"About this, I know the reason," Zhang Fan said with a smile.

When several people heard Zhang Fan's words, they all looked at him with puzzled eyes, thinking that the Ming Dynasty's news about Fusang, apart from Jin Yiwei, must be counted as Dongchang's dossier, which has the most comprehensive records. The relationship between the superior and the subordinate is actually very good between the two groups. Besides, as long as the information about foreign countries does not involve any internal affairs, both parties can borrow it.

Wang Meng and others have also read Fusang's dossier, and the Dongchang side is indeed more comprehensive than Jinyiwei's, but there are still many things that they don't need to relate to, such as Ashikaga Yoshiaki, although this person is from the Muromachi shogunate. The No. 15 general who conquered the barbarians, in Fusang, he was under one person and above ten thousand people, and the person above him was only in name, but this person was a bit mediocre, and no one paid attention to him.

So when Zhang Fan said just now that he knew something, it's no wonder that others were surprised.

How did Zhang Fan know? Before he returned to the Ming Dynasty, he was a student majoring in economics, but his history was so-so. When he was in high school, his history grades were only so-so. He is not very proficient, how can he care about Japanese history.

But this is also thanks to him catching up with the great development of the electronic entertainment industry in his previous life. He has actually played a lot of games of this kind, such as "Taiko Lizhi Biography" and "Nobunaga's Ambition" and so on. , Playing around, he also knew a lot of things, Zhang Fan is a little funny thinking about it now, thinking that such a troublesome trouble now is because of the two or three yuan an hour of game time in the computer room back then. Breakthrough, it seems that we really should teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

The above are all small episodes. After Zhang Fan came back to his senses, he saw his subordinates looking at him, knowing that they were waiting for his answer, so he didn't make any fuss anymore, and said, "This Ashikaga Yoshiaki is The adopted son of Fuso No.12 General Ashikaga Yoshiharu, and the younger brother of No.13 General Ashikaga Yoshiki, this Ashikaga Yoshiki was assassinated by his cousin Ashikaga Yoshiei and was deprived of the position of General. I was worried that Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was becoming a monk, would compete with him for the position and wanted to assassinate him. Fortunately, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's old department helped, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki wanted to ask for help from Dafang Daming. Those people also agreed, but they still didn't move , Knowing that two years later, he took the position of the general.

"This person can't be said to have no brains, but he is not very smart, and his state of mind is extremely easily confused by the things in front of him. In addition, he has a good background, so he is not lacking in arrogance. If it is said that Ashikaga Yoshiaki planned I'm not surprised at all by this attack."

"But my lord, why did Yoshiaki Ashikaga do this," Wang Meng asked.

"I'm afraid the situation is similar to what we thought before. He must have known about the news released by Liu Shan," Zhang Fan said. "Since he can't get the support of our Ming Dynasty, I'm afraid he doesn't want his opponent to get it either. After the second attack may start, Fusang will release news to tell us who did it,"

"Your Excellency, what you mean is that this Ashikaga Yoshiaki intends to disrupt Liu Shan's promise to his opponent by pretending to be the court, and at the same time intends to ask us to help him crusade against his opponent," Liang Chao asked.

"That's right, it's really a good idea," Zhang Fan said.

"My lord, if this is the case, what should we do," Wang Meng asked.

"Originally, this kind of strategy is good, but it is also the easiest to be resolved," Zhang Fan said, "We just need to tell his opponent about this situation, let him know that Ashikaga Yoshiaki is planning to deal with us, and the rear is empty If that person asks us for Liu Shan’s promise, we’ll see the situation at that time, and if it’s not too much, what’s the point of giving him some sweets?”

"My lord's method is good," Wang Meng nodded after hearing this, "but now, my lord, we don't even know which Fusang name Liu Shan was looking for at that time."

"This is indeed a little troublesome. If you don't know who it is, I'm afraid you have to wait until the Japanese pirates attack and let them say it themselves," Zhang Fan said with a frown. A war disaster, the people will suffer again, but I will not sit and wait for this to happen, "

"What is your lord going to do," Liang Chao asked.

"I think I can already guess who Ashikaga Yoshiaki is going to frame," Zhang Fan said, "It's Oda Nobunaga who is now in the limelight in Fuso,"

"My lord, this..." Wang Xiliang frowned at the mention of this person.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his appearance, Zhang Fan couldn't help asking.

"When I was in Fusang, although I always hid in the countryside in order to avoid my enemies and people, but the name of Oda Nobunaga was really known to everyone," Wang Xiliang explained. Said, "A few times I have even seen him lead the army to fight against other daimyos. This Oda Nobunaga is really a character. Apart from being strict in running the army, he also has some strategies, especially he has a group that treats him well. The extremely loyal subordinates made him even more powerful.

"But, my lord, I don't really agree with being friends with Oda Nobunaga very much,"

"Oh, why, tell me," Zhang Fan asked curiously.

"This Oda Nobunaga is well-known, so he knows a little about his humble position," Wang Xiliang said, "This person was unrestrained when he was young, and he was called the world's biggest fool. He is just too casual. This person is so casual that he doesn't care about making deals with those Western merchants. Although he still behaves like his ancestors in his own territory, he dares to change many things.

"From this point of view, this person is very enlightened. As a monarch, he is definitely a competent person, but he has a problem. He is too cruel and bloodthirsty. His retainers are more afraid of him than him. Respectfully, there are very few military advisers around this person. Whether it is fighting a war or managing his land, it all depends on him alone. Only people he trusts can be by his side.

"With Oda Nobunaga's ability, I feel that he will be able to unify Fusang sooner or later, but I am worried that at that time, this person's ambition will not be limited to the three inches of Fusang, and he will turn his eyes to my Ming Dynasty. Although my dynasty has a vast territory and a large population, and there are countless capable men and sages, but in that case, many common people will suffer disasters from wars."

Wang Xiliang has some foresight, and his analysis is reasonable, but Zhang Fan doesn't agree with it. First of all, it's because Zhang Fan knows very well in his heart that Oda Nobunaga will never survive the day when he dominates Fusang. One day, in another ten years or so, his excellent subordinate Mitsuhide Akechi will rebel and kill him. Zhang Fan is not worried about whether this matter will change if he intervenes. It has been so long since the Ming Dynasty, but some people feel that some things that should happen in history will indeed happen, at least within ten years, even if he wants to change now, he will not change. What he wants to change It's hundreds of years into the future.

Secondly, it is naturally about the person Oda Nobunaga. It is true that what Wang Xiliang said is the truth, but Zhang Fan does not think like him. This person is too arbitrary, too cold and bloodthirsty. If he can live safely and help the sang together, there will inevitably be people who will be dissatisfied with his harsh demands. The rebellion is certain. At that time, he will probably start to be busy suppressing the rebellion, so there is no time to think about it. The ambition to expand abroad.

But Zhang Fan would not say these words. He had already made up his mind. It was just an incident more than ten years later that made Zhang Fan regret that he did not learn history well. Ten years later, Oda Nobuo The chief died at Honnoji Temple, and his subordinate Hashiba Hideyoshi regained the old department of Oda Nobunaga, changed his name to Toyotomi Hideyoshi and really unified Fuso, but this Toyotomi Hideyoshi is like the Japanese Nazis hundreds of years later, with the ambition to expand abroad , wanting to join Asia, but to send troops to North Korea, it seems that Zhang Fan, a person who doesn't know the situation, can't stop one of the "Three Wanli Marches".

"No, there is only one way now," Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "Even if Ashikaga Yoshiaki is behind this, what can we do? Sending people to Fusang to attack him won't work, I just want to pick up Oda Nobunaga's hands are used to eliminate the military troubles this time. As for the subsequent concerns, it will be at least ten years later. Ten years is enough time for us to find a way to solve this problem. There is no need to start planning now. ,"

"Yes," all three of them should be, since Zhang Fan has said so, and the current matter is indeed urgent, so they can't take care of so much.

"Wang Xiliang, since you are proficient in Fusang dialect, you go this time," Zhang Fan ordered, "I will borrow a boat from Zhao Xiande for you. Since this time we are going to ask Oda Nobunaga to help us, then Naturally, I want to give him some benefits, I will allocate a sum of money to you, just send the money over, "

"My lord, those coins..." Wang Meng on the side wanted to remind Zhang Fan that those funds have been reported to Long Qing, and if they are used without permission, there will be troubles.

Zhang Fan stopped him from talking, and said, "I'm free to handle this matter, you don't have to worry about it,"

"By the way, Wang Xiliang," Zhang Fan said to him suddenly, "If you go this time, don't mention Liu Shan again."

Although he didn't understand why Zhang Fan asked him to do this, Wang Xiliang still nodded in agreement.

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