The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 258 The Man Behind

"My lord, I've found all the people you want," Zhao Xiande said to Zhang Fan with a respectful smile, rubbing his hands together, his appearance was full of profiteers.

Zhang Fan looked at the ten or so people behind him with exactly the same expression as Zhao Xiande now, nodded, and said, "That's right, let them come over, I have something to ask them,"

Zhao Xiande nodded flatteringly again, and then turned around, but when he turned around and turned his back to Zhang Fan, the flattering expression on his face changed instantly, into a superior and leisurely look .

"You've all heard that my lord came to you to ask you something. What my lord asks you, you must tell the truth. Don't make any falsehoods or cover-ups, otherwise you will look good to me," Zhao Xiande said in a completely superior manner. Said to the gesture of the subordinate.

"That's natural. In front of adults, how dare the grassroots make mistakes," someone said humbly immediately, but these people all had a lot of contempt for Zhao Xiande in their hearts, but that's all, Zhao Xiande usually He's also pretty good.

Zhang Fan also smiled in his heart, he can naturally understand Zhao Xiande's mood at this time, after all, he gave him something, although it can't be called a promise, but something very promising, the tail will naturally be raised.

Without wasting any more time on this, Zhang Fan waved behind him, and Wang Xiliang walked over.

"Everyone is a businessman who went to sea, and all of them made their fortune in Fusang, so they must be proficient in Fusang dialect," Zhang Fan said, "I asked you to come here today because I have something to ask you, take a look. You may know something," Zhang Fan nodded to Wang Xi after finishing speaking.

"I have a Fusang person's name here, but not all of them, only a few voices," Wang Xiliang said to these businessmen, "The three voices of 'Asika', you may think of someone, this person wants to come here Fusang should be very famous, and the name can be heard in the countryside." He would not say that he had heard it before, but now he has forgotten it. It would be too embarrassing. I'm not happy, I didn't solve Zhang Fan's question, but now I want to find these merchants to ask, but he has no objection, after all, this is Zhang Fan's idea, and he has no right to refute; Merchants do often deal with the nobles in Fusang, and maybe they can really find out something from them.

After hearing Wang Xiliang's words, this group of people began to frown and think about it, but how many of them were really thinking about it, and how many of them were just putting on a show, I couldn't tell, Zhang Fan felt the same way. It is very clear, although he trusts Zhao Xiande more, but it is difficult to guarantee that these merchants who came here are serious, and there are no people who want to come here to get close to him and pretend to be people.

Shaking his head, shaking his head, shaking his head, shaking his head to deny one by one, this made Wang Xiliang and Zhang Fan feel helpless, and the face of Zhao Xiande, who recommended these people, also became darker every time he shook his head. Zhao Xiande has been in business for some years, and although his current achievements are inseparable from his own luck, there is a saying in the West, "The sea is a man's battlefield. He who conquers the sea can conquer everything." Although Zhao Xiande is not a pioneer or a pioneer in sailing, the storms and waves in the past few years have improved his mood a lot, although he still cannot get rid of the businessman's accident.

This time, although Liang Chao, who Zhang Fan sent to find him, and Zhang Fan himself looked relaxed and casual, as if it was not an important matter, Zhao Xiande could still feel that what happened this time would definitely not be serious. What a trivial matter, but the people I recommended shook their heads one after another, which of course made Zhao Xiande very flustered. If he is delayed by himself, then he may have some "indiscriminate disaster". After all, although Zhang Fan looks very kind, businessmen like them still dare not make rash judgments about what officials are thinking.

But no matter what Zhao Xiande thought in his heart, and no matter Zhang Fan's face became more and more disappointed, the number of people shaking their heads was still increasing. Finally, except for the last one, more than a dozen people shook their heads, expressing that they couldn't remember. The people represented by the three Fusang voices.

Ever since, all eyes were on the last person. Zhang Fan and Zhao Xiande had hopeful eyes, while those merchants who shook their heads were jealous and expectant. If people really remembered something, then this time he would show his face in front of the imperial envoy; the expectation is naturally that he can't think of anything, and the current appearance is just a posturing.

"My lord, the grass people's..." The man suddenly showed joy, and he raised his head just as he was about to say something, but he found that everyone here was looking at him, and there was eagerness in so many gazes. The two diametrically opposed emotions of anger and anger couldn't help but startled the man, and he just choked back the words he said.

"Quickly tell me, what did you think of," Zhang Fan asked quickly.

Hearing Zhang Fan's culture, the man also settled down. He also understood why other merchants looked at him angrily, but he also understood in his heart that in front of Zhang Fan, the imperial envoy, he It can be regarded as showing his face for a while.

"That was the first time the Caomin went to Fusang," the man seemed to recall, "At that time, the Caomin also heard of Fusang, knew that there was a lot of gold there, and wanted to make a fortune. I know how to do business too well, the first time I spent my money, I brought a lot of high-quality porcelain and silk, and some things that only those officials and masters can afford on weekdays."

Although what this person is saying now are irrelevant things, Zhang Fan didn't intend to interrupt him, he was afraid that this person would forget something if he was so surprised.

"But when the grassroots arrived at Fusang, they found that this was not the case at all," the man continued, "The people in Fusang are so poor that many of them are naked, and the common people even have the right to have a surname. None, only a name.

"Caomin didn't have any connections. The people there couldn't afford to buy Caomin's things. Most of them just came to see something new. Fortunately, Caomin was not proficient in Fusang dialect at that time, so he hired someone to help Caomin spread the word. He said that Caomin had landed. The place is too remote, even the daimyo here does not have so much gold to buy Cao Min's things, so Cao Min obeyed his advice, boarded the boat again, and sailed towards Fuso's Honshu Island, and the destination was Fuso's Kyoto.

"There, although the grassroots did not see their Fusang emperor who claimed to be a descendant of the gods, they saw a person, the No. 15 general of the Fusang Muromachi Shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, whose surname is Fusang It sounds like 'Ashika Ga',"

Hearing this, Wang Xiliang suddenly raised his head to inquire, obviously he also thought of it.

"Are you sure, do you remember correctly?" Zhang Fan wanted to confirm. After all, this matter is of great importance, so there is no doubt about it. "This matter is not a joke, you have to think it over for me."

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that Cao Min dares to guarantee the head of the project," the man said with certainty, "And Cao Min remembers very clearly that his name was Ashikaga Yoshiaki before, and the name Ashikaga Yoshiaki was named after he took office. It was changed after becoming No.15 General Zhengyi, although he was a foreigner, but it was the first time in his life that Caomin had seen a person who was second only to the emperor in a country, and Caomin would certainly not forget, "The man was absolutely sure. .

"You go down first, I want to thank you very much this time," Zhang Fan waved his hand, obviously he had something to talk about, and told them to leave first.

These people are also very knowledgeable, knowing that there must be a reason why Zhang Fan asked them to leave, so they didn't express any displeasure, and what Zhang Fan said just now seemed to be aimed at all of them, not targeting any one of them. , which also made their mood a lot more balanced.

All these people left, and Wang Meng and Liang Chao, who were standing aside just now, also came over.

"My lord, this... low position is really too stupid. I should have thought of it earlier," Wang Xiliang sighed. In fact, he can't be blamed for this. Knowing Chinese characters, although he is proficient in Fuso dialect, he can't write. Therefore, although he has seen the word "Ashikaga" many times, he still doesn't know their pronunciation.

"Now that we know who it is, there's no need to talk about it," Zhang Fan waved his hand, he didn't intend to spend any effort on it, the past is the past.

"My lord, in this way, everything makes sense," said Wang Meng, who had also done research on Fusang before, "Although Ashikaga Yoshiaki was nominally subordinate to Emperor Fusang, their emperor There is no real power for a long time, the administrator is the general, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is fully capable of mobilizing such a large number of "chaotic waves" to make such a commotion in my court, "

"It's just my lord, I still have some doubts now," Liang Chao said with a frown. If you want to do this, don’t those Fusang’s generals and aides can’t do it well, don’t you know how powerful it is?”

"About this, I know the reason," Zhang Fan said with a smile,

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