"Since my lord has said so, if the subordinate officials refuse again, wouldn't it seem a bit like a toast instead of fine wine?" Wang Dezhao listened to Zhang Fan's words.I also felt much better in my heart.Asked what Zhang Fan wanted him to do. "Your Excellency, just tell the subordinate officials. As long as the subordinate officials can do it. The subordinate officials will definitely do their best."

"I want what you can help. You can definitely do it. And you don't have to do anything. It's just a matter of talking." Zhang Fan didn't say anything right away.Instead, he planned to give Wang Dezhao another reassurance. "Also. This matter will definitely not kill you. If you handle it well, I will tell His Majesty after I return to Beijing in the future. You will also have a share of the credit."

Wang Dezhao is not stupid.He knew that these words were just spoken by Zhang Fan to comfort him.There are a lot of things that can't be true.But he still couldn't bear to think about it in his heart.After all, what Zhang Fan said was really good.He knows with his own wit.The seat of prefect is his head.This time, I might be able to make some political achievements for myself based on this matter.It's also good to plan for the future.

"My lord, please speak directly." Wang Dezhao said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Fan looked at his expression.I think it's almost there.Then he opened his mouth and said: "I said it just now. I thought of a way. It can make those people pay more money without making too much noise. Even if the matter leaks out in the future, there will be a way to restore it. This depends on Your help.

"Liu Shan's account book does not contain your name. So there is no communication between you and Liu Shan. This is also the basis for me to use you with confidence. But there is one thing. The account book was actually recorded by Liu Shan alone. Yes. The people above actually don’t know each other. Of course. There may be one or two people who have a better relationship. Or someone who is particularly smart can see that other people are also in Liu Shan’s gang. But they don’t Know if you are. But I guess. As long as these people know you, they will regard you as one."

"Hmm..." Wang Dezhao listened to Zhang Fan's words.I pondered for a while.Suddenly said. "My lord, I suddenly thought of something. Before, I couldn't understand how I thought about it. But after what my lord said, I now understand."

"Oh. What did you think of? Tell me." Zhang Fan was also aroused by Wang Dezhao's words.asked.

"In the past. There were always some colleagues. Or officials who came to the local area from other provinces. They were all from the three places of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian. After they met the lower officials, they probably felt that the appearance of the lower officials was not like a person. An upright official. I would always mention Liu Shan intentionally or unintentionally in front of the lower officials. At that time, I had no idea about the lower officials. I don’t know why these people keep mentioning Liu Shan. I thought it was Liu Shan’s eccentricity or something. But at the same time, colleagues in the officialdom. Although many of them are officials far away from Yangzhou. But maybe something will happen one day. The lower officials just smiled and nodded. They didn't say anything. Now after the adults After some explanation, think about it again. These people must think that I was also the one who was attracted by Liu Shan. Besides, Liu Shan and I are in Yangzhou. They must think that I know some news about Liu Shan. They are asking me .”

"That's right. Exactly." Zhang Fan said. "Now. You are about to come in handy. I want you to let the wind out. In fact, they are all real situations. The general meaning is. After Liu Shan was punished, I got a few documents from him that recorded all Liu Shan's secrets. This account book. Then you told them. The day of the accident. That is, today. You spent a lot of money to bribe a person close to me. You got a lot of news.

"To be more specific. Because I know that there are too many people involved in Liu Shan's account books. Because it is not easy to arrest all of them. It is not possible to arrest only a few. But I am here this time to serve His Majesty's orders." Order. A thorough investigation of corrupt officials is a trivial matter. Paying the money back to His Majesty is a major matter. Wait until a few days. If I haven't figured out a way, then I will plan to go door-to-door to ask for it. Of course. Doing so will definitely make The person I knocked on the door is in trouble. But I can't take care of that much anymore." Zhang Fan stopped here.

"That's it, my lord." Seeing Zhang Fan, Wang Dezhao stopped.It's just that he also heard that things won't end like this.asked with some doubts. "It's just that, my lord. I guess those people still don't understand what your lord wants them to do. Apart from being afraid, I'm afraid they won't just call out the money obediently like this. Moreover, the lower officials would have misunderstood these things in the past. The meaning of people talking to me. I have never answered them. They may not believe what the officials say."

"Don't worry about that. They will definitely believe you." Zhang Fan said with certainty.But then he put on an extremely serious expression.Said. "Of course. It also depends on how well you act. If it's not good, let them see what's going on. I won't forgive you."

"This... I will definitely do my best... Do my best..." Wang Dezhao was told by Zhang Fan.A lot of cold sweat broke out again.He hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Of course. I won't make it too difficult for you. I don't expect you to just say a few words. Those people will rush to send the money." Zhang Fan continued. "You just tell them. After you know that I want money, you feel that there is still hope for life. Come to me alone. Tell me that you are willing to hand over all your silver. Come to buy peace. Then tell them. I promise As for you. Let’s just say that although your life is safe now, and the seat of the prefect of Yangzhou is still sitting. But if you want to go up, it is impossible.”

"Hmm. My lord's thoughts are wonderful. Come to think of it. I just need to talk to those people like this. They should understand." Wang Dezhao finished listening to Zhang Fan's words.Said. "But my lord. I'm still a little worried. What if... just in case there are a few hard-headed people. Or some people who have connections in the court. Relying on their own background, I don't want to buy my lord's account. How can this be?" Do it. Your Excellency. You need to know. Your Excellency is asking for money this time. But the more this kind of person is, the more money he will get."

"Hmm..." Zhang Fan heard what Wang Dezhao said.Immediately thought about it.Regarding the point mentioned by Wang Dezhao.He hadn't really thought about it before.Now Wang Dezhao has spoken out.He thought about it, but it was troublesome.If you really come across such a person.But it is not easy to force him to submit.These people will not let go when they reach this stage.It must be some people who will not die without seeing the coffin.But this did not bother Zhang Fan.He had an idea right away.Said to Wang Dezhao. "If you let it out, add another one to me. Say that you got it from someone you bribed. Say that I am here this time. Your Majesty is to prevent some officials from arrogance. He thinks that some people in the court support him. You can run amok in the backstage. So His Majesty specially handed over the sword of Emperor Taizu to me. If anyone refuses to obey discipline, then just cut it off. At that time, that person will be considered dead in vain. No one will dare complained for him."

"This... Your Excellency's great plan. Great plan." Wang Dezhao heard these words.Hurry up and flatter them together.But there was another burst of cold sweat in his heart.I want to come to Longqing because I want money and want to go crazy.Even this kind of thing was handed over to Zhang Fan.This sword is considered to be the largest under the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.Not to mention killing a magistrate.It is an important official in Beijing.That is to say, just cut it.It's just that.It's not easy to do things after that.

Now Zhang Fan has this thing in his hand.Wang Dezhao only needs to disclose this news again.There is no reason for those people not to pay the money obediently.only……

"It's just my lord. How should I hand over this money to my lord?" Wang Dezhao asked.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.There are two forms of currency.One is banknotes.One is metal coins, including gold, silver and copper.But metal currency is really not easy to transport.What's more, there are so many numbers.It's too heavy.It's also too bulky.And the "Da Ming Treasure Banknote" officially issued by the imperial court.The one with the largest face value is consistent money.That is one or two.That counts.How much must there be.

In addition, the bank notes issued by the so-called banks.Speak the truth.There is no insurance after leaving the place.Zhang Fan was also poisoned by TV dramas in his previous life.The romantic people inside are just waving and spilling tens of thousands of taels of silver bills.Very chic.And those banks.It looks just like a modern bank.

Waited till here.Only then did he really understand.The so-called bank.It's just a nice name.In fact, it is a money shop.What is a money shop.It is the shop where the broken silver is recast into silver ingots.It's just that some shops are indeed on a large scale.So this kind of bill that can be proved is issued.It's for banknotes.But its local characteristics are too heavy.It is basically useless outside the sphere of influence of the bank.And now at this time.The Ming Dynasty did not have a national big bank.In addition to the security of the army, the transportation is relatively safe.Folks can only find escorts.But generally speaking.It's just a lot of trouble.

"Hmm. This is also a problem." Zhang Fan pondered again.Just this thing.After much deliberation, he couldn't think of any good way.Had to use the most cumbersome method. "You just say that I asked you to pack all the money you handed in into boxes. Ship it to... to the branch of Jinyiwei in Yangzhou. The people there will help you register. I will use this to check those The fish that slipped through the net. But it’s not asking for money. Is there any punishment besides. Let them think for themselves.”

Wang Dezhao listened.Hurry to agree.I also admire Zhang Fan in my heart.There is no need to tell those people what the consequences are.In such a vague way.On the contrary, it will be scary.

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