The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 381 Summoning in the Bedroom

in the palace.Still as usual.Nothing has changed.At least Zhang Fan, who was walking in the palace at the moment, didn't feel that things were different.perhaps.Things are really the same as before.Long Qing was really just greedy for beauty.The concubines and concubines in the harem were a little tired because of the affair last night.Why don't you come early today.

"Perhaps there is really no problem." Zhang Fan thought to himself.Walk towards the location of the East Palace.

Zhang Fan came to the East Palace.Because there is no morning court today.It's still very early.Fortunately, Zhu Yijun had already woken up at this time.Although still a bit sleepy.

"Teacher, why is it so early today?" Zhu Yijun's face was still sleepy.Looking at Zhang Fan, he asked suspiciously. "Is the teacher worried about the subject that he ordered yesterday?"

"Your Highness can work so hard. This minister is responsible for teaching His Highness. Naturally, I am very happy." Zhang Fan replied to Zhu Yijun with a slightly official tone.Then there was a pause.I made a plan in my heart.Open your mouth and say. "Your Highness got up today. You haven't gone to your Majesty's place to say hello yet."

"Ben... Bengong is going." Zhu Yijun didn't know why Zhang Fan asked him about this matter.Accompanied by saying such a sentence.Sudden.He also noticed something unusual.He opened his mouth and asked Zhang Fan. "At this time, father, he should still be in the morning court. By the way, let's talk about the teacher. Didn't you go to the morning court today? Why did the time come so early?"

"There are some reasons for this." Zhang Fan said.He didn't really want to say much.In other words, he didn't really want to use Zhu Yijun, who was only ten years old, to find out any news in the palace for him.But now things are not so simple. "Today. It's not early."

"It's not early. What's going on." Sure enough.Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun was a little surprised.But then.Zhu Yijun seemed to have thought of something.After all, Long Qing's usual style in the palace.Although Zhu Yijun is just a child.But growing up in this environment.It is natural to be able to know some knowledge that should be known beyond the age limit.With affirmations and some guesswork.Zhu Yijun asked. "Is it Father the Emperor..."

"Just now in the main hall. A eunuch from the harem came to pass on His Majesty's oral order. They said that it was not early today." Zhang Fan explained.

"Teacher, there is no need to worry." I heard Zhang Fan say this.Zhu Yijun smiled. "It's a regular thing. It'll be all right tomorrow."

"It's just..." Zhang Fan originally wanted to say.Today is different than ever.After all, when this happened in the past.Long Qing never said that he would refuse to meet any ministers.And it's not even possible to hand over the booklet directly. "I think it's better for His Highness the Crown Prince to visit His Majesty."

"Hmm... what the teacher said makes sense." After hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Yijun pondered for a while.Said. "Father is in poor health. Of course, Ben Gong is going to visit. Thank you teacher for reminding me." At this point.Zhu Yijun didn't even care about breakfast.I am ready to go to the Qianqing Palace.

"By the way, Your Highness." Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun get up.said again. "I also hope that His Highness would like to convey to His Majesty the concerns of this humble minister."

"Teacher, please don't worry. I will meet you." Zhu Yijun said. "Father will be very happy if he learns that the teacher cares about him." After finishing these words.Zhu Yijun turned and left.

Looking at Zhu Yijun's leaving figure.Zhang Fan didn't know what he was thinking.Or he didn't know what he was hoping would happen.I just hope it's all just the same as before.Long Qing this time was simply because of his unrestrained flair.And make the body weak.It just needs a few days of proper rest to recover; or this time.Long Qing really played Dafa.Zhang Fan really didn't know.

Waiting alone in the East Palace.Zhang Fan gradually noticed something.If it is really just the same situation as before.Then it wouldn't take long for Zhu Yijun to visit.But now.Almost an hour has passed.But Zhu Yijun hadn't come back yet.Zhang Fan was in a hurry.I also wanted to ask the eunuchs who stayed behind in the East Palace many times.However, these eunuchs are not of high grade.I don't know what happened in the palace.I can't go to see why Zhu Yijun didn't come back for such a long time.

In short.During this time.Zhang Fan had been waiting very anxiously.What made him even more uncomfortable was.He can only be anxious here at this time.There is no way.

finally.Two hours were about to pass.Zhu Yijun's figure finally appeared before Zhang Fan's eyes again.I saw Zhu Yijun come back.Zhang Fan immediately got up and stepped forward.He asked rather anxiously: "How is the situation? Your Highness. Your Majesty, he is in good health."

Zhu Yijun's expression was very disappointed at this time.Still looking sad.But in the face of Zhang Fan's questioning.He nodded anyway.Said: "Teacher, please rest assured. Father, he is fine. It's just..."

It doesn't hurt to hear Long Qing.Zhang Fan didn't know what happened.I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.Let's talk about this situation.Perhaps it was not the news that Zhang Fan really wanted to hear.But he still breathed a sigh of relief.immediately.Hearing the word "just" from Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan became nervous again.Quickly asked: "Just what."

"It's just..." Zhu Yijun seemed a little speechless.But he only hesitated a little.Just opened his mouth and said. "It's just that the father seems to have gone too far this time. I heard that he was fine when he got up early this morning. But the father just returned to the palace of the Qianqing Palace. He suddenly lost his energy and almost passed out. Thanks to the eunuch who was waiting on the side He was quite agile. He hurriedly helped his father onto the dragon bed and lay down. Only then did he not let his father fall to the ground.

"Afterwards, I heard that the eunuch serving the emperor immediately called the imperial doctor to treat the emperor. But when I arrived at the Qianqing Palace, the imperial doctor was gone. And the emperor had already gone to sleep. At that time, the mother and concubine and Her Royal Highness the Queen is also present. I saw me coming. Tell me that there is nothing serious about the father. It is only because of being too tired."

"That's it." Zhang Fan finished listening to Zhu Yijun's narration.It seems that it is really the same as before.It seems.As long as the news spreads by yourself.I am afraid that some people in the court will start to worry about gains and losses again.But Zhang Fan didn't care too much about these things.after all.Whether Long Qing can continue to sit on the throne.Honestly.It really doesn't have much to do with him.Anyway, the current situation.Both Long Qing and Zhu Yijun trusted him very much.Moreover.Longqing has four sons.The first two died young.Now there are two brothers Zhu Yijun and Zhu Yiliu.Although Zhu Yijun is still young.But after all, he was the son of long Qingli as the prince.And Zhu Yiliu is only two years old now.Even Long Qing is really dying now.That must be Zhu Yijun ascending the throne.Inherit the Datong.At that time, Zhang Fan will still be favored by the new emperor.get reused.Even if Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.The benefits to Zhang Fan may be even better than they are now.

"That's right." Zhu Yijun continued suddenly. "It was just when Ben Gong was about to leave. Father, he woke up. Besides greeting Father, I also said the words of concern that the teacher asked Ben Gong to convey to Father. After Father heard it. Let Ben Gong come back and tell the teacher. Father wants to summon the teacher."

"Call me." Zhang Fan heard Zhu Yijun say this.I was puzzled in my heart.Early this morning.In the main hall, some eunuchs had already handed down Long Qing's oral instructions.Not today.And also refused to see any minister.Why are you going to see him again now?Zhang Fan was a little puzzled.But it didn't take him long to figure it out.

After listening to Zhu Yijun's narration just now.Zhang Fan also guessed something.Long Qinghui fainted from weakness.I'm afraid even Long Qing himself didn't think of it.Long Qing, who had been in a coma since then, naturally couldn't let the eunuch go to the main hall to convey the oral order.It seems.The eunuch was probably handed down by the empress or concubine Li Gui to the eunuch.If so.Long Qing woke up and wanted to summon Zhang Fan.This kind of problem, which is similar to going back on promises, is also solved.

"I obey the order. I will go to Qianqing Palace to have an audience with His Majesty." Zhang Fan said.Turn around and prepare to leave the East Palace.Go to Qianqing Palace.

"Teacher..." Seeing Zhang Fan turn around to leave.Zhu Yijun suddenly called out to stop him.

"Your Highness. I don't know if there is anything else I need to tell my minister." Seeing Zhu Yijun, Zhang Fan stopped himself.Turn around and look at him.asked.

"..." Looking at Zhang Fan's face.Zhu Yijun suddenly didn't know what to say.It was silent for a long time.Zhu Yijun didn't say anything else. "Teacher, hurry up. Father is still waiting."

"In this case, Wei Chen is leaving." Although Zhang Fan was very curious.I don't know what Zhu Yijun wants to tell him.But since Zhu Yijun didn't want to say it.He didn't ask any more questions.Left the East Palace.

Looking at Zhang Fan's back.Zhu Yijun fell silent.

On the way to Qianqing Palace.Zhang Fan met Feng Bao.After the two greeted each other.Zhang Fan learned about it from Feng Bao.He also couldn't go to see Long Qing.This couldn't help but make Zhang Fan puzzled again.And Feng Bao learned that Zhang Fan was summoned by Long Qing.There was no expression of envy or jealousy on his face.But Feng Bao still made a request to Zhang Fan.Although he didn't say so.But Zhang Fan understood in his heart.He wanted to know what was inside the Qianqing Palace.The real situation of Longqing.Zhang Fan did not agree.But he didn't disagree.He just responded vaguely and moved on.

Come to Qianqing Palace.Zhang Fan looked at this one that he had never been to before.The emperor's bedroom.He stood still and didn't move.Not long after.Zhang Fan sighed softly.Stepped up the steps.What does it look like inside now?Zhang Fan will know right away.

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