"Fan'er. You are finally back."

Zhang Fan had just stepped into the living room of his home.Then I heard a voice containing Zhao's concern.

"Trouble mother. The child is not filial." Zhang Fan hurried to Zhao.Very sorry to say.

"Stupid boy. Why are you apologizing to mother?" Mrs. Zhao caressed Zhang Fan's face.Looking at him with love in his eyes. "It's good to be back in peace." He said.Zhao's eye sockets were a little moist.Although she has not yet shed tears.But what she saw was a blur.

Looking at Zhao's expression.Zhang Fan didn't know what happened.This moment.He is crazy.This is real.Both his psychology and his physiology told him it was true.This is his home.These are the people who care about him.No more fake.It was the first time that Zhang Fan's concern for his family became so clear in his heart.

"Fan'er. What's the matter?" Mrs. Zhao saw Zhang Fan squatting motionless in front of her.Quickly asked.

"It's okay. Mom. I'm happy to be back home." Zhang Fan hurriedly replied.

"A man is a man. How can you say such a thing. Be careful that you will have no future." Zhao suddenly said this to Zhang Fan.But anyone could hear the joy in her words.

beside.Ru Xue was sitting there with her big belly upright.Smiling and looking at her husband.It's just her beautiful eyes.But also a little wet.

Instead, go further to the side.That girl Yingyue was talking to Zhaoxue.It looks very harmonious.Especially Zhaoxue.From time to time, he would look back at Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan saw this.I feel a little puzzled.These two girls are about the same age.But they are the two most at odds.In the past, it was quite tit for tat in the mansion.Who knew that the two of them would look so harmonious now.It seems that the phrase "a needle in the sea of ​​a woman's heart" is really a wise saying.You can never know what is going on in a woman's heart.

In the end, of course it was Luo Linger.She actually missed Zhang Fan very much.She missed Zhang Fan no less than anyone else in the room.But I don't know if it's because of her own thoughts or because she cares about her identity very much.Except looking at Zhang Fan.There is no other action.Completely looks like a concubine's room.

to be honest.Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed facing Ru Xue.Especially nowadays.When he, Ru Xue and Luo Linger were all in the same room.This feeling is even stronger.I don't know why.Zhang Fan always felt that Ru Xue was always watching him from the sidelines.And after that happy smile.But it has a lot of interesting flavors.

This is actually Zhang Fan's own overthinking.Ruxue Bingxue is smart.As early as when she first met Luo Ling'er.After knowing that she was married to Zhang Fan.She had already guessed Luo Ling'er's life experience to a close.Although he was a little unhappy in his heart that Zhang Fan married such a woman back.But she always felt that Luo Ling'er deserved sympathy.Gradually.She also accepted Luo Ling'er's existence.After all, in his opinion.It doesn't matter whether Zhang Fan is doing it for her beauty.Or maybe Zhang Fan also sympathized with her experience.As a regular wife, she should agree with Zhang Fan's decision.It's just that Ru Xue didn't have the slightest bit of unhappiness in her heart.Not quite.As the saying goes, women are jealous.Although Ru Xue is not a jealous person.But she is a woman after all.Some small thoughts are also very common.

But Zhang Fan didn't know what his wife was thinking.He hurriedly asked Mrs. Zhao: "Mother, that's right. How is uncle's family? Could it be that they are already bedridden and unable to get out of the ground?"

"Don't worry. Your uncle's family is much better now. It's just that the doctor said the day before yesterday that it's best to wait until the illness is completely cured before getting out of bed." Zhao said. "Originally, when they heard the news of your return, Fan'er, they all wanted to come to see you. Mother didn't let them come."

"Oh. That's what happened." Zhang Fan understood after hearing this. "My uncle's family also understands the mood. After all, whoever hears that their hometown is attacked by outsiders will definitely not feel good."

"By the way. Speaking of this matter. Mother has something to ask you." Zhao said suddenly. "After your uncle's family left. Nothing happened at home, right?"

Although Mrs. Zhao asked very tactfully.But Zhang Fan didn't know what she meant.He took Zhao's hand.Zhang Fan said: "Mother, don't worry. There is a child here. How could something happen. Those pirates didn't even capture the gate of Yangzhou City. How could they hurt anything at home."

"That's good. That's good." Mrs. Zhao heard Zhang Fan's words.This is to rest assured.She wasn't worried about money or anything.But worry about the ancestral hall of the Zhang family in Yangzhou.There are enshrined the spiritual tablets of the ancestors of the Zhang family.more importantly.Today, the spirit tablets of Zhang Fan's father and grandfather are enshrined inside.This is what Zhao is most worried about.Now she hears that her hometown is safe and sound.Naturally, I am very relieved.

"That's right. Although it's bright today, it's just that it's getting late." Mrs. Zhao looked at the sky that had already turned yellow.Said to Xiangmei beside her. "Xiangmei. Go tell the kitchen. Dinner is ready."

"Yes, madam." Xiangmei responded and turned to leave.

Zhang Fan looked at the family members in front of him.I am very happy in my heart.After all, this kind of fun.Share family happiness.This is the purest happiness in the world.

Feeling the atmosphere.Zhang Fan suddenly felt something was wrong.One of the people in front of me seemed to be missing.Sudden.Zhang Fan thought of that person.Just look around.The person was not found.Zhang Fan's heart also became tense.

"Mother, I have something to ask you." Zhang Fan hurriedly asked Mrs. Zhao. "A few days ago. When my uncle's family came back with Yingyue. Was there a woman named Ruan'er?" That's right.Just now Zhang Fan forgot about Ruan Er.Although Ruan Er has been under his surveillance for some time.But Zhang Fan still couldn't trust her.After all, she would always appear beside Zhu Yijun, the current prince.

A few days ago, there was a battle in the south of the Yangtze River.In addition, just after Zhang Fan came back, Long Qing dragged him to the palace to talk about many things.Zhang Fan forgot about Ruan'er for a while.He was so nervous when he thought of it just now.

"Ruan'er..." Mrs. Zhao thought for a while.Said. "There is indeed such a girl. Look at my memory."

"But my husband. I can't blame my mother for this matter." Ru Xue who was on the side also said. "After the girl Ruan'er moved in, she was quiet on weekdays. It seemed that she was not used to the life of our family. His Royal Highness sometimes came to play, but every time he had to go to Ruan'er girl."

"Then where is she now?" Zhang Fan asked quickly.

"I was busy going to Tong County to pick up my husband today. But I didn't pay attention." Ru Xue said. "Ms. Ruan'er must be resting in her room at the moment. What's the matter, my husband. Why are you so nervous?"

"It's nothing. It's nothing." Zhang Fan heard that Ruan'er was still at home.I finally let go of my heart.He was worried that Zhu Yijun would go his own way.He insisted on bringing Ruan'er into the palace.If so.Zhang Fanke had no way to continue monitoring her.After all, inside the palace.If someone finds out that he has sent Jin Yiwei to monitor someone in the Prince's East Palace.This can be troublesome.

"By the way, brother-in-law. Who is this Ruan'er?" Zhaoxue who was at the side also asked doubtfully. "How do I think His Royal Highness is a little clingy to her. Every time His Highness comes over, after saying hello, he goes straight to her."

"This matter... there are indeed some stories in it. It's just that it's not convenient for me to tell." Zhang Fan said hesitantly.Too.What else could he say.Could it be to tell them bluntly that Zhu Yijun lacks the love between brothers and sisters because he was born in the royal family.That's why he randomly found a woman who looked like his sister from the street.Bring it into the capital.Although this is true.But it's also a little too shocking.How could Zhang Fan tell.

"Let's just say it's inconvenient, Mr. Xiang." Ru Xue saw Zhang Fan's embarrassment.Although she doesn't know the details.Also understand that there must be some reason. "The food over there is also ready. I must be hungry too. Let's go eat quickly."

Seeing that Ruxue helped him out of the siege.Zhang Fan couldn't help admiring in his heart: "You really deserve to be my good lady." Immediately.He hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes. I am indeed hungry. I was dragged to the palace by the teacher just before noon arrived. It has been until now." He said.He has already walked towards the dining room first.

It should be said that the Zhang family's dining table is quite different from other big or official families.other people.Where can there be a concubine's room to eat at the table.But there is no such thing in the Zhang family.Luo Ling'er didn't know it when she first came here.He stayed alone in his room when it was time to eat.Outside, Mrs. Zhao was waiting for her.Mrs. Zhao didn't move.Who dares to move chopsticks.Until Zhao Shi sent a maid to look for her.She just knew.It was an oolong.

And now.is also like this.Whether it's Ru Xue or Luo Ling'er, the concubine's room.Or the sister-in-law Zhaoxue.All at the same table.This is what Zhang Fan requested.He came from 500 years later, after all.But there is no such strict hierarchical concept.And Mrs. Zhao doesn't seem to care about these things.As long as there are no outsiders present.She never said a word "no".Even gradually.She also fell in love with the happy feeling of the whole family.

Pick up your favorite braised pork and put it in your mouth.Zhang Fan was immediately moved.He can eat it.The delicacies in the mouth are definitely from the mother's hands.Thinking of my mother coming back to welcome me.He actually cooks himself.Zhang Fan was really moved.

It is also the familiar taste.Let Zhang Fan know.I went home by myself.

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