In the evening, after dinner, Zhang Fan came to visit his uncle Zhang Yufang and his family.

Zhang Yufang was very enthusiastic, and he congratulated Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan came to express his apology. He felt that he had neglected his uncle's family at yesterday's banquet. But he couldn't say anything, the reason was very simple, Zhang Fan was afraid that his apology would make Zhang Yufang think it was an insult to him.

After a few pleasantries, Zhang Fan asked Zhang Yufang's plan. Zhang Yufang was very worried about the situation in his hometown of Yangzhou, but now that Zhang Fan came back safely and told him that there was no harm at home, Zhang Yufang was relieved.

Knowing that his uncle's family planned to stay in the capital for a while, Zhang Fan was relieved. Zhang Yufang's family had been in the capital for so many days. He was so entangled with things that he couldn't even find time to talk to them. Now that the court affairs had come to an end, Zhang Fan planned to take time to get together with his family in a few days.

The cool night breeze hits, making people feel refreshed after spending the whole day in the heat. Zhang Fan was riding the night breeze and was walking back to his room. At this time, he unconsciously thought of Looking at Yingyue, thinking that he had finally fulfilled the promise he had made to her and gave her a perfect wedding, Zhang Fan felt happy, and couldn't help but smile on his face. Yingyue has paid a lot for him, and he can give her A little bit of repayment made Zhang Fan finally feel that he was worthy of Yingyue.

When Zhang Fan went to Mobei as an envoy, because the nobles in the Tartars were dissatisfied with Alda's rule and collectively rebelled, Zhang Fan almost lost his life and survived because of Yingyue's treatment and care. Regarding this, Zhang Fan It is still engraved in my heart.

Of course, although Yingyue and Zhang Fan had already exchanged words with each other, Zhang Fan understood that when Yingyue saved him on the battlefield, it was because she had thoughts of lifelessness. For Yingyue at that time, the future path was bleak and irrelevant.

But this time, Yingyue, who was clearly out of the dangerous area this time, left the motorcade escorted by a large number of guards halfway, and returned to Yangzhou alone, which was the most dangerous place at that time, and not only that, but also boarded the tower , Fighting with real knives and guns against the Fusang enemy army, for what, isn't it for Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan understood Yingyue's thoughts very well in his heart, and he also knew that if he said it, Yingyue would never ask him to repay him anything, but how could Zhang Fan let this matter be exposed like this? Now, Zhang Fan, who has fulfilled the vow he once made to Yingyue, still feels a little guilty about Yingyue.

Although yesterday's wedding ceremony was grand and formal, the etiquette was in place, coupled with the presence of so many distinguished guests, it was full of face, and it was many times more important than the marriage between Zhang Fan and Ru Xue. , but Zhang Fan understood that no matter how big the scene was yesterday, it could not change the essence of the matter at all. Taking a concubine is taking a concubine, although in Zhang Fan's heart, he never put Ru Xue and Yingyue on an unequal In terms of status, they will always be treated equally, even for Luo Ling'er, but in the eyes of outsiders, even Zhao, who has never shown any favoritism towards his son's wife or concubine, Ru Xue The status of Zhang Fan's wife is always the highest, there is no doubt about it.

People live for a lifetime, especially in this ancient Chinese feudal society that attaches great importance to ethics, people's feelings are not important, what matters is what outsiders think of themselves, Zhang Fan believes that he can give Yingyue happiness and give her what she wants Everything he wants, but only the respect of others, which he can't give, he can't let his subordinates force others with knives.

Thinking about it, Zhang Fan planned to deal with Yingyue better in the days to come. Although he didn't know how to do it, he already had this plan in his heart at this moment.

Zhang Fan, who was about to speed up his pace to go back to his room, suddenly stopped again, and he remembered a strange thing.

It was the weirdness I saw at the dinner table tonight. At that time, after Luo Linger beside her mentioned Yingyue's absent-minded appearance, everyone noticed it. Zhang Fan also felt strange at first, and didn't know why Yingyue would With that expression, it was obvious that something was on his mind, but it was interrupted by other people's laughter later on, so Zhang Fan didn't pay much attention at that time.

Now, he who was thinking about Yingyue with all his heart, suddenly thought of this matter, which made Zhang Fan stop and think carefully.

Perhaps in the past, Yingyue would still look like this. After all, at that time, she was still worried about her sister's safety, and she was still worried that the "Five Immortal Honeydew" in her body would poison her at any time and cause her pain, but now, Yingyue has clearly learned that her sister has died because of the unbearable humiliation of all kinds; and although the "five immortal honey dew" in her body has not been completely removed, but because of Zhang Fan's calculation and Li Yang's Turning back, she won't have any worries for two years. Moreover, the most important thing is that today is the first day she officially entered the Zhang family's gate. It's so important to be honest, but he knows that Yingyue, who has been hurt too deeply, really doesn't have too many demands, and these things have long been able to make her smile with satisfaction.

Since everything is going in a good direction, why did Yingyue put on such an expression today.

"Could it be that after Yue'er married me, she felt unwilling to be a concubine?" Zhang Fan thought of this possibility in his heart, but he immediately shook his head to put this stupid idea aside, He knew very well in his heart that Yingyue would definitely not be that kind of person, if that was the case, Yingyue would never have traveled thousands of miles alone in Yangzhou to meet him at that time.

Since it wasn't the reason, what should it be? Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out. He really couldn't imagine that Yingyue would have any troubles today.

At this time, Zhang Fan hesitated, he didn't want Yingyue to be unhappy because of something, he didn't want to see Yingyue like that, but the clueless Zhang Fan couldn't even think of the reason for the incident, Not to mention trying to find a way to help Yingyue solve it.

The best way now is to ask Yingyue directly in front of her what's on her mind, but Zhang Fan always can't make up his mind to ask such a question. When a good thing is not done, but it makes both of them unhappy, then the gain outweighs the loss.

But whether this matter could be left alone, Zhang Fan didn't want to see Yingyue's frowning face all day long.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Fan's mind. Why is Yingyue so preoccupied now? At home, except for Zhaoxue, a little girl who would disagree with Yingyue and cause troubles in the market, everyone else in the family was very kind to her. Zhang Fan didn't think that Yingyue would do this because Zhaoxue didn't like her. Annoyed, after all, to Yingyue, Zhaoxue, a girl from a good family who grew up in a greenhouse, is basically harmless.

As for the only person in his family who Zhang Fan was very uncertain about, Ruan Er, whom Zhu Yijun insisted on bringing back from Quanzhou, Zhang Fan even dispatched manpower for almost twelve hours a day. Taking turns to monitor, there will never be any problems.

Since it wasn't because of these things, there was nothing else in her family that could make Yingyue like this, and the things must have come from outside.

Thinking of the outside world, Zhang Fan's thoughts were not disturbed by all the disturbing things. The first thing he thought of was the Five Poison Sect. Ever since he asked Li Yang to release the false news to Fang Yueling that he had found Fang Zhenqian's location After the incident, it has been several months now, but Fang Yueling, who was eager to find her father, did not take any action on the news, no matter whether she got it from anyone who knew the news, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling very strange.

It stands to reason that this is impossible at all. Fang Yueling is so eager to find her father, so it is impossible for her to ignore this kind of news. Thoughtful, she acted hastily, and there was nothing she could do about it. Maybe Fang Yueling saw that this was just fake news, so she ignored it at all, but Zhang Fan felt that Fang Yueling would never stay silent. After all, this is news related to her father's safety.

There is also a possibility that Fang Yueling already knew the whereabouts of her father, so she simply ignored the fake news released by Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan even guessed that Fang Yueling already knew that Li Yang had taken refuge in her, but she Zhang Fan was very puzzled by this very abnormal situation that he didn't even send a letter asking Li Yang to inquire again, without any pretentious words.

But now, this is just Zhang Fan's guess. He has no way to be sure. The reason why Yingyue has something on his mind is because of this matter. There are countermeasures.

After making up his mind, Zhang Fan returned to the room. Yingyue in the room didn't have any preoccupations on her face now, and she had regained that beautiful smile, but Zhang Fan, who had already thought a lot in her heart, would not think so at all. This was because Yingyue's mind was gone, on the contrary, he knew that Yingyue's mind was very heavy, and he understood that the reason why Yingyue showed such a smile must be because she was afraid that Zhang Fan would see something when the two of them got along.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan became more determined in his mind,

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