Zhang Juzheng was thoughtful after hearing Zhang Fan's words.

Thinking about it carefully, what Zhang Fan said is not wrong at all. There are very few descriptions of things that are regarded as treasures by all generations of emperors. I found descriptions of it in various classics, but many of the people who wrote those classics have never seen the real appearance of the jade seal at all. Many people just glanced at it from a very long distance and didn't see it. and some people have never seen Yuxi at all, but only occasionally saw some important people and heard others describe it; what's more, the source of the news is hearsay, which is nothing. calendar, or he learned something from reading descriptions in books written by others.

In the final analysis, everyone still has no conclusion on what the Chuan Guo Yuxi should look like. After all, it has been 700 years since the last appearance of the Chuan Guo Yuxi in this era. For such a long time, let alone forgetting something. That is, one or two extremely powerful dynasties have disappeared and are no longer mentioned by people.

And Chuanguo Yuxi, which has always been sought after by people as a treasure, has been handed down continuously by people for hundreds of years, and continues to be mythical in the handed down. Up to now, it has long been passed down by people. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, the golden dragon seems to swim around, the whole body is surrounded by purple air, etc. In short, such a thing was originally just a The things that are the emperor's keepsake have been rumored to be extremely wonderful things at this time.

Although this is just a fantasy that people have when they have no chance to see their true colors, it is also a kind of speculation about things in fantasy. However, it is this kind of speculation that makes people farther away from reality. .

Zhang Fan said that he could not be sure that the jade seal in his own hand was genuine, because there are too many rumors and various evidences about the jade seal to this day. There might be such a thing, but Zhang Fan changed his thinking, he said that he also had no evidence to prove that this jade seal was a fake.

When Zhang Juzheng heard his words for the first time, he was still a little surprised, because for the cultural thoughts born on the land of the Central Plains, it was always just a proof, but there was no reason to disprove it, but when Zhang Juzheng calmed down his inner surprise Thinking about it carefully, what Zhang Fan said was not unreasonable.

Don't always think about how to find classics, observation proves that this is a genuine product, but change your thinking, think about how to prove that this thing is not a fake, it seems that this is just a way of thinking Turning it upside down, no changes have been made. In fact, it is not the case. In this way, many things have to be treated again.

In fact, Zhang Fan just took advantage of such a mentality. After all, if he really wanted to prove that this thing was true, I am afraid that Gao Gong's memorial to impeach Zhang Fan would definitely be sent to Long Qing. After all, Although what Zhang Fan obtained was crystal clear and beautiful, it was far from those streams of purple air and shining golden light.

But if you want them to prove that this item is fake, then it’s easy to talk. The original arguments that were so abstract that they could only appear in imagination will be useless at this time, as long as they can’t prove that this item is fake. If it is false, then they have no choice but to admit that it is true. If not, it is possible that there will be ambiguous answers such as whether it is true or not.

Zhang Juzheng understood what Zhang Fan was going to say, and he felt a little relieved when he thought about it in his heart, but immediately, he also worried about another situation.

Counterfeiting is a very learned thing, which is both simple and complicated. Whether it is to counterfeit a person, or to fabricate a thing, or to fabricate a lie, some are just doing it at will, while others use I tried my best and wanted to do everything perfectly, but lies are lies after all, which brings not only deception but also many uncertain factors.

Some illusions created by spending countless manpower, material and financial resources are bound to be a huge project, which will definitely attract the attention of many people, and with the large number of onlookers, it will inevitably make many people feel impressed by it. Interest, in this way, the fake product that has become the focus of everyone's attention is being watched by others all the time. In this way, there will always be a day when the lie will be exposed and the illusion will be completely seen through.

And if it is some insignificant lies or things, it will attract much less attention, and then the chance of being exposed or seen through will be greatly reduced.

But the matter that Zhang Fan was about to present was different from ordinary affairs. Yes, this thing was indeed a very valuable thing, but just because it was so precious, it produced an advantage instead.

Since the Qin Dynasty, the emperor's seal, that is, a total of six jade seals, are "Emperor's Seal", "Emperor's Seal", "Emperor's Seal", "Tianzi's Seal", "Tianzi's Seal", " Emperor Xinxi", and there is a jade seal that is not in the six directions, which is the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo".

Once this thing is recognized as genuine, hehe, then it will become a symbol of the rulers of Ming Dynasty, and this kind of symbolic meaning is much greater than the actual meaning. What awaits it in the future is only worshiped by emperors of all generations It's just a matter of admiration. When that time comes, I'm afraid that outside the direct descendants of the royal family, it will be almost impossible to touch it in the army. Even, as long as this thing is recognized as true, Longqing will inevitably Let Zhang Juzheng immediately start compiling a detailed etiquette ceremony about how to preserve it, and without thinking too much, this ceremony must have many behavioral rules to restrict various behaviors. At that time, even if Fang Yuxi is a fake Yes, and absolutely no one dares to say it.

Of course, these are all theoretical past events, but for Zhang Fan, he didn't think much about these issues in his heart at all, and he didn't know what kind of self-confidence or conclusive evidence he had. I think this Fang Yuxi must be real.

"Yuande, since you have already landed, the news that you have arrived may have been sent back to the palace now," Zhang Juzheng said, "Look, are you coming to the palace with me right now?"

"This..." Hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, Zhang Fan hesitated a little, and glanced to the side unnaturally.

Zhang Juzheng was still wondering at first, he didn't know why Zhang Fan hesitated, after all, Long Qing must be in a hurry to summon him now, and before he came out from the morning, Long Qing had already told him that he wanted him to go ashore with Zhang Fan Immediately afterwards, he was brought back to the palace for an audience, but now Zhang Fan had such a hesitant look, he couldn't help but follow Zhang Fan's gaze out of curiosity, and he was relieved after seeing it.

"Hurry up and tell Ling Tang, after all, after leaving home for so long, the family must miss you," Zhang Juzheng said, "but you have to hurry up, after all, His Majesty and those ministers are still in the palace now, that's specially waiting for you,"

"Thank you, teacher," Zhang Fan cupped his hands and thanked Zhang Juzheng. He was about to walk over, but stopped, and said to Zhang Juzheng, "Teacher, the student has something to tell you. I don't know if His Royal Highness has told you."

"Oh, what is it?" Zhang Juzheng asked.

"When the students were in the south of the Yangtze River, they met two people, two Portuguese who came back with our Ming merchant ship," Zhang Fan said about this matter.

"Grape... Ya," Zhang Juzheng seemed to be hearing such a name for the first time, and couldn't understand it at all, "This grape still has teeth."

"No," Zhang Fan couldn't help but cry when he heard Zhang Juzheng's words, "Teacher, they are not grapes, they are two people, and their country is called Portugal, which is what we call Franz here."

Zhang Juzheng suddenly realized when he heard the word "Frangji". Although Portugal and the Ming Dynasty were thousands of miles away, and it was only a few years since the Ming Dynasty opened the sea ban and allowed private people to go to sea for business and trade. However, the exchanges between the two countries have existed as early as a hundred years ago, and what connects the two countries is also trade, and it is the most lucrative arms transaction. Those bought there are imitations.

"Teacher, don't you just happen to be the Minister of Rites? You can fool them... well, coax them," Zhang Fan said to Zhang Juzheng in a low voice, "these two are a man and a woman, and the man is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It's the same as the officials of your Ministry of Rites, sir, but the woman is a soldier. They actually came this time to use troops against our India in the southwest of Ming Dynasty, and invade their territory. I hereby ask us for an explanation. What I mean is , what happens there has nothing to do with us, but we may be able to get some benefits from them, "

"You mean..." Although Zhang Juzheng already knew what Zhang Fan meant, he still didn't understand what he wanted to say.

"The Franc cannon, although we can imitate it now, there are still many problems," Zhang Fan said, "We can take this opportunity to ask them to get all the information of the Franc cannon, and even, Perhaps with your penetrating tongue, teacher, you may be able to get something else, "

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