The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 296 Destruction Operation

"Front row. Let it go."

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."...

"Front row. Withdraw; Middle row. Step forward."

The [-] Qi Family Army who were in charge of sniping the Fusang enemy army on the shore.The voice of the military commander sounded almost continuously.And the soldiers who have been obeying this order have been shooting methodically.Regardless of the menacing enemy ahead.The rule of firing in the first platoon, preparing in the second platoon, and loading in the third platoon has never been interrupted.Even enemy troops occasionally got away with a few shots.So as to be able to rush in front of them.They also didn't mean to panic at all.Still holding the gun in an orderly manner.Target the nearest enemy.knock them down.

The thousand enemy cavalry before were wiped out a little too quickly and too easily.It didn't cost them much effort.This.It also made these Qi family soldiers who have experienced many battles a little bit of a mentality of underestimating the enemy.This is also human nature.

And then.Fusang pawns rushing up from behind.Not just a large number of people.And it is menacing.and.These deficiencies are not as easy to eliminate as cavalry.After all, they are cavalrymen galloping on horseback.If the body has been hit by something.Under the fidgeting.The possibility of falling off the horse is extremely high.And in that way.The possibility of his death is also very high.Not being thrown to death.He was trampled to death by the horses behind him.And some even go to the end with people and horses.He was crushed to death by a horse.

But pawns are different.Although they have been consumables on the battlefield since thousands of years.The weakest defense.But facing the musket.They are more survivable than cavalry.Some of them were hit directly by the whistling projectiles.He died immediately.And some were hit though.fell to the ground.But it was not hit.To be able to stand up again and move on.Speaking of this, I have to mention the fearless spirit of Fusang soldiers.It's just that their fearlessness of death is not for the righteousness of the country.Or stick to some beliefs.It's just that he is so brave and not afraid of death.And the effect produced by their fearlessness is also first-class.It's really weird.

It is also for this reason.The 3000 Qi's army that originally attacked them also became [-] people and all went into battle.The two thousand people who were only concerned about defense and vigilance also joined the battle.Facing such a difficult enemy.This is also impossible.

due to many reasons.There are many disadvantages involved.The sky was too dark and the fireworks in the sky were not particularly bright.In addition, after all, the muskets at this time were still muskets.There is no such thing as rifling.The accuracy of shooting is not high.And this time is on the battlefield.There wasn't much time for the soldiers to clean their guns.The previous shooting had also accumulated a lot of residue left by gunpowder in the barrel.The further back.The more it affects the accuracy of shooting.

In short.All kinds of factors.As a result, although the three thousand Qi's army firmly resisted the impact of the menacing Fusang enemy army in front of them.But the situation is just that for a the enemy in front advanced very slowly.But the distance between the two armies is slowly closing.

finally.Seeing that the enemy army is about to rush in.Those in the first row were still getting ready to shoot.But this is already the last shot.The soldiers behind them have now put down their muskets.He drew his sword.Just wait for the comrades in front to finish firing.They're about to rush out.

"Bang." "Bang." "Bang"...

The gunfire rang out again.A row of enemy troops in front were knocked down to the ground.


The shooting of comrades-in-arms is over.There is no longer any need for a herald to shout orders.The soldiers who had already raised their swords in the back shouted and killed them.

now.It is no longer a direct collision of hot and cold weapons.But really transformed into the most primitive.The collision of sword and body.only.This evolved into close combat.The judgment of the two sides is judged.

Although Fusang's soldiers were barely able to hold weapons.On to the battlefield to fight.If you talk about the experience on the battlefield.Then they could have the upper hand.

Such an army.Perhaps they are not invincible in their native Fusang.But at least it is a top existence.before their battle.Although it is impossible to say that they will definitely win.But it doesn't have to be lost.But now they have encountered a test.Standing in their way is the most powerful army in the Ming Dynasty today.A team led by Qi Jiguang, a famous general of the Ming Dynasty.

This group of people was originally the soldiers Qi Jiguang recruited when he fought against the Japanese in this Jiangnan area.The warfare he practiced was also specially formulated by Qi Jiguang against Japanese pirates.And facing this group of Fusang soldiers.Although it is not the first-class bereaved dog of the Japanese pirates.But at the end of the day.They are literally identical.

and.Today's Qi family army is fundamentally different from the past.Since Qi Jiguang was transferred by Longqing to station in Jizhou area.Responsible for defending the area around the capital from possible attacks by the Tartars.Long Qing even expanded Qi Jiguang's troops tenfold.The original 5000 people expanded into a large army of 5 people.And among them.Directly ordered by Qi Jiguang.An army that could be called the Qi Family Army.Its number reached 1 people.It is also twice the original.

And it's not just that.More than 4 people have been expanded.All of them came from the northern frontier army of the Ming Dynasty.And they are all drawn from elites from various places.The generals who were transferred away had no complaints.first.They really admire Qi Jiguang's ability to lead troops to fight.I don't feel aggrieved; secondly.After all, this time Qi Jiguang was responsible for defending the important areas of the capital.There must be no difference at all.

This has caused such a consequence.The 5 people under Qi Jiguang's command can almost become the most powerful combat force in the Ming Dynasty today.To know.Since the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty.After decades of hard work by Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, two generations of emperors.The Yuanmeng remnants who were driven from the Central Plains to Mobei were not wiped out.And they are also obsessed with the great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains that they ruled.Always want to invade back.This led to the Ming Dynasty from its founding until now.The war in northern Xinjiang has never stopped.And in the future, as long as the Tartar rebellion cannot be eliminated.This kind of warfare will not disappear.

And the frontier army in the northern border of the Ming Dynasty fought those powerful Tartars for nearly 200 years.Its combat effectiveness can be history.The Ming Dynasty knew that it was about to perish.Even Beiping Shuntian Mansion has been captured by Li Zicheng.However, the battle between its northern border and the Tartars has not stopped.Still going on.From here you can see.How powerful is the fighting power of the Ming Dynasty Northern Frontier Army.

However.This is not the reason why Qi Jiguang's soldiers are strong at this time.In Qi Jiguang got the order of Long Qing.After expanding his soldiers.He even trained them again.These newly added soldiers taught the strategy of fighting the Yuanmeng Tartars.Then, the Qi family army that I brought from Jiangnan taught those northern frontier troops how to fight infantry.

now.This one is all Ming.No.It can be called the strongest in land warfare in the world.And it is a well-equipped army.Those who compete with them are just a group of people who only know how to charge at the expense of their lives.But there is no army of tactics to meet.Its battle situation can be imagined.

Perhaps the burst of musketry before.Let these Fusang soldiers suffer heavy casualties.They also have reasons to say that there is a huge difference between their own and the opponent's weapons and equipment, which caused huge losses.But now.This kind of real knife and real gun collision.The damage they caused was even more serious.But now they can't find any reason at all.This is completely a manifestation of the huge gap in strength between the two.

These soldiers in Fusang were not untrained.He rushed over with all his bravery.They have also undergone a whole set of training.However.All they rely on is personal skill.There is no cooperation between them.

And here are the soldiers of the Qi family army.His personal quality is no better than that of Cha Cha.Even above each other.However, the Qi family army collided with the enemy with real knives and guns even in the chaos.What it uses is also a combat technique that cooperates with each other.Not only can it effectively protect itself from harm.It can also kill enemies more quickly and effectively.This greatly changed the situation between the two sides in the confrontation.These enemy troops in Fusang are not opponents at all.

but.After all, the enemy army has many people.Gradually.The enemy rushed up with their large number of advantages.There was a faint tendency to draw with the three thousand Qi's army.

Just as these Fusang people gradually became happy.The hope in front of us is also clearer.The sudden neighing of war horses behind them plunged their hopes into darkness once again.

Hear the neighing of war horses.And this voice is increasing.Also getting closer.Everyone in the Qi family army who was fighting hard was happy in their hearts.They understand.The army led by his own Shangguan Qi Jiguang has already arrived here.will join them.This.In fact, it means this battle.They are about to win.

really.The war is as planned by Qi Jiguang.This group of Fusang troops could no longer withstand their attacks.In front, there are Ming soldiers who are familiar with the battle formation and are fighting the enemy bravely.And there is a natural nemesis of their infantry in the back.The cavalry were in pursuit.them.Now there is no hope of survival.

Zhang Fan, Qi Jiguang and others followed from behind.See this scene.Also don't worry about anything anymore.Now the big picture is settled.They have won this war.

And what follows.A huge question struck Zhang Fan and Qi Jiguang's minds.The whole thing went smoothly though.But there is a huge weirdness in it.This group of Fusang soldiers is really.Too stupid.This is simply death.

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