The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 270 The Battle Is Coming

"My lord, this..." Wang Dezhao hesitantly said in front of Zhang Fan with a look of extreme embarrassment on his face, "I know that my lord is wholeheartedly for the people, but my lord, wouldn't you embarrass me by doing this?"

"Why, is there any difficulty in doing this thing that the official asked you to do?" Zhang Fan didn't even look at him, just looked straight ahead, and glanced at Wang Dezhao from the corner of his eye.

This glance made Wang Dezhao's heart flutter, but he didn't know what kind of illness he had today. Although he looked at Zhang Fan with some fear, he still expressed his thoughts: "My lord, this... I'm afraid the officer..."

When Wang Dezhao came here just now, he thought it was because of the Japanese pirates. After all, this matter is the most urgent right now, but when he got here, he was told by Zhang Fan that Suzhou City had been breached by soldiers from Fusang. , and now the people in Suzhou City have fled out one after another, Zhang Fan asked him to open the city gate to let those people avoid disaster in the capital.

"My lord, it's not that the lower officials don't want to," Wang Dezhao said with a perplexed expression on his face, "it's just... my lord, because of the Japanese pirates' surprise attack, the people who came here from Songjiang Mansion have almost all died. This Yangzhou mansion is full, if it is..."

"Fart," Zhang Fan reprimanded loudly before Wang Dezhao finished speaking, "What is filled, don't forget, I am here now, and I know better than you what the inside of Yangzhou City looks like." Very soon, if you continue to babble endlessly in front of me, I will have someone throw you out of the city right away, "

Wang Dezhao was more afraid of Zhang Fan. Although he was hardened in front of Zhang Fan just now, it was only because he was thinking about his own life. Now that Zhang Fan has said such things, Although he knew that these were just angry words spoken by Zhang Fan to scare him, but at the same time he also knew that if he disagreed, the angry words might become a real threat.

"Xiaguan Ming... Bai, Xiaguan will let people open the south gate,... and the east gate to welcome the people who have fled," Wang Dezhao said, but when he said this, he was a little trembling.

"You know, why don't you go out and do some errands, what are you doing here with me," Zhang Fan angrily reprimanded.

"Yes, yes, I understand..." Wang Dezhao said as he ran out quickly, but he didn't take care of his feet when he was flustered, and even fell, but he didn't wait for his body He got up, and ran out like this.

Seeing Wang Dezhao's embarrassing appearance, the few people who were already depressed by the current situation felt a little relieved.

"Master Zhang," Wan Zhong said, "Suzhou is not too far from here, and most of the people come here on foot. It may take tonight at the earliest to get here."

"Well, there is no way around this," Zhang Fan said with a sigh, "Nowadays there is a shortage of manpower, and now that Suzhou City has been breached, if those Fusang soldiers do anything else, it must be aimed at Yangzhou City." Come on, now I have ordered the defenders in the city to step up their defenses, especially the east gate and south gate. There is no spare manpower at all, let alone go to the road to meet those fleeing refugees. They can only ask for their own blessings ,"

"How is the battle between Master Hai and Songjiang Mansion?" Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng.

"My lord, I just received the news." Wang Meng also hurriedly reported back, but his expression was very worried, "I don't know if anyone has promised those Japanese pirates any favors. They didn't care about their own lives when they fought. , although whether it is Master Hai or the defenders surrounding Songjiang Mansion, the number of Japanese pirates in the two places is larger than that of the two places, but there are not many, and compared with the two sides, the swords, guns and arrows are still the opposite We need to be slightly stronger, and now with the Japanese pirates' desperate style of play, our side has suffered serious losses. Now our defenders are wearing armor and have cavalry in the formation. The melee with those Japanese pirates, but the Japanese pirates are almost dead One, our side will also be injured, especially on the side of Songjiang Mansion, the casualties of our army are even more serious, and Mr. Hai's side is better. If this situation continues, when the time comes to successfully wipe out these two groups of Japanese pirates, I'm afraid we The rest of the people here will not be able to go to Suzhou City to fight those Fusang soldiers."

After Zhang Fan heard the very bad news reported by Wang Meng, he frowned deeply again. In the past few days, he has frowned more times than he has frowned in the past 20 years.

"What are you worried about, sir?" Wan Zhong asked, seeing Zhang Fan's appearance.

"I'm not worried that the defenders of the two routes will lose too much in the battle with the Japanese pirates, although this makes me very sad," Zhang Fan said, "I'm worried about the next move of the Fusang soldiers who have captured Suzhou City now. ,"

"My lord means..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wan Zhong seemed to have thought of something, and asked nervously.

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said with a serious expression, "I'm afraid that their next target will be here, and this situation is very likely. Their purpose this time is to come to our place to make trouble. The greater the chaos, the better, and now this group of Fusang soldiers who captured Suzhou City did not spend much time and energy from getting off the boat to capturing Suzhou City. Now they only need to rest a little before they can come to our side up,"

"The most worrying thing is that there are not many defenders in the big city of Yangzhou today," Wang Meng said, "although a group of people fell in before, but compared to the incoming attack For the more than ten thousand Fusang troops, the number is still not enough, and now in addition to the large number of people in Yangzhou City, there are also people from surrounding counties and villages who have come to escape disaster, and people who have escaped from Songjiang Mansion. In the evening, there will be a large number of people coming from Suzhou Mansion, and at that time, the city will definitely be full of people, and in that case, it will cause a lot of inconvenience to the defenders of the city."

What Wang Meng said was very serious, and the situation he said was something Zhang Fan had never thought of before, and it was very correct.

"We must find a way to let the people in the city hide in the houses as much as possible. That way, it will make them safer, and it will also clear the way for the terracotta warriors guarding the city to walk," Zhang Fan said, "Wang Meng, Now go and ask someone to write a notice in my name, post it all over the streets and alleys in the city, and let Wang Dezhao's people cooperate to let the people hide in the houses."

"My lord's thoughts, I understand, but..." Wang Meng said worriedly, "But my lord, every house in Yangzhou city is now closed, and only a few people open the door to let those people who come from other places enter their homes to rest. , but how could..."

The so-called human heart, this is not to say that there are no good people in the world, but in times of crisis, people always have to protect themselves first, and then take care of the safety of others. Now, the people in Yangzhou City don’t even care about their own safety. It is very worrying, where there is the leisure to care about other people's life and death, it is very good to be able to give them some of the food stored at home.

Zhang Fan was also made uncomfortable by the situation Wang Meng said, but there is one good thing, fortunately, it is a feudal era where imperial power is supreme, and Zhang Fan now has the status of the expelling barbarian general, although he was appointed temporarily, But his rights have not shrunk at all. Although the imperial court has expressly stipulated that generals who march and fight must not disturb the lives of local civilians, Baixin, but it does not say that they can't do that in the current situation.

"You ask those who wrote the notice to add a sentence to me," Zhang Fan said, "ask the people living in the city to open their doors to me, and let in as many refugees as possible who are currently sleeping on the streets. Clear the main streets for me,"

"But my lord, what if the people in the city don't want to do it," Wang Meng asked.

"Then break open the door for me and let the refugees live in. I can break down the door of any house that doesn't want to," Zhang Fan said. If you don’t want to, ask someone to talk to them first, and if you don’t agree with it, then I will drive that family out of their house and let refugees live in,”

"Master Zhang, this... isn't it a little too rough," Wan Zhong who was beside him said with some concern after hearing Zhang Fan's plan.

"Eunuch Wan, this is not the time to be indecisive," Zhang Fan said, "I know that if I do this, I may cause big troubles in the future, but if I don't do this, it is very likely that the Fusang people will break through. This Yangzhou City, when that time comes, it will not be a matter of responsibility, I am afraid that you and I will also die in Huangquan, "

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wan Zhong hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and said to Wang Meng, "Wang Qianhu, please hurry up and handle this matter, and if anyone is unwilling, please be fierce." This matter can’t help but affect the safety of those refugees, and also the safety of the entire city of Yangzhou.” There is a reason why Wan Zhong’s attitude has become so big. Some people may think that if this city of Yangzhou If the city of Yangzhou was broken, they would have escaped. Zhang Fan has Long Qing's protection, so it's no big deal. And he, a fledgling and unknown little eunuch, must be a good material for a scapegoat and a top crock.

"Master Supervisor, please don't worry, I'll take care of it right away," Wang Meng clasped his fists and said, then turned and left. Although he felt a little contemptuous of Wan Zhong's change in his heart, he couldn't care less about it now. up,

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