The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 297 Treating Prisoners of War

This late-night pursuit went very smoothly. When the Qi's army and the front and rear teams cooperated, it didn't take too much time for the real battle.

Facing a group of enemies who couldn't match their own in terms of fighting spirit and combat skills, the battle naturally ended quickly, and when the opponent was chased at the beginning, they didn't make too much resistance. Afterwards, after their cavalry was wiped out, they knew that they had to raise their swords to compete with Qi's army, but even so, their purpose was to resist it so that they could quickly break through the siege of the daimyo's army here.

However, they were not the opponents of the generals of the Qi family army. Naturally, there was no way to break through this obviously just coping method, and even life-saving became a problem.

That's it, the Fusang army of more than [-] people rushed to the shore, under the attack of Qi's army, they only survived for more than an hour before being almost wiped out. In the end, only a few people remained People were captured as captives, but not all were killed.

The battle progressed very smoothly, but this situation was too weird for Qi Jiguang, Zhang Fan and others.

"Master Qi, this... this is really too weird," Zhang Fan couldn't help the doubt in his heart at first, and asked Qi Jiguang, "It's obvious that our military strength is stronger than the opponent's, but they...they are simply It’s as if you’re here to die, so you rushed over so stupidly, this...what the hell is going on, "

"I'm also a little confused." Qi Jiguang also looked puzzled, obviously for him, this kind of situation is very rare, "They look like they are here to die, and those who want to inform them will definitely Tell them that there are already 3000 of our ambush soldiers here on the shore. Even if they don't know that each of our [-] men has muskets in their hands, don't they know it when they start fighting? People have already rushed into their formation, and only then did they know to take up their own weapons to fight back, and their counterattacks are really too powerless, "

"What's going on here?" Qi Jiguang had already asked such a question, and Zhang Fan had no idea for a while.

"General, my lord, the battle is over now, and more than a thousand enemy prisoners have been captured." At this time, an officer under Qi Jiguang ran over to report to the two, "Because the enemy has already started to meet the enemy three miles away, Now, it will take some time to know how many enemies we have killed, "

"Well, I see," Qi Jiguang said after hearing the report, "Where are those captives now?"

"Those people have been guarded by our soldiers now, what orders does the general have," said the visitor.

"Take Master Zhang and me there, I need to ask them something," Qi Jiguang said.

"Yes," the person who came answered, turned around and walked towards the place where the prisoners were held.

"Master Qi wants to ask those Fusang people what's going on," Zhang Fan asked Qi Jiguang while riding a horse beside him.

"That's right, that's what I mean," Qi Jiguang nodded and said, then frowned again, "But I don't think we can find anything out from them."

"Master Qi, what does this mean?" Zhang Fan was a little confused by Qi Jiguang's words.

"I saw just now that the generals of the Fusang people in this battle have been shot and killed by our people in the chaos just now," Qi Jiguang replied, "that is to say, the remaining thousand or so captives, most of them Some of them are just infantry with the highest status, even if there are one or two officers, their ranks are estimated to be very low, and they may not know anything, "

After Zhang Fan heard his words, he thought in his heart that it was true.

While talking, the two have been led to the place where the Fusang prisoners of war are guarded.

Zhang Fan had seen these people before when he commanded the guards on the Yangzhou city tower, and even fought with them, but he didn't have the heart to observe these people carefully before, and now the other party has become a prisoner of war and a prisoner. Zhang Fan came to them and took a good look at them.

There are more than a thousand people, most of them are dressed in the same way, they are all dressed in cloth robes, but they are all wearing a pair of simple armor made of plants such as vine armor, and the armor on their hands and legs is also the same. Made of such crude materials, almost all of them wore bamboo hats on their heads, and a pair of simple straw sandals on their feet. Some of them had chess pieces stuck in their backs, but most of them were tattered and stood upright at a skewed angle. .

Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but slander in his heart. The root of this group of people still belonged to Fusang's nominal real ruler, the general of the Muromachi shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, but it seemed so, so so. It's terrible, especially now that they are a defeated army, and their faces are full of loss and hesitation, which makes people feel even more miserable, but is it really their lord Ashikaga Yoshiaki who is really poor, or the one from Fusang? This is the situation. In order to save money, the equipment distributed to soldiers is so crude.

Qi Jiguang himself knew Fusang dialect, and he was very proficient, but in this kind of scene, he couldn't go down and question these captives in person. Firstly, it was not suitable for him, and secondly, his soldiers would not agree.

When the translator came over, Qi Jiguang said to him: "Ask them why they have been guarding Suzhou City for so many days, but today they suddenly opened the city gate to break out of the encirclement."

The interpreter answered yes, and asked loudly in Fusang dialect to the prisoners in front of him.

Speaking of these people, they had a bit of backbone, and no one planned to stand up and answer the first questioning. Qi Jiguang was not surprised when he saw this, and he immediately ordered someone to drag someone out to the front for separate questioning.

Sure enough, this person was called out alone for questioning, but he still didn't have any intention of answering, and he looked very hard like that, and looked at Qi Jiguang and Zhang Fan with a slightly contemptuous look.

Zhang Fan understood their toughness, so he didn't find it strange, he was just curious about how Qi Jiguang planned to treat this person.

When Qi Jiguang saw this scene, his expression didn't change at all, he raised his hand and waved it with a relaxed look.

Immediately, two sergeants walked over and dragged the man to the side, but the man still showed no panic. In his opinion, this was just to beat him up. In Fusang, almost every soldier has been beaten. In their army, as long as they are not careful, they may be beaten violently, and they have long been used to it.

However, what he didn't expect was that he was dragged over by these two soldiers of the Qi family army and forced him to kneel down, but only saw one of them pull out the saber from his waist. At this moment, he was terrified , the pupils in his eyes contracted sharply, but before he could yell out, a big head just fell down.

However, the Qi family's army did not change their expressions at all, and the interpreter continued to ask questions about those Fusang people who had changed their expressions as usual.

"Master Qi, this..." Zhang Fan really did not expect that Qi Jiguang would be so ruthless, and executed a prisoner without saying a word.

"Master Zhang, although you have gone out with the army several times, and you have seen a lot in the army, but after all, you have stayed in the army for too little time, and there are many things that you have not seen before," Qi Jiguang explained to Zhang Fan, but his eyes were fixed on the front, "Master Zhang is a scholar, and there is a saying 'If you are not of my race, your heart must be different', I think Mr. Zhang is very clear about it."

"I know this, but..." Zhang Fan didn't know why Qi Jiguang mentioned this sentence.

At this time, Qi Jiguang's subordinates didn't need Qi Jiguang's orders at all, they dragged a person out again, ignoring the fear on the faces of that person and the prisoners behind him.

"Master Zhang, these people from other countries, their armies are now on the territory of my Ming Dynasty, have you forgotten what they did here?" Qi Jiguang continued without waiting for Zhang Fan to finish speaking, "In the end , These people are no different from those Tartars in northern Xinjiang. They all covet the prosperity of our Daming country, they all want to come here to reap many benefits, and they don’t care about the safety of our Daming people. This kind of person, Mr. Zhang doesn't need it in his heart, and he can't help but feel the slightest pity.

"It is understandable that the people or soldiers died in the confrontation between the two countries. However, these people, they are different, they will not take the initiative to confront our Ming army, but will attack the civilians of our Ming first, although this is not the case. It’s nothing, I would do the same if I changed it, but why should we be merciful to them, you can think about it, if our people were caught by them, they would have the slightest sympathy for you, "

At this time, the man who had just been pulled out was pulled over by the soldiers next to him and beheaded because he hesitated about the meaning of the question.

And Zhang Fan, after listening to Qi Jiguang's words, fell silent, yes, when the two countries fight, especially this kind of war on the territory of other countries, the casualties of the people are inevitable. To be kind, but what this kindness gets in return is not the respect of the enemy, but the contempt of the enemy.

Besides, there is nothing wrong with Qi Jiguang's approach. In this era, there are no international organizations to formulate those war regulations to protect prisoners of war.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Qi Jiguang's approach has already shown results. After the second person was cut off, the third person was just pulled out. Before the translator asked questions, he was already chattering Woke up, weeping bitterly with fear on his face,

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