The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 353: Straight Talk

Ge Shouli, a person who doesn't like to talk very much, now stands up and expresses that he agrees with Gao Yi recommended by Li Chunfang to join the cabinet. This seems to be an incredible thing to many people. They can't figure out why Ge Shouli will stand up Help people speak.

But the next moment, people's attention turned to Zhang Fan, thinking of Ge Shouli's uncharacteristic help when Zhang Fan just came back the day before yesterday, most of the officials were thoughtful.

"Oh, Ge Aiqing seconded the proposal," Long Qing seemed to be very interested in what Ge Shouli said, and asked with a smile, "Then Ge Aiqing might as well talk about it, is there any reason?"

"Your Majesty," Ge Shouli didn't even think about it, and said directly, obviously well prepared, "I think that the position of the cabinet, as Mr. Gao just said, is very busy every day, and the things to be dealt with are also very busy. It's very important, but now that there are Lord Gao and Lord Zhang in the cabinet, it must be more than enough."

When Ge Shouli said these words, the people who heard them thought it was a little funny. Ge Shouli’s words, on the surface, seemed to be saying that Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were very capable, as if only the two of them were enough in the cabinet Yes, but in the eyes of others, especially those officials who only think about intrigues and tricks all day long, Ge Shouli's words are simply calling other people in the cabinet secretly idlers.

But regardless of whether things are like this, no one dares to stand up and refute Ge Shouli now. Besides, it seems that what Ge Shouli said is the truth. In today's cabinet, almost everything, no matter whether it is important or not. That is to say, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng discussed or had conflicts with each other, and other people never asked about these things that should be their duties.

"Oh." Hearing what Ge Shouli said, Long Qing was a little puzzled, and said, "If you follow Aiqing's words, it is enough to keep Gao Aiqing and Zhang Aiqing in the cabinet. Why do we need the other four? The four people will be dismissed, and only Gao Aiqing and Zhang Aiqing will be left in the cabinet in the future, Ge Aiqing thinks, how about this?"

Hehe, okay, Ge Shouli just stood up and said this in a matter-of-fact way. Although there was a bit of irony in the words, it was not deep. He just wanted to talk casually and open the topic in this way. That's it, it didn't mean what Long Qing said, but Long Qing didn't know what was going on today, so he just said such a remark through Ge Shouli's words.

The so-called unintentional speaker sounds intentional, and no matter why Long Qing said that, at least all the court officials who heard what he said became nervous. The emperor's words and deeds naturally represent the supreme will of this huge empire In their opinion, Long Qing would say that because he must have already had such a thought in his heart.

"Uh...Your Majesty," Ge Shouli seemed to be frightened by Long Qing's words, and quickly said, "I don't mean that, what I mean is that Lord Gao and Lord Zhang are diligent in government, Most of the things you have done have already been done by the two of you, but I did not say that the other cabinet ministers are irrelevant. If it is true that there are only two ministers in the cabinet as His Majesty joked, there will definitely be chaos in the future."

Those who heard Ge Shouli's words, whether they were civil and military officials or Long Qing himself, understood what he meant by the "chaos". If the ministers in the cabinet feel that it is inappropriate and cannot pass the decree, they have the right to oppose it, even the emperor's decree, and this is not a deadly remonstrance, it is almost certain to be successful. This shows how powerful the cabinet is.

If things are really as Long Qing said, if there are only two people left in the cabinet, there will definitely be chaos in the future. In order to prevent collusion, those two people will definitely be enemies. This is a good thing in the first place. However, the officials in the DPRK all understand that if two enemies are against each other, the most likely result is that the two people are so antagonistic to the extreme that no matter what the matter is, they must oppose each other's proposal, even if it is the most correct, it will benefit the country. Whether it is a matter of benefiting the people or a war that concerns the overall situation, the two of them originally agreed in their hearts, but once one of them speaks out what he agrees with, the other will inevitably speak out against it out of anger. It will become very chaotic, and government orders cannot be communicated.

And more importantly, there is a saying from the future that applies to any era, "There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." As the saying goes, money can make ghosts go round, but for power, people can do it Who can guarantee anything? In the future, when there are only two people left in the cabinet, two incompatible enemies, they will not stand on the same front for common interests, and if that happens In this case, the two people in the cabinet are equivalent to controlling the entire court in disguise. No matter who it is, they don't want to see that happen.

"Your Majesty," Ge Shouli continued, "The candidates for the cabinet were determined by the ancestor Cheng in the past. They are made for the ancestors. If the ancestors are changed without authorization, is it... Moreover, the people who enter the cabinet are all academicians in the court. Since the present dynasty, there are four halls of Zhongji, Jianji, Wenhua, and Wuying, as well as Wenyuan Pavilion and Dong Pavilion. There are four halls and two pavilions in total. Where should the four great scholars be placed? There will inevitably be many troubles at that time.

"Also, His Majesty sees what happened today, so I won't say any more, but if there are really only two candidates for cabinet bachelors left, what kind of scene will it be? Wei Wei I think I don't have to think about His Majesty anymore, "

Ge Shouli has said so much, except for the last paragraph, it is basically all nonsense. The imperial ancestral system and Chengzu's establishment are very pleasant to say, but if any emperor wants to tamper with it, no one will stop it. I can't help it, but the last point is on point.

Today, there are six positions in the cabinet. There are four halls and two cabinets, and six academicians are cabinet ministers. Even now, there are countless ministers fighting for the six positions because they want to be among them. Don't let it go, if the number of positions in the cabinet is really changed from the current six to two, then it is still unknown what the court will look like.

Originally, what Long Qing said just now was really just a temporary joke of his, it was just a whim, and it was not counted. Such a thought, and this kind of thought has a tendency to become bigger and bigger.

However, Ge Shouli's analysis immediately made Long Qing lose his mind. Yes, it is already confusing enough. Just now, Gao Gong dared to challenge him, the emperor, just because of such a candidate for the cabinet position. , and very strong, it is impossible for Long Qing to make such "accidental" occurrences become frequent, and by then, the court will really be in chaos.

After hearing Ge Shouli's words, the ministers below felt that what he said was too reasonable. They didn't think what Ge Shouli said was just, but felt that Ge Shouli's words had given many of them It's just the hope of joining the cabinet.

However, there are also many people who have developed deep admiration for Ge Shouli in their hearts, and dared to say that what he said was a "joke" in front of the emperor. What he said was just words, and Long Qing had no intention of making him angry at all.

"Ai Qing, don't be impatient." Long Qing now has a smile on his face, with a trace of apology in it. "What I just said was just a joke, just a joke." Long Qing really didn't blame Ge Shouli for this matter. mean.

Seeing that Ge Shouli seemed a little dissatisfied with his apology just now, Long Qing hurriedly said, out of trouble, "Ge Aiqing, now it is time to discuss who should enter the cabinet to replace Mr. Li who is about to retire. What to do, it's better to talk about the business quickly," Long Qing hurriedly said to divert Ge Shouli's attention.

"Your Majesty, this humble minister seconded Lord Li's recommendation." Ge Shouli did not mention the matter just now, "Just as your Majesty and everyone know, Lord Gao Yigao entered the cabinet as a minister, and his academic qualifications are complete. There is no need to worry about it, and Mr. Gao is now giving lectures to the East Palace of His Highness the Crown Prince. He knows many current affairs in the court, and there is no need to worry that he will not be clear about the situation when he first took office. Moreover, with Mr. Gao's cautious temperament , it is also indispensable for all kinds of major issues handled in the cabinet, "

The reason Ge Shouli said is a bit far-fetched, but it is indeed the case. His evaluation of Gaoyi is very pertinent, neither overstating nor belittling, although it sounds like Gaoyi is not the best choice Candidate, but if he joins the cabinet, there is nothing wrong with it.

The others didn't have any ideas yet, but Gao Gong had already sneered in his heart. In his opinion, Gao Yi was too featureless, and he was even less optimistic about Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli. People are simply a mistake, and in the current situation, it seems that Zhang Fan will not stand up and say anything, Ge Shouli alone can't accomplish anything at all.

But things are always more complicated than people imagined. Gao Gong just thought of this, and another situation immediately appeared on the scene to break his thinking.

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