The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 307 A grand welcome

The boat was gradually approaching the shore, and the vision of the people on the boat gradually became clearer, and they could clearly see that there were many people on the shore welcoming them, no, it should be said that they were welcoming Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan had already expected such a scene in his heart, and now he is standing on the bow of the boat, watching the shore with all his eyesight, as if he wants to see someone eagerly, but although he can already see The crowd on the shore was gone, but the distance was still a bit far after all, he could only see the crowd, but couldn't tell who was there, but even if he couldn't see clearly, Zhang Fan could still feel that the person he was looking forward to must have come .

The boat was getting closer and closer to the shore, and people on both sides could already hear each other's voices. At this time, the faces in the crowd gradually became clear, as if with a kind of magical power, Zhang Fan walked towards the crowd. With such a quick glance, he saw the person he wanted to see, his mother Zhao, and Zhao, who was standing in the crowd, also saw Zhang Fan, and Zhao's eyes turned red immediately, and he didn't know whether it was because of emotion or not. Tears of emotion flowed out involuntarily. Seeing his mother's appearance, Zhang Fan's eyes were flushed, and he was about to shed tears. Fortunately, Yingyue beside him held his hand from below. As if reminding him to pay attention to the occasion, Zhang Fan also stopped his tears in time. After all, there are many people here now. If he shed tears, people will see and spread some rumors.

Beside his mother, Zhang Fan could see that his beloved wife, Ru Xue, now had a big belly, supported by her younger sister Zhao Xue, and she was looking at Zhang Fan closely. Seeing Ru Xue's appearance, Zhang Fan was really happy, but the joy has passed, and Zhang Fan couldn't help but start to blame Ru Xue. After all, Ru Xue is pregnant now, counting the days It has been almost six months since she was pregnant again. Although it is still early before she gives birth, it can be seen from her current figure that it is definitely inconvenient to move. Zhang Fan understands very well. It is not the responsibility of other people in the family that Ru Xue will appear here. After all, Zhang Fan knows Ru Xue's temperament best. She is definitely cute and cute on weekdays, but if she really wants to be stubborn, no one can stop her , and Zhao's treatment of Ru Xue is also very doting, even more than that of Zhang Fan. Thinking about it this way, it is normal for Ru Xue to appear here. It is not that Zhang Fan does not want to see Ru Xue, on the contrary , he really thought about it in his heart, but Zhang Fan was more worried about Ru Xue's safety than his longing. After all, she is pregnant with a child now, and there are so many people here, what if something happens? , that's the end.

On the side, there was Luo Linger. She looked at Zhang Fan with concern and apology. Zhang Fan knew what she was apologizing for, but he didn't mean to blame her at all. After all, Luo Linger was not Yingyue and could walk alone. Qianli returned to Yangzhou, and if that was the case, Zhang Fan would be in trouble.

"My lord, it's Mr. Zhang who has come to greet you," Liang Chao's voice interrupted Zhang Fan's thoughts.

Looking in the direction Liang Chao pointed at, Zhang Fan saw the most powerful group of people in the crowd. The leader was his teacher Zhang Juzheng, followed by some officials from the Ministry of Rites. Zhang Fan was taken aback. After all, Zhang Juzheng is a member of the cabinet, his status is second only to Gao Gong, the chief minister of the cabinet, and Li Chunfang, an old man, and he is also Zhang Fan's teacher. It is unreasonable to ask the teacher to come to welcome the students. , and let’s talk about Zhang Juzheng’s status slightly lower than the cabinet minister, Minister of the Ministry of Rites. , second only to Longqing Yujia who came here to greet him in person.

Zhang Fan felt that this was going too far. He just went to the south of the Yangtze River and investigated and dealt with a group of corrupt officials. Although he was also involved in the Jiangnan war, he was not the protagonist. Qi Jiguang was. When commanding the battle, the situation there could be described as terrible, and Zhang Fan really couldn't think of any reason for the Minister of Rites to come to welcome him back.

In other words, could it be that it was for the sake of putting on the two Portuguese on board? Zhang Fan gave up just as soon as he thought of this possibility in his mind. Combining with the usual style of the Ming Dynasty, no matter how powerful the foreign country is in the future, at most one official will be dispatched. It's not bad for the Minister of the Ministry to come to rescue, most of them want them to go to Beijing to meet the emperor.

If Zhang Juzheng made this decision himself, Zhang Fan would not believe it even more. How could a cautious person like Zhang Juzheng do such a thing.

After much deliberation, Zhang Fan felt that there was only one possibility, and that was that all of this was Long Qing's idea, and only Long Qing would do it, but Zhang Fan really didn't know whether Long Qing favored him or not. The reason why he acted in this way was because of the silver on the ships, but later, Zhang Fan could be sure, because behind Zhang Juzheng, he also saw many officials from the household department.

Everyone who greeted Zhang Fan had a smile on his face, whether it was fake or real, at least he looked very comfortable, but there was one exception, he was probably the most anxious one among the people who came to greet him Zhang Fan could clearly see the anxious and longing expression on his face. That person was Feng Bao, the current eunuch Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, and the factory supervisor of Dongjishi Factory. Seeing his appearance, Zhang Fan thought it was funny from the bottom of his heart, it seemed that Feng Bao was going crazy for wanting to take the position of palm print eunuch.

As the big ship approached the shore, the crowd on the shore immediately gathered around, and there were more people around who didn't understand what was going on, most of them came to watch the excitement, so although there were many people at the scene, it didn't seem crowded .

As soon as Zhang Fan came down, Mrs. Zhao and his family wanted to go up, but they stopped because the people led by Zhang Juzheng went up first. After all, the people in the court, Zhang Fan must talk to them first. He couldn't help but gave his family members next to him a patient look. Fortunately, Mrs. Zhao, Ru Xue and the others were sensible people, and Zhang Fan was now standing in front of them in peace, so they withdrew go back.

"Yuande, congratulations on your return, this journey has really worked hard for you," Zhang Juzheng walked up to Zhang Fan and said with a smile.

"Where, the teacher's reputation is too high, and the students are just doing what His Majesty told you, so why bother to talk about it," Zhang Fan replied politely.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. We know everything about what you did in Jiangnan," Zhang Juzheng waved his hand and said, "Besides, there are quite a few literati who joined the army, but this is the first time he has become a general." There are really not many, we have seen the battle report of Jiangnan, how could it not be hard work, "

"Hehe," Zhang Fan didn't refute this time, just smiled, and then asked with a puzzled face, "Teacher, here, the students are puzzled about something, why did the teacher come to greet the students in person?"

"Of course this is His Majesty's will." Sure enough, Zhang Juzheng said what Zhang Fan thought.

"However, this is too much," Zhang Fan said, "Don't say that you are the cabinet minister of the dynasty, even if you are the minister of the Ministry of Rites, you shouldn't be here to welcome the students."

"Well, you're right," Zhang Juzheng said, "but what you found in Jiangnan and brought back is really shocking. If it wasn't for the busy affairs of the court, His Majesty would have wanted to come here in person."

"This..." For a moment, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say. He really didn't expect that Long Qing would make such a fuss. Although the tens of millions of taels was indeed not a small amount, but for these However, Long Qing, the lord of the country, actually wanted to come here in person, could it be that he is really poor and crazy.

Zhang Fan, who couldn't hold it back, finally asked: "Teacher, is this... a bit too much? Although the students did confiscate a large number of officials' money in Jiangnan, it's not enough for His Majesty to do so." ,"

"You said silver," Zhang Juzheng seemed to be stopped by Zhang Fan's words, and he said after a while, "Oh, you said those silvers, well, tens of millions of taels is really not a small amount, no, I The people behind you are not sent by the Ministry of Households, just for the money, but you seem to have made a mistake, do you think His Majesty will mobilize so many people for the money?"

"This... I am sorry that the students can't think of what it is that can make His Majesty so motivating, " Zhang Fan asked.

"Just yesterday, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very happy to learn that you were coming back today, so he ran up to the morning court without authorization," Zhang Juzheng said, "At that time, His Majesty was also happy, so he didn't blame His Highness. Gained courage, and told about what he had seen and heard about Jiangnan. At that time, the ministers below knew that His Highness had always been by your side a few days ago, and they all said that it is no wonder that the prince only showed up after he learned about the Jiangnan war report."

"This... is really not the student's reason," Zhang Fan felt a little embarrassed.

"I know," Zhang Juzheng continued, "but what your Highness said later really shocked us all,"

"What did your Highness say?" Zhang Fan hurriedly asked, he was aroused by Zhang Juzheng's words.

"Your Highness said, you found the 'Chuan Guo Yuxi'," Zhang Juzheng said.

Hearing these words, Zhang Fan suddenly realized that Long Qing would mobilize teachers and mobilize people for this matter.

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