The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 271 is about to begin

"Hurry up, let me in, let me in first and then talk,"

"Damn it, hurry up...what, I don't care if you are in your twenties or thirties or seventies, it's all the same now, hurry up and go to the city,"

"The one in the back, that boy, the mother is talking about you, please be more honest with me, if you squeeze any more, I will lock you out of the city gate alone,"



Now it is past the ugly time, there is a sharp crescent moon in the sky, surrounded by stars, this time should be the quietest time, but today's Yangzhou City is brightly lit, just like the scene of the New Year's Day. One way, especially at the east gate and south gate, it is really brightly illuminated by the lights, and it is also unusually noisy.

Ever since Wang Dezhao heard Zhang Fan's words that threats were better than orders, he hastily ordered that the east gate and south gate not be closed after dark, and he also ordered the yamen servants to go to the two gates, and guard there. The guards guarding the city gate stood there together.

Those yamen servants are not idiots, and now the Japanese pirates and the army from Fusang are already making a fuss in the Jiangnan area. Of course they know why the city gates are opened, but they don’t understand why people like Wang Dezhao would publish This kind of order, after all, in their eyes, is that Wang Dezhao, who is extremely clean and honest, has actually become a corrupt official because of his honor. It was already very strange for them to move Wang Dezhao, but this time, Wang Dezhao issued such an order that he would never make, which really made these yamen servants a little confused.

But I can't figure it out. Since they eat the rice of the emperor, they naturally have to be obedient and follow orders well. But these government servants and defenders are also human beings. As long as they are human beings, they naturally have ideas in their hearts. Some people naturally supported Wang Dezhao's approach. After all, the people who escaped were ordinary people. In addition, Suzhou is not too far away from Yangzhou. Many of the yamen servants and defenders in Yangzhou have family and friends in Suzhou. of.

But the so-called good and bad, some people think this is a good thing, some people don't think so, people who hold this kind of opinion are mostly afraid that too many people in Suzhou will escape, but they are not afraid of Yangzhou city decoration. I don't want to let these people down, but I am afraid that there are too many of these people, and it will take a long time to enter the city. If the Fusang troops from Suzhou suddenly attack, it will be a big deal.

Originally, there were quite a few people who had this kind of thinking in their hearts, but after the first people who escaped from Suzhou entered the city since the Xu Dynasty, more and more people followed behind, knowing that now , It has been four hours, and there is still an endless stream of people marching towards this side. Those yamen servants and defenders who maintain order have gradually changed their original disapproval thoughts, and they all began to help enthusiastically. Come, not the reason for moving because of orders.

The reason for this change is very simple. At the beginning, the first people who escaped were young adults with excellent legs and no weak relatives at home. It was an old and weak woman and children, and the people who came behind were all very tired because of walking for such a long time. Coupled with the crying of many children in the team, it was really impossible to gather all these tragedies in this place. People don't have any thoughts in their hearts, so those people who were still a little unwilling in the past are now enthusiastically maintaining order, so that the people who come over can enter the city quickly. Of course, because many government officials here They are all big and three rough guys, that's why there was the cursing sound at the beginning, but they also wanted to let these common people enter the city earlier.

As for the Songjiang people who escaped earlier, although they fled more hastily, many of them actually never saw the faces of the Japanese pirates at all. They only knew that the Japanese pirates had invaded Songjiang City and fled with their neighbors Come out, and this time, Suzhou City was attacked for two hours, and because of these two hours, the people in the city had a huge psychological burden, which made them look like they are now.

Standing on the city gate tower again, Zhang Fan looked at the people below the city who kept entering Yangzhou City, and besides lamenting, Zhang Fan was also worried.

"My lord," Liang Chao untied the paper from the paw of the flying pigeon and handed it to Zhang Fan. "This is a letter from the flying pigeon from Xuzhou."

As soon as Zhang Fan heard the word Xuzhou, he quickly took the note in Liang Chao's hand and opened it to read. There was not much on it. Zhang Fan was obviously relieved.

"My lord, what did you say?" the anxious Wan Zhong hurriedly asked. Although Wang Meng and Liang Chao didn't speak, they looked at Zhang Fan with extremely eager expressions.

"This is from General Qi," Zhang Fan said. "He said that he has received the letter I sent and knew the situation here. He said that he would lead the troops to come to rescue as soon as possible, but Because I was exhausted from rushing from Jizhou to Xuzhou a few days ago. Now, the soldiers under General Qi have all recovered, but most of the horses are still too tired to walk. I'm afraid we won't be able to set off to come here until Maoshi,"

"Maoshi..." After hearing this, Wan Zhong thought for a while and said, "Although Xuzhou and this Yangzhou belong to the same province, they are located in the north and south after all. With a team of nearly [-] people under General Qi, if they come here, Departing at Maoshi, I am afraid that I will not be able to feel here until noon the day after tomorrow at the earliest."

What Wan Zhong said was actually wrong. He advanced the time a lot. In ancient times, marching was only based on the strength of feet and horses. The scale, and almost all of them are cavalry, but this time from Xuzhou to Yangzhou, they will not go all out to drive the horses. After all, they may go into battle as soon as they arrive here. If they have consumed too much on the road before Horsepower, when the horses are exhausted here, how can they fight.

"Is there any movement in Suzhou?" Zhang Fan asked. Since the fall of Suzhou City, Zhang Fan sent many spies there to inquire about the situation, and asked them to send two on-site reports every hour. If there is any movement, he must come back and report immediately. He has received a report before, saying that the Fusang army in Suzhou City is very disciplined. Since entering the city, they have not slaughtered those who stayed in the city and did not escape. People, apart from collecting some supplies, this group of Fusang troops didn't even have a too chaotic formation. Even if they were resting, they wouldn't go to the empty houses beside them, but just rested on the ground. Obviously, This group of people was ready to leave at any time. Zhang Fan was also nervous for a long time when he heard the news, but after a long time passed, the reported news was still exactly the same. The people inside hardly moved, and Zhang Fan gradually became nervous. He let it go, but he was still very concerned about the situation there.

"My lord, it wasn't long before the last one came back." Liang Chao knew that Zhang Fan was nervous, but he just reminded Zhang Fan that, in fact, he was also very nervous.

"Oh," Zhang Fan replied. He knew that he was a little too nervous, and wanted to let go of his mind and say something light-hearted, but at this time, he couldn't say such words.

All of a sudden, the city tower fell silent, no one spoke, and all that could be heard here was the noise of the people entering the city from below the city tower.

"Hey, I said you kid, what are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and enter the city," a voice of a yamen servant came over, "You are blocking the people behind,"

This sound made Zhang Fan on the tower involuntarily go to the side and look down. He saw people with cloth covering their heads looking up at Zhang Fan. He saw Zhang Fan looking at him from above. Go, quickly lowered his head, Zhang Fan didn't notice anything up there, and seeing that there was nothing serious, he turned around, and the other people on the tower continued to talk.

"I'm just talking about you, why have you been asking you for a long time, and you can't even say a word, could it be that you are dumb," the voice of the yamen servant who spoke loudly just now sounded again, "It's such a hot day, and you still have a piece of paper on your head. Bu, is it because you dare not meet people, or is it that you are a spy sent by those Japanese pirates?" The yamen servant didn't think so in his heart, it was just because the person in front of him ignored him at all, and seemed to feel a little bit annihilated. It's because of his prestige that he said that, but when he said that, the guards guarding the city next to him became nervous, their hands holding the handle of the knife tightened, and their eyes stared at him more sharply. This person in front of me.

Seeing that his words were so effective, the yamen servant was even more proud, and said to the man: "See if you don't, hurry up and take off the cloth on your head. This is an extraordinary time, so don't make yourself uncomfortable," said Then, he reached out to pull off the cloth.

"My lord, my lord, don't do anything," an old man next to the man stopped the servant, and said, "This is my son, because he has a strange disease since he was a child, and he has a lot of measles on his face, so he dare not show his true face. Please forgive me, my lord."

"Really, I want to take a look, quickly take off the cloth," the yamen servant still wanted to look after hearing what the old man said.

The man didn't speak, but stretched out his left hand, and slowly lifted the cloth covering his face, and then he lifted his foot, and a stench was released, and the yamen servant also saw the cloth on the exposed face. There are red dots of pockmarks everywhere.

Seeing this scene, the guards who were facing an enemy just now also relaxed their hands holding their knives.

"It's okay, it's fucking unlucky, let's go in," the yamen servant looked even more disgusted.

"Thank you my lord, thank you my lord," the old man hurriedly thanked, and the young man also wrapped the cloth around his head again, and entered the city together with the old man.

However, in the current chaos, no one noticed that the man always wanted to look at the back of Zhang Fan on the tower, and his hands were clenched more and more tightly.

"The strong man has already entered the city," the old man said to the young man behind him as soon as he entered the city, "you can let the little old man go now."

Half a day passed, and there was a crowd of people beside him, but the old man never heard any movement behind him. He really couldn't wait any longer, so he turned around, but there was still a figure behind him.

At this moment, the impenetrable city gate suddenly gave way, and a group of fast horses galloped into the city.

"My lord, it seems that things have changed in Suzhou," Wang Meng said to Zhang Fan when he saw the man on horseback entering the city.

Hearing this, Zhang Fan frowned even deeper.

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