"The so-called 'karma'. Maybe your envoy can't understand it. I'll simply explain it to your envoy." Gao Gong at the moment.A look of confidence.It seems to be the demeanor of a row of academic masters. "The so-called word 'cause and effect'. Its meaning is very simple. It means cause and effect. And the word 'cause and effect' plus the word 'retribution' refers to what kind of cause it should be. the result of.

"In this way, maybe the two of you don't understand very well. For example. For example, if one person does good all day long, then Buddhists will believe it. This person will eventually get good rewards; and if one person does evil things a lot. Then this People will eventually get bad rewards. That's how it is."

"Master Prime Minister, I understand what you mean. It should be the meaning of 'good people are rewarded with good rewards, and evil people are rewarded with evil' that I heard when I was in your country. It sounds like Buddhism should be advocated more in the world. It means doing good." Richard thought for a while.Said to Gao Gong.

"That's right. That's exactly what it means." Gao Gong nodded and said.

"But. I still have a question in my heart." Richard asked Gao Gong suspiciously. "This doctrine of exhorting people to do good deeds. What kind of connection does it have with being attacked by other countries there?"

"Hehe. The connection is huge." Gao Gong said with a smile. "This 'karma' is not just the Buddhist teaching that all living beings should do good and never do evil. There is another one. That is this karma. It will inevitably appear when the time comes. Whether it is your life or your next life. It will always It will come true one day. It is precisely because of this. People who believe in Buddhism believe in a reason. If something happens, good things are naturally because they have done good things. Evil things are naturally because of what they have done Evil. But Buddhists don’t force it. They feel that this is what God rewards all living beings. No matter whether it is good or bad, they should not interfere with it.”

"If you put it this way, the Prime Minister means..." Although Richard still couldn't fully understand Gao Gong's meaning.But he already understood the general meaning. "If the people there are attacked by other countries, they will only think that they have done something wrong. And this is the punishment given to them by God."

"Hmm. This... probably means that." Gao Gong said hesitantly.When Gao Gong said this sentence.Very hesitant.

originally.According to what Zhang Fan and Long Qing said before.It made these Portuguese feel that their invasion of India would bring a lot of trouble to Ming.certainly.In the end, they will still agree to send troops.But that must be very "reluctant".Then come on.These Portuguese will inevitably feel that they are on this matter.What they have done is very sorry to the Ming Dynasty.And at that time.The people of Daming have reason to get some benefits from them.Although speaking.The benefits that can be seen by these old and cunning people in the Ming Dynasty.There may not be many of them.But as long as there is.It's worth it.Anyway, they have long been purely incomparable in putting on airs.No need to spend money.Why not do it.

And now.Gao Gong's words gave Richard a reaction as if telling them.Feel free to send troops to attack them.Even in the Ming Dynasty.There are many followers of Buddhism.But at that time.They will only feel that this is the karma that the people in that place have to bear.It was they themselves who did something evil that brought about such consequences.

This was exactly what Gao Gong was going to say.But after he finished speaking, he realized that it was wrong.certainly.Not just him.Even the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty next to him and Long Qing who was sitting alone on the throne could hear the problem.Gao Gong, isn't that just telling them.You go and attack there.Does it have nothing to do with our Ming Dynasty?In this way.There is also the benefit of a fart.

Thought of here.Everyone in the Huangji Hall has also changed.There are not many voices of discussion.On the contrary, some people looked at Gao Gong who was feeling a little annoyed.The other group of people looked at Zhang Fan who was on the side.

It was Zhang Fan who brought up such a topic.And it was Zhang Fan who made Gao Gong come out to explain to Richard.And now.Gao Gong's explanation produced such an effect.Everyone knows.This is not Gao Gong's fault.After all, the "karma" that Zhang Fan was talking about.For anyone who is above this hall today.It is estimated that it is the same as what Gao Gong said now.

If so.Everyone couldn't help but have some strange thoughts in their hearts.Why didn't Zhang Fan choose other people?But Gao Gong was chosen to explain.Look before.Zhang Fan just wanted to take revenge on Gao Gong innocuously.After all, Gao Gong always thought about how to impeach Zhang Fan.And now it seems.Zhang Fan's revenge was not as simple as harmless.If he wants to make a fuss about it.Let Gao Gong give people a kind of person who helps other countries regardless of national interests.Although this sounds really ridiculous.But it is not impossible.After all, for the ministers above the main hall today.What kind of weird event they have never seen.Or look in the history books.In the thousands of years of history, I don't know how many illustrious persons who held momentary power were brought down by such nonsensical reasons.

It's just that there is one thing that everyone has never thought of.It is also the reason why many people are now focusing on Zhang Fan.everyone.Never thought of it.Zhang Fan will take advantage of this matter.Using one of the Buddhist theories to let Gao Gong fall into the trap.But let's be honest.Now everyone who has realized something has thought about it.I think Zhang Fan's move is really ingenious.In other words, who could have imagined it.The trap of impeachment is actually hidden in such a piece of Buddhist doctrine that persuades people to be good.

this method.Probably no one would have thought of it.Now Zhang Fan is doing just that.This had to make everyone look at him with admiration.certainly.If this matter is the way Zhang Fan came up with on the spur of the moment to deal with Gao Gong.Then everyone's evaluation of Zhang Fan will be much higher.After all, this kind of thing is really a bit of a stroke of genius.It is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.And if Zhang Fan had just arrived in Daming when Richard and Joanna had just arrived.Zhang Fan began to plan this matter.If the condition came up with such a countermeasure.The ministers also looked at Zhang Fan with admiration.This is really too unpredictable.

And the high arch at this time.Stand there motionless.A stinky expression on his face.It was as if he had swallowed something extremely unclean just now.But because at this time, I have to take into account my identity and etiquette.It's like not being able to vomit and vent.In short, today's high arch makes people feel awkward no matter how they look at it.He looked extremely aggrieved.At this moment, Gao Gong felt very regretful in his heart.He kept blaming himself.Why did he agree with Zhang Fan's recommendation to him just now?Why did he fall into the trap set by Zhang Fan so easily?But I regret it.Gao Gong also comforted himself.After all, the trick Zhang Fan used just now was too unexpected.and.the most important is.Gao Gong didn't think so.Based on this reason, Zhang Fan planned to do something to himself.At first, this matter is a bit too far-fetched.Secondly, Gao Gong is now a high-ranking and powerful person after all.He is not afraid of what Zhang Fan wants to do to him.

And Zhang Fan is now.Although there was no expression of joy on his face.But in his heart he was already happy.Speaking of this matter, Zhang Fan really thought of it on the spur of the moment.However, in Zhang Fan's heart, he never planned to use this matter as an argument.Or the impeachment of Gao Gong and so on.All Zhang Fan wanted to do was to use this incident to tease Gao Gong.And no other plans.But when he saw Gao Gong's current appearance.He was really very happy in his heart.

"So, if our country attacks India, your country won't obstruct it, right?" Richard didn't know what Gao Gong, Zhang Fan and others were thinking.All he knows is.Attack India.It is now possible to open up even larger colonies for one's own motherland.

"That's a good thing to say. But it's not working now." Zhang Fan stood up at this time and said. "The situation today is different from before. If you said that your country didn't come to me at all, I greeted us, and sent troops to attack India directly after asking. I would never go to ask about this matter. Although my court and It has a lot to do with it. But other countries are other countries. We can't control the affairs of other countries.

"But now. Since you have come, you have explained this matter to us. And if we just pretend not to know. If this news spreads outside in the future, let those Buddhist lands and my Ming people know After we heard about it, we didn’t care about it. Wouldn’t it greatly damage the prestige of my emperor and my Ming court?”

okay.What Zhang Fan said relieved Gao Gong's embarrassment now.Richard and Joanna, who heard Zhang Fan's words, had very surprised expressions.How could they think of it.Obviously, he came to the Ming Dynasty to discuss with the Ming Emperor because he didn't want to cause trouble.It has developed to the present, but it is such a scene today.But the two have no regrets.No matter Richard is such a diplomat.Or a soldier from a noble family like Joanna.We all understand that regret can't solve any problems.

"So..." Richard was already looking for a solution.

"You two noble envoys." Long Qing spoke. "This matter involves too many aspects. We still need to think about it carefully. The two noble envoys must be tired after traveling so far. In addition, it is getting late today. Why don't we just stop here. We will discuss it in the next day how."

"Since His Majesty said so. So be it." Richard did not insist.After all, the other party is the emperor.And since Long Qing said so.There must be room for negotiation.

It's gone.But except for one corruption problem solved.The other two things are still unresolved.And when Zhang Fan was about to leave and rush back home.But he got a signal from Long Qing asking him to stay.

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