By the time Zhang Fan walked out of the palace gate, the sky had already darkened. For some reason, although Zhang Fan had already returned to the capital, his desire to go home was unprecedented at this moment. strong.

"My lord," Wang Meng waited outside the palace gate, and when he saw Zhang Fan coming out, he hurried over to greet him.

Seeing the car beside Wang Meng, Zhang Fan nodded at him and got into the car.

"Go back to the mansion," Zhang Fan said without any fuss.

After Wang Meng listened to Zhang Fan's order, he didn't have it, and ordered his men to go directly to Zhang's residence.

Arriving in front of his house, Zhang Fan got out of the car, looked at the deep courtyard in front of him, but suddenly stopped, even though he had longed to return home as soon as possible before, but when he really arrived in front of his house At that moment, he stopped, not knowing what he was thinking.

"My lord, my lord..." Seeing Zhang Fan standing in front of the gate of his house, Wang Meng couldn't help calling Zhang Fan twice.

"Oh, Wang Meng," Zhang Fan woke up and saw Wang Meng beside him.

"Is there something on your mind, my lord?" Wang Meng couldn't help asking when he saw that Zhang Fan was a little out of control.

"No, it's nothing," Zhang Fan said hesitantly, "It's just that I was in Jiangnan a few days ago. Although I didn't spend much time in Jiangnan, too many things happened there, and now I'm standing in my home. In front of the gate, for some reason, suddenly there is a kind of... a feeling like a world away, "

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, Wang Meng didn't show any surprised expression, but a very understanding look, and said: "My lord's thoughts, in fact, I have also had humble positions before."

"Oh." Hearing what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan also became interested, and asked, "Let's listen." While speaking, Zhang Fan also sat in front of the gate of his house regardless of his identity. He even patted the stairs next to him, motioning for Wang Meng to sit down and talk.

Wang Meng thanked Zhang Fan with his hands clasped, and he just sat down beside Zhang Fan, and said, "My lord knows, I was born in the army, and my family has been in the army for generations, and the father and grandfather of my family, and even above, are said to be They all died on the battlefield. When I was young, I was not sensible, but I often saw my father not at home, but my mother would cry at night.

"At that time, Beizhi was very young and didn't know much. I didn't know what my mother was sad about, but Beizhi knew that it must be related to my father. Every time my father was able to return home, my mother's face would often show Smiles, and every time my father goes out to fight, my mother will be frowning all day long.

"At that time, I always felt that my father must have done something wrong to my mother, and I hated my father very much. I even told my mother about it, but my mother would teach me a lesson every time, but always afterward. He explained it nicely to Beizhi, and gradually, Beizhi finally understood that it was not that his father didn't like this family, but because his father was serving in the army, he had to obey the orders of the superior for all reasons. There is a war at the border, and my father has to go to the battlefield with him. It takes a long time to go, and every time he may never come back, "

Zhang Fan just listened to Wang Meng's narration quietly, without any intention of interrupting him.

"I know that one year, the Tartars once again harassed me in the northern border of the Ming Dynasty," Wang Meng continued, "That time the court ordered the Tartars to be chased and wanted to inflict serious damage on them, but that time, the Tartars used tricks to To lure our army into their trap, the humble fathers were among them. As a result, there were more than 1 people, none of whom came back, and all died in Mobei. When my mother received the news, she passed out on the spot In the past, however, until the funeral for the father at the humble home, he still hadn't seen his father's body. What was buried was an empty coffin, which contained only a set of clothes that the humble father had worn before his death.

"That day, when I saw this scene, especially the sad appearance of my mother crying bitterly, although I couldn't say I hated it, I hated my father. Why did he go to serve in the army? If he didn't go, there would be no need to make it happen. This is what it looks like now, I hate the army, I always feel that the army has harmed my father, not only, but also those who joined the army. At that time, I had sworn that I would never join the army like my ancestors.

"However, it's ridiculous to say it," Wang Meng said here, but he couldn't help laughing, as if he was laughing at himself, "The oath made by the humble officer was broken by the humble officer himself in the second year.

"In the winter of the second year, Humble's mother was in deteriorating health because of her father's death. She was already bedridden and had to be taken care of by Humble. I still remember clearly what happened that winter. I'm afraid I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

"Beizhi still remembers the winter of that year. It was freezing cold. It was the coldest year in the history of Beizhi. Every household in the village hid at home and refused to come out. The same was true for our family, but one night, my mother Sudden coughing was severe, which made people feel uncomfortable. I couldn't bear to let my mother continue to suffer, so I had to take some money to go to the pharmacy in the town to help my mother buy medicine.

"That day, I finally knocked on the door of the doctor's house, and I was scolded for it, but I didn't think it was hard, but when I finally rushed back to the village, I found the village from a long way away. There was a blaze of fire in the place. At that time, I panicked in my heart. I ran back to the village and found... I found that the village had been looted. They were all dragged out of their homes and lying on the ground. All the men in the village were killed, but the women disappeared except for the elderly and children. Where is the figure of my mother? At that time... I didn't know what to do at that time, my mother was even weak, and it was freezing and snowy at that time, how could I survive.

"Being alone in the village for two days and two nights, I thought a lot. I began to understand why my father was going to join the army to kill the enemy, to protect the villagers and neighbors. I didn't think my father would have such thoughts. What my father thought might be It was just to protect my mother and me. From then on, I made up my mind and broke my oath to join the army and kill the Tartars. However, what I do is not to defend the country, but to take revenge ,"

Hearing this, Zhang Fan fell silent. He had read Wang Meng's file, which contained detailed records, and it was recorded that Wang Meng fought bravely, and he always rushed to the front no matter when. Before, Zhang Fan thought that Wang Meng only It's just pure bravery, now he is the Tao, it turned out that hatred motivated Wang Meng.

In other words, the emotion of hatred is really wonderful. It will make people very irrational, impulsive, and then easy to make mistakes. But at the same time, hatred can also give people great courage and strength, as well as incomparable tenacity. Faith helps people achieve their goals, which is simply a contradictory existence, but the two contradictory existences of failure and success can be perfectly reflected in "hatred".

It's just that the only thing Zhang Fan didn't know was why Wang Meng said these things to him.

"I still remember," Wang Meng continued, "At that time, I was only 16 years old. Although in the village I had reached the age of marrying a wife and having children, to the army, I was just a child, and they refused to accept it at that time. Humble, and Humble just refused to leave, and finally they agreed to let me in, but Humble never told anyone what happened to Humble.

"Since then, I have been serving in the army. I don't care whether I can be an official or not. I can control anyone, as long as I can go to the battlefield and kill the Tartars. This idea has always existed in the mind of the humble. For a long time, until after getting married in a humble position.

"At that time, I just got married, but the Tartars came to make trouble again, I had to go to the battlefield, but that time I was on the battlefield, but something changed, I don't know why, I am no longer as brave as before, seeing Even when the enemy came with a sword, he knew he had to dodge it. He didn't understand what was going on until the war was over and he returned home.

"At that time, I was just like an adult now, standing at the door of my house, but I didn't want to open the door for a long time. I don't know what I was afraid of. It was also what I thought in my heart when I went to the battlefield again after the fight. However, something has changed. Although I still have the ruthlessness towards the Tartars in my heart, I want to kill them all to avenge my family, but at that time, if I still have to fight with my life, I am afraid it will be difficult. I have concerns in my heart , "

After listening to Wang Meng's narration, Zhang Fan also fell silent. After all, he came to this era not on his own will. Even if he took the imperial examination and became an official, it was just to make his life easier. Everything has nothing to do with him, at most he can take good care of Mrs. Zhao, and he will be worthy of the world, but gradually, Zhang Fan also changed. He married a wife here, and now he is about to have a child. With friends, subordinates, and of course, opponents, these people are gradually becoming a part of Zhang Fan's life today, and gradually becoming Zhang Fan's concern, especially his family members in this life. Zhang Fan has truly regarded them as his own. The family is gone, and there is no longer a trace of gap.

This is also the reason why Zhang Fan didn't dare to go in when he walked to the door of the house just now. There was a change in his heart. Now facing these people who they regarded as family members, he didn't know how to face them for a while.

"Master is back," Xiao Xiangmei who accidentally opened the door saw Zhang Fan, and immediately ran back, shouting the news.

"Family, forget it, don't think so much," Zhang Fan thought silently, "They really exist, they are my Zhang Fan's family,"

Standing up slowly, Zhang Fan walked towards the door of his house,

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