Once back and forth, they took the same road, but the same road, the same people, the mood has changed.

The journey back has been more than halfway through, and the journey has been very peaceful, making people feel that there were so many troublesome and terrifying things that happened in Jiangnan before. For Zhang Fan, on such a peaceful journey, he would occasionally recall What happened in the first two months was like a dream.

Yingyue returned to that calm look again. Although Zhang Fan always felt that she was thinking about something in her heart, he didn't ask. That day, after the victory of Qi's army, Zhang Fan returned to his home in Yangzhou City. , did not say anything to reprimand Yingyue, although when guarding Yangzhou City before, Yingyue's sudden action of returning without warning did make Zhang Fan feel a little angry, and at that time he did intend to punish Do something about this little girl.

However, when he came back from Qi Jiguang's camp and saw Yingyue, he couldn't utter a single word that he wanted to blame. Maybe it was because the victory happened just in time for the victory, so he was in a good mood, but now However, Zhang Fan understood why. After all, Yingyue, a woman, came all the way back to Yangzhou from Yanzhou Mansion by herself. Wasn’t it him who did it? How to blame her, and, after all, the reason for Zhang Fan's anger was precisely because he was worried about Yingyue's safety, which made him appear so angry.

And now, everything is fine, nothing has happened, and the stressful things have passed, which is funny, if someone accuses you, you will do everything possible to deny your mistakes; but when no one says When you make a mistake, you will think about it in your mind again, and feel as if you have really done something wrong.

Yingyue is like this now. Originally, when he returned to Yangzhou alone from Yanzhou Mansion, he was already prepared to be scolded by Zhang Fan. If time can be spared, this matter will be delayed, and Yingyue, who can't wait to scold her, is actually muttering more and more in her heart, as the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, but now she can't wait Come on, this is really hard for her.

A few days ago, everything was over, Zhang Fan also returned to Yangzhou, and Yingyue was already ready to be punished, but Zhang Fan never mentioned this matter at all, as if this matter had never been mentioned before. As if nothing had happened in the past, daily life has returned to the usual way, although at that time, the governments in various places in the south of the Yangtze River had to ensure that the people who had fled from their original places could return to their original places in a safe and orderly manner, and Zhang Fan was also very concerned about this. There are fewer things to do, but counting, he also has a lot more leisure time, almost staying at home.

But Zhang Fan never deliberately talked to Yingyue about anything, even when the two were together, Zhang Fan never said those things, but Yingyue could clearly feel that Zhang Fan cared more about her than before. Gradually, Yingyue understood in her heart that Zhang Fan must have forgiven her wayward behavior a long time ago, and she could vaguely feel in her heart that Zhang Fan must have been moved by what she did.

After understanding these things, Yingyue has also changed a little bit. She is no longer as willful and reckless as before. Before doing some things, she also knows to think about others, especially Zhang Fan. This kind of change is not It was he who was forcing himself, but what came out of her heart, what she wanted to do, naturally.

And Zhang Fan also found something about Yingyue's changes. Although he liked it very much, he didn't really want to see this kind of appearance. However, he hasn't figured out how to talk to Yingyue about this kind of thing for a while, so he put it on hold.

On the journey back to Beijing, apart from Zhang Fan's original team when he came out of the city, there were two more people, namely the special envoy from Portugal, Joanna and Richard.

The two of them, especially Richard, were very happy to be able to go to Beijing with Zhang Fan. This was not because he was excited about meeting the emperor of the largest empire in the world today. Not the most important thing, what he is most happy about is that he can finally leave Jiangnan. Although the prosperous and prosperous Jiangnan did bring him a huge surprise when he came to the Ming Dynasty for the first time, the war that happened before , It really made him a little uncomfortable. It doesn't mean that he has been unwilling to go to Jiangnan from now on, but he probably has no such plan in the near future.

And Joanna didn't show any expression of happiness or displeasure, she had been thinking about something.

Regarding the previous battle in the south of the Yangtze River, although the two had their own opinions, there was nothing important about it. Although it is hard to explain why a weak country dared to send troops to attack an empire that was much stronger than them , but the two of them did not express any surprise. The European continent has a history of 2000 years now, and there, no matter how big the empire is or what kind of powerful regime it is, which one has not suffered from a situation weaker than itself? There is nothing worth discussing on this point.

What Joanna cares about is some details. To put it bluntly, what she cares about is the tactics used by Daming's army, especially Qi Jiguang's Qi Family Army. After thinking about it, Fan agreed, since there was nothing to hide anyway.

After arriving at the camp of the Qi Family Army, Joanna really deserved to be a soldier. When she got there, she became very interested, even more interested than when she was shopping and seeing the gorgeous fabrics and rouge and gouache. She didn't pay much attention to the training of the Qi Family Army. In addition to the strict discipline of the Qi Family Army, in fact, each country has its own training methods. Immediately after the formation, the eyes lit up.

After seeing Zhang Fan on the side, he felt a little regretful in his heart. He suddenly thought that the three-stage strike of the musket originally originated in the early Ming Dynasty and was first created by Mu Ying. The power and intensity of the attack are not as powerful as the full salvo, but the three-stage victory can shorten the time for the second shot and can shoot continuously, which is the most terrifying place.

However, in Europe today, there is no such method of warfare at all. Although muskets are increasingly valued by people there, and they are also equipped with large quantities of troops, in Europe, spears are the most common on the battlefield, and the three-stage strike was the first to appear in Europe. By the seventeenth century, and their three-stage strike was not exactly the same as that of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Fan began to worry that if Joanna spread this method of warfare back to Europe, would it give history, especially What changes have been brought to the history of the East.

But afterward, he felt relieved. Even if there were any changes, or if there were any huge changes in Europe because of this incident, none of these had anything to do with Zhang Fan, and the most important thing was that the distance between Europe and the Eastern Continent Conflict, there is still a long period of time. Even if he does something now to prevent Joanna from spreading this method of warfare to Europe, it is impossible for him to predict what will happen in such a long time. The main thing is that history seems to have changed because of his arrival. Although it is not much, it is indeed changing.

Having figured this out, Zhang Fan didn't stop Joanna from exploring. He even invited Qi Jiguang to explain it to Joanna in detail. Qi Jiguang didn't understand Zhang Fan's intention at first. But he believed Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan couldn't explain his thoughts to Qi Jiguang for a while, so Qi Jiguang stopped asking.

After she understood it, Joanna seemed extremely excited. After she returned to her residence, she immediately wrote it down in writing.

These are just some memories.

As the days passed, although the boat was moving slowly, it was almost reaching the capital.

On the way, a funny thing happened.

When the boat arrived in Shandong, Richard once sighed, saying that God is too generous to the Central Plains, leaving such an extremely convenient river for such an important place from north to south. After Zhang Fan heard this, haha Laughed and explained it to the bewildered Richard.

After hearing that this is a canal dug by hand, Richard was amazed. There are many artificial traces on both sides of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, but this canal is too long. He originally thought that it was maintained by the Ming court. As a result, after Zhang Fan told him that it was a man-made canal, his mind suddenly went blank.

It's not that there are no canals in Europe, but they can imagine that such a huge project was actually completed by humans.

After Zhang Fan finished explaining, he didn't feel any pride because of his surprised expression. After all, this canal had been created since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and how many people there were in the thousands of years after that, especially in the Sui Dynasty? I lost my life because of it, although it is very convenient, but the price is also high, whether it is worth it or not, no one can say clearly.

Finally, the ship approached Tongzhou, and when Zhang Fan could faintly see the crowd welcoming him on the pier, he couldn't help sighing in his heart that he was finally back.

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