The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 372 Xu Li and Two People

After Long Qing approved Li Chunfang's return to his hometown, Gao Gong did not say anything. Obviously, he had realized that he had failed in this battle. Jie once again stumbled, and did not take advantage of Li Chunfang's opportunity to stand up and make trouble, and developed another member of his party members into the cabinet, so that he could completely control the cabinet. In this confrontation, it can be said that Gao Gong It was a complete loss.

Regardless of whether Gao Gong offended Long Qing this time because of his outspokenness, or because he really offended everyone this time, in short, Gao Gong has not expressed any opinion on this, even though it made all the officials in the court think that It's a bit unusual, after all, Gao Gong, who usually fights for nothing, is now silent, but this has indeed calmed the court a lot, so no one raised any objections to it.

Several days have passed since Longqing issued the edict allowing Li Chunfang to return to the field. On the second day, Li Chunfang went to the court to explain everything and put it back in the seal and other things. Gao Yi, Li Chunfang's replacement, also officially put on the scarlet official robe of a first-rank official on that day, and stood in the morning court hall where he had been away for nearly six years, and was envious of other officials. Under the watchful eyes of Longqing, he stood at the most front place on Longqing's left. Of course, entering the cabinet does not mean that Gaoyi is already under one person and above ten thousand. After all, there are still the positions of chief assistant and second assistant in the cabinet, but Gaoyi is also a self-aware person. Everyone, including others, understands that his ability to enter the cabinet is already the highest point he can reach. Now Gao Gong occupies the position of chief assistant in the cabinet. His person will definitely be Zhang Juzheng, and when Zhang Juzheng abdicates in the future, it will not be Gaoyi's turn. After all, his age is here, and that day does not know how many years later .

Although Li Chunfang no longer has any court affairs to worry about, he can go back to his hometown in Yangzhou at any time, but Li Chunfang was ordered by Longqing to become an official, and it was not because of any wrongdoing, so he did not Being restricted on when to go home, Li Chunfang, who had been free for the past few days, and Xu Jie, who was in the capital, got together. The two people were not too different in age, and they did not have the slightest distinction as colleagues in the court. In the silent situation at that time, the conversation was very speculative. Therefore, Xu Jie almost lived in Li Chunfang's house these few days, and seemed to ignore his family members who were still living in his student Zhang Juzheng's house.

Xu Jie's actions made Zhang Juzheng a little dumbfounded, but at the same time, he could understand Xu Jie's thoughts very well.

Li Chunfang and Xu Jie have been really happy these past few days. They have no troubles, no intrigues, and enjoy their leisure time. This kind of time is really wonderful for the two of them, not to mention having someone beside them who can A confidant who can talk is really a great joy in life.

In the past few days, apart from talking and reminiscing about the past, the two have also made some plans for the future. After all, the difference between Yangzhou Mansion where Li Chunfang lives and Songjiang Mansion where Xu Jie lives is not too far. It's only a half-day journey, which can be regarded as allowing the two to find a common language, and even the two of them have already decided what they should do in the future.

This made Li Chunfang, who should have used this spare time to visit friends in the DPRK and China, and bid farewell to them, almost forgot these things. A letter was sent, asking when he would return home. Obviously, the family was looking forward to his return home as soon as possible. Only after receiving the news did Li Chunfang know that there was not much time left for him in the capital, so Li Chunfang started To visit others, but fortunately because of his reticence in court, there are really not many people who have good acquaintances with him, which can be regarded as saving him a lot of time.

Finally, at the beginning of August, finally came the day when Li Chunfang was going to leave.

Early in the morning, Zhang Fan got up and prepared to enter the palace. Since Zhu Yijun was not a very good deputy, although in the palace, especially in front of his father and mother, he definitely showed respect. He is eager to learn, but as long as he is alone, he will always be more or less petty. Originally, there were not many people who could teach him. Now that Gao Yi, who is still a considerable person, leaves, those other people in the East Palace The Minister of Jiangdu, who can't talk to Zhu Yijun at all.

In addition, some time ago, Zhu Yijun ran to Zhang Fan's house in a very ordinary way. Although Long Qing and Li Guifei had no objections to this, after all, in their opinion, it is good for Zhu Yijun to get in touch with Zhang Fan more , but those censors and ministers below, especially the members of Gao Gong's party, are not willing. After all, Long Qing is not in good health. Zhu Yijun is the prince again. Under such circumstances, a future emperor candidate maintains such a close relationship with a minister who is currently undergoing re-recruitment. There is no one Zhang Fan can talk to.

As soon as the imperial censor's memorials came up, Long Qing felt a little embarrassed. The imperial censor's impeachment was a rule established by Zhu Yuanzhang back then. Even the emperor dared to participate. Participating in a prince and heir was not a matter of drizzle. Under such circumstances, Long Qing had no choice but to call Zhu Yijun to warn him, telling him not to run to Zhang Fan's mansion almost every day, and just go there once in a while. In this way, although Zhu Yijun reluctantly agreed, but in his heart Unhappy, that's for sure.

Knowing that his son was a bit disobedient, Long Qing had no choice but to ask Zhang Fan to take the time to attack and teach Zhu Yijun every day, so that Zhang Fan entered the palace early in the morning every day. After all, he was the commander of Jin Yiwei. , There are a lot of things that he needs to sort out every day. Although he can do it if he doesn't go, it's still not good, so he goes to the palace every morning to teach Zhu Yijun.

This also made Zhu Yijun, who was no longer able to see Ruan'er every day, but could no longer sleep late, feel even more uncomfortable every day, and complained to Zhang Fan many times, but Zhang Fan was also because it was Long Qing's order , he had no choice but to show Zhu Yijun a helpless face.

Riding on the horse, Zhang Fan thought that Ru Xue was nearly eight months pregnant, and in two months, his child would be born soon. A smile appeared on Zhang Fan's face. Everything is safe at home recently. Uncle Zhang Yufang's family has now returned to Yangzhou. After all, Zhang's business in Yangzhou still needs to be done.

Thinking of these happy things, Zhang Fan couldn't help but think of Yingyuelai again.

"Wang Meng, how is the matter I asked you to do?" Zhang Fan, who was riding on the horse, turned his head and asked Wang Meng, who was riding beside him, "Is there anything going on recently?"

"Return to your lord," Wang Meng cupped his hands and said, "My lord was appointed to a humble position, and whenever there was any movement, I would report to my lord, but there is still nothing going on." Wang Meng naturally understood what Zhang Fan was asking about.

"Oh..." Zhang Fan nodded and continued to ask, "Has she ever been out recently?"

"My lord, the third lady has gone out a total of six times since she came here these days," Wang Meng said, "but most of them went to cloth shops, or shops selling rouge, gouache and jewelry. The subordinates sent by the humble office have never left The third wife is three feet away, and nothing unusual has been found these days, "

"Oh..." Zhang Fan responded and stopped talking. There was no expression on his face, but he was a little disappointed in his heart, but he was also very happy.

"...My lord," Wang Meng looked at Zhang Fan's silent expression from the side, and asked after a while, "Please forgive my humble position and rudeness, but is this matter really necessary? Madame, she won't..."

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Fan said reproachfully, "I'm not doubting Yue'er, I'm just worried about her safety."

"So that's the case, I thought that... my lord, please forgive me." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Wang Meng hurriedly pleaded guilty.

"Nothing," Zhang Fan waved his hand, and asked, "By the way, is there any movement in the Southwest recently, and is there any news about Fang Zhengan now?"

"Returning to my lord, there is no news from the Southwest. There is some news from the Five Poisons Sect, but most of them are ordinary things in the world, and there is nothing wrong with it." He and Wang Xin haven't moved at all lately, even during this period of time, these two people will always disappear for a few days without any reason, and our brothers in the southwest haven't found out what's going on. Apart from the news about Fang Zhenqian, I have not received any news about it, "

Zhang Fan fell silent again after hearing his words.

Looking at the pensive Zhang Fan, Wang Meng couldn't help asking: "My you think she's as good as a human..." His words were a little uncertain.

Zhang Fan naturally knew what he was going to say, and said, "No, I'm just taking precautions."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Meng stopped asking.

Temporarily suppressing these troubles in his mind, Zhang Fan began to think about today's affairs. Zhu Yijun had been arguing with him for a long time, and wanted to leave the palace, but Zhang Fan couldn't make it anymore, and promised him that he would ask Long Qing to play today.

In addition, today is also the day when Li Chunfang will leave Beijing to return home, and Zhang Fan will also go to see him off.

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