The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 348 The Inevitable Game

As soon as Guo Pu's figure moved, all civil and military officials immediately set their eyes on him. They understood that as Guo Pu walked out of the team to play to Long Qing, the good show they had been waiting for for a long time today was about to be officially staged. up.

But at the same time that Guo Pu spoke, two people said the same words at the same time. This unexpected incident immediately stunned all the officials, including today's good show that everyone was looking forward to. The director Gao Gong, no one thought it would be like this.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on the person in front of Guo Pu.

"Hehe, this is really strange." Long Qing didn't show any surprise, but looked curious, and said, "Li Aiqing and Guo Aiqing, both are cabinet scholars, and it's me at the humerus. Each has something to play, "What Long Qing meant was that both of you are members of the cabinet, so why don't you discuss with each other about the matters to be played, and you just talk about your own things like this, it's really not united.

However, he was simply pretending to be ignorant. The cabinet of the Ming Dynasty was never united and stable. The cabinets of the Ming Dynasty were not fighting and attacking each other. When Long Qing said it now, it was obvious that he was trying to ridicule them. .

Guo Pu showed some embarrassment on his face, but Li Chunfang, who was standing in front of him, didn't show any embarrassment on his face.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the ministers naturally understand this principle," Li Chunfang said with a calm face, "It's just that the things I've played are not about the government affairs of the court, but the private affairs of the ministers."

When all the officials heard what Li Chunfang said, they all showed anticipation on their faces. They had already guessed what Li Chunfang wanted to say in their hearts, but now he and Guo Pu's rush to play, but also let them All the officials are looking forward to it.

Now, the development of the matter and how the future drama will be staged all depends on Long Qing's decision. Everyone in the court understands that if Li Chunfang asks to beg for resignation and become an official, with the many things that happened yesterday, Long Qing, although I will decline, but I think he will definitely agree to Li Chunfang's request.

But if Guo Pu speaks first, all the officials will also believe that what he wants to say is definitely enough to impeach Li Chunfang. In this way, Li Chunfang will leave sadly.

Now it's up to Long Qing's decision, who he asks to speak first.

"So it's for a private matter," Long Qing said, and then he looked at Guo Pu who was standing behind Li Chunfang, and asked, "Where is Guo Aiqing? Is Guo Aiqing also going to play a private matter?"

Hearing Long Qing's question, the officials couldn't help but smile in their hearts. What Guo Pu wanted to say was to impeach Li Chunfang. Logically speaking, this was definitely a private matter between Gao Gong and Li Chunfang. "The word is very formal, and it is absolutely official.

"Return to Your Majesty, what I want to talk about is official business," Guo Pu replied as expected, and his expression was very serious, without any complacency.

When the officials heard this, almost everyone felt in their hearts that the next thing should be Li Chunfang's unlucky, public affairs versus private matters, and no matter what it was, Guo Pu had already occupied the high ground. From their point of view Well, Long Qing was also a general-minded emperor, so he would definitely let Guo Pu speak first. In this way, Li Chunfang's tragic ending was almost certain.

On the side, Gao Gong, who heard all this, already showed a triumphant smile.

However, Li Chunfang, the person involved, after hearing Guo Pu's words, his face remained the same as usual without any change. It seemed that he had already been fully confident, but he seemed to have accepted his fate.

"In that case," Long Qing began to speak, but he stopped after saying this sentence, as if he was thinking about something, and after a long while, he spoke again, "I have heard a lot about this morning. It's business, and I'm very tired, besides, Li Aiqing is the second assistant of the cabinet, let's talk about Li Aiqing first."

As soon as Long Qing said these words, there was a sudden silence in the court, and almost everyone was stunned. After a while, although no one was talking about anything, almost all the officials glanced at each other. Long Qing The decision really exceeded their expectations, they never imagined that Long Qing would make such a decision, it was too surprising.

After hearing Long Qing's words, Guo Pu, who was standing behind Li Chunfang, was also very surprised, but the surprised expression did not stay on Guo Pu's face for too long and then slowly receded, replaced by a very calm expression. This is not to say that Guo Pu has long been prepared for such a thing to happen, but that he is easier to accept the fact.

It's just that Guo Pu is easy to accept, but it doesn't mean that other people are as easy to accept as him. Gao Gong is such a living example. When he heard Long Qing's decision, he also had a surprised expression on his face at first, but as time passed, As time went by, the surprise did not ease, but turned into a kind of anger, a kind of unwillingness, and a kind of jealousy.

However, since Long Qing has made a decision, no one can change this matter. No matter how powerful Gao Gong is, no matter how powerful he is now, he is nothing more than a courtier in the end, and no matter how flirtatious and incompetent Long Qing is. After all, he is an emperor who inherits the great line, the world belongs to him, and the courtiers naturally have to obey his orders.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, no one can change anything, Guo Pu walked back to the team obediently, without any expression of dissatisfaction on his face, seeing this, how could Gao Gong, who was very upset in his heart, hold back, Immediately wanted to go out and argue with Long Qing, Guo Pu standing beside him seemed to have been prepared for this, he grabbed Gao Gong's arm, for some reason, he was usually very weak At this time, Guo Pu was holding on tightly, and Gao Gong couldn't break free at all.

Feeling being caught, Gao Gong angrily turned his head to look at Guo Pu, but found Guo Pu with a resolute expression on his face, watching him shake his head slightly, his actions seemed to be asking Gao Gong not to act impulsively, But the expression on his face was absolutely determined.

Seeing his friend's expression, Gao Gong came to his senses. He knew that he had lost his chance, and now he would not be able to change anything if he stood up and said something. No, not only could he not change anything, but he might It doesn't necessarily cause any disaster.

After thinking about this, Gao Gong gradually calmed down. Besides, it is inevitable for Li Chunfang to go home now, and no one can stop him. Although Gao Gong's victory is not good, he won in the end , the process is not important, what matters is the ending.

"Qi Zuo Your Majesty," Li Chunfang waited until the officials in the main hall had calmed down, and then began to speak, "This time I am asking His Majesty, and please let him go home."

"Li Aiqing, if I remember correctly, you have already begged me for divorce six times," Long Qing said with a frown after hearing Li Chunfang's words, "I have issued an imperial decree to keep Aiqing's resignation in the past. , Why is there another performance today, the ministers of the Minister of State and the Prime Minister are loyal to the country, and I rely on them, how can they beg for rest, and they should go out to serve with peace of mind, and they are not allowed to resign." Long Qing heard Li Chunfang's resignation, and he did not say anything. It was not the first time that Li Chunfang refused without hesitation, and if Li Chunfang did not succeed today, it would definitely not be the last time.

"Your Majesty, please listen to my words," Li Chunfang said calmly when she heard Long Qing's refusal. There are many colleagues in the court who are older than Weichen, but Weichen feels that he is a little old.

"A few days ago, Weichen's old illness relapsed, and the blood disease suddenly broke out. I invited the doctor to look at it. Although prescriptions and medicines have been prescribed, it can't be cured overnight. Although it is not to the point where I can't work, Weichen I really can't occupy this position because of the Wusha name on my head and do nothing. In the future, it is a trivial matter to be abused by a humble official for dereliction of duty. If you die, you will bear the eternal infamy,"

"This..." Long Qing hesitated after hearing Li Chunfang's words. If Li Chunfang just said that he was sick and couldn't go to work, Long Qing could say, the worst would be to let him take a period of leave, and let the imperial physician in the palace It's just to go and treat him, but now Li Chunfang is showing the righteousness of the court, so Long Qing can't turn a blind eye to it now.

After all, it's not that Long Qing doesn't understand how what happened yesterday will lead to today's ending, but in the final analysis, Long Qing doesn't want Li Chunfang to leave at all. It was his way of stuffing gourds that stabilized the court a lot and quelled many disputes.

"Your Majesty," seeing that Long Qing still refused to agree, Li Chunfang said again, "Your Majesty, please put the overall situation of the imperial court first. It doesn't matter what happens to a single official. The important thing is the important affairs of the court and the world," Li Chunfang moved out again. Uphold righteousness.

Long Qing didn't speak immediately, but fell silent. There was no sound in the hall, as if they were nervously waiting for Long Qing's fate. Although the matter was almost a foregone conclusion, they were still so nervous, as if they were Looking forward to the turning point that is impossible at all.

"Alas..." Long Qing sighed, and said, "Aiqing, since you have said so, if I don't agree, I'm afraid it will be too embarrassing for my subjects, Zhen, let me play."

Finally, it was said. As soon as this decision was made, the atmosphere in the court immediately eased. Although the officials seemed a little disappointed by this, they still agreed with the ending.

As for Gao Gong, of course he was happy, thinking about how he should celebrate his victory later, but Gao Gong has already walked out slowly, he still has things to do, and this is the highlight of today,

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