this should be regarded as a good thing, so why do you say that? Don't worry if it's listed as an official. There are two kinds of people.

In other words, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, it is also not right for people. In the eyes of some people, for example, these common people, in their opinion, Liu Shan has an accident and punishes the law. Apart from being able to watch the excitement, they can't get it. What a benefit, but this is considered a good thing for them, after all, a corrupt eunuch was found out and punished by the court.

For some people, this incident is a downright bad thing. Those people are naturally people in the official circle. Most of them are more or less related to Liu Shan, and many of them are still Under Liu Shan's instructions, they did some deeds that cost their heads. Now, when these people hear that something happened in Liu Shan's house, there is no way they are not in a hurry.

No, Zhang Fan, who was sitting in the car, could see that among the crowd on both sides of the street, there were many people who were different, and some of these people were well-dressed, and their clothes were no different from ordinary people. They were all dressed in coarse cloth; while some seemed to have no time to dress up, and came directly wearing the servant's clothes. Obviously, the owner of that family must be extremely anxious now.

These people can be easily distinguished. They are not like other ordinary people. They just stand there, look at them with curious eyes, and then talk to the people standing beside them. These people are all He looked at this side with extremely curious eyes, as if he wanted to see some flowers with the naked eye, and then asked the people next to him for something from time to time.

This seems to be the same as ordinary people, but there is one thing, that is, ordinary people don't know what happened, and these people got the order of the master to figure out what happened, and these people It was impossible to come directly to ask the factory guards who were walking on the road, so they kept shuttling through the crowd, asking different people what happened, and followed the convoy together.

Zhang Fan sat in the carriage and looked coldly at the scene on the street. Suddenly a sneer appeared on his face. This is what Zhang Fan hoped they could see, and this is exactly what Zhang Fan said next. Part of the plan, and this scene was exactly what he needed.

The speed of the convoy was not slow. Not long after, Zhang's Mansion had arrived, but at this time there were still quite a few people on the street, as if they were queuing up to welcome something, but there was no lively atmosphere.

Zhang Fan, on the other hand, acted as if he hadn't seen it. He got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the Zhang family.

Before entering the door, Zhang Fan stopped Wang Meng and said to him: "Wang Meng, you go and call me Wang Dezhao, the magistrate of Yangzhou, and if he asks you anything, you can tell me about what happened in Liu's residence today. Tell him a little bit about things, but don’t say anything more, "

"My lord, is it now?" Wang Meng listened to Zhang Fan's words and looked at the sky. Although it was still early in the morning, the You hour was almost past, and every household was preparing dinner. He didn't understand why Zhang Fan was going to call now As for Wang Dezhao, it is still impossible to invite him to dinner.

"It's now," Zhang Fan just said these four words in an affirmative tone, without saying anything more, turned and walked into the door.

Looking at the gate of the Zhang family where Zhang Fan's figure was hidden, although Wang Meng was very puzzled about Zhang Fan's plan, he still faithfully carried out Zhang Fan's order. He believed that Zhang Fan must have his reasons for doing so.

After Zhang Fan returned here, the first thing he saw was his uncle Zhang Yu walking towards him.

"Fan'er, I've also heard about what happened to Liu Shan. Are you okay?" Zhang Yufang asked about this matter as soon as he came over, showing the concern on his face undisguised.

"Thank you uncle for your concern, my nephew is fine," Zhang Fan was very moved by Zhang Yufang's concern, and said to him very sincerely.

"Just now I saw your subordinates sent Ling'er back, and she looked very tired." Zhang Yufang was relieved to hear that Zhang Fan was fine, and said, "I was also very curious, so I asked Ask the person who sent Linger back, but it turned out that Liu Shan was captured by you for evidence of corruption, and now he has committed suicide."

"That's right," Zhang Fan said, "My nephew was ordered by the emperor to come to a place in the south of the Yangtze River for this matter, and now I have finally found the culprit behind the scenes."

"It's so good, it's so good," Zhang Yufang said happily, and he didn't know whether he was happy for Zhang Fan or for Zhang Fan's removal of Liu Shan, "By the way, Fan Er, you must be tired today. Now, hurry up and go to rest, I will have my servant call you to eat later, "

"Oh, by the way, Uncle," Zhang Fan said suddenly, "My nephew won't have dinner with Uncle and you today."

"Fan'er, why is this?" Zhang Yufang asked curiously after hearing Zhang Fan's words, "Isn't this matter all over now?"

"The matter is over, but it's not completely over yet," Zhang Fan said, "My nephew still has a lot to do to deal with the aftermath,"

"Since it is an official business of the imperial court, it should be put first," Zhang Yufang said very sensiblely, "But you should also pay attention to your health, Faner."

"Thank you uncle for your concern. If there is nothing else, my nephew will go back to the house," Zhang Fan said.

"Go ahead, I'll have my servants deliver the food to your room later," Zhang Yufang said understandingly.

Zhang Fan said hello and turned to leave, but before he took a few steps, he seemed to have thought of something, turned around and asked Zhang Yufang again: "Uncle, this morning, uncle seems to have something to say to my little brother." The nephew said, I don’t know what it is, but my little nephew still has time, so I ask my uncle to enlighten me.”

"Ah, that matter," after Zhang Fan mentioned it, Zhang Yufang also thought about it, but he waved his hand and said, "That was not an important thing in the first place, and now I want to understand it, so I don't need to Tell Fan Er again, "

"Is that so..." Zhang Fan was very puzzled after hearing what he said, but since Zhang Yufang didn't want to say it, he wouldn't ask again, "So, my nephew is leaving."

"Go, go," Zhang Yufang said happily, and waved his hand at Zhang Fan easily, making Zhang Fan even more confused.

Of course, there is no need to say anything else. Originally, Zhang Yufang was worried that Zhang Fan would fall into this naked temptation and be unable to extricate himself. But now, everything shows that Zhang Fan did this just to lure the snake out of the hole, and it was not something bad. Thoughts, it is enough for Zhang Yufang who knows this, he knows that Zhang Fan has not changed, this is enough,

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