The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 272 The Enemy Attacks

There is always a gap between the so-called ideal and reality.Be it in big or small things.

Just like now.Zhang Fan is not deaf and blind.Of course he could see the man on the horse rushing to the city in a hurry.He knew in his heart that something must have happened to cause this.Because there is no time to report once in half an hour.That means something must have happened in Suzhou.And even if Wang Meng on the side said this possibility.But Zhang Fan was still unwilling to believe and hear the news until the last moment.

Knowing that the man hurriedly ran up the tower from below.Zhang Fan can be sure of this.The thing I least wanted to hear happened.

"My lord." The visitor hastily cupped his fists to greet Zhang Fan.Said. "Several people from the humble office were ordered to monitor the Fusang army outside the city of Suzhou. Now they have a movement. Just before the humble officer came back, the Fusang general who led the army inside had ordered the Fusang soldiers in the city to regroup. Ready to go. Go to the humble position When they rode their horses back, they had already left the north gate of Suzhou City, and they were heading this way."

"Are you sure they are coming this way? Isn't it Ying Tianfu?" Zhang Fan asked.

When he asked this question, the people who heard it felt that Zhang Fan was really worried about Ying Tianfu's safety.After all, Yingtianfu was the former capital of the Ming Dynasty.Its significance is very important.Everyone who heard Zhang Fan's words felt a little awe of Zhang Fan.They regarded Zhang Fan as the kind of person who cared deeply about the imperial court.

But Zhang Fan didn't think so in his heart.In his heart, he really hoped that this Fusang army would attack Ying Tianfu.Yingtianfu was once the capital of the Ming Dynasty.The capital city established by Zhu Yuanzhang when he founded the country.Its significance in the Ming Dynasty is extraordinary.It is now.Although there is still a small court here that can't perform any functions to accommodate idlers.But the symbolism here is always enormous.So Daming also attached great importance to Ying Tianfu's defense.If these Japanese pirates go to attack there.Obviously, it is impossible to breach the gate of Yingtian Mansion within two days.Then there will be a breakthrough in this crisis.

And Ying Tian Mansion is also in this Jiangnan place.This place was once attacked by Japanese pirates.Since that time.No matter what time of year it is.Ying Tianfu will have this large number of defenders.And now.After Hai Rui became the governor of Yingtian.For this kind of defense, it has been strengthened even more.That's why Zhang Fan had the thoughts he had before.

"Your Excellency, if this matter is just for observation, people with humble ranks would not dare to be so sure." The man continued.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't want to hear what he said. "Among the low-ranking people, there are brothers who can understand Fusang dialect and pretend to be ordinary people who will stay in the Suzhou mansion and escape in the future. They took advantage of the night to sneak into the city of Suzhou. They lurk in the houses closest to those Fusang generals. It's been a long time. I heard the news. That group of Fusang troops came towards this Yangzhou mansion. As for why they didn't attack Yingtian. It seems that this group of people already knew the status of Yingtian mansion in my Ming Dynasty. I also know that the defense there is very strict, so I gave up."

disappointment.This is news that extremely disappoints Zhang Fan and others.but.Everyone present was just disappointed.Did not make any chest stomp.Shouting such frustrated words as "God dies me".In fact, this news has long been in their hearts.Now it's just confirmed.

"How many people from Suzhou Mansion have not entered the city?" Zhang Fan asked. "The war is imminent now. Let these people enter the city quickly. That's how to deploy defenses."

"My lord. It's too dark. I really can't see how long the crowd is going to be behind me." Liang Chao looked to the east and looked to the south and east.Said helplessly. "I'm afraid I have to send someone to take a look in the direction the people came from."

"My lord. I came all the way from Suzhou on horseback. I know." The person who came to report the situation said. "When I came here, it was half a mile away from Yangzhou. That's when I saw the fleeing people."

"Half a mile..." After listening to him.Zhang Fan thought about it.Half a mile is not too far away.It is estimated that it will take another hour at most to arrive here. "Okay. After all the people enter the city, close the city gate immediately. Prepare to fight."

"My lord." After all, Wang Meng has fought in wars.He has also seen this kind of battle to defend the city.He wanted to remind Zhang Fan of some things. "Although there are quite a few defenders in Yangzhou City now, and there are plenty of arrows, gunpowder, and shells. But my lord has forgotten. The defenders in the city obeyed my lord's orders. They helped come in from the city. The place for the common people to rest. It started at Xu time yesterday. And until now, it has been four hours. But there are still a large number of common people in the city who do not have a place to live. It will take another hour. Those common people who came from Suzhou can all Come in. But by that time, it will take some time for the people to give way to the main road in the city. Then, the defenders in Yangzhou City have been sleepless for six or seven hours. Wait until When the Fusang army is attacking, where is the energy to defend the city?"

The situation that Wang Meng mentioned.Zhang Fan didn't think about it before.But what Wang Meng said was absolutely right.Humans are not machines after all.Not all the defenders in Yangzhou City are experienced in battles.Even if he fainted, he would faint on the battlefield. The iron-blooded real man.are people.There is always a need for rest.After all, Zhang Fan had never led an army in battle.There was no other way for the post of expelling barbarian generals to be conferred by the imperial court.And now.The real situation on the battlefield is in front of you.He had to think about it.

Wan Zhong on the side.This eunuch, who was serving as the military supervisor for the first time, also didn't know anything.Hearing Wang Meng's words, he didn't care at first.But wait until he inadvertently looks aside.It was discovered that these soldiers were guarding them with swords above the city gate.Under the illumination of the fire, one could clearly see the exhaustion on their faces.Wan Zhong also panicked.People who stand here doing nothing are exhausted like this.You can think of the soldiers below who are busy guiding the people entering the city.What will it look like in six or seven hours.And Wan Zhong is not one of those people who doesn't care about life or death.His mind is very clear.Know to take this tired teacher.Coupled with the impact of so many refugees in the city on the defenders.

"My lord, what should I do?" Wan Zhong, who had no idea but was very flustered, asked Zhang Fan quickly.

"Master Supervisor, don't worry. Zhang Fan was negligent about this matter." Zhang Fan said. "However, there is still some time. It may take three hours at the earliest for the Fusang soldiers to attack. After all, most of them are infantry. This period of time can also allow the defenders in the city to rest. Let them fight. "

"But, my lord. If the defenders in the city go to rest, who will control the people in the city." Wan Zhong asked the question in his heart.

"Don't panic. I've already figured out a solution." Zhang Fan said.He turned to Liang Chao and said. "Liang Chao. You go down to the city to pass my order. Find out all the famous people in the city. It doesn't matter if he is from Yangzhou, Songjiang or Suzhou. It doesn't matter if he is a scholar or Juren. Find them all for me. .Talk to them about the current situation. Let them help guide the people in the city. Um...Leave fifty city guards. Let them help. Other city guards. Let them all come to this city gate to rest Sleep. So that they can fight at any time." Zhang Fan's actions are completely in line with the Ming Dynasty's guidelines.Although those people are scholars with fame.But in this case.The court, or the general Zhang Fan, has the right to call them.These people are also chosen because they are well-known scholars.Much more sensible than others.

"Yes, my lord." Liang Chao embraced his orders.Turn around and walk down the tower.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Fan stopped Liang Chao who was about to reach the stairs.Said. "Speak to the city guards who stayed behind. If there is any big family who is unwilling to vacate their yards for the people to live in, don't talk to them anymore. Just open the gate for me. Give me the people inside Throw it into the street."

"Of order. My lord." Liang Chao replied again.Waited for a few breaths.Seeing that Zhang Fan has no other orders.Immediately turned around and quickly ran down the tower to deliver the order.

"My lord..." Wan Zhong looked at Zhang Fan and wanted to say something.But it's on the lips.I can't speak anymore.

"Master Supervisor, don't panic," Zhang Fan said. "Things are like this now. You and I can't change anything. It's better to think about how to hold this Yangzhou City."

"Alas..." Wan Zhong listened to Zhang Fan's words.Sighed.Said. "I don't know what's going on with Master Hai and the battle between Songjiang Mansion and the Japanese pirates. I'm afraid it's a lose-lose situation. Even if the Japanese pirates are wiped out, the losses will probably be heavy. And General Qi's army will not be able to arrive here until the day after tomorrow at the earliest. I hope that Yangzhou City can last until then."

Gradually.Mao time is almost over.It was already light.The constant influx of people at the gates of the two gates of Yangzhou City has already been closed.The city is under the tough action of the city guards.Although it was still packed with people.But several main roads in the city are already unimpeded.

On the south gate.Although Zhang Fan has not rested for almost a day and a night.Very tired.But he didn't feel sleepy at all.Not that he was thinking.But now his heart is very chaotic.

"My lord, look quickly." Wang Meng, who also hadn't rested all night, suddenly pointed to the south and said.

Zhang Fan looked around.Although there are no figures of people and horses in the distance.But the puffs of smoke and dust are gradually getting bigger.Come this way.he knows.Fusang's army came.

"Have someone wake up the resting city guards," Zhang Fan said. "Tell them to prepare for battle."

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