"Yo, isn't this Master Zhang?" The eunuch standing in front of the door saw Zhang Fan approaching.Greeted very warmly. "I'm here to find Mr. Zhang."

"Exactly. Please let me know." Zhang Fan said very politely.

"Where is it?" the little eunuch said quickly. "What kind of person is Mr. Zhang. Besides, Mr. Zhang Juzheng has already given orders. If Mr. Zhang comes, just go in directly. There is no need to report again."

"Oh. That's how it works. Thank you, Eunuch." Zhang Fan cupped his hands and said.Then went in.

This is where the cabinet works.In the palace.Everywhere came to deliver the booklets.The cabinet is sent to the territory of Daming Wanli every day.Folds from all over the place.Every day is so busy.

Zhang Fan carefully avoided these people holding the booklet.Went to the inside.in.The six cabinet ministers are looking at the excerpts.It was negotiated.The papers that have been approved will be put on one side; those that have not been read will be put on the other side.Everyone holds a booklet in their hands.If it is a little more important, I will take a second look.If you agree, there is no need to negotiate.You can approve it yourself.Keep it up to the Supervisor of Rituals to wait for approval; those are not important.But he was hastily glanced at.It will be thrown aside and no further questions will be asked.And some discounts.It needs to be discussed by everyone.only.Now in the cabinet.Average power.Every time there will be a lot of noise.

But Zhang Fan was lucky today.At least he didn't see such a fierce scene.Zhang Fan didn't intend to disturb.It also prevented the eunuch from waking up Zhang Juzheng.Make eye contact not to disturb their work.The little eunuch also understood.He quietly poured Zhang Fan a cup of tea and left quietly.

"Yuande. You are here." Zhang Juzheng finished reading a script in his hand.Just about to stretch my body after sitting for a long time.But he saw his student Zhang Fan sitting in front of him.Immediately said hello.

"Teacher, student..." Zhang Fangang wanted to talk to Zhang Juzheng about things in the palace.But it is seen.Sitting in a high arch not far in front of yourself.Gao Gong seemed to be concentrating on looking at the booklet in his hand.But Zhang Fan obviously found out.The booklet in his hand hadn't been turned over for a long time.

Think about it.Zhang Fan suddenly had a thought in his heart that he wanted to make fun of Gao Gong.Zhang Fan winked at Zhang Juzheng in front of him.He glanced at Gao Gong's direction again.

Zhang Juzheng is naturally not a fool.Zhang Fan winked.He naturally understood what Zhang Fan was thinking.Figured it out.Zhang Juzheng turned his back to Gao Gong's face.Also smiled slightly.

"Yuande. Why are you here now? I don't know what's going on." Zhang Juzheng said.

Gao Gong heard Zhang Juzheng's words.Veins suddenly appeared on his forehead.It gave him an urge to stand up and scold his mother.Just now Zhang Juzheng asked the little eunuch guarding the gate not to notify Zhang Fan when he came.Just let him in.Now there is such a thing to say.It was just making fun of him.But the high arch at this time.But there is no way.He clearly knew that the master and apprentice were really playing tricks on him.But he couldn't say anything.He also had to dictate the news from the palace.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Zhang Fan looked puzzled.said in surprise. "I was in the main hall just now. Didn't the teacher let the students rely on the convenience of being able to attack and teach the prince. Why don't you stop by to find out about His Majesty's situation?"

Still pretending.But this time.Because Zhang Fan talked about what Gao Gong wanted to know.He didn't care much about the two teasing him anymore.Continue to pretend to look at the booklet in your hand.Only now.No one in this house knows.Gao Gong must be pricking up his ears to hear what they said.

"Students have come back from inquiring, haven't they?" Zhang Fan said.The sound was a bit louder than before. "Student, I..." It's just here.Zhang Fan stopped on purpose.

This made Gao Gong anxious to death.But he couldn't stand up and grab Zhang Fan's clothes to make him tell himself.if that is the case.Doesn't it seem that he is so proud that he wants to ask for others and becomes angry from embarrassment.

But Zhang Juzheng came with a more ruthless one.After Zhang Fan paused.He actually passed a few breaths of time.It was the gesture of raising a finger in a panic.Said to Zhang Fan: "There are a lot of people here. Go out and talk."

Zhang Fan also made a knowing expression very cooperatively.stood up.Before going out.Also put some color on the Grohe sitting there.Grohe got the message.There was joy on his face.They also walked out together.

And inside the house.The rest of the people fell silent.Although the two outsiders also want to know.But they won't be like Gao Gong.So impatient.But at this moment, they could only hold back a smile in their hearts.Because in this room.Anyone who has experienced the good show just now knows it.Gao Gong must be about to explode now.

Gao Gong is now really on the verge of an explosion.It's just that he understands.own current outbreak.Except for venting.It's just useless.It also makes him seem too impulsive.at this time.Except Guo Pu.No one can get close to the high arch at all.However at this time.Guo Pu didn't think much about going over to comfort him either.Being tricked by Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng's obvious tricks.It just kind of deserves it.

Not to mention the embarrassing scenes inside the house.Zhang Fan and the other three came out.Take a walk in the palace.

"Yuande. Inside the palace. Your Majesty's place. What's going on?" Zhang Juzheng didn't have the smile that he played with Gao Gong just now.He asked Zhang Fan seriously.

Gaoyi on the side didn't speak.But his eyes were also on Zhang Fan.Obviously he was also eager to know.

Zhang Fan stopped.Seeing that the two did not speak.Or maybe he didn't know what to say at all.at last.He could only shake his head expressionlessly.

Seeing Zhang Fan's expression.Zhang Juzheng was silent.I don't know if he had expected this situation a long time ago.In other words, he was really in a very stable state of mind.And Gao Yi on the side looked at it.But he was surprised.But then he calmed down.

Thinking about it is indeed the case.Although these ministers outside the palace.No one has ever seen how romantic Long Qing is on weekdays.But no matter who you ask in the palace.They will all speak the truth.in.Naturally, there will be some exaggerated elements.However, everyone understands the truth that nothing may come from nothing.If Long Qing wasn't like that.How could anyone dare to make up these words to ridicule the emperor.

therefore.Now Zhang Fan told them the news.They were not surprised at all.This is very normal.

"How serious is it?" Zhang Juzheng continued to ask.Since now.He already knew about Long Qing's situation.Naturally, it is necessary to ask clearly.

Zhang Fan immediately.He just told all the news he had inquired from Wang Youcai.

I heard what Zhang Fan said.Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi were separated for a while.in silence.

For a long time.Zhang Juzheng had a trace of sadness on his face.He opened his mouth and asked, "Your Majesty, he really only has two months."

Facing Zhang Juzheng's problem.Zhang Fan was silent for a while.He didn't know how to answer Zhang Juzheng.It is clear.Zhang Juzheng faced an emperor like Longqing.Still very nostalgic in my heart.The bare minimum.Long Qing was also much better than his father, Emperor Jiajing.Not so dogmatic.It's not that you can't listen to others at all.Knowing to hide in the deep palace all day long.He is always worried about whether someone will covet the throne he inherited from his brother of the same generation.compare.Long Qing was much more enlightened.Although Long Qing is also extremely romantic.Also often do not come to court.And sometimes even if they go to court, they don't know much about talking.But there is one thing that is good about Longqing.That is, he won't just be so indiscriminate.Don't even ask the truth.Just rely on some people's one-sided words to jump to conclusions.This is for the Ming Dynasty.This is enough for a dynasty with a peculiar regime.It is enough to be called a good emperor who can make the world peaceful and the people safe.

Logically speaking.Zhang Fan naturally wanted to enter the palace.Concubine Li Gui told Zhang Juzheng what happened.But at this moment.Zhang Fan was silent.Why.The reason is very simple.That is the relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Li Guifei.It's actually not that simple.Although Zhang Fan understood very well in his heart.No matter what Zhang Juzheng did, he would never do that kind of thing that would risk the disgrace of the world.But the relationship between him and Concubine Li Gui.It's so good that people can't help but think about it.This has to make people think twice.

But Zhang Fan is not worried about these things at the moment.He is worried.Perhaps Zhang Ju knew exactly what Concubine Li Gui wanted.if that is the case.He didn't have to say anything more about it.But Zhang Fan thought about it for a long time.I don't know what's wrong in my heart.I always feel that this matter is not as simple as I thought.

"Teacher. Knight..." After thinking for a while.Zhang Fan still decided to speak out. "Things are a little weird."

"Oh. What's the matter?" Zhang Juzheng asked.It doesn't look like he's worried at all.

Zhang Fan saw this.It also tells the truth about what happened before and after.Nothing is missed.He didn't avoid Gao Yi who was on the side.It's not that I'm not afraid of him knowing.It's just that Zhang Fan knew it in his heart.Gao Yi is not the kind of guy with a big mouth.Now Gao Yi is already on the same front as himself.Then there are some things that he should know.

However, things were completely different from what Zhang Fan thought.After listening to Zhang Fan's words.It's not just Gao Yi who doesn't know much about it.Even Zhang Juzheng showed a very surprised look.

Yet somehow.See this scene.The worry in Zhang Fan's heart was swept away.On the contrary, he was a little happy.

"Teacher, what should we do now." Zhang Fan asked Zhang Juzheng.

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