Zhang Fan walked up the steps of Qianqing Palace and arrived at the gate of Degong Palace. Naturally, there were eunuchs waiting here to guide Zhang Fan. However, because he was meeting the emperor, although Long Qing had already summoned him, after Zhang Fan arrived, It was also impossible to go to see Long Qing immediately, so naturally the eunuch had to go to inform and get Long Qing's permission before Zhang Fan could go in.

During this short period of time, Zhang Fan stood in the hall of Qianqing Palace, looking curiously at this palace that he had never been to before, but gradually, the curious look in Zhang Fan's eyes His expression gradually turned into a look of surprise.

The layout here is simple and elegant, and it really can make people feel a sense of majesty. However, what surprised Zhang Fan was not the palace itself, or the layout here. What surprised him was that, The decoration here, or in other words, the detail of the decorations here, really shocked him.

Longqing's title as the Merry Emperor is not a vain name. As early as when he was King Yu, whether it was because of the heavy pressure on him by Emperor Jiajing at that time or because of his personal preferences, Longqing was already a romantic at that time. The name of "Merry Prince" has spread across the capital, and the name "Merry Prince" can be regarded as spreading like wildfire. However, when he ascended the throne and became the emperor, the title of "Merry Prince" did not disappear, but the word "Wang Ye" was replaced by Only the Son of Heaven.

This can't help but make Zhang Fan feel a little strange. If you want to say that the emperor is not the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of Sangong, who sings and sings every night, but why only a few people, like Long Qing, have won such a "Merry Emperor" As for the title of ", Zhang Fan has never clarified this question before, and wanted to ask others, but it is impossible to ask this kind of question clearly.

But today, when Zhang Fan stepped into Qianqing Palace for the first time, he finally figured it out. In the past, he had such an nickname for Longqing. At that time, when Long Qing sent him to Mobei, he asked him to bring back so many Cistanche, Zhang Fan naturally understood what Long Qing was going to do. He has already hollowed out his body because of his obsession with women. Now that he is an emperor, he is faced with more temptations than before, but he is powerless. In order to be able to serve these harem women well Lust, of course, and Long Qing's own lust, so lust naturally became Long Qing's choice.

**This kind of thing may be okay to take occasionally, but according to Long Qing's habits, I'm afraid he can't use it every day, and, just like at the beginning of this year, he asked Zhang Fan to go to Mobei to find the Central Plains Cistanche deserticola is rare, so it can be seen that Long Qing has already eaten a lot of drugs in the palace, and has developed resistance to the drugs, and needs new drugs to re-stimulate his organs.

Moreover, what Zhang Fan saw in Qianqing Palace was even more shocking. Here, all teacups, teapots and other porcelain were painted with erotic patterns of male and female love. , the heart is somewhat clear, no wonder many ministers in the court have said in private that Long Qing's daily expenses are a bit extravagant, and the relationship is because of this reason.

In fact, Long Qing's life is not very extravagant, and even in the Qianqing Palace, all the porcelain tea cups are painted with erotic pictures, which probably won't cost much money, but there is one thing Although Zhang Fan does not have much preference for this kind of thing, it is not uncommon for him to experience it before. In this Qianqing Palace, all these imaginative patterns are undoubtedly not exquisite. It is so lifelike, no need to think about it, Zhang Fan understands that the porcelain painters hired to paint these erotic pictures must be expensive, no wonder there have been no major changes in the palace in these years, and neither has Long Qing. He has built a huge palace and the like, but the money in his inner treasury has been spent so quickly, it turned out that it was all used for these things.

Zhang Fan was already very surprised at this time. These obscene things are placed here, in the emperor's bedroom, but the majestic imperial power is mixed with these unsightly things. This is indeed an extremely abnormal thing. Scenic lines, but these are just superficial things, and there will be some that will surprise Zhang Fan later.

Not long after, the eunuch who had just reported to Longqing came back and told Zhang Fan that Longqing had asked him to go to the couch to see him, and he was killed. Zhang Fan went with the eunuch. Not only was there Long Qing inside, but Empress Chen and Concubine Li Gui were also here. Both of them had worried faces on their faces. When they came to the dragon bed, they knelt down to say hello again. After receiving Long Qing's words of "getting up", Zhang Fan This is standing up.

However, after Zhang Fan stood up, he was shocked again. Long Qing was lying on the dragon bed at the moment, his face was weak and pale, and what he said just now was very weak, but these were not The point, the point is, this Lord Longqing's dragon bed, on the back of the brocade quilt, and even on the screen behind the bed, are actually embroidered with erotic pictures, which really left Zhang Fan speechless.

After recovering from his senses, Zhang Fan hoped to observe Long Qing's face carefully. Just now, he just took a casual glance. Zhang Fan already knew that Long Qing had really gone too far this time, so now he took a closer look. What's more, Long Qing's face is pale, no, it should be described as pale, and there is no meaning on his face, and even Zhang Fan, who has never studied medicine or divination, can tell that Long Qing's face is pale. There was a hint of blackness on the face, in short, although Zhang Fan still didn't know anything about the situation, Long Qing's appearance really shocked him.

"Zhang Aiqing, I'm sick today, and I'm so happy that Aiqing can come." Long Qing put on a smile on his face, but then it became unhappy again, and said, "It's not like other people. Come to visit me without knowing it.”

Hearing these words, Zhang Fan felt a little helpless in his heart. Wasn't it because the eunuch had passed the order that no ministers were seen? Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but glance at the faces of Empress Chen and Concubine Li Gui who were standing aside, I saw that Empress Chen, who had always been weak, had a shy expression on her face, while Concubine Li Gui, who was standing on the other side, had no change in her expression. Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Given their personalities, that order must have been passed on by Concubine Li Gui.

Zhang Fan didn't want to say anything about it, and said: "Your Majesty, my minister..." But he just said a few words, and then stopped.

Seeing Zhang Fan speak, Long Qing raised his arm, waved it very weakly, stopped Zhang Fan's words, looked at Empress Chen and Concubine Li Gui standing in front of the window and said, "Queen and concubine, I have some I have to talk to Zhang Aiqing alone, "

After hearing Long Qing's words, Empress Chen wanted to speak, but she still didn't make a sound, but Concubine Li Gui said, "But Your Majesty..." but was interrupted by Long Qing again.

"I don't have the strength to say so much now," Long Qing said without repeating the order.

Hearing Long Qing's words, Concubine Li Gui didn't insist any longer, bowed to Long Qing together with Empress Chen and said: "The concubine resigns," and walked out.

When the eunuch outside the room closed the door, Zhang Fan came to the dragon bed, looked at Long Qing and said, "I don't know what orders your majesty has,"

"How is the morning today?" Long Qing asked.

Facing this question, Zhang Fan hesitated, but after thinking about it, he still told the whole story of what happened in the court.

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, Long Qing didn't need to investigate at all, he could guess that this must be Concubine Li Gui's idea, but Long Qing didn't show any anger at this, but just sighed helplessly.

Long Qing knew his concubine very well. Concubine Li was a good woman and a loving mother who loved her children very much, but at the same time she was also a strict mother who would never condone. The imperial concubine's conniving attitude towards participating in politics is also due to Li Guifei's own reasons. Long Qing understands that although his imperial concubine is a woman with an ordinary background, her father is just an ordinary bricklayer, but Li Guifei This person has a lot of ideas about governing the country in his heart. The most important point is that Li Guifei is a person who participates in politics but does not mess with politics. Everything was done in front of Long Qing, this is the reason why Long Qing never said anything about her.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing that Long Qing had been silent for a long time, Zhang Fan couldn't help asking, "I don't know how Your Majesty feels now, but your body is better."

Regarding Zhang Fan's words, Long Qing couldn't say anything, he could only smile wryly. Long Qing himself knew best about his own health. Over the past year, getting close to female sex has turned from an interest to a hobby, and then from a hobby to a habit. Although Long Qing knows his current situation and absolutely cannot continue, but in his heart To be honest, he himself doesn't know what kind of idea is in the face.

"I have nothing to do, just a little self-cultivation," Long Qing said to Zhang Fan, saying something that he himself didn't quite believe.

"It's so good," Zhang Fan said, "I still hope that His Majesty will recover as soon as possible, and all the officials in the court are also looking forward to it." Can't tell whether Long Qing's words are true or not, so Zhang Fan can only say so.

Facing Zhang Fan's blessing, Long Qing didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded.

This also reassured Zhang Fan a lot.

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