"How is it? I need your help with something now." Zhang Fan said the purpose of asking him to come here today. "Would you like to help me?"

Wang Dezhao heard Zhang Fan's words.He immediately raised his head and looked at Zhang Fan.Apart from doubt and surprise on the face.There was also a deep sense of disbelief.Think about it too.Whoever stood in Wang Dezhao's position would not believe what Zhang Fan said.After all, it sounds like a joke.So Wang Dezhao was not just constantly puzzled and surprised.He also looked at Zhang Fan's face.He was looking for the illusion that he himself had already confirmed existed.

But Wang De looked around.Zhang Fan's face was very serious.There is nothing like it was done on purpose.It seems unnecessarily serious.

"My... my lord. You are not joking." Wang Dezhao said in a low voice, very uncertain. "This... my lord. I'm about to be scared out of my wits right now. I hope my lord will stop playing tricks on me. I really can't bear this heart..."

Zhang Fan heard what Wang Dezhao said.They didn't even look him in the eye.Just throw him a blank stare.He said angrily: "What kind of brain do you have. I may want to see your jokes more. But that was just a moment ago. Now I am not in the mood to do this. If you want to live, you even want to Keep your official position. Then help me honestly." Zhang Fan's words were completely unreasonable.After all, how can Wang Dezhao know when he is in a good mood.When are you in a bad mood.But now Zhang Fan occupies a dominant position.It's not that what he said was what he said.And Wang Dezhao, the unlucky ghost who hit the muzzle of the gun, could only sit there and suffer obediently.

"But... my lord. I'm an official..." Wang Dezhao did not immediately veto this time.certainly.Although he didn't immediately agree.But it can also be seen.He also vaguely knew in his heart that his life was safe now.But he still has a lot of doubts to ask Zhang Fan. "...The lower officials have committed so many things. Don't your lord punish the lower officials?"

"Offensive." Zhang Fan listened to his words.Make a very surprised expression.Then he said with a funny smile. "You Wang Dezhao. It's interesting. What should I say about you? Are you really stupid, innocent and cute. Or are you pretending to be confused."

"...This. I don't understand what your lord is talking about. Please show me." Wang Dezhao had a sincere expression on his face.Doesn't look like it was done on purpose.

Zhang Fan looked at him like this.The previous thoughts are gone.It seems that Wang Dezhao really doesn't understand.Think about it now.Corrupt officials made Wang Dezhao look like this.It is even clearer than those famous and clean officials.Really unheard of.And most of all.Wang Dezhao himself seemed a little confused about the situation.Really... Zhang Fan felt a little sad for him.

"No wonder you are so stupid. You can't even be a corrupt official." Zhang Fan scolded him a little angrily.But it didn't matter seeing Wang Dezhao's face.There are even some simple and honest appearances.The anger in Zhang Fan's heart also turned into helplessness.He didn't have the heart to scold Wang Dezhao anymore.Refresh your spirits.Zhang Fan said. "You pig brain. If I even have to deal with corrupt officials of your level personally. Then I can really be regarded as a day-to-day man, and I can't get away from it."

Wang Dezhao didn't respond to Zhang Fan's words just now.But it didn't take long.He recalled it.Suddenly, there was a burst of excitement in my heart.Even his body trembled slightly.

"Emotions. My corrupt law is nothing in Zhang Fan's eyes. It's not even a corrupt official." Wang Dezhao couldn't help thinking in his heart. "This method is good. If there is a chance in the future, I will still do it this way. Get a little oil and water. It is enough for myself to eat, drink and have fun. I am not one of those stupid people. I don’t know myself if I have a little power in my hand. What do you believe in? I was greedy for so much money, but I didn’t dare to spend it. I hide it all day long and get moldy. It’s really stupid.” This person is not greedy.Greed is not small.Zhang Fan just said that he was fine.He began to have small thoughts in his heart again.But speaking of it.It's nothing to be careful about.Especially in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty.And Wang Dezhao's views on those corrupt officials are quite correct.Greed is huge.But once you get it, you dare not spend it.This is equivalent to a huge sum of money obtained by risking death and crime.But he didn't dare to spend money.Finally, it was found out by the court.Make a decapitated place.It's really stupid.

Think about it.Wang Dezhao completely understood.I am really fine.And now Zhang Fan asked him to help.Maybe there will be some benefits.Thinking of this, Wang Dezhao couldn't even mention how happy he was.He seemed a little unable to suppress that joy.There was even a slight smile on his face.Although only for a moment.But Zhang Fan still caught his smile.

See that smile on Wang Dezhao's face.Zhang Fan turned his mind around and knew what he was thinking.Speaking of which, he wanted to know what Wang Dezhao was thinking.It couldn't be easier.He's the kind of guy who puts what's in his heart on his face.But Zhang Fan didn't hate Wang Dezhao because he knew what he was thinking.on the contrary.He was very satisfied with Wang Dezhao's reaction.I also trust him a lot in my heart.After all, this kind of person.This kind of uncontrollable inner thoughts.All exposed people.It is too easy to control.It is also a lot of peace of mind to use.The most important thing is that Wang Dezhao is not a clean and honest man.on the contrary.He is very weak.A little threat can completely control him.And the desire to take advantage of something in his heart is too heavy.It is also available.

"Your Excellency, how can I help the lower officials. As long as the adults say it, the lower officials must go through fire and water and do whatever it takes." Wang Dezhao's expression immediately became extremely resolute.He patted his chest and said.

"I don't need you to go through fire and water. I don't think you have the guts." Zhang Fan said angrily.

After Wang Dezhao heard it.There is no dissatisfaction.Just smiled embarrassedly.

"Now, drink with me first. We'll talk about it later." Zhang Fan ordered.

This time.Wang Dezhao was no longer cowering like before.The appearance of life and death is not willing.This time he suddenly took the initiative to become enthusiastic.certainly.The flattering expression on his face couldn't be more obvious.

Zhang Fan was not impatient with this.Although with his current status.It is completely possible to make people treat themselves like this every day.But he never did.For the first time today, I enjoyed someone trying to flatter me.Although that feeling is a bit awkward.But he really felt good in his heart.

In an instant.Push the cup and change the cup.I drank a lot of wine.The dishes on the table also disappeared a lot.But that is mostly due to Wang Dezhao.Wang Dezhao, who relaxed his mood, seemed to relax his stomach.Zhang Fan's eyes twitched after eating and drinking.I have been thinking in my heart.It seemed that Wang Dezhao had no choice.If you are not greedy for small money.I'm afraid with that little salary.He even has trouble eating.

finally.The meal came to an end.Although the two are still drinking.But the chopsticks in his hand have been put down.

"Now. Let's get down to business." Zhang Fan said.

As soon as Wang Dezhao heard it, he wanted to talk about business.He quickly swallowed the dish with chopsticks that he had just put into his mouth.I don't even care to chew it.Then he wiped his big, shiny mouth with his own sleeve.He looked at Zhang Fan seriously.Wait for him to speak.This series of actions made Zhang Fan's eyes twitch.I have been thinking in my heart.This Wang Dezhao is also a genuine Jinshi.I don't know where he read those sage books back then.Why are you so disrespectful to your image?

"My lord, do you have any orders? Please tell me directly. I will listen attentively." Seeing Zhang Fan looking at him with eyes that he couldn't understand.Wang Dezhao couldn't help feeling a little guilty.I don't know where I did wrong.Hurry up and talk.Divert Zhang Fan's sight.

"Oh...well..." Zhang Fan shook his head.He straightened his face.Said. "Liu Shan subjugated the law. There is no need to talk about it. I don't need to repeat the specific situation at that time. Now, I have obtained Liu Shan's account book. It records the names of all officials related to this matter. This Leaving aside for the time being, I am now only interested in the money corrupted by Liu Shan and his henchmen.

"Don't be in a hurry. Listen to me. I don't want the money. It's what the emperor ordered me to do. So you don't have to worry. I will never cause you any trouble if I ask you to help. This Don't worry if you give it to me.

"But now. I have a problem. There are too many officials recorded in Liu Shan's account books. It is impossible for me to arrest all of them. In that way. The three of the Soviet Union, Zhejiang, and Fujian The earth will certainly cause trouble. But I can't just arrest a few. Or send someone to tell them. Ask them to spit out the money. If this news leaks out in the future, it will be terrible.

"So. I thought of a way. How to make these people spit out the money obediently. But without disturbing other places. Especially the folks. Or, even if they are disturbed. You can also use other methods to avoid public grievances The outbreak. I thought a lot today. Finally, I finally thought of a solution.

"But for this matter, I need someone who is no longer in Liu Shan's account book. It's just that that kind of person is hard to find. Almost all the people who meet the standards in these three places are on the account book. I also checked the account book again. Finally, It's for me to find someone whose name isn't on it. That's you.

"It's very strange to say. You, who were the most suspected at first, didn't participate in this matter. But this is a good thing for you and me. Now. I need your help."

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