The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 308 The Emperor's Obsession

Since the Chuanguo Yuxi was lost at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the emperors of all periods in subsequent dynasties have never given up their obsession with and search for it, but in the end, they undoubtedly did not end in nothing.

Gradually, the Chuanguo Yuxi changed from a jade seal representing the highest power in the world to a thing that only existed in legends. Every emperor wanted to get it, but it never showed up again.

At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang had several major regrets, and one of them was that he did not find the imperial jade seal. Because of Zhu Yuanzhang's obsession, from the Ming Dynasty until the Jiajing Emperor, every few years there will be Someone reported the news that they had found the Chuanguo Yuxi. In the end, it proved that these were all farces that made people happy, and some of them were fakes. It was a bit laborious to read it; some of the news was so fake that it could be seen as fake, and some of the news was completely fake news that didn't exist.

The day before yesterday in the court hall, all the ministers heard Zhu Yijun say that Zhang Fan had found the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. The atmosphere at that time was very strange, everyone fell silent for a while, and then there was a lot of discussion, mixed with huge laughter , In their hearts, due to the experience of the past two hundred years, such an inertial thinking has long been formed. As long as someone says that he has found the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, it must be a fake. Long Qing favored a very person, was also the number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty, and was a person who won the Sanyuan in a row, and now he would use this kind of news to gain the emperor's attention.

In the court at that time, Gao Gong laughed the most. A few days ago, he was slapped by Zhang Fan, but now he saw Zhang Fan posing such an oolong, so he was naturally very happy.

And there are people who don't smile, Zhu Yijun needless to say, he saw it with his own eyes, and naturally he didn't smile, and neither did Li Chunfang. In fact, he was surprised. It’s not that Zhang Fan didn’t know. Although they didn’t have much contact with each other, Li Chunfang could still say that Zhang Fan was not a person who would rely on this kind of news to sensationalize the public. Now, since Zhu Yijun said that Zhang Fan If anyone finds the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, then there is another possibility. Could it be that Zhang Fan really...

Zhang Juzheng didn't smile either, but his expressionless face had the same thoughts as most people in the court today. He didn't think that Zhang Fan could really find the real jade seal, but he also wouldn't believe it. This is what Zhang Fan said on purpose despite knowing it was a lie. In his opinion, Zhang Fan must have been deceived by someone.

And the last person who didn't smile was Long Qing who was sitting on the emperor's throne. Long Qing's mind was very simple, just like all his ancestors who had sat on the emperor's throne in the Ming Dynasty. For Long Qing, since he ascended the throne, These years, it was the first time he heard this news. Although he had heard all kinds of things before, and even saw a lot of them, he already had a thought in his heart that the jade seal of Chuanguo had disappeared without a trace and could not be found, but When it was his turn, he would still involuntarily hope that Zhang Fan had really found Yuxi. In addition, Long Qing really trusted Zhang Fan a lot. With these factors combined, Long Qing believed even more in his heart. Zhang Fan really found Yuxi.

At that time, Long Qing immediately asked Zhu Yijun about Fang Yuxi.

"Hmph, I know what you're laughing at, but I don't think that thing is fake," Zhu Yijun said in a rather atmospheric tone while looking at the courtiers below.

"Has Jun'er seen Fang Yuxi before?" Long Qing continued to ask.

"Father, I have not only seen it before," Zhu Yijun said, "The Grand Tutor once handed over the jade seal to my son for safekeeping. In the end, my son was worried about keeping it on me, so I handed it over to the Taifu for safekeeping."

Hearing Zhu Yijun's words, Long Qing suddenly became temperamental and started to question him.

Zhu Yijun was also unambiguous, and described Fang Yuxi in detail. Who would have thought that after listening to Zhu Yijun's description, the ministers below laughed even harder, especially Zhu Yijun said that the engraving on the jade seal, When it was exactly the same as Li Si's handed down characters, the people below laughed even more. Most of the people above the court were civil servants, and it was common for them to practice writing and ink. This copying of calligraphy, who has never done it before, if Ordinary practice works, perhaps with a personal style in the characters are easier to recognize, but if they can be imitated, it is difficult for people to see the truth, but they are still nothing but spectacle, and there will always be a day when they can be seen through.

But Zhu Yijun didn't care about the ridicule of the officials, and his immature voice sounded again, telling Zhang Fan all the credit for getting the jade seal.

Hearing that this jade seal was transported to Yangzhou by a material peddler, the people below laughed even harder. Although the origins of the previous jade seals were all fake, it was inevitable to pull out a The confusing and confusing origin, in short, is mysterious and mysterious, and it is not of ordinary origin when people hear it, but Zhang Fan's is good, it can be said to be too lowly.

However, when Zhu Yijun told where Fang Yuxi was found, the laughter below was much smaller. For so many years in the Ming Dynasty, news of fake Guo Yuxi has been pouring out, and everyone I also took this as a joke, although it is a joke, but if you hear it a lot, you will naturally understand it, and the place Zhu Yijun said is exactly the place that everyone knows, Henan The ancient capital Luoyang.

The Chuanguo Yuxi has been lost for hundreds of years, and the last record is that it appeared in Luoyang. Li Congke, the deposed emperor of the later Tang Dynasty, was defeated by the Khitans.

At that time, some people raised objections, saying that this incident might be fake news concocted by someone for deliberate deception, and it was impossible for Fang Yuxi to find it from Luoyang, but Long Qing didn't think so, or he didn't want to. After thinking about it, until now, after listening to Zhu Yijun's narration, the desire that was small in his heart, which could even be said to have never existed, suddenly swelled up.

As we all know, since the first emperor ordered people to carve He's Bibi into the jade seal of the country, and ordered Prime Minister Li Si to engrave the eight characters "Ordered by the heavens, and live forever" in small seal script, this defense system has become "imperial power granted by the gods, orthodox and legal". ", and the emperors of all subsequent dynasties took this jade seal as a symbol, and regarded it as a treasure, the most important weapon of the country. If it is obtained, it symbolizes that it is "destined by heaven", and if it is lost, it means that it is "exhausted." However, anyone who ascended the throne without this seal in the hands of Da Baoer was ridiculed as a "blank emperor", and was despised by the world for his lack of confidence.

Although Longqing was not the founding emperor, but because of his ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang's regret for this matter, it has affected the emperors since the Ming Dynasty for 300 years. Longqing cannot avoid this vicious circle. , It's not something too important, but it's just some people's thoughts, or words to persuade the emperor, and for the emperor, who doesn't want to get this thing?

Although there is only one source of news, and a lot of information is insufficient, it is impossible to be sure that this thing is really the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, but now, the news that Zhu Yijun said brings hope. This is a multiple-choice question, and the answer is nothing more than There are two real and fake ones. After thinking about it, Long Qing made a decision to let Zhang Juzheng go to meet Zhang Fan as the official secretary of the Ministry of Rites. Although the minister's status was a little low, it was still reasonable; secondly, if Fang Yuxi was a fake, it would not be a big deal for Zhang Juzheng to meet Zhang Fan, at most it was just that Long Qing valued Zhang Fan too much.

That's how the scene is now.

"I said, Yuande, why did you make such a thing happen?" Zhang Juzheng said with some embarrassment, "You must know, if this Fang Yuxi is fake, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor. At that time, even if it is Your Majesty He doesn't pursue it, but if someone wants to sue you maliciously and impeach you, even His Majesty can't protect you.

"Don't you know that most of the people who released themselves to find the jade seal in the past were common people who had nothing to do with official careers? This is obviously manipulated by someone behind the scenes. If the jade seal is true, that person will stand up and accept the reward from the emperor. , but if the jade seal is fake, the emperor would not blame a commoner who 'doesn't know the goods', just laugh it off, but you are good..."

Zhang Juzheng made it very clear. Although he didn't say that anyone would want to impeach Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan already knew it clearly. A few days ago, his Jin Yiwei's memorial had already told him that he was in court these days. He was not surprised by Gao Gong's impeachment of him.

And what Zhang Juzheng said is not wrong at all. Gao Gong is planning the next step of impeachment in a place where the two of them can't see now. He let Zhang Fan escape the past two times. When he was disappointed, he didn't expect Zhang Fan had given him such a chance, but how could Gao Gong have a reason not to make good use of it.

"The students understand the things the teacher said very well," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that the students think so, but there are also grounds for it."

"Oh, what basis do you have," Zhang Juzheng asked, "you can be sure that Fang Yinxi is real,"

"Students can't," Zhang Fan said, seeing Zhang Juzheng's brows wrinkled, Zhang Fan hastily added a sentence, "But the students can't prove that Fang's seal is fake."

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