Although Yu'er never gave in.But Yingyue could clearly see it.She was a little flustered.I smiled in my heart.Yingyue didn't say anything.Instead, be patient.There was still a kind smile on his face.Waiting for Yu'er's next words.

"You have stayed with Zhang Fan for so many days. What kind of news did you find out?" Yu'er looked at Yingyue's face and asked.His eyes were fixed on Yingyue.It seems that she is afraid that she will tell some lies to deceive her.

"I don't know what sister Yu'er is asking about." Yingyue asked Yu'er in a teasing tone. "Sister, you need to know. Brother Fan has an important status now. There are too many things to deal with every day. And he has never been on guard against me. Therefore, I know a lot of things. Of course, my sister You have to ask. My sister will naturally tell the truth. It's just that my sister doesn't know. What kind of thing is my sister asking about?"

Looking at Yingyue's confident appearance.A resentment rose from the bottom of Yu'er's heart.He couldn't help clenching his silver teeth tightly in his mouth.I wish I didn't hit one place.But this time.Yu'er understood very well in her heart.I still have important matters to ask Yingyue.After all, that was what Fang Yueling, who had been kind to her, was most worried about.Yu'er naturally took it to heart.Will not be can be said that she is begging Yingyue.But I don't know why.She is really not reconciled to this once looked very weak.Being bullied by others all day long.Yingyue, who was able to survive in the sect only by relying on her own protection, bowed her head.This is not because Yu'er has vanity that is not important.It's just because she's been there all year round.Except for Fang Yueling, everyone looked down on her and gradually developed this sense of superiority.

now.Yingyue, a little girl, dared to face her.despise her.This simply made her feel that she had been greatly insulted.But Yingyue used this attitude against her at this time.Obviously, it hit her directly.It is impossible for her to threaten Yingyue at this critical moment.Or threaten Yingyue with the matter of the "Five Immortal Honeydew" in her body.Yingyue has a good relationship with her.So.She understands Yingyue's thoughts best.she knows.If Yingyue was really pushed into a hurry.That will definitely be ignored.Wholeheartedly against them.

Back then, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin's subordinates sent Yingyue to the Five Poison Sect.Until now, Yu'er didn't understand what this was for.It's purely just wanting to show the prestige of those people themselves.To drive all opponents into the abyss; or maybe there are other purposes.Yu'er didn't know at all.But Yu'er knows a little bit.She knew that Yingyue was able to endure sufferings that ordinary women could not endure.It used to be for her sister.And now Yingyue's sister is dead.So what Yingyue is doing now is Zhang Fan.

"Don't pretend you don't know." Yu'er replied rather annoyed.Said. "You know what I'm asking you about."

"But my sister didn't tell me. My sister, how would I know." Yingyue still refused to let go.And in this smiling answer.But it also has a bit of a cold taste. "Sister, please ask my sister to express it."

"Hey. You..." Yu'er was a little annoyed.However, she no longer intends to waste time playing charades with Yingyue.After all, she was in Zhang Fan's residence at this time.Not really safe. "I heard from Li Yang's letter to Miss that this Zhang Fan has already found the old leader. This matter is true."

As soon as Yu'er said this sentence.Yingyue's heart suddenly became clear.She had guessed that Yu'er was taking such a big risk.Pick this time to come and find yourself.What you do is definitely not a trivial matter.And Yingyue thinks it must be what Fang Zhen, Fang Yueling's father, did.It's just that she didn't have any evidence to prove this just now.And she has been thinking of countermeasures.How to deal with Yu'er.

now.Get Yu'er's question that affirmed her thoughts.Yingyue didn't know why.My mind suddenly let go a lot.

"This matter. Didn't my sister already know about it? Why bother to take the risk and ask my sister?" Yingyue didn't answer Yu'er directly.Instead, he asked her the same question.

"Yue'er. It's good that sister loves you. But sister can't let you be so presumptuous." Yu'er finally couldn't stand Yingyue's provocation.Sen's eyes instantly turned cold.Said. "Tell me quickly. Li Yang sent a letter saying that Zhang Fan found the old leader. Is this true?"

"Sister, don't be angry. My sister was also confused for a moment. That's why she was so confused." Yingyue also changed her tone.But the smile on his face never disappeared.Said. "Of course this is true. Would Li Yang write a letter to deceive Sister Fang? Forgive him for not being so courageous."

"Hmph. Don't pretend to be confused here." Yu'er snorted coldly.Said. "I naturally know that Li Yang doesn't have the guts to write a letter to deceive Miss. But that was also in the past. Isn't that Li Yang has taken refuge in your man now? That might be the case. After all, he is a stinky man. How can there be any way?" A place to believe."

"Then sister. I really don't know about it." Yingyue suddenly frowned and said.

"What do you mean?" Hearing Yingyue's words.The anger on Yu'er's face was even worse. "Didn't you say that Zhang Fan has completely believed in you now. He will never hide anything from you at all. Why are you saying that now?"

"They said they found the news of the old leader. Brother Fan told me this himself. I also believe it. Brother Fan will not lie to me." Yingyue was really able to hold her breath today.Facing Yu'er, her face changed a few times.She was always greeted with a smiling face.Nothing has changed.Said. "It's just what my sister said just now. You can't believe what men say in this world. If you say it this way, my sister, I believe that Brother Fan will not lie to me. But if Brother Fan really did what my sister said, he lied to me. Said that the old leader was found. How could I know."

"So, he said it himself to find the old leader." Yu'er didn't care about the provocation in Yingyue's words.I heard what Yingyue said just now.Instead, her eyes were shining brightly.Quickly asked. "He told you this on a special trip. Or when he was talking to others. You heard it from the side."

Hear here.Yingyue couldn't help admiring Yu'er again.Tell her personally.And she heard from the side.On the surface the result appears to be the same.In fact, it is very different.He made a special trip to tell her personally.It is very likely to be a lie; and if Yingyue heard it from the sidelines.The possibility of this matter being real is very high.

Yingyue has a light and exquisite heart.survived for such a long time.Naturally understand these small thoughts.Yu'er asked her why.She is naturally clear.Without the slightest hesitation.Yingyue said: "Although Brother Fan won't avoid me, he won't talk to me specifically about these things. Of course I overheard this matter." Yingyue figured this out.Naturally, he would not tell the truth that Zhang Fan never found Fang Zhenqian.Following Yu'er's meaning, he said so.

"Sure enough..." Hearing Yingyue's affirmative answer.Yu'er had a genuine expression.There are also words in the mouth.Think for a while.Looking at Yingyue with a serious face.asked. "Then you should know where the old leader is."

"Don't hide it from my sister. My sister really doesn't know about this matter." Yingyue put on an affirmative look at this time.Said. "Brother Fan, he never told me about this matter. His subordinates never reported to him. Or. When his subordinates told him. I'm not around."

"Didn't you say that Zhang Fan will never hide anything from you?" Yu'er frowned.It doesn't look like he doesn't believe what Yingyue said.It's just that the expression is very puzzled. "Why didn't he tell you about this?"

"Sister." Yingyue sighed.Said. "If my sister hadn't asked about this matter, Brother Fan, of course he wouldn't have told me."

"Then why don't you ask." Yu'er pressed her every step of the way.

"This... this... my sister. Do you need my sister to explain this clearly?" Yingyue said for a while.But he didn't know how to answer.He said so vaguely.

"That's true." Sure enough.Yu'er heard what Yingyue said.It seems to want to go elsewhere. "Those men are very small-minded. If they are so urgent to ask. In case they think of something else with their lack of heart. It's not good."

After listening to Yu'er's words.Yingyue wanted something in her heart.It seems that Yu'er misunderstood men.In other words, the hatred has reached a level where it is difficult to extricate itself.But at this time Yingyue didn't intend to correct her.After all, she still has to use Yu'er's thoughts to fool her at this time.

Facing Yu'er's words.Yingyue didn't show any expression of disapproval.Just smiled.It seemed that he agreed with her words.

"If you put it this way, it seems that you will stay by his side for a while." Yu'er said.immediately.She looked at Yingyue carefully.Said. "I didn't expect that you... That Zhang Fan didn't touch you. It seems that he really fell in love with you. That's fine. You can stay by his side. It will be of great use in the future. I know what you're thinking. Since you want to find a man to spend the rest of your life, I will not make it difficult for you. But in this way, you don’t want to leave him so early. If you agree, the lady will naturally give you the antidote every year. Good luck It is not a delusion to completely remove the poison from your body. As long as you help find out the whereabouts of the old leader. But I can’t remember this matter. Take your time. You can agree.”

Yingyue looked at Yu'er's face.Think about it.nodded.

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