Zhang Fan walked up to his mother Zhao Shi.Looking at the mother's face.Although Zhao Shi is still as beautiful as before he left.But there was a sickness on that kind face.Although Zhao's body still looks very healthy.But Zhang Fan could tell.That was obviously caused by chronic anxiety.In Zhang Fan's memory.Zhao's has been like this in the past.As long as there is something on your mind.No matter how deep she hides her thoughts.But Zhang Fan could still tell.

And now.Zhang Fan understood Zhao's appearance very well.This is entirely because Mrs. Zhao has been worrying about him these days.Especially some time ago.News of the war in the south of the Yangtze River came.Zhao must have become more worried about Zhang Fan.

Think here.The feeling of guilt already in Zhang Fan's heart deepened at this moment.Regardless of the fact that this place is in the public eye.He didn't care about his identity at all.Zhang Fan knelt down in front of Mrs. Zhao with a "plop".He opened his mouth and said: "Mother, the child is not filial. He has been away from home for many days. And let the mother worry about the safety of the child all the time."

"..." Mrs. Zhao seemed to be stunned by Zhang Fan's sudden action.There was no response for a long time.Wait until he comes back to his senses.He quickly grabbed Zhang Fan's arms and wanted to help him up.He also said eagerly: "Fan'er, get up quickly. What are you doing. Mother... Mother knows what you're thinking. But now is not the time. Get up quickly. Don't let others see some jokes."

Zhang Fan followed his mother's wishes and stood up.But he really didn't care what was seen as a joke.Or something like your own identity.At this moment, all he cares about is his mother.

"Fan'er, mother is not blaming you." Mrs. Zhao was talking.At the same time, he was still gently helping Zhang Fan to sweep away the floating ash on his clothes with his hands. "It's just...it's just that my mother is really worried. Why is it all right every time. But why does my son have to encounter these things every time. It's really... oh..."

"Mother. My child knows that mother is really worried about her safety. It's just that my child can't decide these things." Zhang Fan didn't blame himself when he saw his mother.Immediately began to want to say something.To amuse my mother. "That's not it. Isn't it good, my son? My son ate enough and slept soundly over there. Not only did I win the battle, but I also brought back a beautiful daughter-in-law to my mother. What else is there to be unhappy about?"

As soon as Zhang Fan said these words.Mrs. Zhao didn't respond yet.Luo Ling'er's ears turned red immediately when she heard this.But Ru Xue next to her didn't have any other expressions.He just looked at Zhang Fan with a smile on his face.It was Zhaoxue who was always in charge of supporting Ru Xue.But he looked at Zhang Fan with a fierce look on his face.It seems that he did something to feel sorry for her.

"You child. Mom didn't say anything about blaming you. Why are you starting to fight like this?" Zhao Shi was not fooled by Zhang Fan.Said helplessly.

Zhang Fan was reprimanded by his mother.But he didn't feel unhappy.Instead, he was grinning.Because he sees it.The previous worried expression on the mother's face has disappeared without a trace.This is exactly what Zhang Fan wanted.As for whether he was scolded by his mother.That's secondary.

"By the way. Why didn't my uncle's family come?" Zhang Fan suddenly thought of Zhang Yufang's family.Looking left and right.But did not see them.Can't help but ask curiously.

"Your uncle's family. It seems that they are not used to this capital city. Almost all of them fell ill when they came here." Zhao said helplessly. "In addition, they learned about what happened in Yangzhou. They were anxious. The condition has worsened a lot. It was a few days ago. The good news came back. They are also much better. But after all, they haven't recovered yet. Li Suo. I heard yesterday that you were coming back today. They wanted to come here too. I didn’t let them come.”

I heard that my uncle's family fell ill.Zhang Fan was really surprised in his heart.He couldn't help blaming himself slightly in his heart.At the beginning, he did not tell his uncle and his family the real situation.It hurt them to hear the news suddenly.Frightened and seriously ill.I didn't tell them the real situation at first.Zhang Fan was not afraid that they would spread the news.But he and the others were frightened.But he really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"The child didn't tell the truth to his uncle's family because he was afraid that they would be frightened. But he didn't expect it to become like this." Zhang Fan said with deep guilt. "I knew it would happen. The children should have told them about it. Although it would make them worry. But at least it won't make them so frightened that they fall ill."

"Stupid boy. How can you be blamed for this kind of thing." Mrs. Zhao immediately comforted her. "My hometown is going to be in disaster. There are few people who can tell them about this kind of thing. Besides, mother knows it in her heart. The original intention of you doing this must be for the sake of your uncle's family. They told mother. There is no I don't blame you at all."

I heard what my mother said.Zhang Fan felt better in his heart.But there was always something in his heart that he couldn't fully forgive himself.

"I saw Master Zhang came to pick you up too. Are you going to go with me now?" Zhao asked suddenly.

"Yes, mother. The child still has a lot of things to do. It may take some time." Zhang Fan said to his mother.With a deep apology on his face. "I guess I won't be able to go home until evening."

"My mother, Fan'er has grown up. A man is a real man. Now even children are about to have someone. I must put my career first." Zhao Shi did not show any disappointment.Fan'er looked understanding. "Go and have a few words with your wife. Don't blame me, my mother-in-law, for taking you away."

Ru Xue at the side heard Zhao Shi's words.His face blushed even more.

"That's right. Ling'er is very well-behaved. You have found a good wife for your mother." Zhao suddenly said to Zhang Fan very mysteriously. "When will I have more grandchildren for my mother?"

Zhang Fan heard what his mother said.I was speechless in my heart.Unexpectedly, Mrs. Zhao was so "greedy".The first grandson hasn't come down yet.I was thinking of getting a second one.

Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance.Zhao Shi smiled.Said: "Okay, okay. Look at your appearance. Mom is just joking with you. Go quickly."

Came in front of Ru Xue.Zhang Fan and his beloved wife looked at each other for a long time.Both of them have thousands of words in their hearts.But this seems to be endless words.At this moment, he couldn't say a word.

Looking at his wife's beautiful face.Because of being pregnant.The slightly plump appearance not only does not make people feel ugly.In Zhang Fan's eyes.At this time, Ru Xue was simply beautiful.

"Ru Xue. How are you doing these days?" Zhang Fan said such a sentence in a long time.

Ru Xue did not reply.It's not that I don't want to.It's just that she doesn't know what to say at the moment.

"Brother-in-law is real. Do you need to ask? My sister misses you to death these days. She's been here all day..." Ru Xue didn't speak.It was my younger sister Zhaoxue who spoke up.It's just half of what she said.But Ru Xue covered her mouth.Don't let her continue talking.

"My husband. I miss my husband very much." Ru Xue said.This one speaks.I don't know why.Her eye sockets also gradually turned red.But she still kept that beautiful smile on her face.Facing Zhang Fan. "It's just that I understand. Xianggong has a heavy responsibility in the distance. He is fighting for the safety of many people. But now I am in the capital. I have food and clothing. But I want so many extravagant things. It really makes it difficult for the concubine to calm down physically and mentally."

After listening to what my beloved wife said.Zhang Fan's heart surged up.Never thought of it.A woman has such a thought.At this moment, Zhang Fan only had one thought in his mind.Get a wife like this.What can the husband ask for?

"Msg. Hurry up and have a few words with Sister Ling'er." Seeing Zhang Fan, there was nothing else to say.Ru Xue said so.This suddenly appeared in her mind.The woman who served with him as a husband.There was not much resistance in her heart.It is also because she is too kind.Through Luo Linger's age.She can also guess it.Luo Ling'er must be a person with a story.Although none of them knew about Luo Linger's past.And Zhang Fan was not going to tell them.But Ru Xue's heart is very clear.She can already guess it.Ru Xue must also have a tragic past.

"Sister. I..." Zhaoxue seemed to want to say something else.But Ru Xue pinched her secretly.Zhaoxue, who was quite aggrieved on the face, did not dare to go against her sister's wishes.Stop there and say nothing.Think about it too.Her current identity is Zhang Fan's sister-in-law.My sister-in-law and her brother-in-law don't have so much to say.But Zhaoxue really wanted to say something to Zhang Fan.

Standing in front of Luo Linger.Zhang Fan was speechless again.I don't know what to say.

"Msg. I'm sorry." Luo Ling'er was the first to speak. "Concubine... I can't be like Sister Yingyue. Go to Yangzhou too..."

"I know." Zhang Fan didn't let her finish speaking. "Fortunately, you didn't come. If you really came, then I really don't know what to do."

"Concubine..." Luo Linger seemed to want to say something else.

"Don't say anything," Zhang Fan said. "Didn't I say it. I will make you happy in the days to come. I will never break my promise."

Hear Zhang Fan's words.Luo Linger's tears flowed down silently.But she kept a smile on her face.

"Mother." She came to Mrs. Zhao again.Zhang Fan said. "It's about to pass, baby."

"Well. Go. Remember to come back early at night." Zhao said with a smile.

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