The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 362 Special Visitor

Yingyue looked at Yu'er's cold face.Sudden.The smile on his face just now disappeared at this moment.A sad look hung on his face.It seems to be worried about something.Looked very upset.Looking at Yu'er.Yingyue hesitated again and again.Then he asked, "Is she here?"

This sentence seems to have no beginning and no end.Most people don't know what Yingyue is talking about when they hear it at first.But Yu'er obviously understood very well.He knew who the "she" Yingyue was referring to was.

"What do you think?" Yu'er didn't answer Yingyue directly.Instead, he showed a smile.In the words, he looked at Yingyue quite teasingly and said. "Miss, her whereabouts. How could I know."

"If elder sister Yu'er doesn't know, I'm afraid no one in this world will know about it anymore." Yingyue looked at Yu'er angrily.There was a trace of resentment in the words that came out of the mouth.It seems to be blaming Yu'er for lying and deceiving herself. "Isn't Sister Yu'er always by her side? The only time she didn't. Sister almost..."

"Stop talking." Yu'er hurriedly interrupted Yingyue.It seemed that her words touched her sore spot. "That's why I say that men in this world don't have a good thing."

Speaking of which.Yu'er stopped.Look at Yingyue's pretty face that has been carefully dressed.Suddenly laughed.She began to say: "Xiao Yue'er has grown up after all. She knows how to use such words to provoke me. It is impossible to get some news from me. Or say. You are worried that Miss will come. It will be bad for your lover. Or... …kill him."

"Stay away from Brother Fan." Yingyue heard Yu'er's words.Suddenly it changed.There was no longer a gentle expression on his face.On the contrary, it has a very vicious look.It seems that someone has violated their own taboo.He looked like he was about to rush forward and do his best. "If you dare to touch Brother Fan, I will..."

"That's all. Kill me." Yu'er spoke again.She didn't seem to care about Yingyue's threat at all.Still looks contented. "It's up to you. Or say it. Whoever it is."

"Hmph. Elder sister seems to be underestimating Brother Fan too much." Yingyue said suddenly.The anger on his face was gone.The pretty face from before was restored again.Said to Yu'er with a smile. "Sister Yu'er. Do you know the identity of Brother Fan?"

"His identity." Yu'er heard Yingyue's words.Can't help but have some doubts. "What kind of status can he have? Isn't he a senior official in the imperial court? Seeing that he can enter the Han court at such a young age, he must have some knowledge. It's just that he can be an imperial envoy of the Ming court at his age. I I haven’t seen it before. But thinking about it, it’s also he who knows how to flatter the horse. Please please the emperor of the Han people. It can be seen that the country of the Han people is really ridiculous. I don’t think it’s been a few days.”

"Sister, if you really think so, I'm afraid the Five Poison Sect is not far from death." The smile on Yingyue's face was even bigger.Said to Yu'er quite proudly. "But I can't blame my sister. My sister has stayed in the teaching for so many years. Even the news from the outside is just knowing some things in the Jianghu. How can I understand the story of the Han court. Sister. We who walk the rivers and lakes. In the end No, it’s still the people. The so-called people don’t fight with officials. That’s what it really means.”

"Xiaoyue'er. Don't push yourself too hard. I..." Yu'er heard Yingyue's words.Want to scold her.But it stopped suddenly.She suddenly felt.Yingyue's words didn't look like she was in a desperate situation and unable to refute.Coupled with the smiling expression on Yingyue's face at this time.Let Yu'er's always calm state of mind had a slight ripple at this time. "What on earth do you mean by that?"

Hearing Yu'er ask herself this.Yingyue's face immediately showed a complacent expression.Smiling, he said to Yu'er: "Sister, don't think that my sister is uttering wild words. My sister should tell her. Brother Fan is the person in charge of the Jinyiwei of the Ming court. Not to mention that this Jinyiwei is in Jianghu. It’s a great reputation. Presumably these things. My sister is much clearer than me.”

"Jin Yiwei..." Hearing this name.Yu'er was really taken aback.In the past, they spent a lot of effort investigating Zhang Fan.But apart from finding out his birthplace and the fact that he is now being reused by the Ming Emperor.They don't know the rest of the news.This is not to say that the intelligence of the Five Poison Sect is bad.Moreover.The fact that Zhang Fan was the commander of Jinyiwei was no secret in the court.Many people know.After all.It is also because most of the Five Poison Sects are Miao people.Although the strength is not as good as the Han people.But contempt for other nations seems to be a common problem of all nations.And it is for this reason.The Five Poisons Sect found this information and felt that it was enough.more importantly.They don't seem to have anything to do with the Han court at all.Even now they have united with the two people in the southwest who planned to rebel.But at the end of the day.Jianghu gangs still don't want to intervene in the affairs of the court.

But Yu'er thought about everything.I really didn't expect it.Zhang Fan looks like a weak man.A person who is extremely bookish.To be in charge of the Jinyiwei of the Ming court.The duty of Jin Yiwei is to supervise the officials of the imperial court.Speaking of it, this should have nothing to do with gangs like the Five Poison Sect.But there is one.There are many people in Jinyiwei.Many capable players are recruited from the rivers and lakes.need to know.If Jin Yiwei cultivates an equal master by himself.Except for loyalty.I'm afraid it's not much better than the people in the Jianghu.And that costs countless dollars and time.But recruiting from the rivers and lakes is quite different.These people bring art to join.Save time for training.What Jin Yiwei had to pay was nothing more than money, something that was insignificant to most.One died.Or mutiny one.Just go to recruit.Anyway, this world.Two-legged toads are hard to find.Two-legged people aren't everywhere yet.

But that's not the point.The point is.Most of these Jianghu people who joined the Jinyiwei were helpless.Most of them have enemies.And after they joined Jinyiwei.More or less can get some Jin Yiwei's help.To help them avenge things like that.And Jin Yiwei's behavior has always been very ruthless.For a gang of only a hundred people.They will mobilize local troops.charged with treason.Crush it with ten times the strength of the opponent.Anyway, except for revenge for the people he its trust.This kind of suppression can also bring a lot of benefits to Jin Yiwei himself.Be it prestige or money.

Although this is the case.Ever since Zhang Fan took charge of Jinyiwei.It's been much better.But after all, Zhang Fan's time in charge of Jinyiwei was too short.The "brilliant" image that Jin Yiwei has left on the rivers and lakes for so many years is really too "great".It is impossible to forget in a short time.

After Yu'er heard the news.I was really taken aback.Why doesn't the Jianghu gang want to get involved with the court.Some are because they don't want to be gossiped by other gangs.And the main reason is still.If it has something to do with the court.It is too dangerous.If you are not careful, your life will be in danger.Even the ancestral foundation will be uprooted.

But Yu'er was just that surprised.Immediately after that, calm was restored.After all, although the Five Poison Sect is compared to the imperial court.The power is not great.But now the Five Poison Sect is located in the southwestern border after all.In addition, there is now a clamor for rebellion there.Although the Five Poisons Sect also participated.But it's not all about opposing.want to come.Even if they did something to Zhang Fan.I'm afraid the imperial court may not come to investigate.

Figured this out.Yu'er's complexion improved again.Looking at Yingyue, he said, "So what about Jin Yiwei? You don't think that a Jin Yiwei can calm us down, do you?"

"Of course not. My sister also knows what my sister is thinking in her heart." Yingyue said. "But Brother Fan is not as simple as my sister thinks."

"What. He can still have three heads and six arms." Yu'er didn't believe Yingyue's words at all.

"Brother Fan is just a mortal. How can he have three heads and six arms." Yingyue said. "But there are indeed quite a few people. Help him."

"Oh. You are very confident." Yu'er didn't take Yingyue's words seriously at all. "Tell me. Is there anyone who can help him? His current status. He didn't get it by flattering the Emperor of Ming Dynasty."

"My sister is right. But not entirely right." Yingyue still had a smile on her face. "Sister, you need to know. Even if Brother Fan's current status is obtained by his flattery. At least it means that he has this ability. Moreover, even if it is Brother Fan, he wants to flatter. Someone has to listen That's right.

"Furthermore, the current Emperor Ming's favor and trust in Brother Fan is unparalleled. Moreover, Brother Fan has done a lot of things for him, and he has taken a lot of blame for him. It is impossible for him to let Brother Fan not ask. Moreover. Brother Fan is the Tai Tuo of the current prince of the Ming Dynasty. And he has a very good relationship with him. At that time, even if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is dead and the prince ascends the throne as the new emperor, Brother Fan will still be reused.

"Could it be that Sister Yu'er thinks that if Brother Fan has any accidents, let the Ming court know that you did it. Will the emperor of Ming Dynasty let you go?"

When Yu'er was listening to Yingyue's words.His complexion also changed greatly.Take it easy from the start.slowly.With Yingyue's words, it became darker and darker.She really didn't think about it.Zhang Fan's background would be so complicated.They... can't afford to be provoked like this.

"Hmph. I don't care who is supporting him." Yu'er said as if venting. "I'm here today to ask you something serious."

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