Long Qing accepted Li Chunfang's invitation to become an official.

All of a sudden, the civil and military officials above the court are a little optimistic about the show, and it's not because of Li Chunfang. After all, what happened yesterday, Li Chunfang's departure has almost become inevitable, and there is nothing to discuss that's it.

And an hour ago, the subject of the discussion among the officials was how Li Chunfang would leave, whether he would return to his hometown in a glorious manner, with a halo of honor on his head; The party members impeached, and finally left sadly with the body to be punished.

Now the matter has come to a conclusion, because Long Qing obviously shielded Li Chunfang, who stood up at the same time as Guo Pu and was ready to speak, to speak first.

And now, Gao Gong has nothing to do about it. After all, Longqing has already allowed Li Chunfang to become an official, and he is in a good position. It is useless to say what he is saying now, and if Gao Gong stands up to argue about something now, Obviously, this is a question of the imperial power. When the time comes, the impeachment of Li Chunfang will definitely fail. Instead, it will be self-defeating and cause trouble for itself. As long as this is the truth that normal people understand, Gao Gong was held back by Guo Pu Arm, after calming down, how could he not understand.

Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, then the eyes should look forward, Gao Gong has other things to consider.

At this moment, when the officials saw Gao Gong standing up again, they all thought that he was upset and planned to continue to impeach Li Chunfang. At this time, everyone in the court showed a look of optimism. Gao Gong stepped forward at this time, he must have come out to argue with Long Qing because he was upset about what happened just now, but this time, Guo Pu did not try to stop him.

Today's Gao Gong is indeed very powerful, the current dynasty is the largest, with one person under ten thousand, as long as the officials in the court are not in the same camp as Gao Gong, they will more or less take into account the current Gao Gong Gong, but now, what Gao Gong is facing is the Emperor Longqing who is under one person. For such a situation, all the officials are naturally in the mood to watch the show.

"Gao Aiqing, what's the matter with you?" Long Qing asked when he saw Gao Gong standing up, but obviously Long Qing also thought the same as the civil and military officials standing below, thinking that Gao Gong's standing up at this time was a The one who wanted to find fault was the emperor after all, and no emperor would think it appropriate for any minister to dare to raise different opinions on the decision he had just made, so when Long Qing asked Gao Gong, his voice was cold , and definitely has a bad complexion.

Seeing Long Qing speak like this, the ministers next to him all had such expressions. Many people also showed more expectant expressions on their faces, making it clear that they wanted to know how the drama between Long Qing and Gao Gong would play out. .

Gao Gong had a very calm expression on his face, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, as if he hadn't noticed the threat and innocence in Long Qing's words just now.

"Your Majesty," Gao Gong said, "Your Majesty Li has been an official in the court for decades, and he has been conscientious and hardworking. Although he is already old, His Majesty allows him to return to his hometown to take care of his life. It is extremely regrettable that I will not be able to be with you again in the future." Lord Li is an official in the same dynasty, but I also want to congratulate Lord Li here, "

At this point, Gao Gong turned to face Li Chunfang, bowed with his hands clasped, and said, "Gao hereby wishes Master Li a successful retirement. For decades of ups and downs, for the court, His Majesty, and the people of the world, he has worked diligently. I also ask Mr. Li to bow high and pay homage."

Above the court, seeing Gao Gong's actions, almost everyone was stunned. Long Qing, who was sitting alone on the throne, did not expect Gao Gong to sit like this, and looked at him with a very dull expression; They also didn't expect Gao Gong to be like this, and they were all stunned; and Li Chunfang herself didn't expect Gao Gong to come out like this now, staying there not knowing what to do.

There were only a few people present who could know the reason for Gao Gong's actions and did not show any special expressions. Guo Pu, Gao Gong's follower, obviously already knew Gao Gong's plan, so Gao Gong Now that he is doing this, he has always looked indifferent, and for Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli, who had already calculated today, although they were indeed stunned by Gao Gong's actions at the beginning However, the two of them did not stand still for a long time before returning to their original appearance. They had already figured out Gao Gong's thoughts. In time, they already figured out Gao Gong's plan.

Li Chunfang froze on the spot, did not move for a long time, but this time Gao Gong was really respectful to the extreme, Li Chunfang didn't speak, he just kept bending over and clasping his fists, not moving.

Li Chunfang, who came back to his senses, saw that Gao Gong still looked like this, so it was impossible for him to be indifferent, so he hurriedly walked up to Gao Gong, helped him up, and said, "Master Gao, please get up quickly, Mr. Li Although he has been in the court for dozens of years, he is extremely mediocre, and he has not made any achievements on weekdays, so how can he afford to be like Mr. Gao, get up quickly, "

Gao Gong was not pretentious, he just stood up with Li Chunfang's empty hands, but after standing up, everyone found that Gao Gong had an expression of disbelief, and said, "Master Li, why do you want to belittle yourself? Master Li has achieved so many years of achievements, just relying on the fact that Master Li has never made a single mistake in the past few decades, this is really a role model for me, "

This Gao Gong has become vicious. He didn't mention what Li Chunfang did right, but he specifically said that Li Chunfang had done nothing wrong. This is simply to say that Li Chunfang has been a mediocre official for decades. Officials who are mediocre to the extreme, although they have no merits, have no faults either. They are not bad, but they are not good either. I am afraid that no one would like to hear this kind of evaluation.

However, no matter whether it was Li Chunfang or other ministers, although they clearly knew that Gao Gong's words were sarcastic remarks to Li Chunfang, but no one thought this way.

Ever since there were dynasties, rulers, and courtiers, there have always been officials in this world who are not corrupt, party-mass, or powerful. People with a clean sleeve will soon be swallowed up by the general trend, and there will be no residue left. In the end, there is only one way to be forgotten.

Up to now, like Li Chunfang, there are definitely not a few people who are taciturn on weekdays and take care of themselves to avoid disasters.

It stands to reason that this kind of officials, this kind of officials with no achievements, cannot win the favor and trust of the emperor, and thus get a high position, but now all the officials in the world are corrupt, bad ones are everywhere, and good ones are hard to find with lanterns. A person like Li Chunfang who has made no achievements but has no faults has become a role model for officials all over the world.

From a certain point of view, Gao Gong's remarks are not wrong at all.

"Master Gao is too famous," Li Chunfang didn't intend to refute this time, but admitted along with Gao Gong's words.

When Gao Gong turned his face to Long Qing again, Li Chunfang stood back again.

Seeing that Gao Gong was about to speak again, Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli looked at Li Chunfang with some understanding in their hearts, and Li Chunfang nodded slightly to them, expressing that he understood.

Gao Gong's actions seemed to be an end to all grievances. Li Chunfang, who had already decided to return home and could no longer pose a threat to him, let go of his grievances and reconciled as before, but Zhang Fan and the others understood very well psychologically. Perhaps the previous Gao Gong, or to be precise, the Gao Gong of ten years ago would have such a character, but the current Gao Gong, who is now the one who will revenge and revenge, will never do this. There must be a purpose for him to do this now.

As for Gao Gong's purpose, although Zhang Fan and the others are not sure yet, they are pretty much the same when they think about it.

In the confrontation between Gao Gong and Li Chunfang just now, because of Long Qing's favoritism, he had already lost the opportunity, but now, Gao Gong did this to take the opportunity into his own hands again.

The opportunity Gao Gong wanted was not as simple as impeaching Li Chunfang. No matter whether he succeeds in impeaching Li Chunfang, except that he can feel refreshed for a while, and then let others know that no matter who provokes him, Gao Gong will not end well. There is no real benefit to him, the opportunity that Gao Gong really wants to seize is the opportunity to elect an official into the cabinet that will be vacant.

"Your Majesty, although it seems a little unreasonable to bring up this matter now, things in the court are very busy, and some things should be planned early," Gao Gong said, "Now that Lord Li is about to leave his post, there will also be people in the cabinet. There is a position to be vacated, the cabinet is to assist His Majesty, the responsibility is very important, it must not be vacant for another day, this person, it is better to make a plan early, "

It wasn't until Gao Gong said these words that all the civil and military officials below understood what Gao Gong was doing for Li Chunfang's amiability just now. His plan was to sell Li Chunfang a favor. If Long Qing When asked about the candidate, the first person to ask is naturally Li Chunfang who is about to leave, and the candidate Li Chunfang talked about is also the most likely person to replace him.

In other people's eyes, Gao Gong's strategy has almost succeeded. Li Chunfang has always been a good talker. Gao Gong was so courteous just now. It seems that Li Chunfang is going to hand over the recommendation of the candidate to Gao Gong first.

"That's right." Sure enough, Long Qing agreed with Gao Gong's words, turned to Li Chunfang and asked, "Li Aiqing, who do you think can succeed you?"

When all the officials heard about Long Qing's culture, they all turned their eyes to Li Chunfang, waiting for him to speak, but Gao Gong, who was standing in the center of the hall, didn't walk away at all, and his face was even exposed. Smile, obviously, in Gao Gong's view, he has already won,

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