The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 352 Obvious Connection

Hearing Long Qing's words, all the civil and military officials standing below were very surprised. If it is said that there is nothing wrong with Long Qing's words, it is right to let all the officials speak and listen to different opinions before making a decision. It's just that the officials are surprised that Gao Gong has pushed Long Qing to this point, and Long Qing himself has become extremely angry, but Long Qing still didn't tell Gao Gong to shut up immediately. It was unbelievable to the other ministers to be so friendly with him.

It's just that other people think it's incredible, but Gao Gong doesn't think so. In his opinion, Long Qing has already been persuaded by himself, but Long Qing who has been "persuaded" still didn't deny Li Chunfang as he wanted. Gao Gong was very upset about this matter.

Out of anger, Gao Gong, who is now in a trance, immediately said: "But Your Majesty..."

Gao Gong's sentence stopped at the beginning, and was stopped by a person who rushed over and grabbed his sleeve.

It was Guo Pu who rushed over. When Gao Gong refused to accept Long Qing's decision to agree with Li Chunfang and stood up to speak, Guo Pu already felt that things were going to get worse. It's just that Gao Gong's movements were too fast. Park let him rush out before he had time to catch him.

At that time, Guo Pu already knew that the big thing was not good. He despised the imperial power and was safe and sound. Even after that, there were people who became more and more powerful. Xiang Cao Cao was such a person, but now it is the Ming Dynasty, not the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Gao Gong It's just that he is the chief minister of the cabinet, not a sage like Cao Cao, and although Long Qing is a bit bored, he is not the most useless Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty like Liu Xie.

When Gao Gong was talking just now, Guo Pu was covered in cold sweat all the time. Gao Gong had already stood up and started talking. It was impossible for him to pull him back at this time. Gong was ready to be dragged down by Long Qing's guards at any moment.

However, although Long Qing was very angry just now, it seems that he can bear the situation at the scene. Now, Guo Pu sees that Long Qing has planned to let Gao Gong's nonsense this time, and no longer cares about it, but it seems that Gao Gong has not recognized it. Despite the situation, he actually wanted to continue talking.

This time, Guo Pu was frightened. He slightly raised his head and looked up, and found that Long Qing seemed to want to talk when he saw Gao Gong. Pu Shi hurried out, and when Gao Gong just started to speak, he grabbed Gao Gong's sleeve and stopped him from speaking.

Gao Gong was held back by someone, and he held back what he wanted to say. He couldn't say it because he was upset. My own person is my good friend Guo Pu, and Gao Gong's anger was half gone immediately, but although the anger has subsided a bit, Gao Gong still felt uncomfortable, so he looked at Guo Pu with very puzzled eyes, as if I want him to give himself an explanation.

In front of Long Qing, and now standing in the middle of the hall, with all the civil and military officials looking at him, how could Guo Pu tell Gao Gong clearly that he could only make a helpless expression and frowned Wrinkled slightly, he shook his head slightly, and then looked at Long Qing who was sitting on the dragon chair.

Although Gao Gong was losing his mind now, he was not a fool. Seeing Guo Pu's reminder, he raised his head slightly to look at Long Qing.

I saw that the current Long Qing was really furious with Longyan's eyebrows and eyes, and his eyes were wide open. He was almost on the verge of burning with anger. Now Long Qing was looking at Gao Gong, but his expression was extremely unkind, and Some gritted their teeth, as if they wanted to eat Gao Gong alive.

Anyway, Long Qing is also an emperor, and when the emperor went to court, the makeup preparations made people look extremely majestic. At this moment, Long Qing was frowning and staring like this, and his expression was really quite scary .

Looking at Long Qing's current appearance, Gao Gong was shocked for a while, but it was precisely because of his shock that his heart that was insanely crazy just now woke up. At this time, Gao Gong realized that What did I do just now, to challenge the emperor? This kind of behavior is simply asking for death. If Long Qing said that he was despising the imperial power now, he would have every reason to take off his veil immediately, and then let the guards in the palace drag him out He Gao Gong couldn't even do anything about it, shouting for injustice, stop joking around, let's not say that Long Qing was originally the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he said that whoever is guilty is guilty, and now Gao Gong has indeed committed this crime It is a crime of disrespect for etiquette, and the target is the emperor. It is a miracle that Long Qing can bear it until now without getting angry. Moreover, even if Long Qing does not get angry, those who are on the opposite side of Gao Gong must have already put this matter to rest. Remember, maybe they won't go crazy and impeach Gao Gong today, but who knows when someone will stand up and talk about this matter.

After thinking about this, Gao Gong immediately suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, silently walked back to the place where he should have been standing, lowered his head with his hands down, and stopped talking.

"I feel that what your Majesty said is very true," Guo Pu hurriedly said in order to divert Long Qing's attention and Long Qing's anger towards Gao Gong. He has a heavy responsibility to share his majesty's worries, so he has to take it into consideration."

It seems that because Gao Gong stopped his mouth, the anger that Long Qing was about to let out also subsided a lot, and what Guo Pu said just now did have a great effect, successfully Distracting Long Qing's attention, he lowered his head, Long Qing supported his aching forehead, and kneaded it, the little eunuch at the side saw it, and hurried to Long Qing, wanting to beat him, but It was Long Qing who waved him back.

Long Qing didn't speak for a long while, and the ministers below just kept looking at Long Qing, waiting nervously for his answer, but some of these ministers hoped that Long Qing could expose this unpleasant matter, while some with the opposite expectation.

As the parties involved, Gao Gong, Zhang Fan, Ge Shouli and Zhang Juzheng knew very well that Gao Gong must be fine for a while. If Long Qing wanted to punish Gao Gong, he would have ordered it long ago, and there would be no pause at all. such a long time.

Sure enough, when Long Qing raised his head again, his complexion looked much better, and he no longer showed a look full of anger, and said in a very calm tone: "My dear friends, for Li Aiqing's recommendation of Gaoyi Sir, do you have anything to say?"

It was the same question just now, but he used a more gentle and calm tone than before, but at this moment, no one dared to speak up anymore, and all the officials were afraid that they would make Long Qing uncomfortable if they stood up and said something. His words angered the emperor who was upset at the moment.

But when the emperor asked, the whole room was full of civil and military officials, but none of the hundreds of people dared to stand up and speak out. This is not the way to go, so at this time, whoever can go out and say a few words This is the solution to the current predicament. As for who said it and whether Longqing wanted to hear it, as long as they didn't involve themselves, they didn't care at all.

At this time, many officials in the court turned their attention to Zhang Fan, who is now a big celebrity in front of Long Qing. Some eyebrows.

Zhang Fan can naturally feel the eyes of the people looking at him, and understands that they all hope that he can stand up and say a few words to reverse the current embarrassing situation, but Zhang Fan is still aloof. She stood there motionless, with her head lowered, so that people couldn't see her expression at this time.

After a while, seeing that Zhang Fan didn't have the slightest intention of moving, everyone who was full of expectations began to be disappointed.

Just as the officials in the main hall looked at each other, one person stood up.

"Your Majesty, my minister seconded Lord Li's recommendation,"

A voice, a voice like the sounds of nature, sounded in people's ears. Hearing this voice, the ministers couldn't help but looked up.

"Oh, what can Ge Aiqing say?" Long Qing looked at the person who stood up and asked with a smile.

That's right, the person who stood up to speak was Ge Shouli, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Seeing Ge Shouli stand up to speak, the other ministers were all relieved, and looked at him with the eyes of a benefactor, but it didn't take long. Grateful eyes turned into doubts.

Ge Shouli was usually a dull gourd in the court. Although he was absolutely outspoken when he was supposed to speak, he basically didn't know how to speak on weekdays. At this time, why did Ge Shouli stand up? Like him, Li Chunfang and Gao Yi, who are both bored, are arguing against each other. No one will believe such a naive answer.

But thinking of what happened in court when Zhang Fan returned the day before yesterday, everyone couldn't help but look at Zhang Fan again, obviously wondering whether this matter had anything to do with Zhang Fan.

The same is true for Gao Gong, he looked at Zhang Fan as if he wanted to see something, but at this moment Zhang Fan was standing there with his head down all the time, making it impossible to figure out.

But Gao Gong can be sure at this time that this matter must have something to do with Zhang Fan, otherwise why would he come to court today.

Thinking of this, Gao Gong began to grit his teeth again,

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