"That being the case, I think we still..." Richard had an expression of extreme disappointment on his face.Obviously, that was an expression about to give up.

Long Qing and the other ministers saw Richard like this.They all stared at Zhang Fan.Although they didn't know that Richard was so desperate because of religious reasons.But they all understand.Richard would become what he is now.All because of Zhang Fan.So they are all looking at Zhang Fan now.Ask him to find a way quickly.

"It's just..." didn't wait until Richard finished speaking.Zhang Fan had already spoken again. "As Weichen just said. These things are hundreds of years away from us. You know. Hundreds of years. Many things will change."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Regardless of Longqing.Or the ministers below.Or Richard and Joanna.The expression on the face has changed.It's just that the face of the person in front showed a happy expression.They all know.Zhang Fan must have figured out a way to make Richard and Joanna change their minds.And the two people behind had surprised expressions on their faces.But it didn't take long for the surprised expression to turn into a joyful expression.They get it.Things must be turning around.

"Your Earl means..." Although Richard had a joyful expression on his face.However, he still asked Zhang Fan with a questioning expression.

And Joanna on the side also looked at Zhang Fan with a hopeful and doubtful expression.Waiting for his answer.

"That's what happened." Zhang Fan cleared his throat and said. "Take that India as an example. When their monks came to our Central Plains to build temples. It was more than 500 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, Master Xuanzang went there to seek the scriptures. It was also more than 800 years ago. During such a long time, the dynasty there is constantly changing. Even there has been invaded and enslaved by foreigners. But my Central Plains dynasty has never planned to send troops there Do something there."

"Dare to ask the Earl. Why is this?" Richard heard Zhang Fan's words.asked him very puzzled. "Since the Earl said just now, the Buddhism that was passed from India to your country has already had a very large number of believers. And they have very deep feelings for the birthplace of their religion. But why. You When they were in danger, they never sent troops to help them.”

"Hehe. Of course there is a reason for this." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "The most important thing is that it involves concepts unique to Buddhism."

"Is it related to religious views?" Richard asked.As a Christian himself, he understands this kind of plot very well.It's just that he doesn't know about Buddhism.What kind of teachings will make people willing to be attacked by the flames of war and not take up arms to resist.To know.in Europe.For the issue of the holy city of Jerusalem being occupied by a Muslim country.Just in less than 200 years.Six religious military operations led by the Roman Catholic Church took place.History is known as the Eastern Expedition of the Son of the Army.

But Richard heard what Zhang Fan said.Facing the flames of war.Even a family of aggression.But there has never been help from outside forces who believe in the same religion.It seemed to him.It is simply inexplicable.

"What Mr. Special Envoy said is not wrong at all. It is precisely because of the unique religious nature of Buddhism and the teachings it advocates. This is the case." Zhang Fan nodded and said.

Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Long Qing and the ministers of the Ming Dynasty had already understood what Zhang Fan was going to say.The words show that Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang himself was a monk.In addition, the Ming court's management of Buddhism and monks is very strict.So these people listed may not be followers of Buddhism.But each of them has more or less understanding of Buddhism.

What Zhang Fan said just now came out.They could already guess what Zhang Fan was going to use to set him up.Although what Zhang Fan wanted to say was not comprehensive in their opinion.There are many counterpoints to it in Buddhist teachings.But Zhang Fan just wanted to pick up the important and useful points.Although not all.But it is not disrespectful to the Buddha.Therefore, no one would have the idea of ​​blaming Zhang Fan in their hearts.On the contrary, many people admired Zhang Fan a little in their hearts.Even Gao Gong who had been wholeheartedly wanting to impeach Zhang Fan at this time.Also had to at this time.Highly respect Zhang Fan.

"This... I don't quite understand it in my heart. I hope the Earl can explain it to me." Richard asked Zhang Fan with an open-minded look on his face.Although he really wanted to figure out the reason Zhang Fan said.But that's not all he has on his mind.Another point.That is now that there is some hope in front of him again.Then find out the teaching content of the religion that people in that part of India believe in.It will definitely bring great help to their aggression in the future.

Zhang Fan.It even includes the courtiers of Ming Dynasty listed here.I never thought that Richard would think so far.

"People who believe in Buddhism. Most of them do good deeds and accumulate virtue all day long. Their purpose is just four words. Karma." Zhang Fan said.

"Karma... retribution." Richard followed Zhang Fan and read out the word with some hesitation.But obviously.He has just learned Chinese for a short time.It was impossible to tell him the true meaning of these words.

"Yes. But compared to the special envoy, I haven't understood the meaning. It's better..." Zhang Fan said here.There was a pause.I looked around.Sudden.Pointing to the high arch, he said to Richard. "It's better to let this high-ranking minister explain it to Mr. Special Envoy."

As soon as Zhang Fan said these words.Almost everyone's eyes on the hall turned to Gao Gong.Gao Gong himself also looked a little surprised.Looking at Zhang Fan.Very puzzled.But it didn't take long for his puzzlement to turn into a slightly annoyed smile.

Zhang Fan really didn't hide too much evil in doing this.It's just that he took revenge on Gao Gong because he was always looking for opportunities to impeach him.

only.Few of the people present could understand Zhang Fan's thoughts.In the eyes of these people.Zhang Fan did this purely for revenge on Gao Gong.Regardless of Longqing.Or the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty thought so in their hearts.certainly.Zhang Juzheng and Xu Jie, who were familiar with Zhang Fan, could understand what Zhang Fan was thinking.However, the two of them did not intend to express any opinion on this matter.Anyway, it's okay for Zhang Fan to do so.Harmless.

"This tall man is..." Richard didn't know who Gao Gong was.But there is one thing he is very clear about.After all, Gao Gong was standing very close to Longqing.on this point.It is the same whether it is the East or the West.Only people with prominent positions and more power in their hands.The closer you get to the emperor, the closer you get.And high arch.Undoubtedly, it is the closest one to Longqing besides Xu Jie above this hall.Although Richard didn't know Gao Gong's identity.But he also understood that Gao Gong must be a person with a prominent position in the Ming Dynasty.now.He was looking at Zhang Fan.So that he can introduce himself.

"Hehe. Mr. Special Envoy. This high-ranking lord is a bachelor of my dynasty. He is also a cabinet minister." Zhang Fan said here.Suddenly stopped.He thought that although the West at this time had an organization to exercise the power of the cabinet.But there is no such vocabulary.Richard certainly wouldn't understand.So Zhang Fan thought for a while.continued. "Is this the cabinet? For example, it is the Cardinal Office under the Pope in the Vatican. Mr. Gao is the highest-ranking Cardinal Secretary."

Zhang Fan said so.Richard and Joanna suddenly realized.But after a sudden realization.The eyes of the two of them looking at Gao Gong also became extremely respectful.The so-called cardinal that Zhang Fan just mentioned is the highest adviser of the Pope.It is the priesthood that exists second only to the Pope.Its job is to handle confidential government affairs.

The two immediately understood.Gao Gong is the minister of the Ming Dynasty who is under one person and above ten thousand.How could he not show respect to him?

"Your Excellency." Richard bowed to Gao Gong in greeting.

Although at the beginning of the establishment of Ming Dynasty.The founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang had already laid down the rules.There is no post of prime minister.Only a few assistant officials were appointed.And it was the time when Zhu Di became the ancestor.But another minister on duty was recruited into Wenyuan Pavilion.Responsible for assisting the emperor in governing.The cabinet was formed.Although from beginning to end.The title Prime Minister has never been used again.But several people in the cabinet also need a leader.So the chief assistant of the cabinet came into being naturally.

Although the chief minister of the cabinet has long since lost the kind of one person under the previous dynasty.Holding the glory of absolute real power second only to the emperor.But today's chief minister of the cabinet is indeed in such a position.Although it is made public, no one will call it that.But privately.Or in the hearts of the ministers.The position of chief assistant of the cabinet has long been equated with the term prime minister.

After Gao Gong was pushed out by Zhang Fan.Originally, I was very upset in my heart.But when he heard Richard address him with the word prime minister.The uncontrollable satisfaction in my heart exploded.There was no sign of irritation on his face.It's a look of complete joy.

It's just that his appearance is in the eyes of the ministers.They all despised him greatly in their hearts.

"Well. Since Mr. Zhang recommended this old man, then this old man should explain to the special envoy. What is 'karma'." Gao Gong said to Richard with a smile.

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